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Tagged With "Temple of Kukulkan"


Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Dec. 30, 2013: Monk on a Ladder, Sri Lanka

Former Member ·
His body language tells me that he knows his stuff. Thanks, Dr F, for this universal slice of life moment.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Dec. 30, 2013: Monk on a Ladder, Sri Lanka

PortMoresby ·
It proves one of life's great truths, one I've thoroughly tested myself all over the world, that anything can be done in flip flops.

Re: November 26, 2017: Ranakpur: The Most Delicate Jain Temple

Professorabe ·
You are absolutely right. Not only is Ranakpur a convenient stopping-off point between Jodhpur and Udaipur, it is also one of Rajasthan's gems. We spent several hours there last year exploring both the main temple and the adjoining one. There were a few other tourists there, but it seems that most tours bypass the site completely.

Re: November 26, 2017: Ranakpur: The Most Delicate Jain Temple

Amateuremigrant ·
Ranakpur temple is surely one of the greatest sights of India in my opinion, the scope of intricacy baffles the mind; there is hardly anywhere I can think of that is suffused with the sense of spirituality. Jains, of course, do not have god(s), they revere Tirthankaras as portals to enlightenment, and in many ways westerners can find this easier to relate to. I was personally carried away by this feeling, and an overwhelming sense of peace and contentment that has stayed with me. My group...

Re: In Egypt: Luxor West Bank

Amateuremigrant ·
A brilliant collection of pictures and commentary. Avoiding the bus loads is all down to timing, so your patience was well rewarded ! I've visited the West Bank loads of times with groups and it never fails to astound ! Our trips began by meeting up with a host of donkeys from the ferry, at 4.30am. We rode up to cross the cliff top above Hatshepsut's temple then walk down to the Valley of the Kings. Riding a donkey named Saddam up there was always a guaranteed wake-up

Re: In Egypt: Luxor West Bank

PortMoresby ·
It sounds a perfect way to see the area, though at that hour you'd likely have enjoyed the views without me. I understand the path from Hatshepsut's Temple to Valley of the Kings is now off limits, presumably because of the incident at the temple. You're lucky to have had the experience when you did. Thanks!

Re: In Egypt: Luxor West Bank

George G. ·
Excellent photos. Your patience paid off since capturing historical locations like these are difficult without them being somewhat obscured by throngs of tourists.

Re: In Egypt: Luxor West Bank

PortMoresby ·
Thanks, George. The fact that there really are no throngs makes this the perfect time to visit Egypt.

Re: In Egypt: Philae Island

Amateuremigrant ·
A fascinating (and detailed) look at a site that many visitors completely miss, even based in Aswan ! The rescue (as with Abu Simbel) is a story in itself, but the 19thC visitors take the biscuit for hubris - wasn't it Edward Lear who set up his camp in the temple ?

Re: In Egypt: Philae Island

PortMoresby ·
Considering the length of time these monuments have existed, I imagine anything you can think of has happened within them, Edward Lear's encampment the least of it!

Re: In Egypt: Philae Island

Marilyn Jones ·
I am so excited to read your article and see your photos...I'll be in Egypt in one week!! Thank you for an excellent post!

Re: In Egypt: Philae Island

DrFumblefinger ·
Fascinating and beautiful! Would have been such a shame if it had been lost to flooding....

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Aug 5th 2014: Incense Coils, Hong Kong

DrFumblefinger ·
I find this a captivating image, Islandman. I can easily see myself staring at these coils from a thousand angles, trying to get the right angle on them, as I imagine you did!

Re: Swayambunath Stupa, Kathmandu, Nepal. Where Gumbo Was #55

HistoryDigger ·
One of my favorite spots in the world. Thanks for posting.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, October 20, 2014: Golden Temple, Amritsar, India

DrFumblefinger ·
What an amazing place! Thanks for sharing it.

Re: Angkor Temple Sights, Siem Reap, Cambodia

Travel Rob ·
Great photos! Always fascinating to me how trees find a way to grow and make space for themselves.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, June 28, 2015: The Golden Temple In Amritsar, Punjab, India

DrFumblefinger ·
Again some amazing photos, Gilles! The people interest me as much or perhaps even more than the beautiful temple. Studies of the human face are often difficult to capture in a digital image. but these are great. Thanks for sharing.

Re: Journey through Karnataka: Somnathpur, Belur, and Halebid

Marilyn Jones ·
So interesting and wonderfully, detailed photography!!

Re: Journey through Karnataka: Somnathpur, Belur, and Halebid

Professorabe ·
Thanks for your kind comments. It's a lot easier when the subjects don't move!

Re: Journey through Karnataka: Somnathpur, Belur, and Halebid

seesaw ·
Beautiful! What a feast for the eyes that must have been...

Re: Journey through Karnataka: Somnathpur, Belur, and Halebid

George G. ·
Carvings are spectacular.

Re: Journey through Karnataka: Hampi

TravelingCanuck ·
Thank you for sharing your journey to an amazing site. Places like this are part of what makes traveling such a pleasure. We in North America learn a lot about the history of Western Europe and some Middle East civilizations and empires from there. However we tend to pass over the rest of the world which included empires and civilizations as great as the Greeks, Romans and Egyptians. Hampi is just another point in favour of a journey to India.

Re: Journey through Karnataka: Hampi

Professorabe ·
Thanks a lot for your comments. I fully agree with what you say - I also feel that there is a big hole in my education where the history of places like India is concerned. That is part of the reason why I enjoy doing blogs like this one: it forces me to do a bit of research and to broaden my own horizons.

