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Tagged With "Roe Deer"


Re: Wolves or Cheese: France must decide

DrFumblefinger ·
I love wolves. They are beautiful, but they are also smart and efficient predators. An easy food source like sheep is something they'll go back to again and again once tried, especially if they develop a taste for mutton. Much easier than bringing down a deer, for example, or chasing rabbits. Cattle ranchers in the north central US plains and Canada face a similar problem, where wolves can develop a taste for calves. And that is much more costly to ranchers than the loss of a sheep.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, November 25, 2014: Fall colors at Upper Kananaskis Lake, Alberta

DrFumblefinger ·
Hi GarryRF, Yes, this part of the world includes vaste stretches of wilderness. Lots and lots of unspoiled mountains, valleys, forests, rivers and lakes. It is only an hour's drive from west Calgary, so lots of those of us who live here spend our weekends in the Rockies. Much like those in Denver. Camping is wonderful in the summertime, as the weather is mild and the days very long. It's also great to hike here at that time. Camping in the winter is only for the brave of heart. You need to...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, April 1st, 2015: Cameron Falls, Waterton

Still Country Photo ·
You are correct DrF it was a morning shot, they do get shaded later in the day and the sun is almost behind them in the evening so they are quite dark. I just love Waterton, it is a lovely little town with an amazing view and where the deer graze on your front lawn.

Re: Travel for Garden Lovers, Part I

Dgems ·
Lovely photos......nice mature garden. I envy the roses......the deer eat mine!

Re: Travel for Garden Lovers, Part I

PortMoresby ·
Dgems, maybe you should give Patricia Silva a call and ask her about her varieties of roses. She's up off 49, down Newtown Road and must have deer too. I don't recall fences that would inhibit them. The only one I checked was a David Austin variety, the pale pink climber in the horizontal photo above.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#112)

Paul Heymont ·
Brush fires are common in its native habitat; one of its characteristics is that it's fire-resistant. It's also resistant to deer (or anything else that doesn't want to get cut on sharp edges!)

Re: Sometimes a Trip is just a Walk in the Park

DrFumblefinger ·
I do think people's perspectives and priorities change with time. For example, I care little about a bar or nightlife scene in most of my destinations nowadays; that mattered more to me when I was much younger. I have always loved walking in parks because of the beautiful gardens, etc. But I think i'm much more into people watching in these places than I used to be. One of my favorite places to visit is the provincial park a short block from my home. It's grand to go for a walk in it, see...

Re: Yosemite National Park: A walk among Giants. Hiking in the Mariposa Grove

Jessica Meddows ·
I'm so jealous you got to see deer! We were there a couple of weeks ago and the most wildlife we saw were some birds and adventurous squirrels. I was hoping for a bear or deer. Random question - I've been trying to find out the temperature of the water in Yosemite. Mirror Lake in particularly. You don't happen to know, do you? I went swimming in Mirror Lake and everyone looked at me like I'd spontaneously sprouted a second head.

Re: Yosemite National Park: A walk among Giants. Hiking in the Mariposa Grove

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for all your comments. Followup: DrY. Yes, you and your family should see this sometime. You would love it! We need to plan out a trip to California for you that includes its best parks and some city sites. PHeymont. Yes, you must DO Yosemite. I recommend mid to late May as the best time to go as the waterfalls are brimming with meltwater. I like hikes of all types and can still do "moderate" hikes, though no longer take on "challenging" ones. But the Mariposa grove is doable by...

Re: Gold Country, California: The Great Republic of Rough & Ready

Paul Heymont ·
Love the pictures, love the names, probably have the answer on Deerlick. Chances are it refers to a spot with a natural salt deposit; deer and other animals lick it to help keep their electrolyte balance, just as we people (in my childhood) took salt tablets in hot weather...
Blog Post

Steamboat Rock, Washington — Wildflowers and Vistas galore!

DrFumblefinger ·
 The large basalt mass of Steamboat Rock is a distinct landmark in Central Washington state.  Steamboat Rock State Park is a dozen miles southwest of the massive Grand Coulee Dam on the Columbia River. The Park is on a peninsula...
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Washington Oaks Garden: a Peaceful Paradise in Florida

Travel Rob ·
With all that Florida has to offer, you'd think it would be hard for anybody to pick a favorite place in the state. In my case though, it's not. By a mile,my favorite place is Washington Oaks Gardens State Park. Washington Oaks is one of the most...
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Road Trip, Day 2: Mendocino Coast Botanical Garden

PortMoresby ·
    March 10, 2015   I woke the first morning of my visit along the Northern California coast at a friend’s house in the village of Elk.  I was alone, the kitchen toasty warm from the fire Jane had made for me before leaving...
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Gumbo's Pic of the Day, March 10, 2015: Oh Deer, you are Hungry!

