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Tagged With "point of interest"


Re: Renting an apartment in Europe

PortMoresby ·
CICAK, may I suggest you encourage your wife to see the big picture. When you're in a hotel room you are not required to savage the minibar. When you're in an apartment you aren't required to cook. The kitchen just exists quietly should you desire it. What you're there for is to spread out, have privacy with all the comforts of home, possibly be in a more interesting neighborhood & surrounded by people who interest you and who may even be interested in you and any number of other...

Re: Hi Everybody! I'm new here.

GarryRF ·
Hi Ted. Its always good to hear that my Blogs are of interest ! I'm in England and there's a few others scattered around the World too ! Never heard SoCal before - so I'll guess. "It never rains in SoCal" - just when I'm there. Pleased to meet you.

Re: Tips on Traveling with Parents

artsnletters ·
I traveled with my mom when she was around that age, and in much the same way - I was the tour guide and she was along for the ride. I did all the work - ALL of it - and she paid for both of us, so I considered it an excellent deal. She did have some ideas where to go - "I haven't seen Italy, Austria, or Switzerland." But we also went to Amsterdam, Bruges, and Paris (she had been to Paris before but wanted to get up close and personal with the Eiffel Tower). I got to pick where to take her...

Re: Weekend getaways. Where's your favorite spot

Dan Carter ·
Haven't gotten into West Coast stuff yet, but back east I had a few favorites I'd suggest to anyone. One is Lancaster County, PA. I know it's overflowing with fake Amish stuff and all, but behind that there's a real local history and culture (and some real Amish culture as well)...and the Strasburg Rail Road, a steam road that's an afternoon's fun...and the Pennsylvania State Railroad museum...and the National Toy Train Museum (which could take up a whole day if your companions share your...

Re: Road Trip: The Movies and the Cars

rbciao ·
Speaking of classic old cars... I've wanted a 1931 Model A sedan since I was 14 years old. So a few years ago the search began with the help of the president of the local Model A club. Using this guy's expertise plus online searching and suggestions from a financial guy I made a purchase in 2011. However, it was not a 1931 Model A sedan. This whole undertaking reminded me of the old axiom, "A camel is really a horse designed by a committee." While looking for the Model A I was talking my a...

Re: Where's a Warm Spot for March

DrFumblefinger ·
Welcome, Gulliver, and two weeks will give you a nice break. I'm not sure where you're traveling from. Easiest and cheapest place for a warm break from North America is to head south, especially to Florida or the Caribbean, or from the West coast to Hawaii or Arizona. But the south of Europe is also quite nice this time of year. Italy, Sicily, Greece are places I'd consider going, depending on what interests you and where you've traveled before. Do any of these interest you? Are you...

Re: Your opinion of Bulgaria

Travelling Buzz ·
Great to hear that you want to visit Bulgaria! It's really beautiful country! Hope to grab your interest with my future posts. Meanwhile here's some very nice and influencing videos, showing more about Bulgaria: ( ) ( )

Now this is how you explore the sites of New Delhi

Pratap Singh ·
Around 7 million travelers from all over the world visit India every year. Most of them land at New Delhi Airport (Indira Gandhi International Airport), and from here they hire cabs or catch a train to starts their holidays in India. Along with this many travelers also give a day or two in Delhi to explore the tourist monuments of the city and observe the life at India's capital. In this post, I've tried to present a typical tour itinerary on how a traveler can enjoy a fantastic week (or max...

How to Get the Most Bang From Your Travel Cash

ForeignXchange ·
Traveling is hard work! Yes, I’m serious about travelling it really is a lot of work, for starters you need to find flights and accommodation that fit your budget, next you have to think about visas, transport and this is only the tip of the ice-burg. As you can see just creating a checklist for your holiday can take up some valuable time! So how does one go about getting the best rates for their travel currency given the short time frame of going from booking flights to sipping cocktails on...

Plane or Train: Which is better?

Kaitlyn Angles ·
People carry out journeys and go on trips throughout their life. Some trips turn out to be really memorable while others capture less interest. Talking about India, people do prefer trains for their travelling. You know human beings love to socialise . And here travelling gives people a great chance to reach out to diverse parts of the world to know about diverse cultures and lifestyle. Since India is rich in diverse culture and heritage, travelling to different parts of India makes a...

