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Tagged With "Fashion Show"


Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? (#349)

Travel Rob ·
This Friday we look at the building and show a better view. This is probably Gumbos best clue. Get your guesses in!

Re: April 15, 2020: Around Brera, Milan

GarryRF ·
A great display of Milan's Artistic talent. Looks good for a City Break !

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Nov. 16, 2015: Franklin Automobiles in Tucson, Arizona

Paul Heymont ·
I’ve heard that, but I’ve also always wondered if it were true, since a driver holding the reins on a horse or horses would want to be able to exert equal force on either side…and all the pictures I can find of buggy drivers seem to show the driver in the middle! One site I just looked at suggests that Ford made the switch to make it easier for passengers to get in and out, by moving the driver away from the curb; the same site suggests that in the early days on the Continent, right-hand was...

Re: Birds of the Okavango Delta

DrFumblefinger ·
thank you, DrY! If you click on the small thumbnail photos above the comments, you'll see the photos are labeled as to name of the birds which are illustrated. Once open, you can scroll through the photos as a slide show and see all the names!

Re: Why I Travel

GarryRF ·
My early travels in the US were all done with maps. I've been lost many times. So I bought the American Maps for my UK TomTom Sat Nav. Best thing I've done in years ! I love taking roads that aren't tourist routes - and getting lost - now. Explore the back woods and the one horse towns. Explore where the rich folks live and the poor. Taking photo's of local characters. Folks that have worse teeth than the Brits ! Show me the tourist route and I'll go the other way !

Re: Tampa Bay Automobile Museum: 1) Museum Overview and its Czech collection

Paul Heymont ·
Actually, there are a number of different stories of how Ferdnand Porsche, under Hitler's direction, designed the Beetle. Another fascinating possibility surfaced last year in the Daily Mail (UK), showing similarities to a project by a German Jewish engineer, Josef Ganz, which Hitler saw at an auto show in 1933. Another aspect: the sort of streamlined design represented in all of these cars was not a unique design at the time; aerodynamic research was starting to have an effect on car design...

Re: Staying In Touch on the Road: Part 1

Paul Heymont ·
In the Duel of the Devices, I'm going to declare the RAVPower unit the winner. Both of these devices are essentially external batteries, something that's becoming more popular as more phones come with non-removable batteries. There are two critical differences, however: capacity and output. The PowerStick has a capacity of 750mAh (about half the power held by an average cellphone battery) and a maximum output current of 700mA (phone chargers usually supply 1000mA). The RAVpower device has a...

Re: The Worst Train in the World

FlashFlyer ·
What an amazing trip! A real reminder of when few traveled and it was not a packaged experience. I wish I had the guts to do a trip like this. Thank you for sharing it! Do you think with Burma more open these days things will change much, or will people like me show up in the cities and still not go where you went?

Re: Greenland from six miles high!

Former Member ·
Dark is not the end of the show. I have seen streaking meteors flash in view. There have been times when I could see a part of the Milky Way or had a view of the Big Dipper. Over the ocean, I have seen flotillas of fishing boats off of places like Newfoundland. Even at night, you can see the lights of the boats bobbing. Once, I even saw a pod of whales in the channel off of Molokai. I peek every chance that I get. You never know what you will see.

Re: Do you Like these Hotel Tipping Tips ?

GarryRF ·
I'm well aware that there may be many contributing factors to the problem of poor service. But I'm not there to consider the state of the world nor am I there to balance justice among the poor. I just want a decent meal at a decent price. Just as in any job - my own included - people just want me to do my job. Do it well. No excuses. And they show there gratitude occasionally, with a tip. Its the same with me. Good food and good service gets you well rewarded. Shape up or Ship out !

Re: 1000's Drawn to North Dakota

Travel Rob ·
Amazing that the unemployment rate for Williston is only .9%! I was unaware that South Dakota had the benefits too.Just goes to show you the recession was not uniform.

