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Tagged With "Queen Elizabeth II"


Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Jan. 11, 2014: Please Close the Gate.

GarryRF ·
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth is the richest woman in the World. She has a fortune of 33 Trillion Dollars (including assets) When she is resident in Windsor Castle she has 24 hour security as you'd expect. She doesn't annoy the Staff who work through the night by going around the Castle turning off the lights !! I've heard a few Drongo's down under calling her Maj but don't use that name in the UK as you'll offend people.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Jan. 11, 2014: Please Close the Gate.

PortMoresby ·
Oh my, someone's gotten up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Jan. 11, 2014: Please Close the Gate.

Paul Heymont ·
Well, leaving aside anyone's feelings about royalty or whatever (play nice, everyone!), someone has to do the chores and mopping up, and the gatekeeper above is not alone in that...this picture is from the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace ("Christopher Robin went down with Alice...") After the impressive parade and band performance, this fellow and two or three others were left behind to store the music stands...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Jan. 11, 2014: Please Close the Gate.

GarryRF ·
Learning to respect the Religions and Cultures of others is an important step that opens your mind to the world around you and everyone's unique differences.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Jan. 11, 2014: Please Close the Gate.

PortMoresby ·
Originally Posted by GarryRF: " Learning to respect the Religions and Cultures of others is an important step..." Indeed, it is. And combined with a sense of humor, I could not agree more.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Jan. 11, 2014: Please Close the Gate.

GarryRF ·
When I stay with Family in the US I'm told there are many cultural subjects to avoid. I don't talk about your recent history, religion, your politics or your gun laws. With or without a sense of humour ! So I'll tread on the side of caution and not upset the natives !

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Jan. 11, 2014: Please Close the Gate.

PortMoresby ·
Originally Posted by CICAK: "I always travel with an open mind... Bring on the tasty, warm beer !" And the cider, something for everyone. One cannot argue with such good sense!

Re: The Queen Elizabeth 2 (QE2)

DrFumblefinger ·
Beautiful photos of a classic beauty!

Re: Road Trip, Day 2: Mendocino Coast Botanical Garden

PortMoresby ·
I received another note this morning, in part: "Thank you so much for the lovely blog post about our Gardens. I have posted the link to our Facebook page and added it also to our website, under In the News ." Elizabeth (Liz) Petersen Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens Click on Liz's 'In the News' link above and see Travel Gumbo at the top. Thank you, too, Liz!

Re: Visiting Cuba.

HistoryDigger ·
Very helpful. Looking forward to part II. Sounds a bit like traveling to China before the 1990s. I'd like to know the best way to organize an independent trip and what to see and how to get around on your own.

Re: Gibside, Tyne and Wear

Paul Heymont ·
Perhaps the most famous member of the Bowes-Lyon family was one born just a few years after the family stopped living at Gibside. Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes-Lyon, born in 1900, was the ninth (of ten) daughters of the 14th Earl, married the future King George VI, and then Queen Elizabeth the "Queen Mum."

Re: Lynchburg, Virginia: A Town of Many Pasts

Paul Heymont ·
LATE UPDATE: There was another correct answer, overlooked in Twitter traffic. Michael Fong II also recognized Lynchburg.

Re: Jesuit Church, Koblenz: Enter the Unexpected

Paul Heymont ·
My apologies! I missed adding the names of the solvers of this week's mystery, George G and Michael Fong II

Re: Homes of Leadville

DrFumblefinger ·
Hi Garry. Regarding your comment, I think the Victorian era was one that was "special" in world history. It was a time when the sun never set on the British empire and the British influence on the world (mostly good in my opinion -- a common language, parliamentary goverance, etc) was at its peak. I don't think we'll have an Elizibethian II era nor a Charles era.

Re: June 11, 2016: Royal Heads in the Sand

DrFumblefinger ·
A remarkable likeness of the Royal couple -- more life like than the real thing!

Re: The Queen Charlotte Track

Travel Rob ·
An incredible hike Dan! Great descriptive piece and beautiful photos!

Re: The Queen Charlotte Track

DrFumblefinger ·
What a great place for a hike! I envy you the experience. Beautiful photos BTW.

Re: The Queen Charlotte Track

Samantha ·
Hi Dan, great post and amazing pictures. Would love to see this one day. Thanks for sharing.

Re: Why your airline chose your plane

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for the bit of history, Pheymont. Nicely written and I, for one, found it very interesting. Looking forward to part II.

Re: Where Gumbo Was #4.0: Queen Mary in Long Beach Harbor, California

Paul Heymont ·
Hey, everybody: Check in tomorrow for a new Where in the World! It will be on display at 5 am EST. Hope that doesn't put the West Coast at a disadvantage...but I don't think anyone is going to get it right away!

