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Tagged With "Galle Face Green"


Re: Canada gets its first non-stop to India

Paul Heymont ·
So you’ll probably get the super-new plane…noticed after posting that some of the flights for now are being flown by a 787-8, but starting in February, it will be the -9… Green with envy about everything…except the length of the flight!

Re: Motel 6 freshens its rooms...and its image

DrFumblefinger ·
I used to stay at Motel 6 when I was a poor starving medical student. But I abandoned the chain because of how inconsistent the different sites were. Some a offered a decent room. Others were dives. Hopefully along with the face lift there will be an greater effort to standardize their properties. For example, when I'm I stay at a Courtyard, I know exactly what to expect and am never disappointed.

Re: The Best Things To Do In Boston

GarryRF ·
From Logan Airport you can take the Metro into the City. When you've seen enough at the first stop - get back on the Underground system and come up to ground level at the next stop. Repeat as often as time will allow. Great way to spend 8 hours between flights. Only the Bostonian's would drink green beer on Paddy's Day.

Re: Top winners named in Nat Geo photo contest

Professorabe ·
There are some fabulous photos on the National Geographic website. I found clicking on 'Galleries' the best option. Warning: The shots might make you go green with envy!

Re: Belfast: An Uneasy City

GarryRF ·
Human conflicts always go deeper than face value. To make sense of each case it's necessary to "Follow the Dollar". Religious Freedom motivates the masses. Financing conflicts produces great wealth for the few.

Re: Signs of the Times, and Smiles

GarryRF ·
A "Raised Zebra Crossing" gives the priority to the pedestrian. They have the "Right of Way" A "Crosswalk" is located at a Junction where Pedestrians must wait until they get the "Walk" Signal (Green Man Illuminated). And stop at the "Don't Walk" Signal (Red Man illuminated) If you treat a Zebra Crossing (Black and White Stripes) and a Crosswalk (Signal Controlled) equally you'll get broken legs ! (Both Signals Illuminated for Display purposes only )

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? 21.0

Paul Heymont ·
Well, I didn't expect anyone to twig it quite that fast, and it's not just because of a polar route. Although we usually don't think of Hawaii extending north of Kauai, in fact the state includes the entire Hawaiian Ridge/Emperor Seamount chain, running up to the Aleutian trench, just off Alaska's Aleutian islands. Mostly underwater, mostly administered by Federal agencies as a preservation/conservation area. Kure Atoll and Green Island is the northernmost habitable place in Hawaii, and it's...

Re: The "Eiffel Tour" Only Starts with the Tour Eiffel

Paul Heymont ·
T&N, you make an interesting point about the air circulation and coolness of Eiffel's building. These days we are constantly reading about advances in "green design," intended to reduce excess energy use. Ironic how well some of those principles of making life bearable were known so long ago by those who didn't have the option of mechanical air-conditioning! Another example is in today's blog about Gaudi's Casa Battlo in Barcelona, which uses an open well through the center of the...

Re: Delta Hangs Up on Inflight Calling

PortMoresby ·
Times change and along the way, behavior once deemed unacceptable, often becomes the norm. I've noticed this principle at work especially where phones are concerned. I'm so pleased to see a CEO take a stand for simple courtesy, even when it seems to fly in the face of popular notions of what's acceptable. I hope now other airlines' managements have the gumption to follow Delta's lead.

Re: Renting an apartment in Europe

Paul Heymont ·
John mentioned the Google street maps...really a very good way to check out a neighborhood, since it has more than just the maps! On top of the zoom scale on the map, you'll see a little orange man. Drag him onto a street on the map, and you'll see photos of the street. It takes a couple of moments to get used to maneuvering, but you can go up and down the streeet, turn and face the opposite direction, "walk" around corners, and zoom in and out. You can use the Windows snipping tool or other...

Re: Sri Lanka: A Land Like No Other (Part 1a) Colombo

Mac ·
Ah Galle Face Green! Many a delightful stroll taken with my folks on a Sunday afternoon in the 1960s, then home for tea at 42 Galle Face Court, the flats opposite the hotel. Ah sweet memories Ouch that seems a long time ago.....

Re: Sri Lanka: A Land Like No Other (Part 1a) Colombo

Travel Rob ·
DrFumblefinger your photos are amazing. I can see why you love the country so much.