Dr.Y ·
    Winter in Alberta is long and can be harsh.  With snow covering the land, food for wildlife can be hard to get.  That’s when we see deer wandering around the residential areas searching for something to...
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Skedans, Haida Gwaii, British Colombia (Where Gumbo was #106)

DrFumblefinger ·
    Gumbo was visiting the "misty isles", Haida Gwaii, in British Columbia.  Specifically, the remnants of the Haida village of Skedans.  Sadly, not much remains of the village, captured at its prime in the above image (1878), rich...
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Crackpot Hall, Yorkshire Dales

Ian Cook ·
Ian Cook shares some great photos and the history of Crackpot Hall.
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June 9, 2017: Aysgarth Falls, Wensleydale, North Yorkshire.

Ian Cook ·
Aysgarth Falls in North Yorkshire, a beautiful cascading waterfall, is the subject of Ian Cook's Pic of the Day.
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July 13, 2017: Wild Horses, Virginia City, Nevada

Ottoman ·
Ottoman's first visit to Virginia City gave him an opportunity to experience something unique, an encounter with wild horses.
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Walking Through the NY Botanical Gardens: a Winter's Day

Jonathan L ·
A winter walk takes Jonathan through an uncrowded park, and into an old-growth forest that mirrors what the area was like 300 years ago.
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Finding Nature in England: New Forest National Park

Kirsten Hines ·
Kirsten Hines' series on exploring Nature in England concludes, with a stop at a National Park that requires her to rethink what "national park" actually means in this long settled and farmed landscape.
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September 11, 2017: Wild Elephants at Periyar Tiger Reserve

Professorabe ·
A last minute encounter with a group of elephants turned an otherwise disappointing afternoon on safari into a cherished memory.
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Writing-on-Stone Provincial Park, Alberta (Where Gumbo Was #236)

DrFumblefinger ·
Gumbo was visiting Writing-on-Stone Provincial park in south-central Alberta. A beautiful prairie landscape dotted with hundreds of hoodoos and the Milk River make for a memorable destination.
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June 14, 2020: Smart Deer, Mt. Rainier National Park

DrFumblefinger ·
These deer are safely grazing beneath a sign that says "no hunting".
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On Safari, Panna Tiger Reserve, India

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger goes on a safari in India, his quest to spot the elusive tiger. Mission accomplished!
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Cherokee Trace Wild Animal Park, Texas

Marilyn Jones ·
Enjoy a family outing with wild animals as Marilyn Jones visits with her granddaughter.
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Memories of Dijon, France

George G. ·
George G shares memories of some wonderful travel experiences in Dijon which, as he shares with us, has a lot more going for it than its famous mustard.
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With visitors gone, animals take over

Paul Heymont ·
Animals feel the world crisis, too. Some are taking over space in towns, while others, in zoos, appear to miss their visitors.
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Top 10 Most Beautiful Gardens In The World

Emily (Guest) ·
It's hard not to be attracted to a beautiful garden. Today Emily shares some of the world's finest.
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December 12, 2019: A Newborn Fawn, Thunder Bay

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger came across a freshly born fawn on the outskirts of Thunder Bay, Ontario.
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France gets new National Park

Paul Heymont ·
France's newest national park is in the Champagne/Bourgogne region and includes large areas of ancient forests.
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A Day in the Highlands

Paul Heymont ·
An all-too-brief day in the Scottish highlands gave PHeymont a different view of a fabled country
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February 1, 2020: St. Mary's Catholic Church, Red Deer

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger visits an amazing church in the small prairie city of Red Deer, Alberta. The church was the very first work by famed Canadian architect Douglas Cardinal.
Blog Post

Cody Park, North Platte, Nebraska

Samantha ·
Samantha shares some pictures of Cody Park in North Platte, Nebraska with her nephew Jesse, who is related Cody.
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Gumbo's Pic of the Day, May 28, 2015: Logan Pass, Glacier National Park, Montana

