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Tagged With "Sights Around Edinburgh"


Re: Dec 15, 2016: Kamloops, BC, Canada

GarryRF ·
BC has many exiled folks from Liverpool. Like many other cities around the world. I have relatives in Fraser Lake. They have the most beautiful beach too, if you're into cryogenics. Many Canadians have a wonderful "Cheeky" humour too !

Re: Antarctica, part 3. Antarctica Rocks!

DrFumblefinger ·
What a great and fascinating conclusion to wonderful series! I've really enjoyed following your adventures and animal interactions around the world. Many thanks, Kirsten!

Re: Arriving in Venice, 1960

Travel Rob ·
Incredible photos and story! My first trip to Venice, I remember walking and getting a haircut . Although it took forever getting around by foot , those memories are etched in my mind. I've forgotten the ferries.

Re: 'Flying Dutchman' ends 15-week cruise

Paul Heymont ·
UPDATE: Home at last... Costa Deliziosa finally docked in Genoa, Italy around noon today, New York time after being at sea since January 5th. It was the last major cruise line ship still at sea, and has no known Covid-19 cases on board. Debarcation of the remaining 1519 passengers and 898 crew will take several days as Costa and Italian authorities work on how to get them home without exposure to infection.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo #356

Travel Rob ·
Gumbo sees beauty everywhere as he walks around.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? (#349)

Travel Rob ·
This first clue shows you the area around the building. Does it help identify the country?

Re: Amsterdam: Glimpses of the Jordaan

GarryRF ·
An absolutely fascinating City. Amsterdam is unlike anywhere you have been or anywhere you will go. Steeped in History with so many Museums. It's fascinating to walk around. Delightful friendly people who have a lot of respect for the people who have kept it a free country.

Re: Tips to help with packing no matter where you are going

Paul Heymont ·
I know what Marilyn means about not overpacking...I recently found a picture of us with our luggage on a 2-person trip to France 20 years ago: a pair of 32" suitcases and a flotilla of small ones around them. Of course, now that we pack Kindle instead of books, that's one down...and overall, we're down to not much luggage. Another useful packing tool is gallon and 2-gallon ZipLoc-type bags (there are even larger sizes available!). Their big plus, aside from compression and sealing is that...

Re: World's longest (and scariest) pedestrian bridge opens

DrFumblefinger ·
I dislike walking on these swinging bridges because of how you're bounced around when someone else is on them. It is truly an impressive feat of engineering, although I'm pretty sure we had to cross swinging bridges much higher than this in Nepal when I was hiking there.

Re: August 5, 2017: The Potter and his Wife

Amateuremigrant ·
An interesting insight garage med by poking around in unexpected places. The caste system is still a blight on Indian society, though breaking down in towns and cities due to the pressures of modern life (sharing transport for example), in rural areas it can be deadly serious when low caste people try to assert democratic rights

Re: Shunpiking Through Northern Ohio

GarryRF ·
I enjoy your journeys around " Small Town USA". The US has such a wealth of history. You should write a book so that Brits like me know where to search for new ventures - ready for my next trip across the pond. Thank You.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#294)

Professorabe ·
Today we get to see a couple of statues located in the town concerned. There are many more around.

Re: Oct. 31, 2018: Dia de los Muertos, Cozumel, Mexico

PortMoresby ·
Currently in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas. Today was full of action all around town but especially in the zocalo with students dressing up the square and themselves. Tomorrow I’m off to a couple of villages and we’ll see what a Zapatista Dia de los Muertos looks like.

Re: Paris: new urinals get mixed reviews

Professorabe ·
Other places have tried to address the problem through improved signage, sometimes in a humorous way, as seen on our travels last week in Miltenberg (Germany). Roughly translated, the sign says "Over there, dad!" - and points to a public toilet just around the corner.

Re: July 11, 2018: New Orleans Streetcars

George G. ·
Pittsburgh residents also call them streetcars. They were such an easy way to get around when I was a youngster. Not sure if the city has them any longer, but I took the German Strassenbahn's many times during my 18 years of living in that country. Unlimited weekly tickets made it a breeze to get around the cities.

