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Tagged With "FDR home and presidential library"


Re: Boston in the fall - suggestions please!

HistoryDigger ·
Glad you're traveling again, Mac. Boston is my home town, and October is THE BEST MONTH. Where are you staying in the city? I'd walk the Freedom Trail if you're feeling up to it. Go down to the waterfront. Boston Common and Charles Street are fun places to hang out. Newbury Street is fancy shopping and also has a few fun bistros and coffee shops. The Science Museum is excellent. Plenty of seafood to be had. New England clam chowder is great if you have sweater-weather. Go whale-watching...

Re: Boston in the fall - suggestions please!

GarryRF ·
Mac. I'll be in Pennsylvania - Delaware - Maryland - Virginia later this month through September. Although a good way south of your expedition the colours of winter arrive gradually and the days are still warm enough to enjoy walking the empty State Parks. Only a leisurely days drive south of Boston. I love that warm gap between the end of an English summer and getting back home for that first chill of winter. LATE SEPTEMBER

Re: Boston in the fall - suggestions please!

Mac ·
Thank you Dr. F. - wise words we will keep 1-2 hotels booked ahead and be flexible beyond that. We are really looking forward to this new 'slice' of America, I never realised that the Pilgrim fathers just named every new town after their old home towns - I'm going to be quite confused!! Thanks too Garry that looks lovely! I envy you being there ahead of us!! PS we are now on the verge of booking Cuba too and are horrified at the cost that Virgin Atlantic is trying to screw us for an upgrade...

Re: World's scariest hiking trail?

PortMoresby ·
As a confirmed acrophobic, I had trouble even looking at the pictures. But then I can't have an accident if I can't even imagine doing the climb. I'll concentrate on not falling down the stairs in my home and maintain my preference for looking UP at mountains from flat ground or water.

Re: Should Wi-Fi be free in all hotels?

Paul Heymont ·
Technically, it would be possible to create very large WiFi zones, whether free or paid. But since someone gets paid (either on the meter, or a fee for the project) and there is a cost to constructing/installing the equipment to broadcast that won't happen unless someone is paying. In the case of the hotel, picking up on rbciao's point about breakfast--have you noticed that the free WiFi and the free breakfast tend to come with the budget chains, while the high-end places charge...

Re: Should Wi-Fi be free in all hotels?

rbciao ·
Free room wi-fi is one amenity that influences where we stay here or in Europe. We've noticed more and more Italian hotels and b&b's are offering this free service. In fact, we've seen free wi-fi zones in small Italian towns. Let's hope the expansion trend continues because it certainly makes attending to home and business much easier.

Re: How'd We Live Without Travel Apps?

Janine ·
I had Viber on my phone and it was nice in the beginning. But when my calls got interrupted a lot and the quality of the talk was bad too, although I have WiFi at home, I deleted it finally. I think Skype is still the best for me.

Re: How'd We Live Without Travel Apps?

Janine ·
I had Viber on my phone and it was nice in the beginning. But when my calls got interrupted a lot and the quality of the talk was bad too, although I have WiFi at home, I deleted it finally. I think Skype is still the best for me.

Re: Baby born on plane. Ticket, please ?

Paul Heymont ·
Wonder what the rules are for citizenship and immigration. Will the child be able to return home to Spain without an identity document?

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

GarryRF ·
Getting around the UK is very easy using Public Transport. Students travel around the country all the time - going to Uni and back home for the weekend. Friends going to weddings and folks going to London. London - like big Cities in the US - is a Traffic Nightmare ! Fortunately the UK is about the same size as a US State. Maybe Florida ? So its only a few hours by road. Trains are much faster - but more expensive, You're choice. So... look at They're...

Re: Christmas in Arizona--what to do?

DrFumblefinger ·
Arizona is a huge state, EyeWonder. Where exactly were you going to be home-based during your Christmas vacation? It would help to know so that we could better advise you.

