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Tagged With "C.O.P.I"


Re: Hamburg concert hall: Overdue, Over Budget, Finished

GarryRF ·
The German government were offering Hamburg as a suitable venue for the Olympic Games. The good people of Hamburg have said they no longer trust developers and politicians. No thank you. I find the new Concert Hall to be a monster on stilts. Not a pleasant view from any angle.

Re: Best and Worst U.S. airports: No surprises

GarryRF ·
I believe Airports should be judged solely on whether you had a pleasant experience. There is no way Orlando isn't in the Top10. New York is a disgrace. But I pass through as an alien - US residents see no problem. Philadelphia is a dream. Excellent Airport.

Re: Iceland: 'No we're not Disneyland'

DrFumblefinger ·
Iceland is a great destination, but it has limited tourist facilities. The population of the entire island is about 300,000 and there aren't all that many hotel or B&B choices in smaller places. I think the lack of infrastructure is the main problem. They certainly have the space and ability to handle more tourists, but need to develop services for them outside Reykjavik.

Re: Carnival opens 'social impact' program to all

Paul Heymont ·
A good question, and one open to discussion. we can be sure of Carnival's motivation, and sure that the local government has not done these things. But how to assess whether it is a good thing is more complicated, I think.

Re: Carnival opens 'social impact' program to all

GarryRF ·
"First, you must cross my palm with silver" - as the fortune teller said. Am I just getting cynical ?

Re: Journey to Jordan: Amman and Jarash

RoadWorrier ·
I really enjoyed the pictures and the report! I'm looking forward to more. It's always interesting to realize that there was a Mediterranean world that was not so "European" or "African"

Re: November 5, 2016: Hatiheu, Nuku Hive, Iles Marquises

seesaw ·
Great post! I love this photo - it really transports me to another place. And the idea of traveling through this area on a cargo ship sounds fascinating. Trip of a life time, indeed.

Re: Nov. 15, 2016: Hummingbird, Solola, Guatemala

sarcee ·
Great capture! I love humming birds and when caught like this they are so beautiful to see. Thanks for sharing

Re: Nov. 15, 2016: Hummingbird, Solola, Guatemala

Marilyn Jones ·
Thank you! I love hummingbirds too and this is the first time I was ever able to catch one at a flower. I was thrilled!

Re: United, Delta ready to retire 'Queen of the Skies'

GarryRF ·
I'm afraid to say that the changing modes of transport are a yard stick to measure your life-span. I remember with great affection travelling on a steam train. But fail to recall the hot ash that went into your eye through the open window. My favourite childhood vehicle .....

Re: Dec. 30, 2016: Ice Cream at Albert Dock, Liverpool

GarryRF ·
I remember one day it was so hot down at the Albert Dock ....

Re: Switzerland: First passengers for world's longest tunnel

DrFumblefinger ·
That sure is a long tunnel, and from a country that likes to make them as much as the prairie dogs I see on the plains. I would think ventilation would be a problem in such a long tunnel. Would you know if the trains need their own oxygen system? Having driven through the Swiss tunnels by car before, which were about 15 km long as I recall, the air was extremely bad in them and made me regret not driving the scenic route over those windy roads across the mountains.

Re: Dec 15, 2016: Kamloops, BC, Canada

GarryRF ·
BC has many exiled folks from Liverpool. Like many other cities around the world. I have relatives in Fraser Lake. They have the most beautiful beach too, if you're into cryogenics. Many Canadians have a wonderful "Cheeky" humour too !

Re: Antarctica, part 3. Antarctica Rocks!

DrFumblefinger ·
Hi Kirsten, Behind in my emails, but did want you to know that the last of your series on Celebrating Nature went live today. I want to personally thank you so very much for sharing your tremendous talents with our audience. I enjoyed reading -- and learned a lot -- from your posts and greatly enjoyed your wonderful photography! I'm sure many others did, too. If you have more material you'd like to post on TravelGumbo in the coming months, it would be our pleasure to host it. Hope you had a...

Re: November 24, 2016: Enger Tower, Duluth, Minnesota

Ottoman ·
Hi Garry I never thought of counting the number of steps to the top of Enger Tower for I was too preoccupied with the beautiful scenery; However, thanks to your question I did some internet investigating and discovered that apparently there are 105 steps you must walk to get to the top of Enger Tower (therefore 210 steps in total to get up and down the tower). You really don't need to be an Olympian to get to the top of Enger Tower. Although the number of steps sounds like a lot, and the...

Re: 'Le Doggy Bag' catching on in France

kerouac2 ·
Why would anybody say that the habit was "despised"? Disdained, perhaps, but most of the French are quite frugal. If anything, they have always been embarrassed by leaving leftovers, if they had to do so. I had a great aunt in Moselle who always kept plastic bags in her purse for stowing away extra food at restaurants.

Re: 'Le Doggy Bag' catching on in France

Paul Heymont ·
Your great aunt is not so different from some of my American relatives who did the same before it became "acceptable," even "expected" to ask here. I always enjoyed the wonderful rolls one of my uncles brought home in his pockets when he took clients to fancy restaurants...

