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Tagged With "Chuck Wagon"


Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#325)

George G. ·
Here are your final clues. Words stenciled on the wagon and a house located within the building of mystery should clarify the answer. Remember, we are looking for the mysterious place and the city/town/village in which it is located.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo #371

George G. ·
Some type of wagon with displayed contents and a dab of printed foreign language.
Blog Post

Walla, Walla: “So nice they named it twice!”

DrFumblefinger ·
What’s a Walla Walla?  It’s a Indian name meaning “many waters”.  It’s also the name of a charming city in southeastern Washington; nestled close to the Columbia and Snake River valleys, and with a river of its...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Jan 24, 2014: Saddler at Bar U Ranch, Alberta

Mac ·
Nestling in the rolling plains leading to the foothills of the majestic Rocky Mountains beyond is the National Historic "Bar U Ranch". First established in 1881, today Bar U Ranch continues to be a living showpiece of the daily life and skills of...
Blog Post

Keep it to yourself! Selfie-stick bans spread

Paul Heymont ·
Selfie sticks, those extensions that let you photograph yourself at arms' length—and possibly poke your neighbor in the eye, have been banned from a number of museums and concert halls in the past year. Now, two major U.S. music festivals have...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, June 4, 2015: Modern-day Cowboy

DrFumblefinger ·
  Thank God there are still cowboys in the world!  Tough, hard-working guys -- real men.   I came across this fellow I'll call "Roy" at the Bar U Ranch  in Alberta.  The Bar U is a Canadian Historic Site that every summer...
Blog Post

Route 66 - Pasadena to Needles

Jonathan L ·
Last summer I had the opportunity to do something I had always wanted to do - drive a significant portion of Route 66. Having spent 4 days in LA, I started a drive to Albuquerque to meet up with  The Amazing Ms. D. Instead of rushing down the...
Blog Post

Brooklyn's Prospect Park Greenmarket

Paul Heymont ·
By a quick count, I’ve photographed markets in nearly three dozen cities in the U.S. and Europe; they’ve often appeared here on TravelGumbo. And yet the market I visit most often, and where my wife shops almost weekly, hasn’t found...
Blog Post

Death Valley National Park

My Thatched Hut ·
Death Valley is one of the most desolate place I have been. Others include central Greenland and the Dead Sea. Death Valley is the lowest place in the western hemisphere at 282 feet (86 metres) below sea level. The Dead Sea in Israel is 1,370...
Blog Post

Luray Valley Museum, Virginia

George G. ·
George G takes us on a tour of the museum that was the site for last week's Where In The World puzzle.
Blog Post

Bar U Ranch, Alberta (Where Gumbo was #368)

DrFumblefinger ·
Gumbo was visiting the historic Bar U Ranch National Historic Site, once one of the largest ranches in Canada. The ranch preserves buildings and the historic period when large herds of cattle roamed the prairies, before they were fenced in.
Blog Post

May 20, 2020: Twenty Mule Team Wagon, Death Valley

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger visited Death Valley National Park and spotted these old wagons used to pull borax more than a century ago.
Blog Post

Chicago's History Museum knows the city's story

Paul Heymont ·
When it comes to the great Chicago Fire of 1871, seen in a diorama above, the Chicago History Museum knows all about it: The museum, founded in 1856, was destroyed in the fire and had to start again from scratch—only to burn again in 1874....
Blog Post

December 13, 2015: German Meat Wagon

sarcee ·
Common and popular place to get a snack in Germany.
Blog Post

January 11, 2018: A Disappearing Prairie Icon

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger discusses how changes in grain storage have transformed the prairie landscape, with the old iconic wooden elevators all but having completely disappeared.
Blog Post

A visit to the Jack Daniel's distillery: Lynchburg, Tennessee

DrFumblefinger ·
  One of the favorite travel destinations in south-central Tennessee is the  Jack Daniel’s distillery  situated in the small town of Lynchburg.  It’s about an hour and a half drive south of Nashville and an excellent...
Blog Post

Cave and Basin National Historic Site, Banff National Park (Where Gumbo Was #178)

DrFumblefinger ·
Gumbo was visiting the Cave and Basin National Historic Site, the original site around which Canada's first National Park -- Banff National Park -- was created.
Blog Post

December 12, 2016: Percheron Horses, Alberta

DrFumblefinger ·
Percheron horses are a powerful and ancient horse, probably dating back to Roman times. Modern Percherons originated from Normandy. These horses live at the Bar U Ranch in Alberta and are descendants of these sturdy, hard-working animals.
Blog Post

Rolling Sculpture Car Club Show, Canmore. Part V, 1969 - 1982

DrFumblefinger ·
Our series on the great Rolling Sculpture Car show concludes with the newer cars, mostly from the 1970s.
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The Bay Area by "Clipper"

PortMoresby ·
PortMoresby turns misfortune into adventure when, after almost 6 decades of dependence on her car, discovers public transportation from one end of San Francisco Bay to the other.
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Celebrity Car Museum, Branson (Part 2)

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger concludes his visit to the Celebrity Car Museum in Branson with more photos and stories of unusual cars.
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The James Madison Museum, Virginia (Where Gumbo was #325)

George G. ·
Gumbo was visiting the James Madison Museum in the city of Orange, and exploring its broad and often unique exhibits.
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Studebaker National Museum, South Bend Indiana

Jonathan L ·
Jonathan L takes us on a tour of classic cars at the Studebaker National Museum in South Bend IN
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Aln Valley Railway, Northumberland.