Ottoman ·
  Logan Pass (elevation 6,646 ft (2,026 m)) is located along the Continental Divide in Glacier National Park, in the U.S. state of Montana. It is the highest point on the Going-to-the-Sun Road .       The Logan Pass...
Blog Post

Glacier National Park, Montana

DrFumblefinger ·
“ Far away in northwestern Montana, hidden from view by clustering mountain peaks, lies an unmapped corner – the Crown of the Continent .”    George Bird Grinnell (1901)   It’s hard for someone who loves being in...
Blog Post

Sweden warns motorists: Beware of horny elks

Paul Heymont ·
Male Elk     Photo: Malene Thyssen / Wikimedia   In Spring, they say, a young man's fancy turns to love—but for young elks, the time is now, September through October. Sweden's National Wildlife Accident Council is taking...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, June 17, 2015: Lake Minnewanka

Still Country Photo ·
Dr. Fumblefinger and I went on a lovely hike around Lake Minnewanka a few weeks ago and snapped a few pics along the way.  This one is the lake with Mount Rundle in the background.   Lake Minnewanka ("Water of the Spirits"...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, July 9, 2015: Mission Island, Thunder Bay, Ontario

Ottoman ·
Mission Island is located in Lake Superior, just off the shore from the city of Thunder Bay (which it happens to be part of).   Mission Island is a fairly large island, only accessible by car via one bridge, and by train via two bridges.  ...
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Alnwick Castle, England

Ian Cook ·
Alnwick Castle is the second largest inhabited castle in the England; home to the Duke of Northumberland's family, the Percys, for over 700 years. Combining magnificent medieval architecture with sumptuous Italianate State Rooms,...
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Sighisoara, Romania

Travellinn ·
Wow! What a charming place! That was my first thought driving through the gate to Sighisoara citadel. The impression was certainly still applicable when we started wandering the cobbled streets among the pink, green, yellow, blue and red houses. You...
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Ian Cook's TravelGumbo contributions

Ian Cook ·
A listing of Ian Cook's contributions to TravelGumbo. Check out this great list of wonderful photography.
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Jama Masjid, Delhi (Where Gumbo was #256)

DrFumblefinger ·
Gumbo was visiting the largest mosque in Delhi, known as Jama Masjid. It is a project of the great Mughal Emperor, Shah Jahan, who also built the Taj Mahal and the Red Fort. A very worthwhile stop while visiting Delhi.
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Unfortunate elk stops Oslo Metro

Paul Heymont ·
In an accident possibly unprecedented for urban transit, Oslo's Line 3 was closed by a falling elk.
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Dublin Phoenix Park wins gold

Paul Heymont ·
A new award for large urban parks is shared by Dublin and Sydney, Australia.
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Fort Clatsop and Oregon Beaches

Jonathan L ·
Lewis and Clark lore, history and some great beaches highlight this week's installment of Jonathan L's Pacific Northwest odyssey.
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Denver Museum of Nature and Science (Where Gumbo was #268)

DrFumblefinger ·
Gumbo was visiting an excellent museum in Denver, its Nature and Science Museum. The museum has many galleries as part of its permanent exhibits and featured two interesting exhibits when DrFumblefinger visited, one on the Dead Sea Scrolls and one on Nature's Bioluminescence.
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Gold Country, California: Nevada City

PortMoresby ·
 My favorite library   Originally called Caldwell’s Upper Store, after Dr. Caldwell’s business which opened in 1849, by 1850 the town had become established enough that residents wanted a better name.  Nevada City was chosen...
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Gumbo's Pic of the Day, May 12, 2014: Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep, Alberta

DrFumblefinger ·
    One of the great things about living close to a large wilderness ecosystem is the chance to enjoy its wildlife.  That's especially true this time of year when the valleys have thawed and are green, but the mountains and high meadows...
Blog Post

A Walk through Florida's Everglades: Big Cypress Bend boardwalk at Fakahatchee Strand Preserve State Park

DrFumblefinger ·
 The Everglades is a fascinating and unique place -- a broad shallow river slowly moving to the sea and covering a large portion of southwestern Florida in a thin layer of water.   Mostly the Everglades is characterized by its "River of...
Blog Post

Wawona Hotel, Yosemite National Park, California: Where Gumbo Was #60

DrFumblefinger ·
This puzzle had a rather short shelf life.  Congratulations to Lynn Millar who quickly recognized the fountain in front of the historic Wawona hotel in Yosemite National Park.  You can see the relationship of the fountain to the Wawona in...