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Tagged With "War of 1812"


Re: Pearl Harbor, Hawaii (Where Gumbo was #195)

GarryRF ·
Another reminder of man's inhumanity towards man. Deeply moving moment - like a visit to the gravestones of northern France. Less we forget.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, July 13, 2015: Gettysburg at dusk

Marilyn Jones ·
Taking the pictures at dusk really adds to the somberness of Gettysburg. Beautiful!

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, July 13, 2015: Gettysburg at dusk

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for the note, Marilyn! I agree. The low light really added to the drama of that setting.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, July 13, 2015: Gettysburg at dusk

Jonathan L ·
If you are going to Gettysberg, I highly recommend also seeing the Anteitam battlefield. It is about an hour's drive away, and well worth the trip. I would probably do Anteitam first as it the battle there was about a year earlier in the war.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, July 13, 2015: Gettysburg at dusk

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for the tip, Jonathan. Another interesting stop is to President Eisenhower's home, which adjoins Gettysburg. Like stepping back into the era of MadMen.

Re: Remembering: The British War Cemetery, Trincomalee

GarryRF ·
War Memorial Washington DC.

Re: Finding Reiner #8: Trail's End?

Travel Rob ·
Reiner is far from forgotten, thanks to all your research. Poland too holds special memories for me and from what you show of Świeradów Zdrój,it is spectacular. Thanks again Whitney for your incredible moving series.Reiner would be proud!

Re: Finding Reiner #8: Trail's End?

HistoryDigger ·
I have enjoyed sharing my search for Reiner with your readers. Joy!

Re: Finding Reiner #8: Trail's End?

HistoryDigger ·
Check out more of Pawel Wyszomirski's documentary photography here at

Re: Finding Reiner #8: Trail's End?

DrFumblefinger ·
It would have been so very nice for you to have found Reiner as an elderly man slowly walking home with the aid of his cane from his daily dip in the mineral spring, and joined him for a revitalizing sip of schnaps and shared with him your journey. How cool would it have been for you to say, "Hi, Reiner. I'm your nephew's wife, Whitney". I think he'd be tickled to no end to know how much you've cared and how hard you've tried to find him.... Sadly, the absence of an ending like this should...

Re: Finding Reiner #8: Trail's End?

HistoryDigger ·
Dr. Fumblefinger—your response moves me. And I agree with you about looking for wiser solutions to conflict. Travel leads me to see what connects us to each other, not what separates us.

Re: Finding Reiner #8: Trail's End?

GarryRF ·
I've travelled to Brisbane Australia looking for clues to my fathers war record. It was a hot summers day when I found Roe Street Barracks - still in use ! I was convinced it would have gone years ago to a development. I stood in the entrance and I felt a shiver run down my back. A feeling I've heard described as "someone walking on your grave"

Re: Finding Reiner #8: Trail's End?

HistoryDigger ·
I know that feeling, GarryRF. Though, in this case, I would call it walking on HIS grave.

Re: Finding Reiner #7: Shrapnel & Bones

Paul Heymont ·
I can't help thinking, as I read your descriptions, and the memories of the people you met, at the people, old and young, caught up in Palestine and in Iraq in circumstances not very different. It is sad that we continue to live in a world where their wishes and hopes are of so little consequence to those who call the shots. Literally.

Re: Finding Reiner #7: Shrapnel & Bones

HistoryDigger ·
I can't help thinking the same thing. If only we could see through the eyes of others.

Re: Finding Reiner #7: Shrapnel & Bones

Carlin Scherer ·
Beautiful image - grabbing on to the spider web and flying into a peaceful land/world. Reiner wrote beautifully!!!

Re: Finding Reiner #7: Shrapnel & Bones

DrFumblefinger ·
Originally Posted by Carlin Scherer: Beautiful image - grabbing on to the spider web and flying into a peaceful land/world. Reiner wrote beautifully!!! Reiner was a great writer, and I'm sure in the original German it's even more elegantly phrased than in this fine translation! PHeymont -- agree with the sentiment. Believe we'll always have evil, power grabbing tyrants in our midst and our challenge is not to keep them from seizing power. Not an easy task. I've been reading Eric Metaxas...

Re: Finding Reiner #7: Shrapnel & Bones

HistoryDigger ·
DrFumblefinger—I've been meaning to read that book about Bonhoeffer. In fact, I'll do so, as soon as I finish Forgotten Holocaust: The Poles Under German Occupation, 1939-1944 by Richard C. Lukas and Norman Davies . My affection for the Polish people I've met has spurred me to deepen my understanding of the German occupation and devastation of Poland.