Ian Cook ·
Ian Cook shares some great classic train photos and the story of the Alnwick-Almouth line, recently reopened!
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East Texas Oil Museum, Kilgore

Marilyn Jones ·
When oil was first discovered in East Texas, it changed life for everyone. Marilyn Jones takes us to see what the Oil Boom looked like.
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December 2, 2015: Wagon at Piney Lake

DrFumblefinger ·
A classic and almost timeless scene from the Colorado Rocky Mountains.
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A weekend...I don't know where...

Paul Heymont ·
Wonder Tour is offering cheap weekend breaks in Europe...but you don't find out where you're headed until just before you go.
Blog Post

Those famous Cuban cars, behind the scenes...

Paul Heymont ·
Cuba's fleet of classic American cars is legendary, and as with most legends, the truth is actually more interesting than the shiny story.
Blog Post

Cuba's Cars: Varied, surviving, fascinating

Paul Heymont ·
More of Cuba's unusual cars, and some further notes on them...
Blog Post

June 7, 2016: Horsemen of the Puszta

Marilyn Jones ·
These Hungarian horses, once trained for battle, still learn not to fear sounds such as gunfire or cracking whip...and can lie down on command!
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Cuba's 'Senior Citizen' Cars

Paul Heymont ·
Perhaps less glamorous, and certainly less numerous, these older cars still have a place on the road along with the flashier entries from the mid-1950s.
Blog Post

October 14, 2018: World's largest Radio Flyer Wagon

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger visits the world's largest Radio Flyer Wagon. Situated in Spokane, Washington, it is a popular stop in the city's Riverfront Park.
Blog Post

Money for nothing and your chicks for free!

Amateuremigrant ·
Bob Cranwell, the Amateur Emigrant, shares colorful thoughts on what it's like to lead a dozen or so travelers through remote areas of the world.
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A long weekend in historic Charlottesville

Stephanie Kalina-Metzger ·
Stephanie Kalina-Metzger shares a trip that takes in not only the town itself, but the nearby home of Thomas Jefferson.
Blog Post

Take a road trip in Elvis's 'last Caddy'

Paul Heymont ·
Up for sale, a custom Cadillac that Elvis drove on a cross-country road trip. It started as a sedan, but he had it turned into a station wagon.
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Quetta, Train to Chaman

Amateuremigrant ·
Bob Cranwell shares a story of a memorable train journey in high altitude Pakistan.

Re: British "Ramblers" celebrate 80 years

DrFumblefinger ·
I guess collecting a walk is sort of like bagging a peak. Good for the Ramblers. They've certainly put the name to better use than American Motors did with its car series.

Re: Road Trips with Kids: 5 Things that Will Help You Make Them Safe and Fun

Paul Heymont ·
Thanks! Not only a bunch of good ideas, but also revived memories of years ago, traveling with our 4 kids in an undersized Ford Fairmont station wagon. We joke that we had to stop every half hour to let the hostility out, but the truth is that an assortment of fruit, nuts, songs and especially games made it work. The games includes not just alphabet and license plate spotting, but free-range imagination games such as "I'm going abroad, and with me I am taking..."

Re: Where in the World is Travelgumbo #368

DrFumblefinger ·
Here are the final clues for this week's travel puzzle. The type of horses pulling the wagon are an uncommon breed that this place is known for. Review all the clues and hopefully you'll be able to figure out where Gumbo is visiting this week.
Blog Post

Alfaro Castro Hermanos, Sarchi, Costa Rica (Where Gumbo was #378)

DrFumblefinger ·
Gumbo was visiting a traditional ox cart factory. Ox carts were historically used to haul farm products and goods, and you can still spot some on rural roads to this day.
Blog Post

Foodie Fun in Watkins Glen, New York

Paul Heymont ·
Passing through a lakeside resort, PHeymont ran into two noticeable if not notable food spots.
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The Car and Carriage Caravan Museum, Luray, Virginia.

George G. ·
George G takes us along on a visit to a mecca for classic car fans, full of the ones we all wish we could have.
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13 Bad Tips For The Perfect Autotrip

Susy R. (Guest) ·
Susy offers some suggestions on how to enjoy your next roadtrip (sponsored content)
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Chuck the Channel Catfish, Selkirk

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger spotted this gigantic catfish in the town of Selkirk, situated on the Red River.
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Firefighting Museum: Through the Ages

Paul Heymont ·
At the Firefighting Museum in Hudson, New York, a short but rich look at the long history of fighting fires.
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The Remington Carriage Museum, Cardston, Alberta

DrFumblefinger ·
Gumbo visits the interesting collection of horse-drawn transporation at the Remington Carriage Museum in the small southern Alberta town of Cardston.
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Steptoe Butte State Park, Washington state

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger visits Steptoe Butte State Park in eastern Washington state. It provides some of the finest views of the Palouse available anywhere.
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The Historic El Rancho Hotel, Gallup, New Mexico

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger enjoys dinner and a stop at the Hotel el Rancho in Gallup, a historic Route 66 stop.
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Seneca Falls, New York

Jonathan L ·
Jonathan L visits historic Seneca Falls, a founding site of the Women's Rights Movement
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America's Car Museum, Tacoma, Washington

Paul Heymont ·
This Tacoma museum is a must for auto freaks, even with some disappointments in how its hundreds of cars are displayed