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Tagged With "Hadley Fruit Orchards"


Re: Beating Jet Lag

JetLagCalc ·
Originally Posted by DrFumblefinger: Do you find hydration matters? Can you drink a lot of water? Yes, hydration is in fact quite important. You should drink as much water as you like. Also, 16 hours without food is a long time, so we recommend that you have some light snacks along the way, like some fruit.

Re: What can't you live without on a plane flight?

Paul Heymont ·
My kindle, and the knowledge that I have a bag of dried fruit and nuts in my bag for emergencies. The emergencies happen so seldom that the current bag has made 3 transatlaantic trips since I gave away the previous one to a friend who was headed for the airport...

Re: What can't you live without on a plane flight?

Travel Rob ·
Originally Posted by PHeymont: My kindle, and the knowledge that I have a bag of dried fruit and nuts in my bag for emergencies. The emergencies happen so seldom that the current bag has made 3 transatlaantic trips since I gave away the previous one to a friend who was headed for the airport... Having been the recipient of one of PHeymont's emergency bags of dried fruits and nuts,I can assure everyone I ate it on my trip! Running out of stuff happens a little more frequently to me on trips!

Tips For A Perfect Summer season Tour

Humboldt Tours Berlin ·
Summertime’s have struck one of the most of the plain areas with the intense warm days; every passing day is getting hotter. The heat is making is harder for everybody to head out specifically in day time. Summer season breaks in the schools all across the country are almost to start, that makes it an ideal time for the family trip to go for Berlin Wall Tour . This is the time when kids are already set for a daring summertime vacation and they anticipate you to plan a trip to some hill...

Things you should do in Singapore

khush ·
Singapore is a tiny island and may be smaller than many major cities around the world, but this country has succeeded to create a high level of discipline among its people and is today being looked up upon across the world. However, don’t let the country’s inclination for law frighten you. Singapore can promise can extraordinary vacation, as long as you follow certain simple tips that will make your tour much more enjoyable. 1. Throw your litter into the bin Though this is quite a basic...

Getting travel insurance is really important

Jonathan L ·
I want to tell a tale about what happened on our recent cruise. On our first day at sea my wife developed a very bad case of diahrrea. It was very bad and by the time we went to the doctor on the following morning she was dehydrated. The medical service was very good. They gave her iv fluid to rehydrate and drew blood to make sure that it wasn't norovirus. They gave her antibiotics and anti diahrreal meds. They checked up her, and followed up the next day with a second iv. They even sent a...

5 Things Party Cruises Offer To People

magiccruises ·
Cruising with extended family or friends is a great way of catching up with your near and dear ones. Moreover, it is also a very good way of reaping special perks, right from free drinks to free cabins. If group travels are needed, the cruise lines must be asked as to what extra discounts are added; double check and only if you are satisfied, do the booking. Each member gets goodies. Have a look at 5 things that the party cruises in Harbor do for people; Cabins This is probably the best...

Kagayawan Festival in Davao – A Get Together of All Cultures Existing in the City

indianeagle ·
The Kagayawan sa Davao or the Kadayawan Festival in Davao is not a traditional celebration but a kind of get-together of the several cultures co-existing in the city of Davao. A week-long celebration in Davao in the southern Philippines region, this festival represents different harvest festivals from across the world. It has been celebrated since the 80s with an array of parades and events that the Dabawenyos (the citizens of Davao) still celebrate with same enthusiasm. Here’s a complete...

Do you want a better way to see the World? Meet the world’s remaining endangered Mountain Gorillas

Primate Vacations ·
No African Safari is complete without seeing the Mountain Gorillas! There are only 700–880 Mountain gorillas remaining on earth. The majority live in the Virunga Mountains that straddle Rwanda, Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo in East Africa. The cost of a Gorilla Trekking permit can cover a wildlife-viewing safari in a top wilderness park in many parts of the world. However, the gorilla trekking experience is completely worth it, it lasts a lifetime. It is the best safari every...

5 Top UNESCO Heritage Sites of Golden Triangle Circuit in India

Abhishek Mathur ·
If you're trying to find a singular mix of attractions in India, it's best to move towards the Golden Triangle circuit. those that area unit unaccustomed India or on a good schedule, visit Jaipur, Agra, and Delhi to get an simple Indian expertise. To know a lot of about Golden Triangle Tour, browse our exclusive diary article, what's Golden Triangle Tour India and Why it's famous? These 3 destinations aren't some random decide. These 3 area units heritage-filled sites with fascinating...

Auroville Marathon

Jayita ·
For the second year running (pun fully intended!) the Auroville Marathon stands canceled thanks to the ongoing Covid pandemic. In February 2020, I came here fresh faced after a previous 21km half marathon and 5 km baby baby run in the preceding years, hoping to see if the 10km would be my sweet spot as far as marathons go. Indeed it turned out to be my running mantra… Cutting through the ancient forest in which this amazing ‘international’ township is nestled, the trail runs at a leisurely...