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Tagged With "Guard"


Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Jan. 11, 2014: Please Close the Gate.

GarryRF ·
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth is the richest woman in the World. She has a fortune of 33 Trillion Dollars (including assets) When she is resident in Windsor Castle she has 24 hour security as you'd expect. She doesn't annoy the Staff who work through the night by going around the Castle turning off the lights !! I've heard a few Drongo's down under calling her Maj but don't use that name in the UK as you'll offend people.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Jan. 11, 2014: Please Close the Gate.

PortMoresby ·
Oh my, someone's gotten up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Jan. 11, 2014: Please Close the Gate.

Paul Heymont ·
Well, leaving aside anyone's feelings about royalty or whatever (play nice, everyone!), someone has to do the chores and mopping up, and the gatekeeper above is not alone in that...this picture is from the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace ("Christopher Robin went down with Alice...") After the impressive parade and band performance, this fellow and two or three others were left behind to store the music stands...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Jan. 11, 2014: Please Close the Gate.

GarryRF ·
Learning to respect the Religions and Cultures of others is an important step that opens your mind to the world around you and everyone's unique differences.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Jan. 11, 2014: Please Close the Gate.

PortMoresby ·
Originally Posted by GarryRF: " Learning to respect the Religions and Cultures of others is an important step..." Indeed, it is. And combined with a sense of humor, I could not agree more.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Jan. 11, 2014: Please Close the Gate.

GarryRF ·
When I stay with Family in the US I'm told there are many cultural subjects to avoid. I don't talk about your recent history, religion, your politics or your gun laws. With or without a sense of humour ! So I'll tread on the side of caution and not upset the natives !

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Jan. 11, 2014: Please Close the Gate.

PortMoresby ·
Originally Posted by CICAK: "I always travel with an open mind... Bring on the tasty, warm beer !" And the cider, something for everyone. One cannot argue with such good sense!
Blog Post

Bobbies on the Beat in Spain's Ibiza

Paul Heymont ·
Spanish authorities on the Balearic Islands vacation spot of Ibiza have arranged for a dozen British police to work with Spanish Civil Guards this summer when British tourism is at its height. The idea is that the British cops, who will have free...
Blog Post

Seward Harbor, Alaska

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger visits the impressive and beautiful harbor in Seward, Alaska.
Blog Post

Bulls replace guard dogs in Valencia

Paul Heymont ·
A scrapyard owner turns to a new form of protection after his guard dogs are killed or chased.
Blog Post

France adds 'sky marshals' to trains

Paul Heymont ·
France is ramping up security measures on its rail network, including on-train guards and more scanning.
Blog Post

March 7, 2016: Changing of the Guard at Norway's Royal Palace

Travel Rob ·
You can get an up close view for the Changing of the Guard at the Royal Palace in Oslo.

Re: Bobbies on the Beat in Spain's Ibiza

GarryRF ·
I love the way you Americans call our British Cops "Bobbies" It's awesome !

Re: Bobbies on the Beat in Spain's Ibiza

Paul Heymont ·
Has that gone out of style? It's what we were always told you call them (when not calling them something worse)! Here, from Brittanica: derivation of name Scotland Yard The London police force was created in 1829 by an act introduced in Parliament by the home secretary, Sir Robert Peel (hence the nicknames “bobbies” and “peelers” for policemen). This police force replaced the old system of watchmen and eventually supplanted the River (Thames) Police and the Bow Street patrols, the latter a...

Re: Bobbies on the Beat in Spain's Ibiza

GarryRF ·
Haven't heard the name "Bobbies" ( on bicycles two by two) since Roger Miller sang about it in the 60s. We have a long list of things that have been attributed to us. Things that belong in a time capsule. But it keeps the tourists happy ! I love researching the origins of words. A word you use in the US more than we do. "Sherriff" has its origins in the English middle ages. But from where ?

Re: Bobbies on the Beat in Spain's Ibiza

GarryRF ·
Just as I suspected Paul ! The History of Britain you quote is written by Paul R. Josephson Visiting Associate Professor of History, Wellesley College, Wellesley, Massachusetts Without leaving the comfort of his leather chair ! Obviously ...
Blog Post

Pointe à Brideau Lighthouse, Caraquet, New Brunswick

Travel Rob ·
Travel Rob sees a great lighthouse, beach and cat, all on the same walk.
Blog Post

Mounted Horse Guard, London

George G. ·
George G and his wife Diane capture a photo of a trooper of the Mounted Household Cavalry at the House Guards.
Blog Post

Horse Guard at Whitehall, London

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger visits the Horse Guard (building and soldiers) near Whitehall, in Westminister.

Re: Horse Guard at Whitehall, London

George G. ·
Same place, photo with my wife Diane. The Guardsman did not move a muscle or alter his facial expression when I snapped the photo.
Blog Post

Changing of the Guard, Buckingham Palace

DrFumblefinger ·
One of the more popular tourist attractions in London is to watch the Changing of the Guard ceremony at Buckingham Palace. British tradition at its finest.
Blog Post

Changing of the Guard, Stockholm

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger watchesthe changing of the guard ceremony at the Royal Palace in Stockholm, Sweden.
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, June 27, 2015: Windsor Castle

PortMoresby ·
Nearing the end of a springtime walk along the Thames Path , I lingered in Windsor an extra day, having discovered a small group tour on the castle website I was unable to resist, the Great Kitchen of Windsor Castle . 
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, May 31, 2015: After the Guard has changed...

Paul Heymont ·
When AA Milne wrote       They're changing the Guard at Buckingham Palace;      Christopher Robin went down with Alice.      Alice is marrying one of the Guard.....
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Jan. 11, 2014: Please Close the Gate.

PortMoresby ·
On a visit to Windsor Castle in England, I couldn’t resist the opportunities to photograph the Queen’s Guard as they patrolled the neighborhood. 