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Tagged With "OK Corall"


Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? 21.0

Paul Heymont ·
Well, I didn't expect anyone to twig it quite that fast, and it's not just because of a polar route. Although we usually don't think of Hawaii extending north of Kauai, in fact the state includes the entire Hawaiian Ridge/Emperor Seamount chain, running up to the Aleutian trench, just off Alaska's Aleutian islands. Mostly underwater, mostly administered by Federal agencies as a preservation/conservation area. Kure Atoll and Green Island is the northernmost habitable place in Hawaii, and it's...

Re: Punalu'u Black Sand Beach Park, Hawaii Island, Hawaii

DrFumblefinger ·
Some beautiful photos, Ottoman! I'm fond of black sand beaches because you only find them in places with active volcanoes, and I love volcanoes. White sand beaches are generally formed from the breakdown of coral (often by parrotfish, who eat it and clear the fine particles out the other end). This beach isn't that large, but the black sand is striking. And the turtles -- how lovely they are. They look soooo relaxed. Makes me want to take a nap in that warm sand, too!

Re: The Historic Fort and Town of Galle, Sri Lanka

DrFumblefinger ·
It's a great photoessay of a special place, Travellinn, thanks for sharing these wonderful photos with us. I generally just traveled through Galle, never stopping much except perhaps to look around for an hour or get something to eat. The fort is very impressive, a massive structure of rock and coral. The last time I visited Galle was just after the great tsunami of 2004. The town was one of the most damaged by that tragedy as several massive waves washed through it. Hundreds were killed or...

Re: Whoa! Not so fast on that shrinking baggage size!

DrFumblefinger ·
That's good news! But rather than saying airline consumers were a lion, I think I'd have used "the sheep have bleated -- loudly"

Re: Feb. 7, 2016: Eroded Limestone Lace

DrFumblefinger ·
Very porous and beautiful! Sure that isn't coral, Paul?

Re: Feb. 7, 2016: Eroded Limestone Lace

Paul Heymont ·
Coral was my first thought, but the identification is from my wife, a retired earth science teacher.

Re: Mar. 26, 2016: Waiting for the big one...

DrFumblefinger ·
It is a great photo! Aussie culture sounds a lot like Hawaiian culture. When work in Honolulu ends, there is a massive migration of youngsters and their surfboards to Waikiki. Here the waves are a lot more predictable because of the coral reefs, but the enthusiasm for the water sounds very similar.
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Gallery: Signs of Waikiki

DrFumblefinger ·
    There's a lot you can tell about a city simply by looking at small things, like its signage or public art.  Every place has unique and interesting shops and landmarks that add to its personality.  I've posted several...
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The Valley Island of Maui: 3) Central, Upcountry and South Maui

DrFumblefinger ·
 The largest stretch of (relatively) flat land on Maui is the valley between the two volcanoes, Haleakala and the West Maui Mountains.  This area is commonly called “Central Maui” and it’s here most locals live....
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Monterey Bay Aquarium: Oceans Apart

Lestertheinvestor ·
  Located directly on the Monterey Bay just south of Santa Cruz is a sprawling complex of nearly 200 exhibits of more than 550 species in a 2 storey building nearly 30 years old: the Monterey Bay Aquarium (MBA). Started in 1978, and open to the...
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Kirsten Hines' new book just released!

DrFumblefinger ·
Frequent contributor, Kirsten Hines, has a new book on beautiful Biscayne National Park. Kirsten did all the photography and co-wrote much of it.
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Dubai Museum (Where Gumbo Was #219)

DrFumblefinger ·
Gumbo was visiting the Dubai Museum in the United Arab Emirates. The Museum is housed in an old 18th century fort, the oldest building in the city, and contains a large variety of exhibits which document the history of the region.
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Cruise ships get underwater 'whale's-eye' view

Paul Heymont ·
No submarine needed: New Ponant cruise ships give passengers an underwater experience without leaving the ship.
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Endangered rays get Belize sanctuary

Paul Heymont ·
Working with researchers from Florida International University, Belize has set out to safeguard rays from extinction and sees them in a tourism future.
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Ernest Hemingway Home, Key West (Where Gumbo Was #353)