Re: Sri Lanka: A Land Like No Other (Part 1a) Colombo

DrFumblefinger ·
Originally Posted by Mac: Ah Galle Face Green! Many a delightful stroll taken with my folks on a Sunday afternoon in the 1960s, then home for tea at 42 Galle Face Court, the flats opposite the hotel. Ah sweet memories Ouch that seems a long time ago..... I was told the Galle Face Green was actually green until the pope showed up and a massive crowd destroyed the grass. After that it became the Galle Face Brown. The green is slowly trying to make a comeback, though. I actually visited someone...

Re: Do you Like these Hotel Tipping Tips ?

Former Member ·
also keeps you from being called unflattering names behind your back. No worries - I find that people don't mind calling me unflattering news to my face Dave B. has given this issue a lot of good thought. My policy in the US is to tip 15 percent for adequate service. I add and subtract 5 percent from there, depending. According to the guidebooks, many servers outside of the US are paid professional wages. In that case, we do not tip, but simply round up the bill. Hope that this is not wrong.

Re: Portugal's 'Golden Visa' Gaining Traction

Paul Heymont ·
The U.S. has a somewhat similar program. If you are prepared to invest $1,000,000 in a U.S. business that will create 10 jobs ($500,000 if it's in a rural or high unemployment area) you and your immediate family are eligible for immediate green cards for permanent residence. Oh, is limited to the first 10,000 millionaires each year. The program is the EB-5 visa. If you've got the million, or just the curiosity, click HERE .

Re: Greenland from six miles high!

GarryRF ·
The Vikings were the first to live in Greenland - they described it as a "Green and pleasant land - with pastures and animals" Maybe when we get some serious Global Warming we'll all go back with our Cameras and the latest Frommers' Guide .... Greenland - Land of the Surfers and the 24 Hour Sun

Re: Share Your Budget Tablet and Laptop Picks

Travel Rob ·
Originally Posted by Travel Rob: Hi FlashFlyer, I noticed the different colors of the Wolvol have different prices. This Lime Green one was only $109.94 when I looked. I'm going keep my eye on that brand though and see if they have a device in the f uture that will meet my needs .I'm impressed at their price levels.

Re: Share Your Budget Tablet and Laptop Picks

FlashFlyer ·
Lime green! They'd have to pay me to take that one. Must be selling, though--when I looked it said there were only 6 left!

Re: Share Your Budget Tablet and Laptop Picks

Former Member ·
As Kermit the Frog says, It's not easy being green ! I like products in bright colors. It keeps me from losing things, especially when I travel. Hard to miss a bright green tablet, even in the gloomy corner of a budget hotel room or tucked into a dark airplane seat pocket. It is good to read about these bargain tablets. They can only get cheaper during the upcoming holiday sales.

Re: 20-year anniversary for 'Stolpersteine' memorials

DrFumblefinger ·
I found them very thoughtful and moving memorials. By placing them in the pavement, people keep polishing them with their feet. As I've said before, there's no people I know that have faced the crimes of their past generations the way today's Germans face their Nazi infamy.

Re: Jama Masjid, Delhi (Where Gumbo was #256)

Professorabe ·
Delhi has a lot to offer in terms of interesting sites. HOWEVER, the air pollution is appalling, particularly in the winter. We will be in Delhi in March - when things should start to get a little better - but we have cut our stay there to a mere 24 hours. We would have liked to re-visit some places like Humayun's Tomb or the Jama Mosque, but in the end decided that we could not face the atrocious smog again. We will now leave on the earliest convenient train south.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Aug. 2, 2015: Uncertain times

HistoryDigger ·
My family and I love this section of Berlin. Great pictures. You were there on a beautiful day. And by the way, this is where Reiner (of the Finding Reiner series) drank a beer in Zum Nussbaum, the oldest bar in Berlin (or so he said), before he was doomed to face the Russian Front.