Sardinia Holidays: The best areas of Sardinia for the perfect summer

Daniel Moore ·
The magical island of Sardinia stands out for its beautiful beaches and impressive landscapes, for its ancestral traditions and its famous horse races, also for the festivities of Sant Efisio (in Cagliari) and we cannot forget the famous “Cavalcata Sarda”. This island, located in insular Italy , give a warm welcome to all visitors who want to discover its magnificent cultural heritage. Sardinia offers a large array of leisure activities such as the opportunity for practising water sports,...

Scuba Diving: Realties You Should Know

Pratima ·
Did you anytime made the request "What is Scuba Diving" We will try to answer this request in this post for you. Did you understand that scuba diving would one say one is of the snappiest creating over the top recreations on the planet today? Reliably, an expansive number of people go scuba diving, paying little mind to whether for a course, a beginning bounce, or in light of the way that they starting at now have their diving grant. What is Scuba Diving – The Attraction? Scuba diving is...

Cool video...even better than looking down from the plane!

Paul Heymont ·
I always want a window seat, I always want a cloudless day, I like to take pictures from the plane, both for pictorial interest and because the view from above makes interesting, seemingly abstract, patterns. I've posted some of them  here on...

Not-so-famous museums with great exhibits

Paul Heymont ·
Since we're off from school for spring break, we've had time to catch up on a few exhibits at local museums...but not the big and famous, such as the Met or MoMA. Here are a few of interest, and one we haven't been to yet, but will! Neue Galerie has an exhibit with a dual purpose: reproducing the infamous Nazi exhibit "Degenerate Art" of 1937, and commenting on its effects, both then and now. Also at the Galerie, which focuses on German and Austrian art of the last century, is an exhibition...

Nova: Building the Great Cathedrals.

PortMoresby ·
 Originally aired in 2011, this Nova episode is being rebroadcast on my local PBS station and, presumably others, on Christmas evening.  Of interest to most visitors to Europe, if only as an integral part of the skylines, it's worth watching...

5 tips for travelling abroad with your iphone

Loganathan ·
Almost anywhere you travel in the world these days—especially to any First World country or popular tourist destination—a strong cellular signal and Wi-Fi hotspots in hotels, restaurants, Internet cafes, shopping centers, and airports are readily available. So even though you may be on the opposite side of the world from where you live, your iPhone or iPad can still serve as a powerful communication, organization, and productivity tool, as well as an interactive entertainment device. The...

Best of Australia: Outdoor Activities to Do in Australian Summer

ArronHidd ·
When the western world is sitting quietly near its fireplace (or in the living room watching Netflix), the boiling-hot summer is booming Down Under. Filled with a ton of activities throughout the year, Australia outdoes even itself when the hot season arrives. Vast and beautiful, this continent has numerous outdoor activities to offer in the summer months, which is why we’ve come up with a quick guide for your holiday experience in the Outback and beyond! Adventures Australia is one of the...

6 Compelling Reasons to Choose the Adventurous Holidays

Across the world the Simian Mountains are known for its beauty and perfect backdrop of trekking. The scenery of beautiful mountains makes Ethiopia a perfect destination for adventurous tours. Nowadays, adventurous tours are the popular option among the people. They want to visit the historical places and famous destination. Along with all this, people are also taking interest to experience the deadly fun of these breath-taking sporty activities. If you are the one who always avoid going on...

How to get around Las Vegas

berry bory ·
If you are preparing a trip to the city of sin, you may already have wondered how transportation works in Las Vegas. Something that is not always taken into account the first time you visit Las Vegas is the great distance between hotels. And it is that, although it seems that everything is very close, the reality is far from that. The Strip is 7 kilometers away, and although we simply want to go from one hotel to another, we will have to walk, go through bridges, go up and down escalators...

General Guidelines for Skilled Nominated Visa Subclass 489

Immigration Agent Adelaide ·
Skilled Regional (Provisional) subclass 489 visa is a 4-year short-term visa supported by the Australian Government for skilled individuals. You need to reside in a provincial sector for a minimum 24 months and work full time for a minimum of 1 year. Only then you can appeal for indefinite citizenship. The aspirants and his/her relatives on this visa must live, work and/or study in a local zone. When you have fulfilled the requirements for the 489 sponsored visa, you can deposit a request to...

