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Tagged With "africa vacation"


Re: Birds of the Okavango Delta

Travel Rob ·
Thanks for those pics!Incredible, all the variety of birds in one spot.

Re: Birds of the Okavango Delta

Dr.Y ·
Wonderful photo shoots! Incredible birds I wish you can name some of them for me

Re: Birds of the Okavango Delta

DrFumblefinger ·
thank you, DrY! If you click on the small thumbnail photos above the comments, you'll see the photos are labeled as to name of the birds which are illustrated. Once open, you can scroll through the photos as a slide show and see all the names!

Re: Birds of the Okavango Delta

Dr.Y ·
That's fantastic! Thanks Dr. Fumblefinger.

Re: Birds of the Okavango Delta

IslandMan ·
amazing pics, DrF. You've taken bird watching to new heights!

Re: Walk the Nile and Take Awhile

PortMoresby ·
Rob, how did I miss this when you posted it? This is possibly the most interesting article I've read for quite a while. I'm pleased they'll be filming it and hope to see it one day. While I'm up for an adventure from time to time watching a film of this one is the closest I'll get to doing it. Thanks!

Re: Cape Grace Hotel, Cape Town, South Africa

Former Member ·
so vintage and classy, must be expensive

Re: Cape Grace Hotel, Cape Town, South Africa

DrFumblefinger ·
It was part of a package that included safaris in Botswana and travel to Victoria Falls, so I'm not aware of the line item expense but the package was expensive. But it was a remarkable experience, Andredeya. I usually stay in "average" places but once in a while it's nice to pamper yourself. The Cape Grace will definitely pamper you More info on Cape Town HERE . A Daytrip from Cape Town HERE .

Re: June 20, 2018: Beer in a Carton

Amateuremigrant ·
What an odd origin ! Things once embedded seem to take a long time to change, even when it's obvious ! I've always hated drinking straight from a carton anyway. In south India I had a surprise when I heard there was some Indian 'Port' at the store and got a small plastic pouch full of something that bore more resemblance to red wine vinegar.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day: May 6th, 2014. Cairo Roadside Cafe

Paul Heymont ·
I love these little slices of daily life, no matter what country, what city. Community rituals are so important to our being communities, not just populations! Thanks, Island Man!

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day: May 6th, 2014. Cairo Roadside Cafe

DrFumblefinger ·
You've truly got a slice of everyday life as the "locals" live it, Islandman! thanks for sharing this.

Re: Hiking Sani Pass, Lesotho, on a Budget

DrFumblefinger ·
That sure looks like an amazing (and very difficult) hike, Travel with Lamb! I wished I'd been using trekking poles starting with my teens. They take tremendous strain off your knees, especially when carrying a heavy load like you were. My knees sadly show the effect of decades of hiking and backpacking. Given how far this is from home and such, I know I'll never do this hike, but you've taken me there so I thank you for that!

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, June 9, 2014: Protea, South Africa

IslandMan ·
These are such amazing specimens of this flower. Beautiful pics...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day. September 10, 2013: African Penguins, Boulders Beach, South Africa.

DrFumblefinger ·
Yes, think about what items would fit well for thumbnail images that people could use as avatars. We can create a bunch, and I do have a number of penguin photos that fit the bill.
Blog Post

Tulbagh, Western Cape, South Africa (Where Gumbo was #351)

Professorabe ·
Gumbo was visiting the charming historic town of Tulbagh in South Africa.
Blog Post

Perspectives on East Africa: 3) Lake Manyara National Park

DrFumblefinger ·
(Lake Manyara, viewed from the Serena Lodge, Tanzania) The last safari destination we visited in Tanzania was Lake Manyara National Park.  We left our camp after breakfast and drove the Ngorongoro Crater Rim Drive through...
Blog Post

Kenya's wildebeests: On the road again, and on TV

Paul Heymont ·
Every year, millions of wildebeests migrate from one grazing area to another in Africa, centered on Kenya, crossing open land, water and forest. And this year, they'll do it on live TV.   The northward migration, from the Serengeti to the Maasai...
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June 20, 2018: Beer in a Carton

George G. ·
Who would have guessed you could buy beer in a milk-style carton in South Africa. George G explains why.
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Animal Interaction Experiences in Africa

Hayden Myers (Guest) ·
Hayden Myers shares some unique suggestions on opportunities to interact with the large animals of Africa -- in their home environments!
Blog Post

Regional Visa Agreements to Simplify Travel

Paul Heymont ·
A number of countries in areas including Southeast Asia and southern Africa are considering simplified regional visas, making travel easier for ...
Blog Post

10 Awesome Things to do on an African Safari

Monica Albert (Guest) ·
Safaris have evolved into a mixtureof travel experiences that can appeal to your individual interests, like hot-air ballooning, fly-in camping and fishing.
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Visiting some of Bologna's Museums

Jonathan L ·
Jonathan L takes on a tour of two of Bologna's wonderful museums
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April 25, 2019: Cape L'Agulhas, South Africa

Professorabe ·
Professor Abe visits the southern most point in Africa, the place where the Indian and Atlantic Oceans meet.
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Walk the Nile and Take Awhile

Travel Rob ·
Explorer Levinson Wood begins his try of walking the Nile this Sunday.Read about it. 
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Celebrating Nature on Seven Continents: Africa, part 1: A Hyena Worth Waiting For

Kirsten Hines ·
On safari in Kenya's savanna, Kirsten Hines' tour group makes an unexpected wildlife sighting...
Blog Post

Celebrating Nature on 7 Continents: Africa, part 2 - Lake Bogoria, Kenya

Kirsten Hines ·
A beautiful afternoon of flamingo watching on the shore of Kenya’s Lake Bogoria quickly changes....