Re: Banksy Opens up a Bemusement Park in England

PortMoresby ·
"Disney has refused to comment on notorious street artist Banksy's latest work of art - a seaside theme park called 'Dismaland' that skewers the Happiest Place on Earth...The silence from Disney is strange, considering the company's history of fiercely defending it's copyright of Mickey's image. In 2012, the company filed a complaint against the EDM artist Deadmau5, who performs wearing a Mickey-esque face mask." More:

Re: Wolves or Cheese: France must decide

DrFumblefinger ·
I love wolves. They are beautiful, but they are also smart and efficient predators. An easy food source like sheep is something they'll go back to again and again once tried, especially if they develop a taste for mutton. Much easier than bringing down a deer, for example, or chasing rabbits. Cattle ranchers in the north central US plains and Canada face a similar problem, where wolves can develop a taste for calves. And that is much more costly to ranchers than the loss of a sheep.

Re: A Culinary Adventure in Portugal

Paul Heymont ·
I can't be too specific on the wines...not enough of a close watcher. But what we have especially enjoyed were the Portuguese 'green red' wines we had last time and this at Ponto Final. It sounds contradictory, but they are actually red wines, drunk early in their life. Sort of like a beaujolais nouveau.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? (#71)

Lynn Millar ·
I'm working on the area to the left. A beer garden? A sad one, where one can 'cry in their beer.' Arbors with possible tables. Also there's a green recycling bin on the right - so building is in use? That narrows it down, right?

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#67)

Roderick Simpson ·
I think Dr. Fumblefinger is on to something, as the tree in the foreground is a copper beech. We need a geologist to help us with the appearance of the rock face, but it does remind me on Mainland Greece. I am looking forward to another clue or perhaps someone else solving this.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? #86

PortMoresby ·
Here's a longer excerpt: "They perform a function, taking rainwater and snow melt and spouting it away so it doesn’t run down the face of a building, eroding walls and foundations. If it doesn’t spout water, it isn’t a gargoyle, it’s a grotesque."

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Jan. 18, 2015: Darkness into Light

PortMoresby ·
Interesting that you use the words "hostile interior". I imagine it being more refuge than hostile, considering what one's experience might be in the "green and beautiful outside". I don't think we can make assumptions about an experience that, no doubt varied drastically, depending on where luck landed the residents of such basic dwellings.

Re: Seat Wars break out in the air...

Travel Rob ·
The Daily Telegraph conducted a poll after the first 2 incidents on "Should Reclining Seats be Banned" and 70% of the respondents said yes. The lack of leg space is a big issue and I hope airlines enact more reasonable legroom space for coach. If the reported stories are true though, some passengers weren't acting mature or reasonable at all and really should face stiff penalties for their actions

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? #55

MAD Travel Diaries ·
I have to study the photo for exact location but India? Agra had alot but the most aggressive monkeys I came across was in Vrindavan, little shits even try to steal your glasses off your face and run away with it!

Re: America's Best Ice-Cream Shops? Tell us yours...

Travel Rob ·
As a kid, I always enjoyed Green Tea Ice Cream from restaurants in Little Tokyo,Los Angeles. When i last went to Little Tokyo,I tried a little dessert shop in a mini mall there, Mikawaya, and loved it. They give you just a little, but the price is a $1.00 Mikawaya

Re: Iquitos Jungle Tour

Travel Rob ·
I was going to ask about the different face paints.What were the differences between single ,married and looking, or could you tell?

Re: Iquitos Jungle Tour

eluxton ·
Originally Posted by Travel Rob: I was going to ask about the different face paints.What were the differences between single ,married and looking, or could you tell? The one I have in the photo is married (this was to avoid confusion, I was there with my boyfriend but we're not really married). The one for single was a lot simpler, just a streak on each cheek as I remember it, but I didn't get to see the one for 'looking' as no one in our group was!!

Re: Gallery: St. Catharines Market, Ontario

GarryRF ·
I give in !! What are those yellow Cucumbers with a green hat (below the Tomato's) ? Never seen them in the UK before !!

Re: Carne Guisada at Jose Enrique

Paul Heymont ·
Si, yummy tostones! We’ve never been fans of green plantains, favoring the sweet yellow variety. But today we learned to like green when done right!

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, December 22, 2014: Mr. Kuttan

Travel Rob ·
Thanks for sharing this. It's wonderful people like Mr Kuttan that make travel so special.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, December 22, 2014: Mr. Kuttan

PortMoresby ·
I've just finished a short book by Alan Bennett, 'The Uncommon Reader', about another notable personage whose job it is to make everyone feel comfortable and welcome in their presence. Seeing Mr. Kuttan's serene face, it makes me wonder what his private thoughts might have been all those years. And if he'd written them down and had them tucked away somewhere, to be revealed at a later date. I suspect not, under the circumstances, but wouldn't it be interesting?