Khajuraho Tour- An Expedition to the Temple City

Anjali Dixit ·
Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Khajuraho was discovered by General Alexander Cunningham. Built by the powerful Chandelas, the temples of Khajuraho are the finest specimens of temple art. Detailed sculptures run along all the temples and up the flamboyant spires. The precision of carvings and legendary tales associated with these temples are captivating. While their erotic ornamentation is what has made them popular, they account only for 10% of the numerous sculptures. The majority...

Tips to plan a perfect trip to the Galápagos Islands

Wassay Ahmed ·
Galapagos islands vacation is going to be the best trip of your life it is because it is a trip of a lifetime if you are planning it in a better way. In simple words, the Galápagos Islands are the most beautiful place in the world which you must plan to visit at least once in your life. The Galápagos Islands can be a perfect place to get up close to and interact with the wild animals quite safely. The Galápagos Islands can be an ultimate travel destination for the ones who love nature,...

Why Your Next Trip Should Be in Santa Barbara

apr7777 ·
Located northwest of Los Angeles, Santa Barbara provides just about everything a traveler could desire in California. Whether you want to layout by the beach, golf, engage in a long hike in the Mountains, or just lounge around the Downtown area, there is something for just about everyone. It sits right between the Pacific Ocean and the Santa Ynez Mountains. Santa Barbara boasts a heavy Spanish influence that can be seen from the stucco buildings and red-tiled roofs. Weather here is nothing...

The Best Ways to Send Cash to Someone Overseas

Vap Mary ·
Sending money overseas has been made more convenient and accessible nowadays. Now that everything is digital, you just have to deposit funds to your online account, click on a few buttons on a website, and wait for the recipient to receive the cash. Western Union executed the first wire transfer, which involved telegraphs. The process required the sender to pay money to the company and wait for the operator to transmit a message to another office. Passwords and codebooks were utilized to...

The Maltese Islands – Underrated gems or best kept secret ?

IslandMan ·
I have an affinity with the Maltese islands . The fact that I was born there may have something to do it, but, as I have lived most of my life in Australia, the distance between the 2 countries has made this affinity more special. I was constantly reading about it and wanted to know more. I returned there many times for short holidays, and my fondness grew with each subsequent visit. Sliema Waterfront I am now a permanent resident of the country, and, while I may seem biased towards it, it’s...

10 Top Rated Tourist Attractions in Dubai

Aryaan Asad ·
1 Burj Khalifa Dubai's landmark building is the Burj Khalifa, which at 829.8 meters is the tallest building in the world and the most famous of the city's points of interest. For most visitors, a trip to the observation deck on the 124th floor here is a must-do while in the city. The views across the city skyline from this bird's-eye perspective are simply staggering. The slick observation deck experience includes a multimedia presentation on both Dubai and the building of the Burj Khalifa...

Why You Should Choose to Go Melbourne for Your School Trip

Emma Marie ·
Melbourne is a place that has a lot to offer both in the city as well as its surroundings. There are many tours available for you, be it a sports tour, a wildlife tour, a gourmet food tour or a sightseeing tour. The availability of these tours will make it very easy for students to organize a trip that is well informative and worthwhile. Here are some of the places you can take tours to explore in Melbourne. Image Source: Pexels Wildlife There are many Melbourne excursion ideas, but let’s...

4 Amazing Rewards of Performing Umrah That Every Muslim Needs to Know

Ayan Asad ·
Umrah is one of the most beautiful Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him). This is a particular act of worship that now millions of Muslims do throughout the year. Rewards of Umrah are endless! Subhan Allah! Perform Umrah with intensity, love, desire and gratitude. Umrah is a spiritual journey to the house of Allah and in return there are rewards for the travelers. The journey will be one of the most beloved journeys of your life. This is guaranteed. It is such a blessed journey...

How To Take Professional Travel Pictures

adonis_abril ·
The cornerstone of good photography is the ability to take a photo that showcases your subject successfully. In order to do this, you must always be on the lookout for creative insight. You will increase the quality of your photographs and your reputation. Follow the tips provided and your pictures will stand out. When you are shooting a photo of someone, make sure that you are close to them to maximize the quality of the details on their face. This is very important, as you will want to...

Planning a trip to Goa with your friends? A travel loan can help!