DrFumblefinger ·
Gumbo was visiting Ernest Hemingway's home in Old Key West. The home is nicely preserved including with original furniture, memorabilia displays and descendants of the author's six-toed cat.
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Florida's Unique Coral Castle (Where Gumbo was #359)

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger visits the unsual "Coral Castle" in southern Florida. The place was crafted of coral rock over a thirty-year period by a single man.
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Where in the World is TravelGumbo #360

DrFumblefinger ·
A new travel puzzle is posted for the week. Gumbo is off to another adventure to a unique place — and it's up to you to figure out where that is!
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Yayoi Kusama at New York Botanical Garden

Paul Heymont ·
The Garden is hosting a six-month show of works, many of them new, by the iconic artist.
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April 7, 2020: Aruba's Undeveloped Gems

Marilyn Jones ·
Seasoned traveler Marilyn Jones visits Aruba's North Shore and Arikok National Park.
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Shreveport Aquarium: Tiny but Mighty

Marilyn Jones ·
On Marilyn Jones's visit to the aquarium, she found that it doesn't take too much space for a great experience.
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Revillagigedos: the world’s friendliest mantas and dolphins!

Goni ·
( Oceanic Manta)   Revillagigedo Archipelago, Mexico  (better known as Socorro) consisting of 4 volcanic islands; San Benedicto, Roca Partida, Socorro and Clarión. What to see:  Giant oceanic mantas, bottlenose dolphins, sharks...
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Whoa! Not so fast on that shrinking baggage size!

Paul Heymont ·
The luggage line-up...which ones will fit?   The public roared, and the lion has retreated, at least for now. When the International Air Transport Association, an organization of over 250 airlines, announced a plan last week for a...
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Top 5 Underwater Destinations

Kathryn Curzon (Guest) ·
Kathryn Curzon shares some of the greatest underwater destinations on the planet, awaiting our exploration and enjoyment!
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March 27, 2018: Atop Jebel Hafeet

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger ascends the windy road up Jebel Hafeet, a famous mountain in the UAE.
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Belize chooses coral reef over oil

Paul Heymont ·
Belize has halted all oil exploration operations to safeguard its coral reefs, second in size only to Australia's.

10 Reasons Why a Winter Holiday in India will be a Trip of a Lifetime

Akansha ·
Holidays in India are always magical and winters make it all the more special. The tropical country enjoys winters to its fullest. The mountains receive powdery snow while the beaches are balmy spots of bliss, the plains are cloaked in fog and every corner is seen rejoicing the season. A winter holiday in India is one of the best experiences one can have. Indulge in skiing, beach fun, water sports, relaxing, houseboat cruise on backwaters, festivals, wildlife adventure and other amazements,...

Scuba Diving: Realties You Should Know

Pratima ·
Did you anytime made the request "What is Scuba Diving" We will try to answer this request in this post for you. Did you understand that scuba diving would one say one is of the snappiest creating over the top recreations on the planet today? Reliably, an expansive number of people go scuba diving, paying little mind to whether for a course, a beginning bounce, or in light of the way that they starting at now have their diving grant. What is Scuba Diving – The Attraction? Scuba diving is...
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Endangered tourist destinations around the World

Felicity Howlett (Guest) ·
Do you feel like getting lost in the backstreets of Venice, snorkeling on the Great Barrier Reef or skiing in the Alps? If so, don’t hang around – tourist hordes have put these much-loved sites and many others at risk.   These places...
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The 5 Miami Croquetas You Must Try

Katy ·
I don't know about you but growing up in Miami croquetas were a part of their own food group. You have your veggies, your fruit, your meat and, of course, your croquetas. With that being said I pretty much try croquetas everywhere I go. If they are on...
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What To Do In Miami When It Rains

Katy ·
Now that we are in full-blown summer mode there will be days that are total washouts and you won’t be able to spend the day on the beach. So what is there to do in Miami when it rains? I have put together a list for you to keep on hand whenever...
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5 Delicious Brunch Spots In Coral Gables

Katy ·
    Who doesn't love brunch? There are tons of places you could check out for brunch but I wanted to bring you the best from Coral Gables because lately Downtown Gables has been booming with great new spots to try. Brunch on my friends!...
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Gallery: Hapuna Beach Prince Resort, Hawaii

