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Tagged With "Val-Kill"

Blog Post

Italian ski resorts: Get insurance or pay for rescue

Paul Heymont ·
Italian ski resorts, faced with rising costs and declining subsidies, have warned skiiers: If your insurance doesn't cover your rescue, you'll have to pay for it.   The warning covers resorts in a number of areas in the Alto Adige, Trentino and...
Blog Post

Val-Kill: Eleanor Roosevelt's home in Hyde Park

Jonathan L ·
Jonathan L takes us from FDR's home to Eleanor Roosevelt's house at Val-Kill, in Hyde Park NY

Re: Italian ski resorts: Get insurance or pay for rescue

DrFumblefinger ·
It seems quite reasonable to me that the skier should pay for the rescue. €200 is a bargain rate -- I'm sure it actually costs much more, especially if a helicopter is involved.

Re: Italian ski resorts: Get insurance or pay for rescue

Paul Heymont ·
I believe that the fees quoted are actually a penalty, intended to discourage abuse of the service and to encourage insurance. I can't imagine a fee like that would ever cover the cost of a serious rescue operation, even without a helicopter. I do wonder if, in the end, it will achieve the effect they're looking for, or just discourage skiing...

Re: Italian ski resorts: Get insurance or pay for rescue

Travel Rob ·
I agree with mandatory insurance in the ski pass. I don't think there should be a penalty if that mandatory insurance is not there because there will be some people that don't call for help quick enough because of a 200 Euro( or a lot a lot higher in Italy's neighboring countries) fine.