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Tagged With "King Kamehameha V Judiciary History Cent"


Re: Alfred the Great's bones found!

Paul Heymont ·
This seems to be a good year for royal discoveries; the remains of Richard III were found under a parking lot in Leicester last year. Now if only someone could locate Jimmy Hoffa...and Judge Crater!

Re: Alfred the Great's bones found!

DrFumblefinger ·
I don't think we'll find Hoffa until they start tearing down some of these old ball stadiums... Somewhere deep in the concrete I think!

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

GarryRF ·
Hi Hank. If you enjoy hiking and the weathers fair then you can go up to the Snow line and above. Take the Train up, then continue on foot to the peak. Train from Llandudno Junction on the North Wales coast Plenty of info here: for the Mountain Railway .

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

GarryRF ·
Summer months are best - between May and September. Snowdon is 3,560 feet high. Temperature drops 5.4 F per 1,000 feet of elevation. This winter has been very warm so far. So the snow will clear early if it continues to be warmer than usual. You'll see the current Temps before you go up clearly displayed. The weather can change suddenly so pack for wind, rain, sun and snow ! The Mountain doesn't warm up. It depends on which way the wind blows. From the South = warm From the North =cold...

Re: Watch the Boeing 787 Dreamliner in flight

Mac ·
Very interesting and what a wing shape! Have a look at this shorter clip (3mins) which appears to show a vertical initial climb - wow. We are scheduled to fly on one in October

Re: How to Irk the Brits

GarryRF ·
It's been more than 50 years since the book "The Ugly American" was published. Does he still exist ?

Re: Hotel Rewards Programs. Worthwhile or not?

Former Member ·
Using the points for the expensive properties works well. We have stayed at the Marriott very close to the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. It was a treat just to see the Leidesplein and Vondlepark from our room . We have used points to stay at the Hotel George V in Paris, just around the corner from Champs-Élysées . Why stay extra nights in Des Moines when you can be in Paris ? Not knocking Des Moines - but, hey, Des Moinesians would go to Paris, too.

Re: Your opinion of Bulgaria

Travelling Buzz ·
Great to hear that you want to visit Bulgaria! It's really beautiful country! Hope to grab your interest with my future posts. Meanwhile here's some very nice and influencing videos, showing more about Bulgaria: ( ) ( )

GPS v. Sicily = WTF

rbciao ·
We have been staying in Taormina for about a week taking various day trips using the GPS.  Well, we have certainly driven on some unusual roads, paths, dirt alleys, and assorted passageways of four wheeled transport. We ultimately end up at...

Top 4 Rafting Destinations in Europe

ArronHidd ·
The most popular summer vacation destination is definitely the seaside. However, not all people like lying in the sun and just getting tanned. For those who love adrenaline-rush sports and adventures, rafting presents a perfect vacation. Apart from the mesmerizing cities and their architecture, natural beauty of Europe can offer some of the best rafting adventures you can find in the world. Coruh River, Turkey Coruh River flows through stunning canyons and narrow valleys filled with...

Discover the best places in Casablanca

William Nec ·
Casablanca is the city that best represents the modern nation in Morocco. It is a popular city in Morocco where businesses prosper. It is the city where individuals come to seek their fortune. Casablanca is a city where the money is being made. Despite being as famous as a financial hub in Morocco, Casablanca is not the tourist's favorite spot. Why? There is a misconception that Casablanca does not have anything special for the tourists. In simple words, it is always in the shadow of other...

Made in Romania-Beauties from Romania

Former Member ·
Hello guys, i just found this Youtube video about my country Romania. It's made with a skycam , a type of photography/video made in the air. You'll see beautiful tourist attractions and maybe you'll change your mind about Romanian Tourism.You can see...

Alfred the Great's bones found!

DrFumblefinger ·
Archaeologists believe they may have found some of the bones of 9th century British monarch, King Alfred the Great, an important ruler during his day.  DNA tests were performed on a pelvic bone dug up at the medieval abbey in Winchester and...

Concerns about the rising number of cruise visitors to the Arctic

Louder ·
Cruise lines sell the chance to see Arctic wildlife and claim they can do so without causing harm. However, many Inuit and other indigenous people who have inhabited the Arctic for millennia are deeply worried. Tourists buy souvenirs and bring income but also a growing threat of sewage and heavy fuel oil pollution as well as the disturbance and destruction of wildlife, such as ships striking whales in narrow channels. Shrinking sea ice is allowing larger cruise ships to venture farther into...

Kilauea erupts again!

DrFumblefinger ·
One of the world's most active volcanoes has become active again. On June 7th, Kilauea, located in V olcanoes National Park , began spewing fountains of glowing lava from a lava lake in its caldera. The lava lake is about 4,300 feet (1,300 meters) wide, and the eruptions were up to 150 feet (46 meters) high. (Courtesy of Janice Wei/National Park Service via AP) You can see some terrific photos and a video clip of the volcano at the following link i f you are interested.