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Tagged With "ham"

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April 29, 2018: Peg's Glorified Ham n Eggs

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger shares a breakfast gem that he thinks is worth your time and patronage.
Blog Post

In and Around Madrid's Plaza Mayor

Paul Heymont ·
The Plaza Mayor is the largest open space (other than parks) in Central Madrid. It's a major tourist attraction, a place for cafes and shops that range from traditional to chic and has served for hundreds of years as a place for public gatherings,...
Blog Post

England's Thames Path, Hampton Court Palace to Ham House

PortMoresby ·
PortMoresby returns to London and the River Thames, walking along the 184 mile national path that follows one of world’s most famous waterways, from rural idyll, through dynamic London and beyond.
Blog Post

England's Thames Path: Ham House & Garden

PortMoresby ·
PortMoresby's walk along the Thames Path continues with a visit to one of the "most complete survivals of 17th century fashion and power."
Blog Post

La Boqueria Market. 3) Meats and Seafood

DrFumblefinger ·
Our final visit to Barcelona's fabulous La Boqueria market focuses on the meats and seafood so popular with Spaniards.
Blog Post

Get away with the ham? Fat chance!

Paul Heymont ·
A trail of fat betrays thieves who broke into a bar and stole the cash, the TV and seven legs of Iberico ham...

Re: England's Thames Path: Ham House & Garden

DrFumblefinger ·
What a great place! You've convinced me to do one of these River walks. Better on the knees and so very interesting in so many ways!

Re: England's Thames Path: Ham House & Garden

PortMoresby ·
Just wait till next week when PortMoresby stumbles upon (drum roll) a famous Tudor palace she was sure no longer existed!

Re: England's Thames Path: Ham House & Garden

GarryRF ·
Great collection of photos. A window on the past. Love your walks !

Re: La Boqueria Market. 3) Meats and Seafood

GarryRF ·
There are so many things there that I wouldn't eat. Many because I don't know what they are. But just looking is an amazing journey into the unknown. Many cheaper meats - like pigs feet and tripe - are now more "fashionable". But hold memories of my youth. I didn't like them then. But broadening the imagination is a must - unless we just stand still and stagnate.

Re: La Boqueria Market. 3) Meats and Seafood

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks GarryRF! Excepts for brains and eyeballs and a few internal organs, I'd be game for most of these cuts. But am especially attracted to the fresh seafood

Re: La Boqueria Market. 3) Meats and Seafood

GarryRF ·
You've just reminded me - Haslet. Last time I ate that was when I discovered it was made from brains ! Of course you have an advantage being a professional - but being so familiar with "body bits" would turn me vegetarian. My wife - an operating theatre nurse - always comments on TV cookery shows when the Chef remarks on the " Juices flowing from fresh kidneys" when they're being fried. "That's not juice - it's.....! " ...... Yes, thank you - I know what it is !!