Blaze ·
When the movie Dil Chahta Hai came out in the year 2001, the one thing most of us wanted to do was go on a road trip to Goa with our friends. Why wouldn’t you? The movie showed us how much fun a holiday with your friends can be. You would huddle with your friends and plan the things you can do and the things you would want to do. The only thing that would stop you was the fact, back in the day, you would not have enough money and borrowing from your parents would be a bad idea. Those days...

Best Places to Visit In Amsterdam

jenifer levis ·
Amsterdam also known as Venice of the North or Mokum. Amsterdam is famous for many things, from its art and rich heritage to its elaborate canals and limitless cafes but it stands out for one thing over all else; making for the most unique and unforgettable trip for young adults and people of age alike. Any Amsterdam trip would be considered unfinished if it did not include- Rijksmuseum - Starting off slow, this excellent museum houses some of the greatest European masterpieces of all time.

Top 5 Wonderful Tourist Places in Rajasthan

Jacob William ·
Rajasthan has been universally acknowledged as the land of kings or the place where kings reside. As the description suggests, Rajasthan is full of kingly mansions, palaces, landings and what not. Wherever you see, you see grandeur in the aura of this state. There are ancient forts, grand havelis and different tourist places that pictures honour, pride, valour and brave spirits of history in itself. Not just this but this state is also India’s largest state being content with the imperials...

Gadgets and Apps That Will Rock Your Holiday Experience

Trickiya ·
Science and technology have improved the standard of our life. With the continuous and effortless development in the field, we are now able to come over challenges those assumed to be disabilities or even a curse to some people. Here in this post, we will take a look at few but to must-have gadgets and mobile apps to make our travel more effortless, exploring, exciting, and eventful. Starting with the gadgets, the first in our list is: The Drone Camera : - People travel to experience new...

Re: Most overrated travel destinations

Paul Heymont ·
It's easy to make a crotchety list of over-rated things, but also important to remember that one man's meat is another's poison. I have no argument with some of the items on the list, but I'd like to speak in defense of some, too. To dismiss Las Vegas as a theme park is to miss the point. It IS an adult theme park, and its wonderful tacky self is why I like it. That and the fact that it's a cheap landing point for Death Valley and the Grand Canyon/Boulder Dam. Never been to Loch Ness, but...

Re: Dinners in local homes when traveling

PurpleDinner Greg ·
Wow, thank you SO Much, Gumbo Guru!! That means so much to me! I really appreciate it! And I do hope this will result in so many wonderful meetings and friendships between travelers and locals in the future. If you know of any others who might have a particular interest in this, please send the info along. Thank you so much! And thank you for your wonderful travelgumbo website! Greg

New Trains for Egypt

Barry Barford ·
Egypt’s train services are about to receive a major boost with two new initiatives in progress. New trains built by a Russian-Hungarian consortium are joining the existing network and a brand new high-speed train line will be built, all adding up to a vastly improved experience for tourists who like to travel by train. Egypt was the site of Africa’s first railway in 1854 and although there have obviously been numerous upgrades since then, the network is starting to show its age. Accidents...

Best ways to find a room in Utrecht Netherlands

Bunk ·
Best ways to find a room in Utrecht Finding a place to stay in Utrecht can be difficult but it’s not impossible. As you may know, Utrecht is a town of students since there are many major colleges including the Utrecht University, the town of Utrecht is always full of students staying there for their undergrad or masters. So if you are a student and likely to travel there for studies and don’t want to live out of a suitcase, then my suggestion is to start looking for a place as early as...

5 Adventure Sports In Kashmir For The Daring Souls

MaanvirJ ·
Kashmir is a dreamland for every nature lover, thrillseeker, and solitude lover, who has been lusting for breathtaking panorama, adrenaline-pumping sports, and relaxation. This royal city of nawab is home to magnificent peaks, lush green meadows, cascading water streams, and much more. Besides the enchanting landscape and magnificent viewpoints, Kashmir offers an array of fun-loving sports for tourists of all kinds. Whether you are a solo traveler, a millennial, or have come on romantic...

Top Ten Jobs If You Love To Travel

1stworldview ·
(10) Flight attendant It may be the most obvious travel-related job, but it's also one of the most accessible: You don't need a specialized degree to become a flight attendant, and most major airlines only require prior customer service experience and a certification from the Federal Aviation Administration. The hours are frequently erratic, and the work isn't always easy, but you'll get a glimpse of hundreds of cities across the globe during your career. A bonus perk? Free or discounted...