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Nov. 26, 2013: Zhangjiajie National Park, China

Dr.Y ·
Glad you guys liked the pictures. Indeed, this place impressed us a great deal. Like Karl said it’s like something unreal. Stay tuned, in part II, I will show you what underneath those mountain pinnacles.

Re: Where Gumbo Was #4.0: Queen Mary in Long Beach Harbor, California

Theodore Behr ·
Wish I hadn't been away last week. I actually knew this one!

Re: Where Gumbo Was #4.0: Queen Mary in Long Beach Harbor, California

Paul Heymont ·
Don't get left out again! You can follow Gumbo on your mobile comes up formatted for tiny-screen use, but if you have enough screen (most smartphones do) click on settings and choose "standard view," or use the menu to select "Desktop view."

Re: Where Gumbo Was #4.0: Queen Mary in Long Beach Harbor, California

DrFumblefinger ·
I didn't even know that, PHeymont! About the cell phone view, I mean.

Re: Finding Reiner #5: Behind the Veil of Time

Paul Heymont ·
I am just now catching up on reading, and I continue to be touched by not only your persistence and care in searching for Reiner, but also helping us search for meaning in so much that has been left behind in our understanding, because it doesn't fit under the grand tags that "simplify" history for posterity. This summer commemorates the start of World War I, important events of the end of World War II...and yet, so little of the individuals and their fates. Even the exhibits we saw this...

Re: Gallery: Signs of Toronto -- Queen West

GarryRF ·
Plenty of colour again DrF ! I love Graffiti Art. Some amazing artists sharing in your pix. Love the Duracell Bunnies too. Certainly is different to what I expected to see. Interesting and informative blog. Keep it up - you could write a book !

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#48)

Paul Heymont ·
The last five niches at the left of the colonnade were originally filled with Habsburg Emperors; just after World War II, when damage was repaired, they were replaced by freedom fighters of an older generation (Louis Kossuth from 1848, etc.) not the 1956 ones.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, July 15, 2014: Deck Chairs Aboard QM2

DrFumblefinger ·
Your photo reminds me of a cruise we just did a few months ago in the Chilean fjordland. When we approached cape Horn, famous for its stormy seas, we were in constant winds of 100 knots, with gusts of 160 knots. The deck was even emptier than your photo above would indicate! Nice photos, Islandman. Thanks for taking all of us aboard the Queen Mary.

Re: Valletta, Why Do I Love Thee So?

GarryRF ·
The island of Malta became part of the British Empire in 1800. The French had invaded Malta 2 years previously and were unwelcome. The British removed the French and established a base there at Valletta to give them a port in the Mediterranean Sea. And it provided employment and security to the local people. In 1964 it voted for Independence. The Coat of Arms of Queen Victoria can be seen over the VICTORIA GATE photo - above. The current Queen Elizabeth ceased any connection with Malta in...

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo #32: Solved!

Mac ·
Might that be the old decommissioned World War II naval mine, probably located at 108 Old Brompton Rd, London SW7 3RA ...??
Blog Post

Memphis, Tennessee 2) The King's chariots

DrFumblefinger ·
      Elvis loved cars and mechanical toys of all types, including motorcycles and airplanes.  He had the money to indulge his passions, and you can see many of his favorites right across the street from Graceland .  The Elvis...
Blog Post

A Remote Canadian Village offers Indescribable Natural Discoveries

Marilyn Jones ·
  As I left the hotel in Winnipeg I was outfitted in all my brand new cold-weather gear headed for the airport and a two hour flight to the remote village of Churchill.  I prayed my preparation for facing the sub-zero temperatures and brutal...
Blog Post

Tupelo, Mississippi. Birthplace of the King of Rock 'n Roll

DrFumblefinger ·
This is the first post in a short series on visiting Elvis Presley related sites.  I've been a huge Elvis fan all my life and my love for the man's wonderful music has not abated in the 35+ years since he died.  My brother (Ottoman) and I...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, December 13, 2014: Gödöllő

PortMoresby ·
  The Royal Palace of Gödöllő sits on the outskirts of Budapest and it was there I was taken one day by streetcar from the center of the city by dear friend, Zoli.  A serious photographer with a wonderful eye, he and I walked all...
Blog Post

Charleston's Grand Mansions: Aiken-Rhett House

PortMoresby ·
  On a recent visit to Charleston, South Carolina, I bought a 2-day pass, called the Charleston Heritage Passport , at the North Charleston Visitor Center near the airport, and planned to include as many of the sites it offered of...
Blog Post