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

Hank ·
Forgot to mention that my classes and exams are over the first week of May. So I'd like to go after than. When I get back home I need to move to my new job and find a place to live, so I'd like June to do that.

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

Paul Heymont ·
Here's a link to the current rates: The rates are based on distance from London to capital of the other country; for U.S., that's 3661 miles and the rate converts to about $108, twice that for any class above cattle class. The APD particularly bites for Caribbean people living in UK; they're in the next band up and that means a family of 4 visiting home pay about $750 round trip on top of the tickets!

Re: Renting an apartment in Europe

PortMoresby ·
CICAK, may I suggest you encourage your wife to see the big picture. When you're in a hotel room you are not required to savage the minibar. When you're in an apartment you aren't required to cook. The kitchen just exists quietly should you desire it. What you're there for is to spread out, have privacy with all the comforts of home, possibly be in a more interesting neighborhood & surrounded by people who interest you and who may even be interested in you and any number of other...

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

Hank ·
Hi everyone! I'm back. Just arrived at my parents home for Thanksgiving. Not had a lot of time to work on this trip since I last visited TravelGumbo, but some progress to report. I have a firm ticket reservation for Manchester, returning from Paris, though a few days off the dates we talked about. But 29 days in Europe! Whooppeee!! I have a guidebook from the Library which I'm going to go through this long weekend (one by Fodors). I think this will help. Anyone know of a good pocket size...

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

Hank ·
Hi guys, hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. It was good to be with my family again. Visiting and catching up with everyone took longer than I'd thought, but did do a little research into the trip and came out with this plan. Basically, with GarryRF's advice, I think I'll focus my time in the north to save money cause my budget is limited. After that I'll finish my vacation in London and Paris. I need to find places to stay but more important now just to frame the trip. The details I...

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

Hank ·
Hi Everyone! Hope you had a good Christmas. I spent mine with my parents, which was nice. I've been busy planning this trip that you've helped me with and I think I'm making good progress. Largely starting to arrange places to stay and developing a list of "must see" things for myself. Using the hostels and airB&B I've been able to get decent looking and affordable places for me. I still need to find something for London and Paris, but the rest of the trip is mostly worked out. Might...

Re: Is Pre-check or Global Entry worth it?

Former Member ·
I dunno...most of my overseas flights have come home through Kennedy in NY or gone out that way, and the way it's been sometimes, I think at $100 for 5 years, I'd take it. I'd probably even take it as a $50 per round-trip deal. When you get off the plane, you want to go home, not wait hours in a line...

Re: Gifts to bring back from Portugal or Barcellona

Paul Heymont ·
I may not be much help, because we tend to send postcards to the grandchildren from each city, with notes about what we've seen and think they would be interested in, and to avoid filling the suitcase with physical items. But for those few things we do buy, we usually go to the market! One of our travel rituals, on the first day when we stock the apartment, is to look for a local preserve or jam that we don't see at home (skyberries in Stockholm, for instance). Once we've found one we really...

Re: Cheapest airfare to Portugal and Spain

Paul Heymont ·
Can't speak too much about SEA-TAC strategies, but I'm sure you'll have to change planes at least once! Try to avoid any that change at London, because of the British Air Passenger Duty on the way home, and the huge hassle of Heathrow. I did a little random searching for next July, using an open-jaw plan: Fly to Lisbon, train to Porto, fly to Barcelona, fly home, and found fares around $1600 on offer. Lisbon is not that competitive a city, so one strategy would be to keep an eye out for...

Re: How loooong does it take to get to your airport?

TravelGirlJenn ·
I think it depends on where one lives. Yes, those three cities may be faster; however should someone live IN Oakland, it may take them mere minutes using public transportation to get to the Oakland airport. And, using Oakland as an example, it takes me less time to get to the Oakland airport from my house using public transport than it would if I were to take my car simply because of traffic. However, to travel to my home to San Francisco (SFO) it is actually longer to take public transport...

Re: How do occupy your time while flying?