Re: July 11, 2018: New Orleans Streetcars

Samantha ·
HI George. I hope they still have them in Pittsburgh. It is on our bucket list and would love to ride them around the city Thanks for sharing.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Jan, 21, 2014: Raccoon, Vancouver, British Columbia

Paul Heymont ·
And they are smart. When my kids were young, we used to camp every summer in Maine, at a site where raccoons came every night to feast at the cans. One year I decided I'd had enough, and brought chain tethers to keep the lids on. Worked fine, the lids stayed quiet all night. But in the morning, when we left our tents, we found that our two stryofoam coolers (which were not in use) had been shredded, all the implements from the table were on the ground, and the ropes securing our storage tarp...

Re: Everyone loves a parade and party!

GarryRF ·
Just another example of how warm and friendly people are around the world. No TV or Newspaper report. Lots of colours in their clothing. And I'm pleased to see the Bagpipes travel so well ! You didn't say if you fell under the spell of a curry meal. But a wonderful flavour of the day.

Re: Head Smashed in Buffalo Jump (That's really its name)

DrFumblefinger ·
I believe it is an issue of the mountains' origins. A range has a common origin from a common fault line. The Rockies are a fairly new range, and the Porcupines have been around longer and are much more eroded. But I'm not a geologist, PM. I just look at them and think it's all beautiful!

Re: How Low Can You Go? Norwegian Air's Chief Bets on It

Travel Rob ·
After seeing todays prices ,he's not joking around. He's putting the loss leaders right out there to set the tone. The West Coast prices are absolutely incredible. I sure hope it lasts

Re: Gallery: Transport, Rural South China

Paul Heymont ·
What an amazing variety! I like to look around in Europe for "oddballs" like small pedal-powered trucks and other small delivery vehicles, but these take the cake. I'm especially fascinated by the front-wheel drive truck that appears to be friction-driven (power applied to the surface of the tire, rather than to the axle).

Re: The Maltese Islands – Underrated gems or best kept secret ?

IslandMan ·
Hello DrF, there are direct flights from Sicily to Malta and also a daily ferry. Yes, many visitors take in Sicily when coming to Malta, or they combine it with other European destinations. There also regular cruises around the Mediterranean which stop in the Grand Harbour for a day.

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? #11

Paul Heymont ·
Well, here it is Friday night, and I see everyone gathered around to see what's in the Gumbo (e)mailbag and here...because indeed, the mystery has again been solved. Gumbo was in the Roman Arena at Arles, deep in the heart of Roman France. First to point at the site (but not to actually claim it) was Port Moresby, who contributed a picture of it at 1 pm on Wednesday while others were pointing out other Roman arenas. PM was followed by TravelandNature at 11 pm that night—you'll have noted...

Re: Where We Went: London, Paris, Toronto

PortMoresby ·
What's also interesting about the information is that it's from which says in the first line it's helping us find "the best cities around the world". I'm not sure I buy the premise that popular is best. Another index I also find VERY interesting, in the quest to locate interesting places for longer stays on a budget, is the cost of living index for places around the world. While visitor costs and resident costs are not the same, still, it's an interesting tool and also gives us...

Re: Thousands of flights cancelled

DrFumblefinger ·
What I don't know is where they will find seats for all those displaced passengers. Most aircraft flying around this time of year probably have 95% of their seats filled. Some people might have to wait a week or more to get their flight home, I'd think.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Jan. 4, 2014: Frutta Fresca, Roma

PortMoresby ·
No market here, just this free-standing kiosk on the sidewalk in the location I described, which is why it's such a surprise. Nothing else around it except a busy street and landscaping which you can see on the left of the photo. No cheese, just a Colosseum.

Re: See Them While You Can: 10 Wins for Historic Preservation

Paul Heymont ·
PM (and anyone else I misled)...I went back and found the link that said "Around the World" on their page was actually another link to the same domestic 10. I've edited the reference out of the clip above. Too bad...I was looking forward to reading it...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Jan. 11, 2014: Please Close the Gate.

