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Tagged With "Edinburgh Scotland"


Re: Sept. 23, 2016: Feeling Sheepish

GarryRF ·
Farmers in Scotland have taken to spray painting their sheep in an effort to stop sheep rustling. The first effect has been bus loads of Japanese tourists wanting to stop and take photos. What next ? They'll soon be selling orange sweaters to tourists..

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo, #60

Paul Heymont ·
Hmmm, I thought Scotland, Ireland...definitely NOT in a forest; trees too spaced, road too visible. In a park, perhaps? How clever of the puzzlemaster to find a picture with the flag furled to prevent an easy guess...

Re: "Pops" is a New Route 66 Icon

TravelGirlJenn ·
I THINK I know which one and only because my neighbor is from this country and was talking about it recently. So I'm going to guess...Scotland because of Irn-Bru.

Re: "Pops" is a New Route 66 Icon

GarryRF ·
Iron Brew it is. Made in Scotland. From Girders. (So the ad says) TravelGirlJenn. Love that quote on your comment. Since I bought a TomTom with US maps on I've been seeing a new America. I can now get lost on my annual road trip around the US and the places I've found are amazing. I just follow my curiosity. And near the end of the day I ask my English speaking lady to take me home. And she says "Keep right and join the Motorway" Love it !

Re: "Pops" is a New Route 66 Icon

Jonathan L ·
Ah Iron-bru! that nasty bubble flavored stuff that is the favorite drink of Detective Rebus. Only in Scotland!

Re: Ferry Service to Cuba Approved by US

GarryRF ·
The Ferry travels mostly with Trucks and trailers from the UK and Europe. Fresh produce and manufactured goods. Then its folks on vacation with their car and the occasional caravan. From the UK and Europe. Many prefer their own car when touring Ireland for a few weeks. Full of kids survival kits. Wellington Boots and a beach bucket and spade ! Many travel with tents and trailer tents. And you can continue on from Ireland to Scotland. Travelling on the ferry can be a pleasant day. On board...

Re: World's shortest international flight cancelled

GarryRF ·
A Domestic flight in Scotland is the overall winner. Topping the table is the wonderfully unconventional two-minute Loganair service between Westray and Papa Westray in Scotland’s Orkney Islands, which are separated by just 1.7 miles of land and sea. It can be completed in as little as 47 seconds, depending on the direction of the wind, and welcomed its millionth passenger this week.

Re: Liverpool - What do you mean. It has a Beach ?

GarryRF ·
The Temperatures for Liverpool rely on the strength of the Gulf Stream which sends warm water up from the Caribbean to the West of the UK. It follows the Jet Stream. It means that we can grow Palm Trees in the West - right up to Scotland ! Without this we would freeze in winter because we're that far North. Near to the Latitude of Alaska. But we don't !

Re: Expect to pay more for travel in 2015

GarryRF ·
Travelling "out of season" has wonderful rewards. When the kids are in school time and avoiding national holidays are a great bonus. I've used airports in Scotland because they have differing school breaks from England. And saved £££££'s. But now the kids are adults I can still use the lessons I've learned. I don't think the American side of the pond enjoy "Bartering and Haggling" as much as Europeans do.
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The Queen Elizabeth 2 (QE2)

Ian Cook ·
A sight you won't see anymore, Ian Cook shares these photos of the QEII sailing into the River Tyne just before her retirement in 2008.
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Boeing makes first 737 MAX delivery

Paul Heymont ·
Boeing's first 737 MAX delivery goes to an unexpected customer
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May 18, 2017: Ballachulish, in the Scottish Highlands.

GarryRF ·
GarryRF shows us some of Scotland's most dramatic and beautiful scenery.
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June 29, 2017: Goosander, River Coquet, Northumberland.

Ian Cook ·
Ian Cook shares some beautiful photos of a mother and her brood on River Coquet, Northumberland. Goosanders are ducks who are also good fisherbirds.
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Apr. 12, 2017: Sights Around Edinburgh, Scotland

Samantha ·
Samantha shares some sights from a short trip to Scotland.
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Red Squirrels

Ian Cook ·
Ian Cook shares some great photos and a detailed natural history of the charming Red squirrel, whose population is declining.
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Spotted in Vancouver: Cherry-Red 2CV

Paul Heymont ·
In Vancouver, PHeymont spotted this pristine charmer, from the last years of 2CV production.
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British Museum tops UK's attraction list

Paul Heymont ·
Castles, museums, gardens and the British Museum—these are a few of Britain's top attractions.
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Burden Iron Works, Troy NY—a trip through industrial history

Jonathan L ·
Jonathan L finds another small museum with a great story: the history of the early industrial revolution along the Erie Canal.
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British beaches vie for #1 ranking

Paul Heymont ·
TripAdvisor's list of UK's Top Ten Beaches may be a guide for travelers or a source of controversy.
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5 Common Camping Mistakes to Avoid

Darren Wilson ·
Darren offers some suggestions for making your next camping trip a smooth one (sponsored content)
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Trains to Scotland gaining riders

Paul Heymont ·
Upgraded rail service between England and Scotland is taking market share away from airlines.
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Signs of Scotland

Paul Heymont ·
PHeymont shares a collection of signs seen on a recent trip to Edinburgh and Glasgow—ranging from whimsical to ironic to serious.
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Bandits at 12 o’clock!