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, December 22, 2014: Mr. Kuttan

GarryRF ·
There are a few people you meet who have natural "Charisma" They stay in your mind and have a effect on you and the way you see the world. You were lucky to have met this man.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, December 22, 2014: Mr. Kuttan

DrFumblefinger ·
Originally Posted by PortMoresby: I've just finished a short book by Alan Bennett, 'The Uncommon Reader', about another notable personage whose job it is to make everyone feel comfortable and welcome in their presence. Seeing Mr. Kuttan's serene face, it makes me wonder what his private thoughts might have been all those years. And if he'd written them down and had them tucked away somewhere, to be revealed at a later date. I suspect not, under the circumstances, but wouldn't it be...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, December 22, 2014: Mr. Kuttan

DrFumblefinger ·
Originally Posted by GarryRF: There are a few people you meet who have natural "Charisma" They stay in your mind and have a effect on you and the way you see the world. You were lucky to have met this man. Agree completely, Garry.

Re: New York Taxis Debut App to Compete with Uber

Paul Heymont ·
Well, even without the app, it's not like the fa e is a blind guess, either. There's a meter, and a rate based on miles and time...just like almost every other big city. And there are online calculators such as WorldTaxi which will tell you about what a specific trip should cost, It's not that there aren't things that could improve, but Uber is no improvement, with its cavalier attitudes (surge pricing, drivers stiffed on rates, lack of or inadequate insurance) and its not paying its share...

Re: The Historic Fort and Town of Galle, Sri Lanka

DrFumblefinger ·
It's a great photoessay of a special place, Travellinn, thanks for sharing these wonderful photos with us. I generally just traveled through Galle, never stopping much except perhaps to look around for an hour or get something to eat. The fort is very impressive, a massive structure of rock and coral. The last time I visited Galle was just after the great tsunami of 2004. The town was one of the most damaged by that tragedy as several massive waves washed through it. Hundreds were killed or...

Re: The Historic Fort and Town of Galle, Sri Lanka

GarryRF ·
How did you discover Galle ? Did you read of its existence prior to your travels ? Or merely stumble upon it and get the urge to explore further. It appears to be untouched by tourism - or is it on the tourist itinerary ? After all these invaders what language do they speak now ? Good collection of photos - gives a real taste of this town.

Re: The Historic Fort and Town of Galle, Sri Lanka

Travellinn ·
DrFumblefinger, then you should absolutely spend some time in Galle next time you visit Sri Lanka! GarryRF, the plan was originally to go to Unawatuna (30 min away) staying there and doing a day trip to Galle. But after doing a little bit research online, we found out that Unawatuna would not fit us, and ended up doing the opposite. On our daytrip to Unawatuna we certainly got confirmed that staying in Galle was a much better option. See my thought about that on...

Re: Boeing's 'Cuddle Seat' tackles the economy snooze

Travel Rob ·
I can think up a few problems but maybe the've factored for those. it looks like,instead of getting your knees hit by a reclining seat, it could be your face. And I could imagine getting all twisted up in the straps by the time I wake up.

Re: Boeing's 'Cuddle Seat' tackles the economy snooze

Paul Heymont ·
It looks to me as if any impact by the seat in front would be on the edge of your face pillow rather than your face. And since the straps go one over each shoulder, you'd have to perform an amazing contortion to turn yourself over and twist the straps. I've got a different concern: could I really sleep facing forward and down? Where do my arms go?

Re: Is Visa everywhere you want to be?

Travel Rob ·
I was surprised not much is written about this because of the real possibility of being stuck if one didn't now some debit cards stopped accepting foreign transactions .The Green Dot debit cards used to accept foreign transactions and stopped because of fraud.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, June 28, 2015: The Golden Temple In Amritsar, Punjab, India

DrFumblefinger ·
Again some amazing photos, Gilles! The people interest me as much or perhaps even more than the beautiful temple. Studies of the human face are often difficult to capture in a digital image. but these are great. Thanks for sharing.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? (#136)

GarryRF ·
Green River maybe ?