Re: Seat Wars break out in the air...

Travel Rob ·
The Daily Telegraph conducted a poll after the first 2 incidents on "Should Reclining Seats be Banned" and 70% of the respondents said yes. The lack of leg space is a big issue and I hope airlines enact more reasonable legroom space for coach. If the reported stories are true though, some passengers weren't acting mature or reasonable at all and really should face stiff penalties for their actions

Re: Seat Wars break out in the air...

DrFumblefinger ·
I think on short domestic flights (let's say 3 hours or less), we could do away with the reclining seats. For longer duration flights, more legroom would be a great addition and keep the reclining seats. But I can't see the airlines going this route. Space is so tight I can't even see the screen of my netbook if the traveler in front of me reclines their seat.

Re: Weymouth's tribute to the brave.

GarryRF ·
Very touching blog. Thanks.

Re: Weymouth's tribute to the brave.

Paul Heymont ·
Together with the Finding Reiner series, this post helps remind us of the individuals and the effects on their communities. We've been seeing large and small memorials in France this past week. We were stunned, viewing the memorial in Saint-Remy-de-Provence, to note that there are over 100 names on the WWI memorial, many with similar, even identical names, contrasted with only a half-dozen or so from WWII, and then other numbers from other wars. The large losses in France in the First World...

Re: Weymouth's tribute to the brave.

GarryRF ·
During WW1, before conscription was announced, young men were encouraged to join by local dignitaries and celebrities. Hundreds of Regiments of Infantry were formed with names such as the Liverpool Pals and the Bolton Pals - all made up of men from the same town. Many regiments were completely lost to combat in France. Small towns had lost all their young men to war and were left with no one coming home. Regiments after 1916 were drawn from several towns and cities.

Re: Art, Architecture, History and More in Fun Frederick, MD

George G. ·
One of our sister agencies called the Armed Forces Medical Intelligence Center was located in Fort Detrick in Frederick Maryland. I visited AFMIC a number of times and your photos of the National Museum of Civil War Medicine brought back memories. I have not toured Frederick village itself, but your story has prompted me to put it on my list of places to visit.

Re: Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario (Where Gumbo was #301)

GarryRF ·
A fine piece of History from a young Town. With a small population it appears to be booming in style and grace. Could even make it to Garry's favourite "Small Town America List". An Oasis of Olde World Quality and Charm. This Town took some locating. Good one Dr F.

Re: Fort William Henry: A journey to the 18th century

GarryRF ·
Oh what a tangled web we British weave. Interesting read of a little known piece of History. Thanks Jonathan !

Re: Fort William Henry: A journey to the 18th century

George G. ·
Crazy looking hats with the fuzz ball on top.

Re: Celebrating Natchez, Mississippi’s 300th Anniversary

DrFumblefinger ·
I've met some of the nicest people in my visits to Mississippi. Not been to Natchez yet, but the writing of Greg Iles and Marilyn Jones have really moved it up my bucket list! Thanks for this interesting piece, Marilyn. I learned a lot!

Re: Celebrating Natchez, Mississippi’s 300th Anniversary

Marilyn Jones ·
Thank you DRFUMBLEFINGER. Over the years I have visited several Mississippi locations and you're right: friendly people and beautiful areas to explore. Natchez is one of my favorites.

Re: The Murals of Winnipeg Pt 1

DrFumblefinger ·
Very informative and interesting post, TravelingCanuck! I lived in Winnipeg for about a dozen years during my teens and early 20s, and go back often to visit my elderly father who still lives there in a retirement home. I've seen some of the street art in the city, but not these very interesting murals. I note on the Valour mural photos there appears to be white stuff falling from the sky. This could, of course, happen almost any time of year in Winnipeg. Anyways, thanks for sharing and hope...

Re: The Murals of Winnipeg Pt 1

TravelingCanuck ·
You are correct. I was there mid April and there was a light dusting of snow falling. I will be back in the fall or new year again and plan on checking out more murals for a part 2.

Re: The Murals of Winnipeg Pt 1

Travel Rob ·
Great piece! Those murals are incredible!

Re: The Murals of Winnipeg Pt 1

TravelingCanuck ·
Thanks. What is nice is that most murals has some link to the cultural, ethnic or historical aspect of Winnipeg. They show a diverse cross-section of the life of the city over the years.

