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Tagged With "Feral Goat"


Re: Coastal California: The Pigeon Point Hostel

DrFumblefinger ·
Any travel tale that starts with a road trip following giraffes (nice pic, BTW), includes a lighthouse, the surf, goat cheese and cute granddaughters, is top rate in my book! Can't wait for the lighthouse tour!

Re: La Vucciria Market, Palermo

Paul Heymont ·
Can't help wondering at the similarity of the name, allowing for common letter/phoneme substitutes, to La Bouqueria Market in Barcelona. There's not a lot of agreement on where that name came from, by the way, but the best-sounding bet is that it comes from Catalan 'boc' for goat.

Re: Gumbo’s Pic of the Day, February 20, 2015: Postcards from Morocco - orange juice vendors

GarryRF ·
Two camels and a goat DrF ! I was disgusted ! It was obvious the goat was lame. A cold glass of OJ would have sealed it but they wouldn't budge on the deal.
Blog Post

Las Vegas Celebrates the Chinese New Year!

DrFumblefinger ·
Happy New Year!!  Tomorrow is Chinese New Year, the dawn of the Year of the Goat (or Sheep or Ram).  The date varies from year-to-year, but Chinese New Year falls on the first day of  the first lunar month  in the Chinese...
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Four Ways to Savor Savannah

Stephanie Kalina-Metzger ·
Stephanie Kalina-Metzger shares some of her favorite ideas on what to see and do when visiting Savannah, Georgia
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Food Tours of Sicily: Catania

Paul Heymont ·
PHeymont goes on another food tour, this one in Catania, Sicily, exploring the regional differences among Sicilian cities.
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Dispatches from Ikaria: Pt. 3

Professorabe ·
Professor Abe's visit to Ikaria continues, with some great sightseeing spots. We drift to local fresh foods and cuisine. You'll be salivating by the time you reach the end of this post!
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Dispatches from Ikaria: Part 4

Professorabe ·
Professor Abe's fun and insightful series on visiting Ikaria concludes this week. Be sure to check out the great story and accompanying photos
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Back to Oaxaca: Friday Market, Llano Park

PortMoresby ·
PortMoresby finds figs and goat cheese at a weekly market in the heart of her favorite Mexican city.
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Dec. 24, 2017: Goat Market in Nizwa, Oman

Grand Escapades ·
Grand Escapades shares photos and memories of a goat market in Oman, whose colors and sights are unique and most memorable.
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New cheese label: 'Made in Paris'

Paul Heymont ·
Paris will soon have its first-in-many-years cheesemaker in the city, but the animals will be elsewhere.
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Ends of the Line: Taking the #1 Train, NYC

Jonathan L ·
Every New York subway line has its own character; Jonathan L begins an exploration of what's at their ends, starting with his home line.
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Gumbo's Pic of the Day, May 28, 2015: Logan Pass, Glacier National Park, Montana

Ottoman ·
  Logan Pass (elevation 6,646 ft (2,026 m)) is located along the Continental Divide in Glacier National Park, in the U.S. state of Montana. It is the highest point on the Going-to-the-Sun Road .       The Logan Pass...
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Portland, Oregon - Part II - Exploring

HistoryDigger ·
   Portland claims to thrive on weird. Tattoos, long beards, sandals and fleece. And there's the odd vegan strip club and naked bike ride. But to a visitor from New Orleans, city of crazy, Portland feels tame and easygoing. Even the dogs...
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Glacier National Park, Montana

DrFumblefinger ·
“ Far away in northwestern Montana, hidden from view by clustering mountain peaks, lies an unmapped corner – the Crown of the Continent .”    George Bird Grinnell (1901)   It’s hard for someone who loves being in...
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Anatomy of a Trip (beyond eating & drinking...mostly)

PortMoresby ·
  I believe I mentioned, or alluded to, the fact that roaming the earth alone has lost its glow. If there’s an English language library in a foreign place, it’s a magnet for me, just to visit and admire, if not to officially...
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Ian Cook's TravelGumbo contributions

Ian Cook ·
A listing of Ian Cook's contributions to TravelGumbo. Check out this great list of wonderful photography.
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Little Petra: Another chapter in Jordan's history

Marilyn Jones ·
Siq al-Barid, known as Little Petra, is more recently-discovered than its famous namesake. Join Marilyn Jones on a trip to see it.
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Rocky Mountain Flatbread Company, Canmore

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger shares one of his favorite places to eat at in the Alberta Rocky Mountains.
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An Irish Farm Food Festival

Paul Heymont ·
PHeymont and his wife enjoy an afternoon in the Irish countryside, surrounded by far too much glorious food.
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Petroglyph National Monument, Albuquerque

Paul Heymont ·
On the edge of modern Albuquerque, a series of hillsides holds evidence of much older, and incompletely understood, civilization.
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Denver Museum of Nature and Science (Where Gumbo was #268)

DrFumblefinger ·
Gumbo was visiting an excellent museum in Denver, its Nature and Science Museum. The museum has many galleries as part of its permanent exhibits and featured two interesting exhibits when DrFumblefinger visited, one on the Dead Sea Scrolls and one on Nature's Bioluminescence.
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Coastal California: Three Girls Visit Harley Farms Goat Dairy

PortMoresby ·
  On the outskirts of Pescadero, at the end of North Street, where it converges with Pescadero Creek Road and the back way to La Honda, is Harley Farms Goat Dairy.  My granddaughters know the place because it’s a favorite destination...
Blog Post