Travel Rob ·
Great ideas and i especially like the audiobook idea! For me it depends whether I'm going on the trip or returning home. Going, I tend to organize my notes and read about some of the sights I'm planning on visiting. That used to be in guidebooks but now it's a combination of guidebooks and material I've printed off. Coming home, I try to relax and unwind. Maybe watch a movie or read a fiction book. My next trip I want to use that time to learn some French.

Re: Airbnb Questions

PortMoresby ·
1. " payment for Airbnb places always processed in the US even for stays overseas?" Airbnb processes reservations for guests in their own currency, pays out in the currency of the host. So you, in the US, will always pay in US dollars, a UK resident will pay in £s, etc. The host posts prices in their home currency and when a guest in another country logs in and searches/books, the price is converted by the website at the current exchange rate and they always see the rate in their own...

Re: Books That Sent You Packing (your bag, that is)

DrFumblefinger ·
People always laugh when I tell them this but the book that most inspired me to travel was Arthur C Clarke's "2001 a Space Odyssey". It made me want to see the universe -- or at least Clavius Base on the moon. It wasn't until later that I learned I'd have to settle for staying on the planet. Little did I know those journeys would one day lead me to the home and friendship of the man who wrote the book that so inspired me.

Re: How do you buy your travel?

PortMoresby ·
There's been no mention, that I noticed, of consolidators for multi-segment air travel. I've had great success over the years using Airtreks and now, after a number of bookings, have a "relationship" with an agent there. The only job of a consolidator is to find their clients the cheapest fares point to point and string them together to make a unique personalized trip. They use airlines with which they have contracts for the lowest fares so, short of a spectacular sale, will, as far as I can...

Re: I get to Boomerang to Spain ! Cheap !

Paul Heymont ·
I'm not sure on your question about WB's trip, because it depends on routing. From NY, AA most often uses their own seats for the ocean hop, but does use some BA seats from Newark. Other cities...not sure how many BA seats used in that direction. And sometimes it's a matter of class. For instance, last year flying home from Paris, there were AA seats in business class available non-stop, but economy was only available on BA Orly-London-Newark.

Re: Paris Authentic

Paul Heymont ·
The 2CV is already on my reservation list for next summer's trip (might be my birthday present!). I love the routing logic. JFK is my home so I can't avoid it, but I'm always searching for ways to avoid Heathrow. Last summer that led to 5 days in Barcelona on the way home from Portugal, and next summer we're having Basel as an add-on so we can fly from Zurich instead of through London.'s a 2CV parked outside a restaurant along the Adige, in Verona last summer.

Re: Spain or Portugal?

Paul Heymont ·
Your budget will take you WAY farther in Portugal than in Spain, although with care you can do well in Spain as well. Portugal, and especially Lisbon, is the home of filling delicious meals in every neighborhood for 5-7€ which lets you spend a bit more on frills and excitement. You might think of something like a week or so based in Lisbon, a few days in Porto and then...if the budget stretches...a budget flight to a last few days in Barcelona (or other city of your choice with US-bound flights.

Re: Replacing iPhone Abroad

DrFumblefinger ·
Originally Posted by PortMoresby: I'd be inclined to contact the original source of the phone and see if they can Fedex a replacement. Be careful with that. There might be a huge duty/tariff you'd have to pay to do so. Check this out with your concierge before you take this route. But if no customs fee, I'd probably get a new phone from back home, too.

Re: Replacing iPhone Abroad

PortMoresby ·
"Be careful with that. There might be a huge duty/tariff..." VAT may, of course, be imposed but then most likely refunded when you take it home again. It's certainly worth checking out if all else fails. Then there's the dreaded "do without" option, if imagination allows.

Re: Replacing iPhone Abroad

HistoryDigger ·
My husband would never switch phone allegiances! So, he'd still have to buy a new iPhone at home. Right now he's using his laptop to iMessage from the hotel wifi. But it's a good idea, and one that other travelers may want to try.