Re: The Murals of Winnipeg Pt 1

Paul Heymont ·
Looking forward to Part 2...some of the ones you've showed us here are incredible.

Re: The Murals of Winnipeg Pt 1

TravelingCanuck ·
Thank you. If my schedule is good I will be back to Winnipeg in the fall sometime and plan to do more for a part 2.

Re: Mar. 15, 2016: Vicksburg Old Court House Museum

Travel Rob ·
Great piece and photos Marilyn!

Re: Finding Reiner #5: Behind the Veil of Time

Paul Heymont ·
I am just now catching up on reading, and I continue to be touched by not only your persistence and care in searching for Reiner, but also helping us search for meaning in so much that has been left behind in our understanding, because it doesn't fit under the grand tags that "simplify" history for posterity. This summer commemorates the start of World War I, important events of the end of World War II...and yet, so little of the individuals and their fates. Even the exhibits we saw this...

Re: Finding Reiner #5: Behind the Veil of Time

HistoryDigger ·
I am finding the same is true for all wars I have studied. We know so little about the people in the trenches whose lives meant little to the leaders. I hope this bog series reveals at least one life. The journey to find Reiner has been life-changing for me, his nephew's wife.

Re: Finding Reiner #6: Frozen Grave

Carlin Scherer ·
It is a sad - difficult story. I want to meet Reiner too. Your work and research and photos of the land where he was "found" bring his story alive - right here, right now!

Re: Finding Reiner #6: Frozen Grave

Travel Rob ·
Very powerful. I keep thinking of that local man's mothers story and it's similar to stories I've heard from some ,in the the WW2 generation living in Eastern Europe ,about the Russian Army of WW2.

Re: Finding Reiner #6: Frozen Grave

DrFumblefinger ·
I'm really enjoying this moving series, History Digger. It is a captivating narrative. Admire your dogged determination to find the truth. Thanks for making us all a part of your journey.

Re: Finding Reiner #6: Frozen Grave

Travel Rob ·
I wanted to add the photography by Pawel Wyszomirski is just wonderful and timeless. Really captures your journey.

Re: Finding Reiner #6: Frozen Grave

GarryRF ·
Amazing story indeed. I've heard many recollections from veterans of WW2 and all of them beyond belief. When I was a schoolboy (in England) my Math Teacher was in the real "Great Escape" in 1944 and told us boys stories to make your hair stand up ! But when he told us of the Germans making an "example" of repeat escapees his eyes were full of the horrors of war. Then we'd get back to the Math lesson. "Tomorrow we'll found out how we hid the guard dogs!"

Re: Finding Reiner #6: Frozen Grave

HistoryDigger ·
GarryRF, Thanks for your response. I'd like to hear those stories, despite the horror in them. What a way to teach kids math. Yikes.

Re: Finding Reiner #6: Frozen Grave

GarryRF ·
Whitney. I was just emailing TravelRob. Maybe you could contact a TV station here in England. The Centenary of WW1 is big news across Europe this year 1914 - 1918 and we have many programmes looking back at all the wars since. Have you seen the "Great Escape" Movie. ( Steve McQueen - James Garner and all ) ? Some facts are true - some "based" on the true story. It's very late here in England. Contact you tomorrow.

Re: Finding Reiner #6: Frozen Grave

HistoryDigger ·
Yes, I love the Great Escape! Let's talk more.

Re: Finding Reiner #6: Frozen Grave

GarryRF ·
Just having lunch - what subject you interested in ? Prison Camps, What was untrue in the Great Escape or what was true ? Vanishing guard dogs ?

Re: Finding Reiner #6: Frozen Grave

HistoryDigger ·
ALL of those. Wish I could sit down for lunch with you and hear the rest. I'm quite interested in using my Reiner research material for various genres—adult lit, young adult lit, and film.

Re: Finding Reiner #6: Frozen Grave

GarryRF ·
As you've seen in the Great Escape, taking prisoners into the forest and killing them wasn't just a Russian idea. It was used against the Allied POWs by the SS. But there were many allied airmen shot down over Germany who returned home after the war with life saving surgery by the "enemy" Metal plates fitted to the skull where the bone had been shot away I remember. Shall I send an email to your website Whitney ?

Re: Finding Reiner #6: Frozen Grave

HistoryDigger ·
GarryRF. Yes please send that email. Or DM me on Twitter @whitneystewart2. My uncle was shot down by Germans, but was saved and mended by Partisans. See Finding Reiner #2.