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Tagged With "Thunder Bay District"


Re: New Orleans—Museum Highlights Young Voices of Resilience

Bluragger ·
Great piece! Yes, it is good to hear from our children about what they learned in the past decade living in New Orleans after the storm. So many were impacted, many were harmed and suffered PTSD. Great to hear kids speak about the positive outcomes from their Katrina experiences. I can't wait for the new LA Childrens Museum to open in its new and amazing facility in City Park, another NOLA gem. Ya'll come visit soon and often to experience a city like no other, New Orleans. It has not been...

Re: Amsterdam councillors: cheap visitors, stay home!

GarryRF ·
It's because the beer, dining, hotels, museum, coffee shops and the red light district are so expensive we can't afford to stay longer. Perhaps Udo Kock should change the image of Amsterdam away from drugs and prostitution so that the more discerning traveller - like myself - would make it a week instead of a weekend.

Re: Terry Fox Monument, Thunder Bay, Ontario

Travel Rob ·
What a moving piece about a true hero!

Re: Terry Fox Monument, Thunder Bay, Ontario

Travel Luver ·
What a great story! That guy is an inspiration to all.

Re: Terry Fox Monument, Thunder Bay, Ontario

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for sharing this story with our audience, Ottoman. I remember Terry Fox well. His run across Canada became an important news story, and the image of him hoping on his good leg before stepping with his prosthesis has always remained with me. He was a remarkable brave young man, and it's sad that he didn't live to see the profound influence that one life can have. A reminder how how cancer can strike anyone. No age, no sex, no race, no social class is immune from its reach. I really...

Re: Terry Fox Monument, Thunder Bay, Ontario

Ottoman ·
Thank you Travel Rob, Travel Luver and DrFumblefinger for taking the time to share your thoughts. I appreciate it, and am happy that you all enjoyed this blog.

Re: "Cruise Night", Thunder Bay, Ontario: The 1940's and 1950's

Paul Heymont ·
Thanks! They're all sweet, but my heart really beats for the MG T series...and that's a beauty!

Re: "Cruise Night", Thunder Bay, Ontario: The 1940's and 1950's

Travel Rob ·
Great! Love the 1950 Mercury!

Re: "Cruise Night", Thunder Bay, Ontario: The 1940's and 1950's

DrFumblefinger ·
And I'm partial to the 55 Bel Air. Probably the subdued black and white, not the peacockish "Jamaican Bay" color.

Re: "Cruise Night", Thunder Bay, Ontario: The 1940's and 1950's

GarryRF ·
The stuff that dreams are made of ! The '57 Bel Air has to be the one above the crowd. Loved the MGs and memories of the time when you could fix your own Midget and Sprite without a College degree ! Happy Days !

Re: "Cruise Night", Thunder Bay, Ontario: The 1960's (Part 1)

GarryRF ·
Beautiful collection Ottoman ! Wouldn't the pink Mustang look great in an original colour. Cant stop - back for another look - Thanks !

Re: "Cruise Night", Thunder Bay, Ontario: The 1960's (Part 1)

Ottoman ·
Hi GarryRF I totally agree with your comment. Pink would not have been the color I would have chosen for the Mustang, but it still was a beauty to gaze at and admire. On a side note, I had to laugh out loud when I read the license plate on the "Barracuda" which essentially reads "You are fish bait". Yes, viewing these amazing cars is great fun. I hope you enjoy my last two blogs on "Cruise Night" which I believe are to be posted on September 2 (Cars from the 1960's Part 2) and September 9...

Re: "Cruise Night", Thunder Bay, Ontario: The 1960's (Part 1)

GarryRF ·
Yes - I noticed the plates on the Mustang Ottoman. Sometimes you just look at a picture - and think - that's just not right ! Like photos of mans best friend, his dog, Dressed as a cowboy with a bandana and a Stetson hat ! Makes my toes curl up. Cringe worthy ! So I've put Sept 2nd in my diary. "The arrival of Ottomans Masterpieces ... and Hurricane Cristobal" What a fun day !

