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Tagged With "King Kamehameha V Judiciary History Cent"


Re: Nov. 12, 2016: Memorial to Women of WW II, London

GarryRF ·
The Cenotaph in London is a remembrance of all the war dead from all the British Empire. Canada, India, Australia, South Africa and many more. They all send servicemen to represent their own countries in a march past. Did you know that Belgium has a parade of armed soldiers at the London Cenotaph too ?

Re: Heidelberg Castle: Where Gumbo Was (#135)

PortMoresby ·
I'm interested in the darker stone or brick construction right in the center of the top photo. Did I miss a reference to it or is it an illusion?

Re: Heidelberg Castle: Where Gumbo Was (#135)

Paul Heymont ·
If you're referring to the marked area below, it's not an illusion, but not part of a building, either! There are buildings further up the hill, but not that close to the castle.

Re: Heidelberg Castle: Where Gumbo Was (#135)

PortMoresby ·
No, in the lower left of that one, right below the individual tree on the left and below your circle. Put your finger dead center of the top photo and it's there, just above the 2 gothic windows, between the 2 halves of the castle. Looks like a modern construction and appears to be leaning left, 2 chimneys.

Re: Heidelberg Castle: Where Gumbo Was (#135)

Paul Heymont ·
Ah, now I see what you meant. No, nothing esoteric. It's actually part of the roofline of one of the buildings; the black area with the rectangles is just the shadow of part of the windowless wall adjoining it. Here's what it looks like without the shadow...

Re: Heidelberg Castle: Where Gumbo Was (#135)

PortMoresby ·
I see now, it's a shadow giving the illusion that was confusing me. Now it's just a case of disappearing chimneys. A very interesting building.

Re: Heidelberg Castle: Where Gumbo Was (#135)

DrFumblefinger ·
Nice memories of a fun place to visit. I seem to recall there's an interesting old pharmacy/pharmacist museum in the Castle. Not exactly the kind of thing you find often.

Re: Heidelberg Castle: Where Gumbo Was (#135)

Paul Heymont ·
You might be amazed at how many pharmacy museums there are, aside from the one in Heidelberg...this LINK takes you to a 100+ page list of them in the U.S. and Canada. We've also found them in Spain and Italy, and just now noticed that there's one in Krakow, where I believe you are at the moment! Here's a LINK to that one!

Re: Alfred the Great's bones found!

Paul Heymont ·
This seems to be a good year for royal discoveries; the remains of Richard III were found under a parking lot in Leicester last year. Now if only someone could locate Jimmy Hoffa...and Judge Crater!

Re: Alfred the Great's bones found!

DrFumblefinger ·
I don't think we'll find Hoffa until they start tearing down some of these old ball stadiums... Somewhere deep in the concrete I think!

Re: A visit to Thomas Jefferson's Monticello

Hank ·
I visited Monticello as a kid and enjoyed the views. I need to go back now and look at the architecture here and especially at the U of V in more detail. My favorite John Kennedy quote (to his staff at a dinner in the White HOuse) I think this is the most extraordinary collection of talent, of human knowledge, that has ever been gathered at the White House - with the possible exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone. Read more at

Re: Merry Christmas from all of us at TravelGumbo

rbciao ·
Buon Natale e buona festa. Thanks for this excellent forum. We do have a lot to be grateful for living in this great country and to have nice friends like all of you. Cin cin e cent' anni

Re: Merry Christmas from all of us at TravelGumbo

JohnT ·
yes, to all my friends that I have never actually met. Have a wonderful christmas and holiday season...and i think it is actually us members who should be thanking the gumbo gurus for creating this unique site I am enjoying it very much. Merry christmas all!! Below, a traditional Canadian christmas carol....

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

GarryRF ·
Hi Hank. If you enjoy hiking and the weathers fair then you can go up to the Snow line and above. Take the Train up, then continue on foot to the peak. Train from Llandudno Junction on the North Wales coast Plenty of info here: for the Mountain Railway .