Re: Replacing iPhone Abroad

HistoryDigger ·
UPDATE ON REPLACING AN iPHONE 5 IN EUROPE: Cologne's Apple store didn't have a US iPhone 5 in stock and the technician offered to order one for us. However, the phone would not arrive for a week, and we would be in London by then. So we made an Apple store genius bar appointment at London's Stratford City-Westfield location near the Olympic Park. WARNING: we made this appointment a week in advance, which is standard for Genius Bar schedules in Europe. (For laptop appointments, the wait is...

Re: Help with Provence Itinerary

Paul Heymont ·
Thanks for the comprehensive thoughts! We have been in Arles and Aix...not for as long as I'd have liked, but I think we'll have to include Avignon this time (nearby, and only got an hour of our time before). I'm leaning to the idea of one day for the Luberon, one for Avignon and the rest closer to "home"--although the roast chicken is calling me! We're arriving in St-Remy around 9ish on Wednesday, with an apartment just behind the main part of the market (hope we can get through to the...

Re: Agritourism Bed and Breakfast in Normandy

DrFumblefinger ·
I can't recommend an agrotourismo, but I'd suggest you consider staying in Bayeux. Very small town, charming medieval core, great cathedral and of course its famous tapestry. We stayed at a nice B&B which was near the heart of the historic town core, very convenient to everything. Owned by a wonderful couple who were great hosts and were fascinating to talk to. And they helped us outline highlights of what to see in the area. An elegant home -- maybe larger than you need and not quite...

Is a stopover in Iceland worthwhile

Travel Luver ·
A number of you have helped me plan a trip to Portugal and Barcelona.  I've decided to go on this trip next May when I'll have a few more days of vacation. Checking out different airline websites, I came across Icelandair, which flies...

Traveling for Local Food

Former Member ·
Hi...I'm in Atlanta, home of some great food (including barbecue, soul and MaryMac's Tea Room which you've all got to get to someday). Anyway, right after New Years, I'm packing my family (2 of us and 2 kids) and driving to Denver for my parents'...

Safe to fly on New Years?

Former Member ·
We're coming home from our Christmas break on a red-eye that gets in at 12:15 January 1--15 minutes into the new year. A co-workers is suddenly very concerned, she says its bad luck to travel at times like that. She says its not superstition,...

Beating Jet Lag

DrFumblefinger ·
One of the most frustrating things about traveling between continents is jet lag.  It's a little different for everyone but basically is caused by your body's 24 bio-rhythm (internal clock) being thrown into disarray by changing time zones,...

Some of the best small town festivals in America

DrFumblefinger ·
I enjoy visiting festivals and special gatherings, especially in smaller cities and towns (where the crowds aren't so overwhelming).  Fodors recently featured a listing of some of their favorites in the USA, many of which I'd not heard of...

Books That Sent You Packing (your bag, that is)

PortMoresby ·
The book I always think of in this regard is ‘The Sheltering Sky’, by Paul Bowles. And the subsequent movie, with the devilish John Malkovich as, guess who, Port Moresby. It inspired me to take the plunge and travel outside Europe, to Morocco, a place I’ve returned again and again, sure that would be so as soon as I read the book. But there have been others - ‘The River’s Tale: A Year on the Mekong’, by Edward Gargan, added Yunnan Province in China to my first round-the-world destination...

3 Alternatives To b&b Accommodation In France

Ruby Daub ·
With reliably warm weather, beautiful scenery and gastronomic delights; France is a very popular holiday destination. As parts of the country are only hours away, it is a hit with both those looking for long summer vacations or short weekends away. France offers a huge variety of holiday and accommodation options, so there is something for everyone. While hotels and B&B’s are a very popular choice, if you’re after something a little different on your holiday to France then here are three...

October - A perfect month to explore Udaipur and nearby sites

Pratap Singh ·
Udaipur, which is also known as the lake city of India, is a beautiful and romantic tourist destination, in the state of Rajasthan (INDIA). Udaipur has been the home of the Mewar Kingdom, which has built a strong empire from 11th to 20th century and has not surrender to major empires in India like the Delhi Sultanate, Mughal, etc. Now as said in the title, October is the best month for a couple (or family traveler) to explore Udaipur, as the weather is quite good (not hot or too cold). And...

