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Tagged With "Hoh Rainforest"

Blog Post

Columbia River Gorge, Where Gumbo Was #82

DrFumblefinger ·
  Gumbo was visiting the beautiful Columbia River Gorge, which straddles northern Oregon and southern Washington states.  Specifically, Gumbo was enjoying the amazing view of the Gorge through the lobby window of the Skamania Lodge  in...
Blog Post

Skedans, Haida Gwaii, British Colombia (Where Gumbo was #106)

DrFumblefinger ·
    Gumbo was visiting the "misty isles", Haida Gwaii, in British Columbia.  Specifically, the remnants of the Haida village of Skedans.  Sadly, not much remains of the village, captured at its prime in the above image (1878), rich...
Blog Post

Beautiful Ormond Memorial Art Museum and Gardens

Samantha ·
A rain-forest garden that Samantha calls absolutely amazing (and incredibly hot and muggy). Here, she shares the highlights.
Blog Post

Apr. 4, 2017: Coffee Estate in Guatemala

Marilyn Jones ·
Marilyn Jones isn't a coffee drinker, but she found her visit to a tropical coffee producer an enjoyable learning experience.
Blog Post

The Best Caribbean Honeymoon Destinations

Aman U (Guest) ·
Looking for a honeymoon destination? Consider these locations in the Caribbean (sponsored content)
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Things to Do in Melbourne for First-Time Visitors

Carl H (Guest) ·
Looking for some fun and interesting things to do in Melbourne? Carl H has some suggestions for you (sponsored content)
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Canadian Firefighter Continues Cycling Around the World

Travel Rob ·
Rudy Pospisil is a Firefighter in Canada that is cycling the globe on his vacations to raise money for Cancer research. He's a Cancer survivor himself and is halfway done with his journey. For this trip, he takes on Australia. He hopes to cycle 6 of...
Blog Post

Peru creates huge new national park

Paul Heymont ·
Peru's new national park along the Yaguas River aims at conserving a rich and endangered resource and the homes of indigenous peoples.
Blog Post

Feb: 18, 2018: Hall of Mosses, Hoh Rain Forest

Jonathan L ·
The Olympic Peninsula of Washington is home to the world's largest temperate rain forest. The Hall of Mosses shows the effects of all that rain.
Blog Post

Olympic National Forest Pt 2: Forks to Aberdeen ,WA

Jonathan L ·
Jonathan L continues his visit to this magnificent forest, including the Hoh Rain Forest.
Blog Post

The Big Island of Hawaii (Part 1). Volcanoes Park

DrFumblefinger ·
(Volcanoes National Park -- plume of volcanic smoke from Halema'uma Crater) There are many places in the world I wish everyone could visit.  At the top of this list is Hawaii.  It’s a great travel destination and for me retains...
Blog Post

The Big Island of Hawaii (Part 2). Hilo & Hamakua Coast

DrFumblefinger ·
(Sunset over Hilo Bay, Big Island of Hawaii) Hilo is tucked into the northeastern corner of the Big Island, on the slopes of Mauna Loa’s rainy side.  And boy can it rain; the region gets up to 200 inches (500 cm) each year though...
Blog Post

Endangered tourist destinations around the World

Felicity Howlett (Guest) ·
Do you feel like getting lost in the backstreets of Venice, snorkeling on the Great Barrier Reef or skiing in the Alps? If so, don’t hang around – tourist hordes have put these much-loved sites and many others at risk.   These places...
Blog Post

Moody Gardens: Celebrate the Holidays Galveston-style

Marilyn Jones ·
In Galveston, two million pounds of ice, a million lights and Chinese ice-carvers combine to produce a popular holiday spectacle.
Blog Post

Discover the Canary Island of La Gomera

Ian Cook ·
Ian Cook shares a visit to the Canary Island of La Gomera. While one of the smaller Canary Islands, it is a natural paradise and a wonderful vacation destination.
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Australia’s Most Beautiful Islands For Your Bucket List

Sophie Armstrong (Guest) ·
Sophia Armstrong has several suggestions for interesting islands to visit off the Australian coast (sponsored content)
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Best Sailing Destinations in the Caribbean

Marian Morgam (Guest) ·
Marian Morgam offers a few suggestions on which Caribbean islands are the best to visit by sailboat.
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Top 5 Inclusive Resort Vacations

Monica A (Guest) ·
Looking for a luxurious all inclusive resort? Monica offers some suggests for you (sponsored content)
Blog Post

Oct. 15, 2019: Moody Gardens, Galveston

Marilyn Jones ·
Marilyn Jones accompanies her grand-daughter to Galveston's multi-faceted amusement and education park
Blog Post

Exploring the Patagonian Fjordlands: A Hike in Tierra del Fuego

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger goes on his first hike in Tierra del Fuego. The area is a subpolar rainforest and the vegetation is lush.
Blog Post

May 26, 2019: Cook Islands - Atiu

Grand Escapades ·
Grand Escapades visits Atiu, one of the Cook Islands which he observes is very different from the other islands ! The island has a wonderful remote and "real" untouristed feel to it.
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, April 28, 2014: Pololu Valley, Big Island, Hawaii

DrFumblefinger ·
  Today's highlighted picture was taken from the Pololu Valley lookout in the northwestern corner of the Big Island, which offers memorable views of a classic Hawaiian landscape.  Foamy surf, black sand beaches, rugged...
Blog Post