Re: Is there Danger in frequent, long-distance travel?

Travel Rob ·
I read about this in the Daily Mail and while I believe there are some medical reasons frequent flying can be dangerous, it failed to show the positives about travel. I too was not convinced about their emotional claims . I found the opposite in my life. "The researchers discovered that new friendships and romantic relationships forged through mobility have a tendency to be situational, expendable and short-lived" "The study found that loneliness and isolation are common among frequent...

Re: Banksy Opens up a Bemusement Park in England

Mac ·
You guys are certainly mirroring all the thoughts that we had yesterday! I hope that my photos (taken in the drizzle) will come out to show you. The views that struck us immediately were the Dismaland logo above the entry (and on the souvenir T shirts), the Mickey Mouse ears worn by all the staff, the dilapidated, iconically-shaped, crumbling fairy tale castle with it's polluted moat - but perhaps the most dramatic is the centrepiece in the castle with the life-sized princess's pumpkin...

Re: Kyoto Tells Tourists What Not To Do

TravelGirlJenn ·
Wow. Most of the list IS common sense. But tourists don’t always practice common sense, maybe at times myself included. Thing is, I have observed several Japanese tourists doing exactly what they advise not to do on their list during my travels to Europe. :-/ Most recently, almost felt that the rules didn’t apply to them as I was scolded for taking a picture without flash at Sacre-Coeur (didn’t see the sign). That was my mistake. However, while I was getting scolded for my offense, several...

Re: Oct. 17, 2017: A Stroll in Historic Passau

George G. ·
Visited there one time to follow in my WWII veteran father's footsteps. Gorgeous city. Overcast and rainy when I was there, but Marilyn is showing some bright colorful images that really show off this Bavarian city. Thanks.

Re: Kedgwick Forestry Village and Museum, New Brunswick

PortMoresby ·
I love museums that show how people lived their lives and why I love visiting historic houses, grand & modest. This is another good one. Thanks, Rob.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#259)

DrFumblefinger ·
Our next puzzle clues show us the first aspects of what are the main reasons people visit this destination. Stay tuned....

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#262)

DrFumblefinger ·
Here are the next puzzle clues, as we head into the weekend. A few shots that show us some (partial) outside views....

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? #62

Roderick Simpson ·
Reykjavik, Iceland. Images of the port show a building with the same window pattern.

Re: Harpa, Reykjavik, Iceland. Where Gumbo Was #62

Travel Rob ·
These are really some of the best photos I've seen of the Harpa! Sometimes photos capture what you remember and other times they captures what you miss. In this case, your photos show how much I missed looking at the same glass .

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Oct. 2nd, 2014: What is a "Folly"?

Mac ·
Ah spent many happy sunny hours at Broadway Tower gazing over the surrounding countryside before going into pretty Broadway village for an ice cream! Follies were also often built 'just because' the landowner wanted to make his 'statement' to show how wealthy he was.

Re: From Corfe Castle to Kingston Lacy - Part 2

Travel Rob ·
Great when the houses show a little of what life was like too! I guess it's good the National Trust owns that wonderful house, but I'd like to see it as TravelGumbos Headquarters!

Re: Finding Reiner #8: Trail's End?

Travel Rob ·
Reiner is far from forgotten, thanks to all your research. Poland too holds special memories for me and from what you show of Świeradów Zdrój,it is spectacular. Thanks again Whitney for your incredible moving series.Reiner would be proud!

Re: Charleston's Grand Mansions: Aiken-Rhett House

Travel Rob ·
Great photos PortMoresby! I too enjoyed the Aiken -Rhett house and the different eras of the house it preserved. So many times restorations don't show a very accurate picture of how the house really was lived in throughout time .

Re: Berlin's Brandenburg International Airport Delayed Again

Paul Heymont ·
Oh, no! Not again! Goes to show that not all reputations match reality, I guess... It's ironic that one of Europe's fastest-growing airports is Berlin's Texel, which is slated to close the day Berlin-Brandenburg opens...