GarryRF ·
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth is the richest woman in the World. She has a fortune of 33 Trillion Dollars (including assets) When she is resident in Windsor Castle she has 24 hour security as you'd expect. She doesn't annoy the Staff who work through the night by going around the Castle turning off the lights !! I've heard a few Drongo's down under calling her Maj but don't use that name in the UK as you'll offend people.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Jan. 11, 2014: Please Close the Gate.

GarryRF ·
Learning to respect the Religions and Cultures of others is an important step that opens your mind to the world around you and everyone's unique differences.

Re: Merry Christmas from all of us at TravelGumbo

GarryRF ·
Thanks DrF for those words. We will all be trying to be kinder and more considerate people in 2014. In many countries around the world - including here in the UK. We all have everything we need at this time of year, maybe too much. So its back to the diet in January and back into those Speedo's by April ! Hope you all have everything you need over the next year !

Re: Space Shuttle Atlantis exhibit, Kennedy Space Center

GarryRF ·
I enjoyed watching todays launch from Virginia. A Ton of supplies to get aboard the Spacestation ! And 10,000 ants ! The folks on the station have to reach out and grab it as it floats around. Just as well its weightless !

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Jan. 2, 2014

GarryRF ·
And I forgot to mention - the complete "All Inclusive" deal costs around $1000 US. Flights from the UK - hotel - boats - entertainment - mini bar stocked daily - 24hr food and drink. For 2 weeks. How do the US companies come up with $3900 for 1 week. I smell a rip off. It does look good for December DrF. Its still too hot in the afternoon though ! To have that same view you would have to "Take my blanket from my cold dead hands" I wont even share with Mrs F !! Next door is nearly as good...

Re: Newgrange; Ireland’s ancient Passage Tomb

GarryRF ·
Walking the "Walls" that enclose the City - maybe 3 miles around - is a local ritual ! At frequent intervals there are Pubs to stop at. The idea being that you stop at each one , have a drink and proceed to the next. Its only the hardened drinkers who complete the circuit. A friend from Anna Maria Island, Florida sent his daughter to stay with us for a while. Same age as my daughter and they got along like a house on fire ! So when we arrived in Chester I told her our day was walking around...

Re: Laughter Set in Stone: Fun with Statues

DrFumblefinger ·
That's a fun piece, PHeymont! I, too, have noticed larger numbers of whimsical statues. The city this struck me in the most was Bratislava, in Slovakia. For example, here's their "Men at Work" And here's one that's a tribute to shutterbugs like you and me.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Oct. 20: Roman France

DrFumblefinger ·
Looks like the setting for a Haunted House. Appropriate with Halloween just around the corner.

Re: The Valley Island of Maui: 2) Haleakala National Park

arion ·
I'm leaving next week for San Diego and then a 17 day cruise to and around the Hawaiian Islands. I have never been all that interested in Hawaii (so why am I going you ask?) but your blog and photos have begun to pique my curiosity. Thank you. (I am not looking forward to going through U.S. Immigration, I can tell you that. It is quite unpleasant for non-Americans.)

Re: A Visit to Ireland: Part 1) An overview of the Country and its People

GarryRF ·
When I go to my local Pub in Liverpool I'll have a choice of Beers. Heineken Dutch Lager - San Miguel Spanish - Carlsberg Danish - Stella Belgian - Fosters Australian - Sagres Portuguese. Plus many local brews. Old Speckled Hen, Bishops Finger and my favourite Newcastle Brown Ale. Served in a Pint - 20 ounce - Bottle. With a half pint glass. It keeps cooler in the bottle ! Liquid Toffee ! Not a light Beer. Lots of Flavour and quite potent. I've found bars around Ocean City Maryland who serve...

Re: The Worst Train in the World

PortMoresby ·
If I live it won't be my last. Just prior to that one, same trip, I'd gone from Guilin to Nanning, then after lunch got on another, overnight to Hanoi. Later overnight again, Hanoi to Hoi An. Now that I think about it I realize they got progressively worse as I went along, culminating in The Worst. I hadn't thought about it until just this minute, hindsight is a wonderful thing that way. A great disappointment to me several years ago was the apparently permanent cancellation of the Hanoi to...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Nov 22, 2013: Moab before the storm

DrFumblefinger ·
I keep coming back. Makes me want to hop on my (mountain) bike and cruise around! I'm not bold enough for a motorcycle, but do like my mountain bike. Love it, Mac!