Montreal: Je Me Souviens

DrFumblefinger ·
There are many great cities to visit in Canada, two of my favorites (for different reasons) being Vancouver and Montreal.  Vancouver has one of the most breath-takingly beautiful settings of any city in the world, and I’ll be discussing it...
Blog Post

A Visit to Ireland: Part 2) the Rock of Cashel

DrFumblefinger ·
 There are few places in Ireland with a richer history than the  Rock of Cashel .   Situated at the edge of the town of Cashel, the rock is a huge outcropping on top of which rests a complex of old buildings situated some 60m (200ft)...
Blog Post

Palm Springs Air Museum, California (Where Gumbo was #104)

DrFumblefinger ·
  Gumbo was visiting the Palm Springs Air Museum in the California desert, and specifically had the privilege of sitting in the cockpit of a B-17 Flying Fortress bomber (like the one in the above photo).  Congratulations to the many who...
Blog Post

San Juan's El Morro: Layers of Stone, Layers of History (Where Gumbo Was, #84)

Paul Heymont ·
  El Morro, the giant fortification that's guarded San Juan Harbor for nearly 500 years, is the sight we saw before we saw it. Its image is everywhere when you do online research for a trip to Puerto Rico; its "garitas"—small domed...
Blog Post

Visiting Western Greenland. Part I – Three Towns

Racing_snake ·
In July 2006 I gave in to curiosity and realized my ambition to visit West Greenland.  I returned 6 times in the next 8 years!  I knew that about 10% of the world’s freshwater was sitting on Greenland with the capacity to raise...
Blog Post

Visiting Western Greenland. Part II – Western Greenland on Foot!

Racing_snake ·
Part I covered three Greenlandic towns I have visited but my real passion is being out in West Greenland’s wilderness.  So this part is about what it has to offer those willing to get out there on foot and under canvas!    I...
Blog Post

Cunard's Anniversary includes Lusitania Memorial

Paul Heymont ·
Cunard, which is celebrating its 175th anniversary this year with all manner of events, including sail-bys of its major ships and cruises featuring historians, recreations of gala balls and more. It will also divert one of its newest liners, the Queen...
Blog Post

UKs First National Civil War Centre to Open With Huge Civil War Re-Enactment

Travel Rob ·
Over 1,000 Civil War re-enactors and cannons from across the UK will be in Newark to help launch the National Civil War Center on May 3 and 4th  . The museum recounts the 17th century clashes between King and Parliament . The museum...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Mar. 29, 2015: J. S. Bach's Tomb

Paul Heymont ·
This week marks Johann Sebastian Bach's 330th birthday on March 21 or 31, 1685. The difference is due to the change, during his lifetime, from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar. Above, his vault in the floor of the Thomaskirche, Leipzig Germany....
Blog Post

A Day in Caguas

Paul Heymont ·
Caguas is a late-comer by some standards; San Juan, 30 miles away, was already 250 years old when Caguas was settled by Spain—and yet it proudly calls itself “La Ciudad Criolla” and “El Corazon de Borinquen,” the Creole...
Blog Post

Skedans, Haida Gwaii, British Colombia (Where Gumbo was #106)

DrFumblefinger ·
    Gumbo was visiting the "misty isles", Haida Gwaii, in British Columbia.  Specifically, the remnants of the Haida village of Skedans.  Sadly, not much remains of the village, captured at its prime in the above image (1878), rich...
Blog Post

Gallery: Signs of Toronto -- Queen West

DrFumblefinger ·
  Previously I've presented a overview of Toronto featuring its signage, which you can see at this link .  Today's post focuses on a very colorful region of the city, the western end of Queen Street (often just referred to as "Queen West")....
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, December 8, 2014: Hudson Bay Blankets, Banff

DrFumblefinger ·
This past summer I'd spent a day wandering the streets of Banff with my dear friend, LestertheInvestor, and our lovely wives.  Sylvia and I stopped by the Hudson Bay Co (HBC) store and spotted this clever display of blankets drapped over a canoe....
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Apr. 8, 2015: Gedächtniskirche, Berlin

Paul Heymont ·
Jesus appears to float above the altar in the modern version of the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church (Gedächtniskirche) in Berlin.   The modern church, which Berliners mostly call by its short name, stands next to the original church, built in...
Blog Post

Capella Palatina, Palermo, Sicily (Where Gumbo Was, #102)

DrFumblefinger ·
    I've visited dozens of wonderful churches in my life, some vaste and grand like St. Paul's in Rome or Westminister Abbey in London, others smaller and with a more intimate feel.  As a rule, I'm partially to smaller chapels and...