Amateuremigrant ·
Bob Cranwell spots this interesting and unusual car at his local grocery store.
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British airline Flybe fails; virus takes blame

Paul Heymont ·
An airline already in financial trouble collapses under weight of coronavirus losses, stranding passengers.
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Ferry operators look to the future

Paul Heymont ·
The major ferry operators serving routes among the British Isles and Europe are investing in new ships and see a growing business.
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Cape Air: Trans-Atlantic in a 9-Seater!

Paul Heymont ·
Cape Air is getting a new fleet of high-tech small planes for its regional operations, but getting them from Italy to the U.S. is a trip in itself!
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A Day in the Highlands

Paul Heymont ·
An all-too-brief day in the Scottish highlands gave PHeymont a different view of a fabled country
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Malcolm's Cross, Northumberland

Ian Cook ·
Ian Cook shares an interesting and neglected piece of English and Scottish history -- the tale behind Malcolm's Cross
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Can SAS's 3-drink cap stop drunk-flying?

Paul Heymont ·
After 3 stiff drinks, SAS wants you to stick to the soft stuff...        Photo: Xianxing / Wikimedia   SAS, the big Scandinavian carrier, is trying a 3-drink limit for alcoholic beverages on its flights in an attempt to curb...
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What's hot in the Arctic? A giant sauna!

Paul Heymont ·
What's being billed as the world's largest sauna, holding 100 visitors, has been set up on a beach in northern Norway, inside the Arctic Circle, for the  SALT festival of art, music and architecture on  Sandhornøya Island, near...
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Icelandair adds new route to Montreal

DrFumblefinger ·
    Icelandair continues its route expansion with new service betweeen Keflavik airport in Iceland and Trudeau airport in Montreal.  The service will be seasonal starting  May 16, 2016 through November 8, 2016, and will operate 4...
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Ian Cook ·
We're happy to have the work of many fine photographers featured on the website, including Ian Cook's. Ian is a superb photographer whose work often focuses on Northumberland in England. This gallery features beautiful monochrome images.
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Ian Cook's TravelGumbo contributions

Ian Cook ·
A listing of Ian Cook's contributions to TravelGumbo. Check out this great list of wonderful photography.
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What's the Difference Between the UK and GB?

Travel Rob ·
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April 26, 2018: Kilchurn Castle, Scotland.

Ian Cook ·
Ian Cook shares the history of Kilchurn Castle in the Scottish Highlands, along with some memorable monochrome images.
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May 4, 2018: Glencoe Massacre Monument, Scotland

Ian Cook ·
Ian Cook shares a detailed history of the story of the Massacre in Glencoe Scotland, whose monument we visit in our Pic of the Day.
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Glenfinnan Monument, Scotland

Ian Cook ·
Ian Cook shares the story behind the Glenfinnan Monument in the Highlands of Scotland. It was here in 1745 that Bonnie Prince Charles planted his banner and claimed the throne of Scotland.
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Dunstaffnage Castle, Scotland

Ian Cook ·
Ian Cook shares beautiful images and a detailed history of Dunstaffnage Castle. Built in the 13th century, it is one of the oldest castles in Scotland and has stood witness to many of the country's key historic events.
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Dec. 28, 2017: A Small Scottish Church on a Hill

Ian Cook ·
Ian Cook's Pic of the Day -- a picturesque small church and its cemetery on a Scottish hillside.
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February 16, 2018: Loch Leven, Glencoe, Scotland

Ian Cook ·
Ian Cook shares photos of the area around Glencoe, which lies on the southern bank of the River Coe by its entry to Loch Leven, a salt-water lake.
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April 13, 2018: Loch Shiel, Glenfinnan, Scotland.

Ian Cook ·
Ian Cooks shares images of Loch Shiel, a lovely lake in the Scottish Highlands!
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Steall Waterfall, Glen Nevis, Scotland.

Ian Cook ·
Ian Cook shares a visit to Steall Waterfall, a lovely waterfall situated in the Scottish Highlands. It is the second highest waterfall in Scotland.
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March 9, 2018: The Commando Memorial (Spean Bridge), Scotland

Ian Cook ·
Ian Cook shares one of the United Kingdom's most beloved monuments, that dedicated to British Commando Forces. The monument offers panoramic views, including of Ben Nevis and Aonach Mòr.
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Castle Stalker, Scotland

Ian Cook ·
A medieval castle in one of the most picturesque settings in Europe, Ian Cook shares the story and beautiful photo-essay of Castle Stalker.
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The Pap of Glencoe, Scotland.

Ian Cook ·
Ian Cook shares a photo essay of a hike up the Pap in Glencoe. The views are breathtaking!
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Glennfinnan Viaduct, Scotland

Ian Cook ·
Ian Cook shares the interesting story and some fascinating images of the Glennfinnan Viaduct in the Highlands of Scotland
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April 6, 2018: Jubilee Bridge, Loch Linnhe

Ian Cook ·
Ian Cook shares images of the Jubilee Bridge, and some of the prettiest scenery to be found in Scotland.
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Best of Britain's New Museums

Paul Heymont ·
Britain has a number of significant new museum openings this year. Here's a selection.
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June 23, 2018: The Kelpies, Falkirk, Scotland

GarryRF ·
GarryRF shares an unusual historic and scenic spot.
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The Giant's Causeway, Ireland

Paul Heymont ·
The Giant's Causeway combines spectacular views, geological history and a charming legend.