Top 5 island destinations to revisit in 2017

Rebecca Brown ·
Dreaming of distant oceans, white, sandy beaches, a Mojito in your hand, while a gentle breeze is just ruffling the waters lounging a few feet from your feet? Waking with the sounds of exotic beats trumpeting the air while you lie in a hammock, munch on a coconut and daydream the day away? Might be it’s high time to take a vacation. If you equate vacation with island , paradise and offline , stick with us. We know there are about seven hundred and forty one thousand articles on the best...

Scary Truth About 5 Haunted Places in Goa

Abhishek Mathur ·
Just like every coin Goa is also having its’ another side which is still intact, mysterious and Haunted. Yes! Haunted, you read it right. Place filled with a plethora of people round the year is hard to believe is filled with haunted places. Here is this post we are going to discuss about the Haunted Places in Goa , knowing about which will going to be a different experience. 1. Three Kings Church Three Kings Church Church is the integral part of Goa’s culture and traditions. Filled with...


indianeagle ·
Tired of traversing through the same old tourist trails? Tired of the insane crowds thronging every other tourist attraction in the country? Then maybe it’s time you considered visiting some of the most offbeat yet amazing places in India. This is one of the best ways to enjoy a trip to India as frankly, even the most scenic places in the country lose their charm when massive crowds throng them. Mercifully, India is a vast land that is blessed with plenty of awesome offbeat places as well...

Top 10 Things to Do in Birmingham

Ruby Daub ·
Birmingham is the second largest city in the UK with a population of approximately 1,000,075 at the latest count. With a distinguished history based on its manufacturing heritage this proud city is now a magnet for tourists from all over the world and whether it is shopping you love, attractions or festivals and events, Birmingham and its surrounding area has everything you can think of. Murder Mystery Events If you are thinking of taking a weekend break in Birmingham why not try a Murder...

Are We bored of Abroad? - Why UK holidays are the Next Big Thing

Christina Woodard ·
Millions of holidaymakers are abandoning the beaches of far flung climes and sticking with a staycation in the UK - and in bigger numbers than ever before. Good news for the domestic economy, holidaying Brits are choosing to spend their hard-earned cash and home. The figures make for great reading… In the first quarter of 2016, 10% more people were holidaying in England than at the same time in 2015, a Rise of some 7.3 million holidaymakers. But why? What has changed to prompt people to stay...

Choose Wedding Shoes According to wedding occasion

lillyli ·
The occasion of the wedding is also the choice of shoes to consider factors. Now the market has a flat heel, high heel, heel heels, in the selection of wheels mainly according to personal preferences and wedding type to choose. If the wedding in winter, wear fine belt high heels will be cold, you can choose a just and ankle white boots, preferably the upper fold of the lace or small bow, so it will not feel very clumsy, and very chic, full of feminine taste. If your wedding is held on the...

The Importance Of a Summer Family Break

Ruby Daub ·
Everybody needs some time away from the daily grind. We all live busy lives at work, home and school and with the pressures of day to day life, there is often too little time to relax and communicate properly with our loved ones. Weekends are often filled with extra curricular activities and catching up with paperwork at home or chores. Holidays are necessary to get a break from the routine, from Lakeside holidays in lush countryside to beach breaks abroad but did you know just how...

Visiting and Then Moving to Sunny Brisbane

ArronHidd ·
A couple years back when I was first planning this simple vacation, I never thought it would be as life changing as it was. But life is unpredictable that way, and this story is definitely one for the grandkids. My husband and I were planning a short trip to Brisbane to get away from our 9 to 5 lives, so we booked a room in a hotel and went there for a few days. It was impossible not to fall in love with the atmosphere of the city on the very first day. My husband is a nature lover, so he...