Re: "Cruise Night", Thunder Bay, Ontario: The 1960's (Part 1)

Ottoman ·
Hi GarryRF! I do hope that by the time Hurricane Cristobal reaches the UK it will be nothing more than a weak tropical storm. Here's hoping Cristobal misses you altogether and that the only thing that should "blow you away" on September 2 is my "Cruise Night" blog (ya ya I know...really bad joke, right?). Take care of yourself and stay safe. Let us know how you weather this looming storm.

Re: "Cruise Night", Thunder Bay, Ontario: The 1960's (Part 2)

DrFumblefinger ·
I think my heart belongs to that red and black Camaro.

Re: "Cruise Night", Thunder Bay, Ontario: The 1960's (Part 2)

Ottoman ·
Good choice Dr Fumblefinger. I like them all, but if I had to pick a favorite, it would be a tie between the 1968 Chevrolet Chevelle and the 1969 Chevrolet Camaro SS.

Re: "Cruise Night", Thunder Bay, Ontario: The 1970's and 1980's

GarryRF ·
Some beautiful cars in colours from the Candy Store ! Another amazing collection and worth a close inspection. All these cars must be kept under wraps for most of the year and wait for summer. Thanks for another visit to modern art.

Re: "Cruise Night", Thunder Bay, Ontario: The 1960's (Part 2)

GarryRF ·
This collection is getting a bit more international. Lovely example of the Mini. My son has a Mini and 3 other Austin Marinas in Maryland. Rebuilt each one from scratch.

Re: "Cruise Night", Thunder Bay, Ontario: The 1970's and 1980's

Ottoman ·
Hi again GarryRF Thanks for the kind words. I'm glad you enjoyed this collection of photos. You are correct that these cars are definitely kept warm and secure in garages all over Thunder Bay during the harsh winter months, which makes it all the more special to see them out and about in the summertime. Just another reason why I love summers in the Great White North, eh.

Re: "Cruise Night", Thunder Bay, Ontario: The 1960's (Part 2)

Ottoman ·
Hi GarryRF! Nice car. You should be proud. Thanks for sharing P.S.: Did you manage to come away unscathed by Hurricane Cristobal?

Re: "Cruise Night", Thunder Bay, Ontario: The 1960's (Part 2)

GarryRF ·
Hi Ottoman. Cristobal was wonderful ! It went up to Iceland and brought the UK warm Caribbean air - and back into summer.

Re: "Cruise Night", Thunder Bay, Ontario: The 1920's

Paul Heymont ·
Love that onomatopoeic license plate: "Ah Ooga!" Blows my horn, for sure!

Re: "Cruise Night", Thunder Bay, Ontario: The 1920's

DrFumblefinger ·
A very cool collection of classic cars! Look forward to seeing more!!

Re: "Cruise Night", Thunder Bay, Ontario: The 1920's

GarryRF ·
There must be more ! Can we see them soon ? Great photos.

Re: "Cruise Night", Thunder Bay, Ontario: The 1920's

Ottoman ·
Hi Garry RF You are correct in assuming there are more cars. Actually, my next "Cruise Night" blog will be published tomorrow (Tuesday, August 12/14) featuring five cars from the 1930's. That blog will be followed in a few days or weeks with another "Cruise Night" blog featuring cars from the 1940's and 1950's, which will be followed in another few days or weeks with another "Cruise Night" blog or two featuring cars from the 1960's, which will be followed in another few days or weeks with...

Re: "Cruise Night", Thunder Bay, Ontario: The 1920's

GarryRF ·
Ottoman. You must have a production line working overtime ! Remember those happy days when you just had Sunday off work - and you spent it under your car ! Greasing those bits and bobs so you'd survive another week !

Re: On Thursday the 'Red Light Secrets Museum of...