Re: 6 Fun Things To Do In Miami This Summer

Travel Rob ·
Some great ideas! Your love for Miami shows!

Re: Hiking Sani Pass, Lesotho, on a Budget

DrFumblefinger ·
That sure looks like an amazing (and very difficult) hike, Travel with Lamb! I wished I'd been using trekking poles starting with my teens. They take tremendous strain off your knees, especially when carrying a heavy load like you were. My knees sadly show the effect of decades of hiking and backpacking. Given how far this is from home and such, I know I'll never do this hike, but you've taken me there so I thank you for that!

Re: Gallery: Borneo, The Last Market

DrFumblefinger ·
I agree with PHeymont. I think these market pieces show us more about a society's culture and cuisine than any other series of photos could. So if you've got more, we'd love to see them!

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, May 3, 2014: Metropole Hotel, Hanoi

DrFumblefinger ·
That's an interesting link, GarryRF, because Sri Lankans tend to be pretty mellow about most things. Still, being disrespectful (or perceived as disrespectful) to Buddha is frowned on and not tolerated by the Sinhalese majority. As many know, it is considered very disrespectful to show too much skin in a Buddhist temple or shrine (no bare shoulders or legs). You won't be allowed admittance to the shrine unless you cover yourself. I believe this woman offended these customs. But this POD is...

Re: Photography at the Edges, New York & San Francisco

Paul Heymont ·
I did, indeed, go to the two exhibits at the Met...and they actually have a relation to the SF show that PortMoresby has described. Marville, in particular, was working at the beginning of photography, without all the digital devices, or even a light meter, and with media so slow that a photograph of a relatively busy street appears to be empty of traffic—because during the 30 seconds needed to expose that plate no one stayed in front of the camera long enough to register an image! The Paris...

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo, #46

DrFumblefinger ·
This WITW seems to be a sleeping dog. Let's see if we can wake it up with one more clue. This photo show a portion of the outside of the complex. Does that help any of you figure our where Gumbo is?

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Jan 20, 2015: Musee d'Orsay Clock, Paris

GarryRF ·
Back in the time when a watch was a sign of affluence these timepieces must have been a great show of wealth. This clock in Chester England was erected on the cities two thousand year old Roman Walls at about the same time as your example.

Re: Las Vegas Celebrates the Chinese New Year!

GarryRF ·
Even for people who don't gamble - like me - Las Vegas puts on such a great show that its an absolute pleasure to visit. The colours and the floral displays are second to none. I do miss the water show at the Bellagio. And so much of it is free. Maybe not as old as some of the exhibits would have you believe. But a thing of beauty is a joy forever !

Re: Why You should visit Nevada's Valley of Fire

DrFumblefinger ·
You are correct, GarryRF. There have been a number of movies filmed in the park. Lifted straight from Wikipedia , here is a listing of these: Film History : Valley of Fire is a popular location for shooting automobile commercials and other commercial photography. It has provided a setting for the following films and television shows: The Professionals with Burt Lancaster , Lee Marvin , and Claudia Cardinale was filmed in 1966. As of November 2012 a piece of the movie set is still up for...

Re: The Acadian Village in Caraquet, New Brunswick,Canada

vivie ·
DrFumblefinger, it would be my pleasure to show you around if you ever come this way!

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? (#137)

DrFumblefinger ·
Time for our last clues...These photos show a bust of a famous resident of the area around our place of interest. He loved our featured destination and walked in it often. So where is Gumbo visiting? We'll find out on Monday.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#341)

DrFumblefinger ·
Here are your next puzzle clues, which show the main feature of interest at this week's destination.

Re: April 1, 2020: Lynx Family, Alberta

Chris ·
I saw the first one, the mother, on the cutline. Then they started coming out of the bush on both sides. There was also a male a few hundred yards up, so too far to get him into the picture as well. Just goes to show you that the animals can thrive along side oil and gas.