Coastal California: A Village, a Hamlet, and a Wide Spot in the Road

PortMoresby ·
  I was born in San Francisco and grew up in the Bay Area, mostly in Redwood City on the Peninsula, 25 miles south of the City, on the east side of the mountains that separate the bay from the ocean. During my teens, on warm weekends and hot...
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Coastal California: The Pigeon Point Hostel

PortMoresby ·
  Please don’t misunderstand, I’m not really a believer in “things happen for a reason”, more a believer in “things happen”.  But I will say I was lucky, one day last month, to be waiting at a stop sign...
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PortMoresby's Coastal California

PortMoresby ·
                      Sept. 3, 2014:  Coastal California: A Village, a Hamlet and a Wide Spot in the Road   Sept. 10, 2014:  Coastal California: Three Girls Visit Harley Farms...
Blog Post

Roadfood -- the best "American food" out there!

DrFumblefinger ·
    When many people think of "American food" they envision fast food -- McDonalds, Burger King, Taco Bell and the like.  These have their place -- inexpensive, reasonable meals, quickly served and widely available.  Those who have...
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Faces of the NY State Fair

Jonathan L ·
One of my favorite things about traveling is meeting new people. Here are some of the people I met at the NY State Fair
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New York State Fair—Supporting young farmers

Jonathan L ·
New York's State Fair goes back 175 years, and still plays an important role in encouraging young farmers. Jonathan L visits and describes.
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50 Years Later, Paris

PortMoresby ·
PortMoresby spends a week in Paris, walking and reflecting on her first time there, 6 months working 6 days a week and living in a room in Montmartre.
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Niagara Falls: Pretty much the complete guide

Jonathan L ·
Yes there will be a lot of people when visit Niagara Falls, but it is still worth the trip. Jonathan L gives his impressions and advice
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The Samariá Gorge, Crete

Ian Cook ·
The Samariá Gorge is a National Park in Greece (since 1962) and is situated on the island of Crete – a major tourist attraction of the island – and a World's Biosphere Reserve.
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Feral Goat herds of the Cheviots, Northumberland.

Ian Cook ·
Ian Cook spends an interesting morning studying and photographing a herd of wild goats in the hills of Northumberland.
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Gumbo's Pic of the Day, April 1st, 2014:Traditional Maltese Musical Instruments

IslandMan ·
I recently attended a cultural evening at the National Archives complex in Rabat, Malta. The theme was a lecture and demonstration of original and traditional Maltese folk music instruments. One of the lecturers was a music historian from Ireland who...
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May 2, 2016: Nubian Goats

Travel Rob ·
Travel Rob shares some photos of Nubian goats that were taken on a farm in rural Florida.
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In the footsteps of Outlaws: a visit to La Leona, Argentina

DrFumblefinger ·
While driving along the isolated Patagonian steppe, DrFumblefinger came across a hideout for two very famous bandits.
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My surprise gap-year doing HelpX work-exchange

Travel Rob ·
Travel Rob shares his memorable gap year doing HelpX work exchange
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Daytripping in Historic Lancaster

Stephanie Kalina-Metzger ·
Stephanie Kalina-Metzger takes us on a tour of historic sites in this central Pennsylvania city noted for its Mennonite and Amish heritage.
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Varied and Tasty: London's Borough Market

Paul Heymont ·
PHeymont visits one of London's busiest and most varied markets. It's also one of the oldest, and has separate sessions for wholesale and retail.
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October 17, 2018: Indian Trading Post, Banff

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger visits one of the classic places to visit within the Banff townsite. Formerly a fur trading post, it now highlights native handicrafts.
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February 12, 2019: Niagara's American Falls

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger shares a few images of American Falls, the USA side of Niagara Falls, New York.

Re: A Street Food tour in Hanoi

Paul Heymont ·
Thanks for a great (virtual) meal! I love street food (and near-street) and just enjoyed a similar experience in Istanbul, where I put aside my "issues" with some foods and tried all...including my equivalent of the worm: kokorek, a dish of lamb or goat intestines roasted around sweetbreads. It's amazing how much of our hesitation can be in our heads, not in reality... Hope to see more about Vietnam!
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Naples: Lively Streets and Sights

Paul Heymont ·
A week in Naples gave PHeymont a chance to see some of the liveliest street scenes in a colorful and chaotic neighborhood.
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Dreaming Around the World, Part I

PortMoresby ·
Does where we choose to sleep when we travel say something meaningful about us, or nothing at all? PortMoresby thinks it does & shares her own choices over the years.
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Amateur Emigrant: Imperial cities, eternal desert

Amateuremigrant ·
Bob Cranwell's explorations of the Moroccan desert continue, a narration you won't want to miss.
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Amateur Emigrants: From Mountain to Sea

Amateuremigrant ·
Bob Cranwell and his merry band of travelers continue their journey through Morocco
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Horses of Cumberland Island, Georgia

Travel Rob ·
Travel Rob is fascinated by the feral horses of Cumberland Island and shows why they attract visitors from around the world.
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Hawaii: Get a goat, please!

Paul Heymont ·
Pesky goats that have over-run a historical park on the Big Island are being given away to save the area.
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Behind the Taj Mahal

Judy Barford ·
This famous site in India has more than one side.

Re: Behind the Taj Mahal

DrFumblefinger ·
It truly is one of the most beautiful buildings in the world, isn't it? And I believe I saw that same goat when I was there.