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Tagged With "Germanic-style Red Brick Buildings"


Re: March 3, 2020: St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands

George G. ·
Booked a wedding anniversary trip to St. Thomas and we had a fabulous romantic time. If you get the chance, take the Red Hook ferry to Cruz Bay at St. John's and explore the Virgin Island National Park. Lots of plantation ruins from back in the day when Denmark ruled the Virgin Islands. We had a wonderful lunch and view from the Caneel Bay Resort, which I understand has not reopened after being pummeled by two hurricanes.

Re: Tips to help with packing no matter where you are going

Paul Heymont ·
Adding to Mac's point. A big turning point for us was when we started packing for 7 days, no matter how much longer the trip. Usually we have a washer in the apartments we rent, but when not, there's always a laundromat nearby, and usually one that will wash and fold while we tour. We don't often enough change locations to want to keep everything packed (and anyway, I'm a compulsive unpacker) so some of the tools are less useful to us...but I do remind everyone that shoes are actually...

Re: Heidelberg Castle: Where Gumbo Was (#135)

PortMoresby ·
I'm interested in the darker stone or brick construction right in the center of the top photo. Did I miss a reference to it or is it an illusion?

Re: Lower Fort Garry National Historic Site, Manitoba (Where Gumbo Was #184)

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for your comment, Garry. The York boats were important to the development of the prairies, as was the Red River cart. You find examples of both at this historic site.

Re: Red Brick and Sandstone: Look of the North

Paul Heymont ·
Sorting through more pictures, I found another, and rather striking example; the brick doesn't start until about 30' up!

Re: Red Brick and Sandstone: Look of the North

GarryRF ·
If you had travelled a mile north you would have seen the biggest brick built building in the world. Liverpool Tobacco Warehouse, The 14 storey building spans across 36 acres - and its construction used 27 million bricks, 30,000 panes of glass and 8,000 tons of steel

Re: India Easing Visa Requirements

PortMoresby ·
Advance visas have always been something of a bother for potential visitors to any country but the last year or so residents of the US have been plagued by difficulties trying to obtain visas to visit India. Originally processed by the consulates, of late the process has been subcontracted to a private operator, BLS, and it's been a nightmare for many. Visas have been delayed beyond the proposed departure dates and numbers of passports have even been lost entirely. Forums are rife with...

Re: Herculaneum, 79 A.D.

IslandMan ·
Thanks for the trip, PortMoresby, it looks like a fascinating place to visit. Those Romans certainly knew how to build a city..

Re: Signs of the Times, and Smiles

GarryRF ·
A "Raised Zebra Crossing" gives the priority to the pedestrian. They have the "Right of Way" A "Crosswalk" is located at a Junction where Pedestrians must wait until they get the "Walk" Signal (Green Man Illuminated). And stop at the "Don't Walk" Signal (Red Man illuminated) If you treat a Zebra Crossing (Black and White Stripes) and a Crosswalk (Signal Controlled) equally you'll get broken legs ! (Both Signals Illuminated for Display purposes only )

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Dec. 21, 2013: Fujian Life

PortMoresby ·
Bamboo is used in so many ways it's impossible to know. My favorite use for the material is to build scaffolding on multi-story construction projects. Quite amazing.

Re: Staying In Touch on the Road: Part 1

Paul Heymont ·
By the's my solution to the other charger issue (plugging in at home). It's a 5-port USB host that has a short cord to plug in (no brick to get in the way at the outlet) and takes 5 standard USB cords for your devices...the kind that come with your device, although more are available cheaply. The five outputs include 2 2100mA for iPad, 2 1000mA for most phones, and 1 1300mA for Samsung. All can be used for any device up to the designated output (that is, you can plug your phone...

Re: Capital of Culture Series: Liverpool

Travel Rob ·
Thanks Red Rover. My last trip I was supposed to go to Edinburgh ,but went to Liverpool instead . I guess I remembered The Tune Hotel from the untaken trip .

Re: The Tulou of Fujian Province

PortMoresby ·
These are living communities. A few have been abandoned in favor of apartment blocks and are melting back into the earth, as mud-brick construction does, but most of the thousands scattered through the hills of the province continue to be villages in themselves, enjoyed and maintained by the Hakka communities that occupy them. A few of the largest individual tulous and clusters have become tourist attractions but if you hurry you'll likely be, as I was, one of the only western tourists for ...

Re: Venice's ban on huge cruise ships suspended

Paul Heymont ·
The only alternatives I can see are to build a new cruise port outside the lagoon. Chioggia might be too far, but perhaps just north of the main way into the lagoon, across the inlet from the Lido. That would provide land-based alternatives for other day trips from the boats, and could also be served by vaporetto-sized boats heading into Venice itself. Of course, I haven't consulted the folks who live there and run campgrounds there...

Re: March 3, 2019: Palacio de Valle, Cienfuegos, Cuba

GarryRF ·
Amazing find Jonathan L. !