Re: Celebrating Nature on Seven Continents: Africa, part 1: A Hyena Worth Waiting For

Travel Rob ·
Great blog Kirsten and I can't wait to read more in your series! Thanks for sharing and welcome to TG!

Re: Celebrating Nature on Seven Continents: Africa, part 1: A Hyena Worth Waiting For

Old Car Guy ·
Thanks for sharing! Hyenas have always fascinated me and I'd love to see one in the wild.

Re: Celebrating Nature on Seven Continents: Africa, part 1: A Hyena Worth Waiting For

DrFumblefinger ·
I'm somewhat nostalgic, and love stories that reflect back over the years. A great first entry to TravelGumbo, Kirsten -- thanks of sharing this with our travel community!

Re: Penguins and Protea: Cape Point Peninsula

Marilyn Jones ·
Excellent article and photos. I was on an official tour of South Africa when I visited Cape Town. Unfortunately Cape Point wasn't on the itinerary. Maybe I will get the opportunity to return and visit this interesting and picturesque location!

Re: Penguins and Protea: Cape Point Peninsula

DrFumblefinger ·
Hi Marilyn, thanks for your comment. It really works out well as a day trip. Very recommended for your next visit to Cape Town.

Re: Penguins and Protea: Cape Point Peninsula

Roderick Simpson ·
I agree, excellent article and photos. I lived in Cape Town in the early 1980s, and there were no penguins at Boulders until 1982. One other good place to see them is Betty's Bay, which is the other side of False Bay, on the coast road to the whale watching town of Hermanus.
Blog Post

Penguins and Protea: Cape Point Peninsula

DrFumblefinger ·
A day trip from Cape Town, South Africa proved a highlight of DrFumblefinger's trip, with great views, and penguins too!
Blog Post

This train's sleeping cars going nowhere!

Paul Heymont ·
In South Africa's Kruger National Park, a retired sleeper train has become a permanent hotel—parked on a bridge!
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Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe

Barry Barford ·
In southern Africa, Barry Barford visits some stand-out attractions.
Blog Post

Cape Town Bounces Back

Barry Barford ·
Barry Barford is drawn to the natural beauty of Cape Town and impressed by its resilience.
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Chobe National Park, Botswana

Barry Barford ·
Chobe is Botswana’s first national park, and it has one of the largest concentrations of game in Africa.

Re: Chobe National Park, Botswana

Barry Barford ·
Great. We too had hoped to be back there by now, but they've been doing it tough. Hopefully this year!

Re: Chobe National Park, Botswana

Professorabe ·
We had arranged a trip from Windhoek to the Victoria Falls, taking in the Caprivi Strip and the area you visited, for the autumn of 2020. Covid restrictions prevented us from going, and the same happened in 2021. We switched the bookings to 2022 - as far as we could, because not all the businesses involved have survived the pandemic - and are keeping our fingers crossed. Your article has whetted our appetite even further. Thanks!

Re: Chobe National Park, Botswana

DrFumblefinger ·
Great article, Barry! Great photos, Judy! As our guide said repeatedly when we visited, "In Chobe we trust". It will not disappoint.
Blog Post

Grumeti River Lodge, Tanzania

Barry Barford ·
Many responsible safari companies and lodge operators are doing a sterling job preserving the environment, protecting wildlife and engaging with local communities.

Re: Grumeti River Lodge, Tanzania

Marilyn Jones ·
I would love to visit Zambia! From the sounds of it, you certainly deserve a fantastic trip! I was supposed to go to Uganda and missed out because of COVID. Here's to the future!

Re: Grumeti River Lodge, Tanzania

DrFumblefinger ·
My wife and I traveled with "and Beyond" to Botswana and Zimbabwe in 2011. I think it rates as the best travel experience of our lives. Not cheap, but every experience was amazing and without compromise. Time to start planning a return soon.

Re: Grumeti River Lodge, Tanzania

Barry Barford ·
Thanks for all the comments. Here's hoping we can all get to wherever we want to go in the coming months.

Re: Grumeti River Lodge, Tanzania

Marilyn Jones ·
Excellent article; amazing photos! I love Tanzania and would go back in a heartbeat!

Re: Grumeti River Lodge, Tanzania

Professorabe ·
Like you, we had intended to return to Southern Africa in 2020, but the pandemic thwarted our plans. We tried again in 2021, but Covid put an end to that attempt, too. We hope that things will finally work out this September. We had to make a few changes to the original itinerary, because accommodation providers have ceased operating and the car hire company has gone bust. One of the airlines involved (Comair) has now also gone into liquidation and as a result we will be visiting Zambia,...
Blog Post

Where Elephants Rule

Judy Barford ·
This pesky pachyderm gave Judy the opportunity for some action photos.
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Johannesburg, South Africa

Barry Barford ·
Johannesburg is a city of extraordinary contrasts and there is a surprising amount to see and do in the city.
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Sabi Sand Game Reserve, South Africa

Barry Barford ·
Sabi Sand shares a border with Kruger National Park, a 50-kilometre unfenced boundary across which wildlife is free to wander.