April 24, 2016: The Stunning Beaches of New Zealand

Grand Escapades ·
New Zealand is known for its green hills dotted with white sheep, its mountain ranges, its fjords… But you can find some stunning beaches all around both islands...
Blog Post

A Visit to Hinchinbrook Island - Australia

danthewanderer ·
We visit amazing Hinchinbrook Island in Queensland, one of Australia’a largest island national parks.
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Celebrating Nature on 7 Continents: Australia, part 1 - Bowerbirds in Australia's Bunya Mountains

Kirsten Hines ·
Always a scientist with an eye to detail, Kirsten shares her observations of the BowerBird's nesting and mating behavior in the Bunya mountains of Australia.
Blog Post

July 23, 2020: Piranha, Rio Oroso

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger shares some photos of the most common fish he encountered while visiting the Peruvian Amazon.
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August 21, 2020: Reflections of the Amazon

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger shares some photos taken from a tributary to the Amazon River in a remote part of Peru.
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September 24, 2020: Bicolored-spined Porcupine, Peruvian Amazon

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger shares his encounter with the only bicolored-spined porcupine he's ever seen.
Blog Post

A Week in the Peruvian Amazon

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger shares photos of a journey to a remote tributary river of the Amazon basin in Peru.
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"Blue Jeans" Poison Dart Frog, Costa Rica

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger photographs a small poison dart frog in La Fortuna. This blue and red specimen is most commonly called "Blue Jeans".
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Singapore's Amazing Zoo

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger visits the Singapore Zoo.
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10 Reasons to Visit Seattle

Aman U. (Guest) ·
Seattle is a beautiful city with lots of interesting sites and activities for visitors (sponsored content)
Blog Post

Best Australian Destinations for Venturous Travelers: Where to Go After Lockdown

Julia B. (Guest) ·
From beach resorts to sightseeing tours — Australia has it all. But what if you are a venturous traveler? If you are looking for options that may give you a real thrill, this guide is for you. It contains destinations for gambling, diving, rafting, and more (sponsored content).
Blog Post

New Zealand’s Paparoa Track

Barry Barford ·
A new walking/biking track has opened on the South Island of New Zealand, and Barry's excited to share some of the highlights with us.
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The Cairns Gateway to Reef and Rainforest

Barry Barford ·
Barry looks back nostalgically at a former home in northern Australia.
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Exploring Far North Queensland

Barry Barford ·
Barry Barford continues his journey through Australia's tropical North Queensland.
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Hercules Beetle, Costa Rica

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger came across this gigantic bug while hiking in the rainforest of Costa Rica's northeast coastal region.
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Australia's Whitsunday Islands

Barry Barford ·
Hiking, cycling, sailing - the Whitsunday Islands have it all. Barry Barford shares what's on offer.
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A Rainforested Canyon, Costa Rica

Sylvia ·
Sylvia did a side hike to a beautiful canyon near the Mi Cafecito coffee processing plant in Costa Rica
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In a Hawaiian Rainforest

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger enjoyed the lush vegetation and flowers of Kauai, the Garden Island.
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The Ruins of Copan, Honduras

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger recalls a visit to the ancient Mayan city of Copan, in Honduras. It is best known for its detailed stone carvings, especially the tall pillars known as stelae.
Blog Post

Mi Cafecito Coffee Tours, Costa Rica

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger tours a coffee plantation in eastern Costa Rica, part of a cooperative of local coffee growers.
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Toucan Alley

Judy Barford ·
Opened in 1994, this park is privately owned and set in 16 hectares of sub-tropical rainforest, providing shelter for more than 800 birds.
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A Return to Wunderland

Paul Heymont ·
PHeymont returns to the world's largest miniature (how's that?) railroad to see how it's grown
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Albury, New South Wales

Barry Barford ·
This award-winning Australian regional city stands out from the crowd.
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Guyana's Spectacular Kaieteur Falls

Paul Heymont ·
Kaieteur Falls, deep in the Amazon rainforest in Guyana's interior, is a spectacular reminder of the power of nature and our dependence on it
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Walking Around Old George Town

PortMoresby ·
Every day PortMoresby found something new to amuse, from temples to a western-style supermarket, walking in Penang’s George Town.
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A Leverage of Faith

Jayita ·
Jayita overcomes doubts and difficulties to make it to the top of St Victoria Hill in Malaysia
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PortMoresby's Stories

PortMoresby ·
 BLOGS November 10, 2013:   The Tulou of Fujian Province November 17, 2013:   The Worst Train in the World November 24, 2013:   Buddhas of Bagan December 7, 2013:   The Heart of Nyaungshwe December 12, 2013:   Lawrence and the Pirates December 16, 2013:   Walking the Buffalo January 23, 2014:   Gallery: Fuli Town Market, Guangxi, China February 5, 2014:   Gallery: A Beautiful Building in Bangkok February 12, 2014:   Gallery: Details, Guangxi...
Blog Post

A Trek to Mount Kilimanjaro: 1) Ascent to Shira

DrFumblefinger ·
Mt. Kilimanjaro has fascinated me ever since I read Ernest Hemingway’s classic novella, “The Snows of Kilimanjaro“.  Little did I know as a schoolboy that I would...