Re: March 3, 2019: Palacio de Valle, Cienfuegos, Cuba

Jonathan L ·
Thank you!

Re: March 3, 2019: Palacio de Valle, Cienfuegos, Cuba

GarryRF ·
I'm in Cuba soon Jonathan - must remember to take some pix inside buildings too !

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo #297

George G. ·
Friday's clues...two more days to go! Two brothers built mirror image houses side by side until one brother’s house was demolished so his other neighbor could expand their home and build a carriage house. This house has Italian and French Renaissance influences with a gothic window. The other house has a blend of Italianate and Georgian Revival which is currently a B&B.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? #177

GarryRF ·
Yes Rob ! I've narrowed it down to 32 possibles. If we stray into Canada - then it's somewhere near the number of stars in the sky. And that's just the Red ones ! Another 5 Days to go ......

Re: June 20, 2018: Beer in a Carton

Amateuremigrant ·
What an odd origin ! Things once embedded seem to take a long time to change, even when it's obvious ! I've always hated drinking straight from a carton anyway. In south India I had a surprise when I heard there was some Indian 'Port' at the store and got a small plastic pouch full of something that bore more resemblance to red wine vinegar.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#128)

DrFumblefinger ·
Could the puzzlemaster tell us whether this structure is made of wood or brick/concrete?

Re: Amsterdam councillors: cheap visitors, stay home!

GarryRF ·
It's because the beer, dining, hotels, museum, coffee shops and the red light district are so expensive we can't afford to stay longer. Perhaps Udo Kock should change the image of Amsterdam away from drugs and prostitution so that the more discerning traveller - like myself - would make it a week instead of a weekend.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#234)

George G. ·
Today’s clues include a statue of a man of note and an interior polished brick hallway. Guess the man and that should give you the WITW #234 location.

Re: A Culinary Adventure in Portugal

Paul Heymont ·
I can't be too specific on the wines...not enough of a close watcher. But what we have especially enjoyed were the Portuguese 'green red' wines we had last time and this at Ponto Final. It sounds contradictory, but they are actually red wines, drunk early in their life. Sort of like a beaujolais nouveau.

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo (#38)

Paul Heymont ·
Perhaps clutching at straws would not be a bad idea...since proverbially you can't make a brick (station) without straw! No, you're definitely on the track, and so is the station...but which one?

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#69)

PortMoresby ·
While I do see a certain resemblance to Cappadocia, it doesn't look real to me. More like a model landscape, as you'd have with a model railroad, but seemingly without the railroad. Maybe this is, in fact, what Cappadocia looks like from a hot air balloon, which I understand are popular there. I see no evidence of people in the form of actual people or vehicles, unless that's a person in red in the lower right-hand corner.

Re: Is it time to regulate airplane seats? Chris Elliott thinks so!

DrFumblefinger ·
The trouble with a mandate is that it has deadlines and airlines who fly to the US would have to go through an expensive seat replacement program. That cost is one we share, or that puts the airlines in the red and in jeopardy. Makes sense to pressure them to improve, but that's just my opinion. But I do like the idea of "grading" seats. Helps me know what I'm buying. For example, Canadian airlines definitely have larger seats that American carriers. I'll preferentially fly Air Canada to...

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? (#71)

Steve ·
There are a lot of similarities between this station and Atlanta's Brookwood Amtrak Station at 1688 Peachtree St NW, as viewed from the south, including tracks too close together, narrow platforms, long steep stairs, iron fence, the pitch of the roof (which at one time was red spanish clay tile), the brackets supporting the roof, the windows overlooking the track, the weeds, the general condition, the congested neighborhood, and of course the lack of parking.

Re: New Orleans plans an "unplugged" airport

HistoryDigger ·
We're waiting to see them start to build this. Things move slow down here, but it could be the boost our city needs to bring in new business.

Re: "Cruise Night", Thunder Bay, Ontario: The 1960's (Part 2)

DrFumblefinger ·
I think my heart belongs to that red and black Camaro.

Re: Russia to Open Up Gulags as "Tourist Camps"?

PortMoresby ·
Oh, those Russians, ever the tricksters. Troop build-up on the Ukraine border = maneuvers. Summer in the gulag = fun in the sun. Yekaterina, you clever girl, you.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, August 27, 2015: Red Rocks Amphitheatre, Red Rocks Park, Colorado

DrFumblefinger ·
It's a great summary of a fun place to visit. Besides the amphitheater, there's a drive through the park which takes you by other red rock formations. The park isn't that large, but it is memorable. If you're looking for a place to eat, the amphitheater offers an outdoor terrace restaurant with great views of the Red Rock.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, August 27, 2015: Red Rocks Amphitheatre, Red Rocks Park, Colorado

Travel Rob ·
Thanks for a great piece on a great amphitheater! A really cool restaurant is very close ,The Fort, and I'd highly recommend it if you see Red Rocks again. In the 90's , President Clinton took the G-8 summit up to have dinner there.