Re: Buddhas of Bagan

DrFumblefinger ·
A fascinating look at the culture, PM. Loved the story and loved the photos! Thanks for sharing this.

Re: Buddhas of Bagan

PortMoresby ·
I hope everyone figures out that Bagan is in Burma (Myanmar) which it appears I neglected to say. I'll try to do better in future. PM

Re: Buddhas of Bagan

Travel Rob ·
The photos are amazing. It's a little hard to tell scale in a photograph. I'm curious how big the first Buddha is?Thanks again for sharing .

Re: Buddhas of Bagan

PortMoresby ·
Rob, you can kind of tell from the angle of the picture. Buddha is set up on a dais so my head was about even with his feet. So, in a word, big.

Re: Buddhas of Bagan

DrFumblefinger ·
PortMoresby, it looks like some of these are gold, or at least gold-leaf covered? Do you recall if that's the case?

Re: Buddhas of Bagan

PortMoresby ·
Your guess is as good as mine but I assume they are. Gold leaf has a distinctive look that can't be replicated any other way and it's my assumption that it is, indeed, gold.

Re: Buddhas of Bagan

Theodore Behr ·
This is a great post! I've never seen stuff like this before and learned a lot.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, June 12, 2014: Temple Bar, Dublin, Ireland

Mac ·
A great place for the craic! Love it.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, June 30, 2014: Chhimi Lhakhang-Temple of fertility - Bhutan

DrFumblefinger ·
It's a fascinating place! Any idea how old it is?

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, June 30, 2014: Chhimi Lhakhang-Temple of fertility - Bhutan

MAD Travel Diaries ·
It was built at the end of the 15th century from what my guide told me.

Re: The Ancient, Erotic Temples of Khajuraho

GarryRF ·
For the artists models to hold that pose long enough to do a stone carving was a feat of endurance far greater than completing a marathon ! Interesting blog showing that history can be both entertaining and meaningful.

Re: The Ancient, Erotic Temples of Khajuraho

DrFumblefinger ·
Fascinating place, Anna! Thanks for sharing it with us! Love the top photo of the temple complex at dusk.

Re: The Ancient, Erotic Temples of Khajuraho

Anna Phipps ·
Thanks for commenting and glad that you enjoyed the post! Yes, imagine posing for a stone carving! I hadn't thought of it like that but was amazed by the quality and detail of the work. I find history really amazing and understanding about the history and meaning behind things like ancient temples and historical architecture makes the visit much more interesting for me. Originally Posted by GarryRF: For the artists models to hold that pose long enough to do a stone carving was a feat of...
Blog Post

November 26, 2017: Ranakpur: The Most Delicate Jain Temple

Grand Escapades ·
Grand Escapades shares a visit to a beautiful Jain temple in Rajasthan, in Ranakpur.
Blog Post

Journey through Karnataka: Hampi

Professorabe ·
Professor Abe's fascinating journey through the Karnataka region continues with an exploration of the fascinating UNESCO World Heritage Site of Hampi.
Blog Post

Journey through Karnataka: Aihole, Pattadakal, and Badami

Professorabe ·
Professor Abe's journey to Karnataka continues with stops at several more great and historic sites, including an interesting cave temple.
Blog Post

Nov. 5, 2017, Concordia Temple, Agrigento, Sicily

Jonathan L ·
The Concordia Temple is one of the best preserved Greek temples in the world.
Blog Post

Shindaiji Temple, Katsuyama City, Japan

Travel Rob ·
An incredible big Buddha Statue is just one of the wonders of the Shindaiji Temple. See more!
Blog Post

Bulldozers begin removing illegal structures at Valley of the Temples, Sicily

Travel Rob ·
On Monday, the demolition began of up to 650 illegal buildings at the ancient Greek Valley of the Temples at Agrigento in Sicily. These building were built without planning permission and magistrates gave local authorities...
Blog Post

In Egypt: Luxor West Bank

PortMoresby ·
PortMoresby visits 3 sites on the West Bank of the River Nile, opposite Luxor near the Valley of the Kings, the ancient Theban Necropolis.
Blog Post

In Egypt: Philae Island

PortMoresby ·
Arriving in Aswan, PortMoresby visits an island and its temple with an unusual history.
Blog Post

Visiting the Temples at Agrigento, Sicily

Jonathan L ·
Jonathan L takes us on a tour of the Valley of Temples in Agrigento, Sicily.
Blog Post

Khajuraho Group of Monuments, India (Where Gumbo was #250)

DrFumblefinger ·
Gumbo was visiting the beautiful group of monuments at Khajuraho, India. This is a UNESCO World Heritage site and is an admixture of Hindu and Jain temples. The site is especially known for its detailed sculptures.
Blog Post

In Egypt: Luxor & Karnak

PortMoresby ·
With a week to spend in Luxor, PortMoresby visits Luxor Temple, very near her apartment, then 3 kilometers northward along the Nile, wanders within the Temples of Karnak.
Blog Post

Taking a tour to Chichén Itzá

Jonathan L ·
Jonathan L takes us along on a tour of Chichén Itzá, with a bonus swim in an underground lake.
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Oct. 2: In Athens, the Past is Always Near

Paul Heymont ·
Remains of the Temple of Olympian Zeus stand in an open park near downtown Athens. The Acropolis, with the Parthenon, is the most famous site for remains of ancient Greece, but there are many others scattered throughout the city--sometimes as part of...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, June 12, 2014: Temple Bar, Dublin, Ireland

Ottoman ·
    Ireland is well known for it's music, food, brews and friendly fun people, all of which (and more) can be found and enjoyed in Temple Bar.         Temple Bar is an area on the south bank of the River Liffey in...