GarryRF ·
If you visit the Red Light District be warned ! Taking photo's is frowned upon. You may find your camera gets removed and dropped in the Canal ! Many of the guys walking around outside are Pimps. You may think they're all Basketball Players !

Re: "Cruise Night", Thunder Bay, Ontario: The 1930's

GarryRF ·
Wow !! Cant believe you have more of these beauties to share ! Nice, clear pix of metal artwork Ottoman ! I keep going back for another look ! Hope I don't wear them out !!

Re: "Cruise Night", Thunder Bay, Ontario: The 1930's

Ottoman ·
Thanks for the compliment GarryRF. Please feel free to come back and enjoy these photos as often as you'd like. I too have viewed them many times, and if I haven't worn them out by now, I don't think you have to worry. Stay tuned for my next blog...Cruise Night, the 1940's and 1950's (to be published Tuesday August 19/14), which will feature five cars from these two decades. I hope you will enjoy them. I gotta run. I have some "bits and bobs" that need tending to (LOL).

Re: Coastal California: A Village, a Hamlet, and a Wide Spot in the Road

PortMoresby ·
The Stage Stop is one of those buildings that's become invisible, even while being half the commercial district of San Gregorio. Maybe this illustrates the fact that we see things differently when we're in the picture zone, that it was the first time I really looked at it. I assume it was a gas station, looks like a pump rusting there on the left. But even I'm not old enough to have seen it in action.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Jan. 23, 2014: Sleeping Giant Provincial Park, Ontario

GarryRF ·
Do the modern Canadian folks still use the original names that the indigenous people used for local places ?

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Jan. 23, 2014: Sleeping Giant Provincial Park, Ontario

DrFumblefinger ·
Sometimes we do, Garry. Like Lake Minnewanka, Kakabeka falls, and so on. But more often Anglicized names are used, or translation of native names into English (eg. "Head Smashed in Buffalo Jump"). What say you, Ottoman?

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Jan. 23, 2014: Sleeping Giant Provincial Park, Ontario

GarryRF ·
I've been to a few places where the aboriginal people have been pushed aside for the Concrete Jungle of Western or Anglicised living. I do feel a touch guilty - but ......

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Jan. 23, 2014: Sleeping Giant Provincial Park, Ontario

Ottoman ·
Hi Garry RF and DrFumblefinger. Thanks for you interest on today's pic of the day...the Sleeping Giant. Garry, in Northwestern Ontario (and many other areas of Canada), aboriginal names are used quite commonly. In Thunder Bay, many medical clinics, schools, recreational centers, and so on have an aboriginal name, not to mention the many towns and landmarks in the area that also have aboriginal names. A major piece of Northwestern Ontario's history involves the fur trade (which of course the...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Jan. 23, 2014: Sleeping Giant Provincial Park, Ontario

GarryRF ·
Passing through Towns in Australia and North America (incl. Canada) I like to stop off and take a few photo's of places that have been named after places in the UK. In Chester PA. I was asked "Do you have a Chester too?" - " Yes and a Jersey, York, Boston, Washington, Dover, Bethesda, Birmingham and a few more " Didn't know you had a Fort William until I was watching a "Who Do You Think You Are" TV show recently. A female Celebrity was tracking her ancestral trail from the UK.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, May 18, 2014: Lower Manhattan's New Skyline

Jonathan L ·
You may have noticed that NYC has 2 areas of very tall buildings - The Battery/Financial District and Midtown, separated by an large area where building height is limited. This was not just due to zoning. The reason is geological. The bedrock is very close to the surface in Midtown and Battery so there is support for very tall buildings. However, From 34th street down to Canal the bedrock is much deeper and the ground is more sandy/gravely, so it was unsafe to build tall buildings in area.
Blog Post

Charleston's Grand Mansions: Joseph Manigault House

PortMoresby ·
  On a recent visit to Charleston, South Carolina, I bought a 2-day pass, called the Charleston Heritage Passport , at the North Charleston Visitor Center near the airport, and planned to include as many of the sites it offered of...

San Marino

rbciao ·
This past May I was able to satisfy a childhood dream of visiting San Marino. After completing a fourth grade report on this place we finally spent a night there. This also comes after traveling in Italy since 1980. The republic is a beautiful place...
Blog Post

Washington State’s Long Beach Peninsula

DrFumblefinger ·
 For most travelers, the southwestern corner of Washington state is easy to bypass.  It lies well over an hour’s drive from the busy I-5 Interstate Freeway.  The broad mouth of the Columbia River limits access from the Oregon...
Blog Post

Lisbon: Cheap, but Steep!

Paul Heymont ·
That’s my short take on Lisbon after two weeks there last summer. A variety of economic factors, not all connected with the Euro crisis of the past few years, have made Portugal incredibly cheap for foreign travelers—but you have to be...
Blog Post

Left Bank of the Tiber

PortMoresby ·
  I’d looked online for an apartment for my week in Rome, until I was sick of the thought of going.  At some point I came across a recommendation for a women’s hostel in Trastevere (Tras TAY veree), on what I came to think of as...
Blog Post

Punalu'u Black Sand Beach Park, Hawaii Island, Hawaii

Ottoman ·
  I love visiting the state of Hawaii.  Although I have enjoyed all the Hawaiian islands I have visited (Oahu, Kauai, and Hawaii Island), my favorite island would be Hawaii Island (aka the Big Island).  The diversity of the Hawaii...
Blog Post

Silver Plume, Colorado

DrFumblefinger ·
  I love going on leisurely road trips -- the kind where you've several spare hours to pull over somewhere and explore.  If a place seems interesting, I like to check it out.   So it was this past summer while we were visiting...
Blog Post

London Plans to Expand its 24 Hour Weekend Tube Service

Travel Rob ·
London had previously announced that the Tube would offer 24-hour weekend trains on the Piccadilly, Victoria, Central, Jubilee and Northern lines starting on September 12. This past Friday, London Mayor Boris Johnson and Chancellor George Osborne said...
Blog Post

Britian's Famous Attractions Get Literal Chinese Names

Travel Rob ·
VisitBritian announced the winners in their 'Great names for Great  Britain ' campaign The campaign used the existing trend of the Chinese to give literal names to favorite celebrities, places and foods. Over 2 million Chinese visited the...
Blog Post

Nashville, Tennessee.....the Elvis tour continues!

DrFumblefinger ·
  Until I attended my first medical meeting in Nashville, I'd never thought much about visiting this mid-sized city, an oversight on my part.  Nashville's a fun destination in many ways, especially if you're a fan of Country music.  I...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, March 8, 2015: Bernkastel-Keus, Germany

Non Stop Destination ·
    Bernkastel-Keus is a beautiful small town situated on the banks of the Moselle in Germany. The town has a traditional marketplace with timber-frame houses and flowers decorating the facades. The district is known for its wine (mainly...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, March 12, 2015: King Kamehameha Statue, Kapaau, Hawaii Island, Hawaii

Ottoman ·
King Kamehameha I (1758 - 1819) conquered the Hawaiian Islands and united them to formally establish the Kingdom of Hawai ʻ i in 1810, thus founding the Kamehameha Dynasty. By developing alliances with the major Pacific colonial powers, Kamehameha...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, April 15, 2015: Elbow Falls

Still Country Photo ·
  This is what Elbow Falls used to look like.  I'm not sure what they look like now as it is still difficult to get out there since all of the destruction.  I have heard that the change is quite dramatic.    Elbow Falls...
Blog Post

Miami's Wynwood: New street art destination

Paul Heymont ·
Think of Miami, and what comes to mind? For me, it's older New Yorkers on the beach, Art Deco along South Beach, and Cuban food. Others probably have different pre-conceptions, but it's a fair bet that avant garde street art is not at the top of the...