Re: The Worst Train in the World

GarryRF ·
It isn't cool to travel on a train where you get thrown around in the carriage because the tracks are warped with age John ! Many journeys take 24 hours of hanging on like a Roller Coaster ! That's just in Asia. You'll be fine in Europe.

Re: Capital of Culture Series: Liverpool

Former Member ·
In Europe, I have had good luck finding value accommodations at and Europe-Stays. com. Those sites list hostels with their ratings and prices. A quick peek for June shows several promising choices for around $ 21 USD per bed per night. Unless you just want company, you might budget hotels pricing similar to the hostels. They often charge per person, not per room, which is a big help for the solo traveler. Tune Hotels will work for the London part of your trip, but they are not in...

Re: Capital of Culture Series: Liverpool

Travel Rob ·
Thanks Red Rover. My last trip I was supposed to go to Edinburgh ,but went to Liverpool instead . I guess I remembered The Tune Hotel from the untaken trip .

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? #7.0

WorkerBee ·
It's the capitol building. Well, not THE capitol building but A capitol building. One of fifty scattered around the United States. One with a dome. One in which the building is very similar to THE capitol building in Washington, D.C. Gumbo is in Salt Lake City standing in front of the Utah State Capitol building!

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? #15

DrFumblefinger ·
Here's another clue. If gumbo were to turn around 180 degrees, Gumbo would be looking at an extremely busy highway and a lake. And other things, but that's all the clues for now. So, where is Gumbo?

Re: Idaho's Craters of the Moon National Monument

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for reading the piece and for your comment, GarryRF! The "Yellowstone" hot spot has migrated over the past thousands of years from eastern Oregon, across southern Idaho and now sits right under Yellowstone National Park. Actually the hot spot hasn't move at all, the earth's places move away from the hot spot, but it's just another way of thinking about it. I'd be careful about being around an active volcano but don't mind hanging around places like this or much of the Hawaiian...

Re: The Tulou of Fujian Province

PortMoresby ·
HistoryDigger, I'll explain. At the end of the first day of tulou visits, the large tour bus rendezvoused with a small van and it was indicated that I should bring my things and come with a young man. Since no one could explain, I had to simply trust and go along, an interesting sensation. I later realized that I was the only one who had opted for the second day. The young man drove me to a very basic village of mostly new buildings built, I suspect but of course don't know, for...

Re: Buddy, Can You Spare 5.3 Million Dimes?

Former Member ·
Yes, some facilities have no space for reassembly. The least they could do is hand people clear plastic bags for all of their little stuff at the beginning. Toss coins, keys, cell phone etc into clear plastic bag. Toss belt and shoes into clear plastic bag. Slam plastic bags into bin with your luggage items. Grab your plastic bags and luggage items out of bin at the exit and run for your gate, shoeless. At least people would not be fumbling around, trying to get their small odds and ends out...

Re: Arches National Park — One of America’s Finest

Travel Luver ·
I need to get to this Park. It is simply amazing! Besides Arches, what else can one do around the Moab area?

Re: Paris-Barcelona Now Linked by High-Speed Train

DrFumblefinger ·
Great thing about Europe, especially for travelers, are the many options they have for getting around. Train is often the best option for those going from the heart of one city to the heart of another. I'm glad to her this route is now open to people.

Re: Arches National Park — One of America’s Finest

DrFumblefinger ·
There's a ton of stuff to do around Moab, Travel Luver. There's also scenic Canyonlands National Park nearby, well worth exploring. Off-road biking (bicycle, not motorcycle) is extremely popular. Hiking in the cooler seasons. Whitewater rafting is excellent in the summer. And you're less than a day's drive from your next Utah destination, such as Bryce, Zion, or Monument Valley. One of my favorite spots in the US!