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

GarryRF ·
Summer months are best - between May and September. Snowdon is 3,560 feet high. Temperature drops 5.4 F per 1,000 feet of elevation. This winter has been very warm so far. So the snow will clear early if it continues to be warmer than usual. You'll see the current Temps before you go up clearly displayed. The weather can change suddenly so pack for wind, rain, sun and snow ! The Mountain doesn't warm up. It depends on which way the wind blows. From the South = warm From the North =cold...

Re: Cuba - a step back in time !

DrFumblefinger ·
Originally Posted by PHeymont: Oldsmobile...think it's a 55, might be 54. My first car was a 53 Olds 88. PHeymont -- you owned a Rocket 88? Remember that old song by Ike Turner and Jackie Brentson? Here's the you-tube link to remind those who may have forgotten this classic song -- one of the first Rock 'n Roll tunes ever.

Re: Banksy Opens up a Bemusement Park in England

Travel Rob ·
While we are anxiously waiting for Macs report, here is Dismaland's official trailer.

Re: Watch the Boeing 787 Dreamliner in flight

Mac ·
Very interesting and what a wing shape! Have a look at this shorter clip (3mins) which appears to show a vertical initial climb - wow. We are scheduled to fly on one in October

Re: Tidal Basin Memorials, Washington D.C.

DrFumblefinger ·
I just visited these memorials a few weeks ago. I was especially impressed by the Martin Luther King Memorial, which you photos do a nice job capturing the spirit of. Thanks, George!

Re: Bones Recreated Using 3D Printer, What Would Richard Have Thought?

DrFumblefinger ·
Imagine what they'll be able to do with dinosaurs!!

Re: Bones Recreated Using 3D Printer, What Would Richard Have Thought?

PortMoresby ·
I give up. What will they be able to do with dinosaurs?

Re: Bones Recreated Using 3D Printer, What Would Richard Have Thought?

DrFumblefinger ·
Think Jurassic Park, except with only skeletons running around!

Re: Bones Recreated Using 3D Printer, What Would Richard Have Thought?

PortMoresby ·
I guess this is where our interests diverge, DrF. I was thinking the article was awfully interesting as is, without theme park elements to heighten the impact. Silly me.

Re: Bones Recreated Using 3D Printer, What Would Richard Have Thought?

DrFumblefinger ·
I was not thinking of theme parks. I was thinking of dinosaurs. Theme parks are okay. Dinosaurs are AWEsome!

Re: Bones Recreated Using 3D Printer, What Would Richard Have Thought?

DrFumblefinger ·
Re: Bones Recreated Using 3D Printer, What Would Richard Have Thought?

Re: Bones Recreated Using 3D Printer, What Would Richard Have Thought?

PortMoresby ·
This must be a lesson in relinquishing expectations.

Re: Bones Recreated Using 3D Printer, What Would Richard Have Thought?

DrFumblefinger ·
"Blessed are they who expect nothing, for they shall always be satisfied". - Mark Twain P.S. Even the jaded would have to admit the following intact in situ T-rex skeleton is awesome!!

Re: Bones Recreated Using 3D Printer, What Would Richard Have Thought?

Paul Heymont ·
I think this kind of took a turn for me, with Jurassic Park on one side, along with displaying a replica of a king's skeleton, and on the other side a technique for better producing museum exhibits that would otherwise be more difficult to create.

Re: Bones Recreated Using 3D Printer, What Would Richard Have Thought?

GarryRF ·
They must have used a cement mixer to keep the "Ink" flowing ! But it's good to see the $25,000 the UK Government has ripped off my pension going to a more worthy cause .

Re: Streetscape, Old San Juan

Paul Heymont ·
There's a song about that...The Wayward it is:

Re: Memphis, Tennessee 3) The rest of the city

mimiadvanetures ·
I love love LOVE Memphis, would go back in a heartbeat! Enjoyed reading your post! Global Mimi.

Re: Memphis, Tennessee 3) The rest of the city

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for your comment, Mimiadventures! Good food, great music, nice people -- always something great to return to. I really didn't get into the great local food very much, but Memphis is reknowned for its "soul" style cooking and, of course, its BBQ.

Re: "Pops" is a New Route 66 Icon

GarryRF ·
Iron Brew it is. Made in Scotland. From Girders. (So the ad says) TravelGirlJenn. Love that quote on your comment. Since I bought a TomTom with US maps on I've been seeing a new America. I can now get lost on my annual road trip around the US and the places I've found are amazing. I just follow my curiosity. And near the end of the day I ask my English speaking lady to take me home. And she says "Keep right and join the Motorway" Love it !