DrFumblefinger ·
One of my favorite places to travel is the Big Island of Hawaii.  Where else can you find the tallest mountains in the world, the most active volcano in the world, and a surreal landscape of lava flows, desert vegetation, coffee plantations and...
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Hawaii: Coping with Hurricane Ana

DrFumblefinger ·
It's not every day a traveler has to deal with a hurricane -- especially when vacationing in the South Pacific.  My first brushes with one were exciting in a way, but tedious in most respects.     I've experienced a number of "natural...
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Fort De Soto Park, Florida – A Tropical Utopia

GutterPup ·
Today GutterPup would like to let you in on one of the best kept secrets in Florida, an undeveloped tropical utopia swaddled by three miles of soft white sandy beaches, and sunsets that set the sky ablaze with dramatic oranges, reds, pinks and yellows...
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Journey to Jordan: Pt. 6, Aqaba and the Dead Sea

Professorabe ·
In the final part of this series, ProfessorAbe takes us to the Dead Sea, and the port and resort city of Aqaba.
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New England Aquarium, Boston (Where Gumbo was #192)

DrFumblefinger ·
We visit the destination of this past week's travel puzzle, Boston's New England aquarium.
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Sad summer: Maldives suffers coral bleaching

Paul Heymont ·
Rising temperatures, especially this summer, have damaged coral reefs world-wide.
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Moody Gardens: Celebrate the Holidays Galveston-style

Marilyn Jones ·
In Galveston, two million pounds of ice, a million lights and Chinese ice-carvers combine to produce a popular holiday spectacle.
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Five Must See Australia Travel Destinations

BillGordon ·
Bill Gordon shares his top picks of things to see and do in Australia.
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Australia’s Most Beautiful Islands For Your Bucket List

Sophie Armstrong (Guest) ·
Sophia Armstrong has several suggestions for interesting islands to visit off the Australian coast (sponsored content)
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Best Sailing Destinations in the Caribbean

Marian Morgam (Guest) ·
Marian Morgam offers a few suggestions on which Caribbean islands are the best to visit by sailboat.
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Savoring the Flavor of Miami

Stephanie Kalina-Metzger ·
Stephanie Kalina-Metzger shares some excellent suggestions on how to enjoy your time in Miami.
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September 22, 2019: Aitutaki, Cook Islands: "Paradise Found"

Grand Escapades ·
Grand Escapades shares some amazing images of this picture perfect tropical island.

Cancun Vacation Guide

Vikas Bhatnagar ·
Cancun is a place for people who want to enjoy their weekend after a long tiring week. Luxury, parties, spring break, beaches, and large resorts, everything can be found at Cancun. The kids from college enjoy their spring breaks to get a tan body and high in Cancun. The people around Cancun are friendly. There are a lot of fun sights that you can visit with your friends and family like Isle Mujeres, Cenote adventure park Chichen Itza and the underwater museum. Cancun holds a lot of exciting...
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August 8, 2019: Basilica of St. Mary Star of the Sea, Key West

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger visits this old Catholic parish church in Key West. The church was completed in 1905 and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

10 Places To Visit Before They Disappear From Earth

Pratima ·
The media so often tell us about the changes in the Earth’s climate and landscape related to human activity, that we have ceased to attach great importance to this. Global warming - it has been talked about for decades, but we don’t feel it, rising sea levels are somehow far away from us and are not perceived as a danger. Meanwhile, there are a large number of beautiful parts of our planet, on which these changes have a tremendous and disastrous effect. Taj Mahal, Agra, India According to...
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Top 5 Inclusive Resort Vacations

Monica A (Guest) ·
Looking for a luxurious all inclusive resort? Monica offers some suggests for you (sponsored content)
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Malaysia: Scuba diving adventure of a lifetime

Ivana ·
Ivana's in love with scuba diving, and takes us to see some of the most spectacular dive sites in Malaysia.
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Tonga: My Adventures in Tonga, an Island Paradise

Janey Mae never planned on visiting an "island paradise," but when it happened, she was happily surprised to find it was not what she expected.