Re: Five Things to Do in Dubrovnik

Travel Luver ·
A truly beautiful city! I need to get there someday.

Re: November 30, 2016: The Guggenheim Museum, New York

Paul Heymont ·
I'm not a big fan of the Guggenheim's collection, but i do love the building, and wonder why it hasn't become the template for many others. Quite aside from its own beauty, it seems one of the best ways to display art. I'm often frustrated in museums by a labyrinth of rooms, not always well laid out, that keep me from back-tracking to reconsider a painting I'd passed in light of ones I saw further on. The spiral solves that brilliantly. In 1962, my uncle, a painter, took me there to see an...

Re: Ryanair's O'Leary: I have a way to make flying free

Paul Heymont ·
I hope I didn't sound as if I were kicking him, although at points he's opened himself to it, and I think his business, gejotting noticed is important and he's good at it. And, as you point out, he's reshaped an entire industry, nearly on a worldwide basis. Even Uber and Airbnb haven't achieved that degree of 'disruption.'

Re: Ryanair's O'Leary: I have a way to make flying free

GarryRF ·
I would call some of his ideas just "plane" silly - but never threatening. Twice. But Michael O'Leary is often the victim of the American media circus who love to inflame public opinion .

Re: England's Thames Path: Kew Palace

DrFumblefinger ·
Fascinating stop! As I seem to recall, George was one of your ancestors? Do I remember this correctly?

Re: England’s Thames Path: Kew Gardens

George G. ·
My wife Diane and I spent almost an entire day at Kew Gardens. So much natural beauty to see. We arrived from central London at the Kew Station in mid-morning and didn't leave until almost dusk. At one time our son had a possibility of being transferred to London and I recommended getting a place in the Kew Garden area for the beauty and quiet. One of my photos from Kew.

Re: Casa Bacardi Rum Plant, San Juan, Puerto Rico

DrFumblefinger ·
I've visited the Bacardi plant too, and remember being quite impressed by it. As I recall, the original was in Cuba and the family moved to P.R. to escape Castro. And I'm proud to see you standing after those free samples! Thanks for the post.

Re: Swinner Gill Waterfalls and Lead Mine

ViewFromTheChairPhotography ·
very nice set as always my friend,i can only aspire to be as good as this

Re: January 20, 2017: Swaledale Barns, Muker, North Yorkshire

DrFumblefinger ·
I love these old stone barns! Thanks, Ian.

Re: Qantas eyes more UK-Oz nonstops

GarryRF ·
After sitting on an airplane seat for 12 hours it's an absolute pleasure to ride an exercise bike in Kuala Lumpur Airport - before my onward journey to Oz. Just for 20 mins so the lower part of my body regains the will to live. I thought a few minutes jogging would help me - until I realised I had presented myself as a moving target to the Airport Police. The thought of a 17 hour direct flight in cattle class is awful. Maybe travelling in business class - with room for my arteries to...

Re: Frankfurt: Not Just for Business

George G. ·
I liked your description of the Rubens exhibit that tied together his inspirational objects and sketches. Adds so much more to an art exhibit instead of just hanging a painting with the title. I also fell into the trap of not visiting Frankfurt when I only lived about 20 miles away for about six years. I did really enjoy the Frankfurt Zoo and their Christmas Market.

Re: St. Martins Sea Caves, New Brunswick

DrFumblefinger ·
Fascinating place. I love the outside shot of people about to enter the cave. My first impression was that the rock was a large tree and dwarves were about to enter a hole right above its roots.

Re: Sept. 4, 2018: Istanbul's Spice Bazaar

GarryRF ·
The first time I visited a Bazaar like this I was amazed with the colours and sights. Reminded me of the time when after years of black and white TV I saw my first Colour TV - Speechless !!

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#287)

DrFumblefinger ·
Delete the shed and I think the Professor is on to something.

Re: Sept 10, 2018: Rideau Canal, Ottawa

GarryRF ·
I was lucky enough to "borrow" a beautiful house on Rideau Lakes and explore Ottawa. Beautiful - but underpopulated - part of the world. Perfect for me,

Re: April 8, 2020: Standley Lake Regional Park, Colorado

Samantha ·
Thank you DrFumbleFinger. This whole no travel thing is making me insane, l We've missed two trips already, one because of sickness over Valentines Day and one one because of this irritating virus issue. We also have two more (2+ week road trip through 11 states for our anniversary, and a trip to Atlanta for a convention) before the end of June that will prob not happen. Just so frustrating. I am also worried about a trip to AZ in Sept, NH, VT, and ME in Oct and CA in Nov. Not knowing when...

Re: Arriving in Venice, 1960

Travel Rob ·
Incredible photos and story! My first trip to Venice, I remember walking and getting a haircut . Although it took forever getting around by foot , those memories are etched in my mind. I've forgotten the ferries.

Re: Arriving in Venice, 1960

George G. ·
Almost a Big Mistake in Venice. I remember taking my daughter to Venice for her birthday then buying a $750 ring for her in one of the jewelry stores. The owner told me I could get the tax refunded from the government and he said it would be about $700. I said that is almost the entire price of the ring, then he told me the ring was $7,500 because I converted the Lira wrongly on my calculator due to many Lira zeroes with that currency. She did get a ring but not that one.