Re: "World's scariest walkway" re-opens; may be safer

DrFumblefinger ·
There are some experiences in life I can live without trying. This would be near the top of that list.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Mar. 15, 2015: The Tea Lady, Istanbul

GarryRF ·
How to make a perfect brew : If that's too much messing - get some strong flavour Tea Bags !

Re: How to Irk the Brits

GarryRF ·
It's been more than 50 years since the book "The Ugly American" was published. Does he still exist ?

Re: National Center for Civil and Human Rights in Atlanta (Where Gumbo Was #109)

Travel Rob ·
I took my photos that i posted for WITW 109 from Centennial Olympic Park Dr. What amazed me is where they placed the front of the building.Below is a photo from the Center.

Re: National Center for Civil and Human Rights in Atlanta (Where Gumbo Was #109)

Paul Heymont ·
I was in Atlanta at a convention a couple of years ago, and passed by that site daily...had no idea what they were building behind the fence! Looks like an interesting site...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, July 26, 2015: The Rock - Hewn Churches Of Lalibela, Ethiopia

DrFumblefinger ·
A fascinating place, Gilles, that I had not even heard of before. Thanks for sharing this.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, July 26, 2015: The Rock - Hewn Churches Of Lalibela, Ethiopia

Marilyn Jones ·
What a fascinating place! I had never heard of this unique church in Ethiopia before. Thank you for introducing it me to!!

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, July 26, 2015: The Rock - Hewn Churches Of Lalibela, Ethiopia

Grand Escapades ·
Ethiopia has actually one of them oldest Christian community in the world. You find those amazing churches in Lalibela, but also in the Tigray area (which I haven't visited yet... But will do in November) Ethiopia is one of the most stunning and rewarding countries I have ever traveled Cheers, Gilles

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Nov. 13, 2013: Jeronimos Monastery

Former Member ·
Prince Henry certainly knew how to overnight sailors in style. I have visited this museum and found it just terrific. It is worthwhile for seaman and landlubber alike. The original church on the site was built about 1450 by Prince Henry the Navigator, and became the place where sailors spent the night before leaving on the expeditions that built Portugal’s colonial empire.

Re: Hotel Rewards Programs. Worthwhile or not?

Former Member ·
Using the points for the expensive properties works well. We have stayed at the Marriott very close to the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. It was a treat just to see the Leidesplein and Vondlepark from our room . We have used points to stay at the Hotel George V in Paris, just around the corner from Champs-Élysées . Why stay extra nights in Des Moines when you can be in Paris ? Not knocking Des Moines - but, hey, Des Moinesians would go to Paris, too.

Re: Tampa Bay Automobile Museum: 3) cars from the USA and UK

WorkerBee ·
I believe it is a Morgan three-wheeler with a V-twin engine. Originally manufactured from 1911 to 1939, they have been re-introduced and are again available new.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Oct. 29, 2014: The Night Birds

GarryRF ·
In the UK at twilight we get Starlings gathering for a dance just as the sun has set. 60 - 100 thousand gather to perform a spectacular formation dance in many locations. Then just as quick they'll dive back into the country side for another day. Usually lasts about 10 minutes.

Re: Your opinion of Bulgaria

Travelling Buzz ·
Great to hear that you want to visit Bulgaria! It's really beautiful country! Hope to grab your interest with my future posts. Meanwhile here's some very nice and influencing videos, showing more about Bulgaria: ( ) ( )

Re: Belem Lisbon - history and modernity together.

Paul Heymont ·
Nice! While you were in Belem, did you try the Pasteis de Belem, the delicious little custard tarts?

Re: Any Guesses ?

Paul Heymont ·
I may be in the wild blue, but you'll notice the two pictures have a difference in hood emblems. I believe the second picture's V under the logo indicates it was a V8.
Blog Post

Last Hours of TAM Airlines $599 Sale to Brazil

Travel Rob ·
Today is the last day of Tam Airlines $599 round trip sale to Manaus, Brazil from Miami. Read more: