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Tagged With "Mirador del Río"


Re: Should Wi-Fi be free in all hotels?

Paul Heymont ·
And in not-so-small Italian towns as well! Piazza dei Signori and Piazza del Erbe in Verona are covered.

Top 5 island destinations to revisit in 2017

Rebecca Brown ·
Dreaming of distant oceans, white, sandy beaches, a Mojito in your hand, while a gentle breeze is just ruffling the waters lounging a few feet from your feet? Waking with the sounds of exotic beats trumpeting the air while you lie in a hammock, munch on a coconut and daydream the day away? Might be it’s high time to take a vacation. If you equate vacation with island , paradise and offline , stick with us. We know there are about seven hundred and forty one thousand articles on the best...

5 Best Places To Visit In Europe in 2018

John Peter ·
Europe has always been a fascinating destination for travellers and there is nothing like visiting the continent that has been at the four fold of human civilization. In this post, we have compiled a list of the 5 best places to visit in Europe that you must surely visit in 2018: 1. Hamburg, Germany: The city of Hamburg is often known as the gateway of the world since ancient times and rightly so. Hamburg will probably blow you away with its rich architecture and maritime wonders around the...

10 Water Sports and Their Top 5 Spots

John Peter ·
This human-made chaos is everything we want to survive this time and everything we get frustrated with. We as a mortal being are keen to watch movies in which robots are flying and changing the world or meta-humans are saving the planet earth. It indicates our want for something drastic to happen in this world, but what we are not willing to do is to leave our couch and drag ourselves out from the house to make our own life better or to save our own-self. I have always found water to be a...

Are you up for Spain's most deadly hike!?

DrFumblefinger ·
I enjoy a nice hike, but I don't like hikes that scare me.... so this one isn't for me. I recently read about Spain's most dangerous hike . High in the Andalusian Mountains, el Caminito del Rey. The path zigzags over the Garganta del Chorro gorge, hugging the precipitous cliff face 350-feet above the Guadalhorce River that carved out the narrow stone corridor. What's the hike like? Check out these sample images, courtesy Click on the above link to see and learn more, in case...

Planifica un viaje perfecto a Chile

turismochile ·
Es importante que encuentres el mejor lugar para viajar y divertirte con tus amigos y familia. Todos nos esforzamos mucho en la vida, pero también debemos tener tiempo para distraernos y pasarla bien. Es por eso que se hace vital planificar actividades y viajes que te permitan gozar del tan deseado descanso. La vida puede llegar con muchos inconvenientes, pero debes tener las agallas para afrontarlos. Si eres fuerte de espíritu, nada puede impedir que sigas adelante. Así que procura tener tu...

Why I Love Gran Canaria

TillsLovesTravel ·
My favourite destination when it comes to travel has to be Gran Canaria . I’ve been there a number of times now and each time, it’s gotten better. Each time I’ve visited, I’ve stayed at a hotel near Playa del Cura - and when I say near, I mean near! It’s a five minute walk to the beach and it’s heaven. Why do I love this part of the Canary Islands so much? Read on for my personal Gran Canaria travel guide ! Easy Flights I’m not a fan of flying. I hate it. But I don’t let that stop me from...

Most Unique Pools Around The World

Joanne ·
Every child knows exactly how special it is to jump into a pool and suddenly become weightless, with all the cares of the world being washed away. Of course, as people get older, their tastes tend to get more sophisticated. Here is a list of amazing and interesting pools that would excite even the most astute connoisseur. Magical Gold Energy Pool Image credit: Okay, so it may not technically have magical properties, but guests at the St. Regis Lhasa Resort in Tibet will...