Re: SeaWorld: No more dolphin riders

GarryRF ·
All the wildlife films I have seen show that the incredibly intelligent Dolphins enjoy interaction with humans. Neither cruel or unethical. Folks should focus on mans inhumanity to man if they want to save the world from oppression.

Re: Our Sound of Music Tour in Salzburg, Austria - Part Two

George G. ·
I took my wife on the Sound of Music tour from the old Chiemsee Armed Forces Recreation Center when the US Army occupied it. I remember on our bus as we drove away, the guide wanted us to show hands of who saw it just once, and went through the numbers to see who saw it the most. She never asked who never saw it which was only me. Still haven't seen it. Everyone ooohed and aaaahed when we arrived at the gazebo as I stood bewildered and I was the only one that didn't know the do-re-mi song...

Re: The Murals of Winnipeg Pt 1

TravelingCanuck ·
Thanks. What is nice is that most murals has some link to the cultural, ethnic or historical aspect of Winnipeg. They show a diverse cross-section of the life of the city over the years.

Re: Apr. 21, 2016. Keeping Cool in Corfu Town, Greece.

Travel Rob ·
Your photos show why I love summer! Worth the heat to spend time in that beautiful and relaxing area!

Re: Stokesley Funfair and Agricultural Show.

Marilyn Jones ·
Oh the wonderful childhood memories this article and photos brought back! The photos are excellent and really show what a fair is all about: fun, family and farm!!

Re: Chip Credit Cards to Change the Way US Tips at Restaurants

Paul Heymont ·
Note that the tip suggestions on the machines have a habit of creeping up. New York cab tips were about 15% for years, as a standard, and as recently as 2 years ago, a Times survey found that was about the norm. But...when you pay by credit card, the machine offers a choice of 20%, 25% or 30%. To use 15%, you have to go back one step in the process, make a manual entry, and then back to the close-out screen...all while you're trying to get out of the cab and stop holding up traffic. I'll bet...

Re: Austrian village has really hairy experience

DrFumblefinger ·
I suppose these men consider themselves the equivalent of show poodles...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, October 24, 2015: Poppies -- Weeping Window at Woodhorn

GarryRF ·
I bought a Poppy in September this year from a Vietnam Vet in Easton MD. I commented on his cap with the dates on - and he removed his jacket to show me his T-shirt with his Division and Da Nang and a host of other cities where he fought. Had some amazing stories to tell. There should have been a crowd watching him, but just me. In 2015 a total of 888,246 hand made ceramic Poppy's were placed at Tower Bridge London to remember the number of men who fell in battle 1914 - 1918. The Poppy was...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, September 10, 2015: Statue of Mary Tyler Moore, Minneapolis, Minneosta

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for sharing this post. I had no idea there was an MTM statue in Minneapolis. MTM show remains one of my all-time favorites. Superb writing and character development, great acting, fine story telling. Wish more shows like this were still made.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, September 10, 2015: Statue of Mary Tyler Moore, Minneapolis, Minneosta

Ottoman ·
I totally agree DrFumblefinger. When you see much of the material that passes for television these days, it makes me appreciate even more how good the Mary Tyler Moore show really is.

Re: J. M. W. Turner in San Francisco

PortMoresby ·
Don't let them hear that capital D in de Young. If you change your mind and visit SF before July 19th, you can hop over to the Legion of Honor and catch the Brooklyn Museum Costume Collection show, too.

Re: Jan. 30, 2016: Houseboat, Marin County, CA

Paul Heymont ·
I've looked at the three sites (which all appear to show the same boat), but I think none of them is this one, unless a lot has happened in the years since I took the picture. The roofline is different, and this one lacks the steel stovepipe the other one shows. I'm fairly sure the spot where I took the picture was well out of town, but of course, boats can move...