Re: Top 10 Most Beautiful Gardens In The World

Paul Heymont ·
I think that's one of the problems with so much travel journalism: Top-Tenism, the urge to line things up in order and crown a winner. That means, often, directing attention away from wonderful things that 'didn't make the list.' I'd much rather see lists of 'Ten wonderful gardens you might enjoy' or 'ten restaurants I've enjoyed.' As for gardens: Some are quite formal, others either informal or with the goal of showing nature rather than decor. Some are large, others small. Some are...

Re: Tickets: Check before you cancel!

Professorabe ·
British Airways are trying their best to hold on to their customers' money. We have had 4 flights from Frankfurt to London cancelled by them (on two separate bookings). Whilst by law they should simply refund the money to the credit card, they send you links involving only 'travel vouchers' and phone numbers with automated messages directing you to the same vouchers. It is extremely difficult to find anything to do with actual refunds, but I am persisting. I also am pursuing claims under EU...

Re: Tickets: Check before you cancel!

Paul Heymont ·
On the other hand, some airlines are offering bonuses for holding onto tickets and accepting vouchers; that would be a less objectionable practice! As for BA, I take the decision to postpone Willie Walsh's retirement as NOT a sign of smooth sailing, or flying, ahead...

Re: Tickets: Check before you cancel!

Professorabe ·
I fully agree. You might expect this sort of con from a few of the budget airlines, but it seems it has now become BA's policy to lure people into accepting something that might prove utterly worthless: I can always ask the credit card company to charge the amounts back to my card, but I should not have to do that. As to EU 261 compensation, they obviously assume that few people will bother to take things further. They might just be wrong...

Re: The Cloisters: A Medieval World in New York

Marilyn Jones ·
I love all things medieval! Thank you for sharing all your beautiful photos!

Re: April 2, 2020: Busy Bee in Spring, Liverpool, UK.

DrFumblefinger ·
Great photo Garry! Just the right amount of movement on the wings. I guess the bee didn't get his self-isolation notification.

Re: Belgium and Sweden see night-train link

Paul Heymont ·
I haven't found a definitive answer to that; the nearest I have come is speculation that DB is concerned about competition with existing conventional trains along the route; DB is the major carrier on the route, but they are clearly not doing much of a job of it as the schedule I've linked here shows. The minimum number of train changes is 2, with some itineraries requiring 8! And the ones with only 2 or 3 changes sell for nearly $200, compared to $70 with 8 changes. I'd think a direct...

Re: 12 Countries ask vouchers instead of refunds

Professorabe ·
I have said it before and certainly have not changed my mind: why do airlines think they are above the law? There are plenty of other businesses suffering severely at present, but they do not have the option of hanging on to their customers' cash to keep themselves afloat. The way in which airlines have behaved over this issue is simply disgraceful and will have done nothing to engender goodwill amongst their customers. Indeed, many might - at a stroke - have destroyed the benefits of their...

Re: 12 Countries ask vouchers instead of refunds

Paul Heymont ·
In a conversation with Travel Rob last week, I set out my minimum conditions before a bailout or other relief can be discussed: 1) All boarding to be by efficiency, no priority for anyone except physical need 2) minimum one free checked bag for all flights over 250 miles (under 250, you should drive or take a train, anyway) 3) elimination of most nuisance fees 4) minimum 32" pitch with no more than 2" recline 5) 20-year cap on exec salaries...CEO to earn max 20x full-time flight attendant...

Re: The Gray Whales of Magdalena Bay

Marilyn Jones ·
Fantastic photos! I have been on whale watching ships, but never for the gray whale. I would love to experience this adventure!

Re: Dec. 20, 2018: Liverpool Central Library Ceiling.

Paul Heymont ·
George, I agree! And because the Title Image format required a clipping of the edges, I'm posting Garry's full image here.

Re: Lake Bohinj, Slovenia

Professorabe ·
It's a great many years since my wife and I went to Slovenia and then it was for only a few days. Your article inspires me to think about returning there. Lovely scenery.

Re: Nov. 29, 2019: Homage to Swimming, Barcelona

masatl ·
If I had to pick one favorite city that I've traveled to it would have to be Barcelona. Thanks for the reminder that it's time to go BACK.

Re: December 3, 2019: Palamidi Fortress, Greece

GarryRF ·
I love picking fresh fruit in Greece. Straight from the Tree. One of the highlites of any Holiday. Maybe it's just me - but the taste of a Lemon just off the tree is amazing. So many Greek Fruits I didn't know the name of. You dont get them in supermarkets.

Re: Learning More About New CompTIA A+ 220-1001 and 220-1002 Exams and How Exam Labs Practice Tests Can Assist You?

Ceilena Martin ·
I’m pretty sure this would help other people so I’m sharing my success story. As always, preparing for certification exams is nerve-wracking in midst of this chaos of several different resources videos, books, lab exercises none actually guarantee you will perform well or not. So before you tired yourself out completely give a try to Latest 220-1002 Sample Questions. These been designed to reflect the actual exam format is like and in what way they can achieve the most favorable result. This...