Re: Norway's plea: Please pick up after our bears

DrFumblefinger ·
Originally Posted by GarryRF: Did you know that if you felled all the trees in Canada and laid them end to end then .... the Bears would have nowhere to take a dump !! Garry -- the bears are smart and would use those millions of trees to build rafts they could float to England, where they could dump often and where ever they wanted!

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, February 25, 2015. St. Augustine, Florida

Travel Rob ·
The dining hall at Flagler College(in your last photo) is really something to see. The Tiffany Windows are incredible.I also love the concrete used to build Flagler college , former Hotel Ponce de Leon , made from the local coquina stone.

Re: Iran: Friendliness, Culture, Modernity - So Far Away From The Clichés!

Grand Escapades ·
Hello Dr. Fumblefinger, Thank you for your Feedback! To answer your questions: 1) The infrastructure is good to very good, and it is extremely easy to travel within Iran: there are lots of buses and excellent trains, there is a wide range of hotels, from simple guesthouses to world-class 5 stars hotels, restaurants going from street food stalls to fine dining, ... I have read that with the very fast development of tourism, the high-end category of hotels is the one that might get overbooked...

Re: Monterey Bay Aquarium: Oceans Apart

Travel Rob ·
Thank you Lestertheinvestor for sharing. I love aquariums and haven't been to the Monterey Bay one yet. Can't wait to see it. I know aquariums are expensive to build and maintain but I wish there was some way to keep the admission prices down .

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#121)

DrFumblefinger ·
A steep roofed building that looks like it's built around a tall brick wall. No idea where we are, though.

Re: One 'Ghost Airport' in China Plans to Expand Again

Paul Heymont ·
Seems as if someone really believes "if you build it, they will come."

Re: Longer Wait at Security? New TSA Leader Says They Will Focus on Screening

GarryRF ·
Reading the NY Times it appears the TSA still haven't got their act together. The most productive target is intelligence gathering and immediate action on it. No matter how high you build a fence - someone will crawl under it.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#306)

George G. ·
Here is your next puzzle clue. A brick wall and iron gate protect the entrance to the garden at this historic site.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#336)

George G. ·
An obvious tall brick tower with stained glass windows juts into the blue sky in today's clue... And, for those who asked for a better thumbnail of yesterday's clue, the picture is repeated below...

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#325)

George G. ·
Here are today's clue -- another wooden mysterious device and a red sleigh with a possible likeness of Jolly Saint Nick.

Re: Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library, Staunton, Virginia

JHeymont ·
While this report is interesting in one regard, I find myself disturbed by the discussion of Woodrow Wilson that leaves out so many negative aspects of Wilson's legacy. Negative enough that students at Princeton have been trying to get his name off buildings. Wilson was a racist. A member of the KKK, or at least a friend. He showed Birth of A Nation, a racist, pro-Klan movie in the White House. He segregated the civil service, which had been one of the ways that Black workers had been able...

Re: Portland, Oregon - Part III - Escaping

Jonathan L ·
Thanks again for a wonderful view of the Portland area. If you had continued East along the Columbia River you would have reached the Maryhill Museum . This fascinating collection of art started as the dream of Samuel Hill who was president of the Seattle Gas and Electric Company around the start of the 20th century. He hoped to build a Quaker farming community, but irrigation proved too difficult. Istead he was convinced to turn his mansion into an art museum. His collection was eclectic. I...

Re: easyJet's founder launches cut-rate food store

Travel Rob ·
I really do like this idea because a lot of people are too proud to go to food banks if they are in need and at least they can get a few things there. Also , if it spreads its a good way for travelers to pick up a few snacks for the road. Here are the items for sale listed on the site : Tea Ground Coffee Chicken Curry Sugar Orangeade Pasta Mushroom Sauce Digestives Chick Peas Sardines and Sauce Cream Crackers Pasta Sauce Flour Tomato Ketchup Variety Pack Cereal Potatoes Jaffa Cakes Fruit...

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo #209

George G. ·
Alright fellow mystery photo fanatics, today we have the final two clues with a number of hidden keys to the answer. One is that big red arrow telling you to turn left and the other is a long distance photo down the river where I used a big zoom lens from the mystery location. I know these clues will not be a Sunday stumper.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo #209

George G. ·
Time for your next clue.... What’s black and white, and red all over? This is the most difficult clue, so bear down and look for a sign that will give you a bit of direction.

Re: Wrong Airport: Help, I've landed and I can't get up!

DrFumblefinger ·
If there are confusing runways nearby, PortMoresby's idea of flashing lights is good. Different airports could have different colored lights. Today I land at the green light airport. Tomorrow it is the red light airport (to be distinguished form the red light areas in different cities).

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? (11/27/13)

DrFumblefinger ·
It's an interesting observation, Red Rover. Is the foundation washed away or is that half-timbered home sitting on an old bridge?