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Tagged With "Lower Penisula"


Re: May 18, 2016: World Trade Center near dusk

Samantha ·
We were just there in October and I was amazed at what a great job they did in honor of all those lost lives that tragic day. I was glad to go and pay my respect. Continued blessings to the familes and firends of those lost that day. Thanks for sharing.

Re: NYC-The Lower East Side

Paul Heymont ·
Thanks for this piece, and especially the notes on the Lower 'Eat' Side. I used to live not far away from Katz and Yonah Schimmel, although in those days I couldn't afford them as often as I might have liked...but I remember enjoying the aromas even when I couldn't eat! By the way, Russ and Daughters has just opened a small sitdown cafe where their "appetizing" can be enjoyed. The Tenement Museum is a great place for families; I've taken small school groups there. Each apartment in the...

Re: NYC-The Lower East Side

DrFumblefinger ·
I am embarrassed to say I've never had a knisch. But now I know where to find the best and will have to look the place up when in NYC. A fascinating bit of Americana. Thanks, Jonathan.

Re: NYC-The Lower East Side

Travel Rob ·
Thanks Jonathan! I'll follow your excellent itinerary next time I visit. I was fascinated by the history lesson you gave us!

Re: NYC-The Lower East Side

IslandMan ·
Excellent article, Jonathan, thank you. Such an amazing and colorful history and you've made it tempting to visit (again). We were there in 2007 and I had a pastrami sandwich at Katz's. It was so big I couldn't get my mouth around it!

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, May 18, 2014: Lower Manhattan's New Skyline

DrFumblefinger ·
It is truly a remarkable and unique skyline. I think Gehry's new building is brilliant. While some of his other buildings seem a little precious, I tend to enjoy his style. But this one's a stand out.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, May 18, 2014: Lower Manhattan's New Skyline

PortMoresby ·
I've said it here before and I'll say it again, I love Gehry's buildings. Whether one is a fan of all of them, or not, it's an amazing thing to perceive such seemingly static materials used in such a visually malleable way. Almost reverting to a tribal sensibility when fabric was the stuff of shelter, the most exciting tent wins. I'm surprised more of his influence hasn't been expressed by others. Or in domestic architecture. Maybe some day. Or maybe they have and I just haven't seen them...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, May 18, 2014: Lower Manhattan's New Skyline

Jonathan L ·
You may have noticed that NYC has 2 areas of very tall buildings - The Battery/Financial District and Midtown, separated by an large area where building height is limited. This was not just due to zoning. The reason is geological. The bedrock is very close to the surface in Midtown and Battery so there is support for very tall buildings. However, From 34th street down to Canal the bedrock is much deeper and the ground is more sandy/gravely, so it was unsafe to build tall buildings in area.

Re: Manhattan from the Other Shore

IslandMan ·
excellent article and collection of pictures, PH. The Manhattan skyline is always fascinating to look at and the history of it is equally interesting
Blog Post

A Visit to Ireland: Part 1) An overview of the Country and its People

DrFumblefinger ·
I remember being in Wales several times and looking across the sea to the west, thinking that I needed to get to Ireland.  Well I finally made it, completing this journey with my brother on our annual "getaway trip"!  It was a trip we really...
Blog Post

Travelocity survey: What bugs you on road trips?

Paul Heymont ·
This may be one of the best road trip years ever, with much lower gas prices than over the past few...and Travelocity's new survey of 1000 potential vacationers says that 65% more are considering a road trip than were thinking about it last year....
Blog Post

Nov. 3, 2019: Economy Candy, Lower East Side, New York

Jonathan L ·
Jonathan L takes a walking tour of the Lower Eat Side's storefronts.
Blog Post

Hunt for Nazi treasure train gets serious

Paul Heymont ·
Polish soldiers clearing the area of mines   After 70 years of rumors about a treasure-laden train hidden in Poland by retreating German armies, authorities may (they hope!) be close to finding the truth.   With help from the Polish Mining...
Blog Post

Museum at Eldridge Street (Where Gumbo Was #251)

Jonathan L ·
A visit to one of New York's most historic and beautiful synagogues with Jonathan L, who share its history with us.
Blog Post

Historic Battery Park, Lower Manhattan, NY

Samantha ·
A visit with Samantha to a park with a history as long as New York's, and a large variety of things to see.
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, May 18, 2014: Lower Manhattan's New Skyline

Paul Heymont ·
Lower Manhattan, arguably the original home of the skyscraper, has seen its profile altered over the years by new buildings of varying size and quality. In the past half-dozen years, two new and very tall ones have taken the trend in different...
Blog Post

Manhattan from the Other Shore

Paul Heymont ·
Manhattan's skyline is constantly, although the changes are not always instantly obvious, at least not so much as the change between the city's days as a port where the ships lined the shore and the growth of huge buildings clustered together in their...
Blog Post

NYC-The Lower East Side

Jonathan L ·
  The Lower East Side ( see map ) has been the home to immigrants for over 100 years. In the late 1800's its population was primarily Jewish, In the 1950's the population shifted to mostly Puerto Rican and then Dominican. Then in the 80's and...
Blog Post

Stevens Lake -- A Hidden Gem in Idaho's Bitterroot Range

DrFumblefinger ·
This is the time of year when those of us who love to hike have our eyes gazing to the tops of the mountains, longing to get up to those high passes.  But there's still a lot of snow and ice up there, at least in Western Canada and the Pacific...
Blog Post

May 18, 2016: World Trade Center near dusk

Paul Heymont ·
A dusk view of the new One World Trade Center and its cohorts...not the New York skyline of memory.
Blog Post

Manhattan Monochrome

Paul Heymont ·
This picture was inspired by a 1930s Berenice Abbott photograph of lower Manhattan from the waterfront that I used in a blog about changing Manhattan views.
Blog Post

Aug. 4, 2018: Arriving in the Land of the Midnight Sun

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger experiences first hand what it's like to have lots of sunlight when midnight strikes, as he journeys to the largest city in the Yukon.

Re: Aug. 4, 2018: Arriving in the Land of the Midnight Sun

GarryRF ·
It's a great feeling to see the sun rise twice in one day. Feels like you've cheated and won ! It's one thing I don't like on the times I've travelled on the Dreamliner. The Captain decides when it should be daylight and clears the window glass electronically. I miss the rainbow of colours as the sun rises.

Re: Museum at Eldridge Street (Where Gumbo Was #251)

Paul Heymont ·
You've made my New Year's resolution for me: to stop waiting and go visit! The story is as fascinating as the building. My father's family lived nearby in the 1910s, though I have no idea if they actually went there, and I used to pass by in the mid-1960s, with never a thought to what the interior might be. Can I like the blog twice?

Re: Museum at Eldridge Street (Where Gumbo Was #251)

George G. ·
Great to see that part of NYC education involved learning about other religions. A couple years ago, one of our Virginia counties in a strict bible belt area had a parental uprising that stifled a similar program when the school tried to familiarize students about non Christian religions.

Re: Manhattan Monochrome

DrFumblefinger ·
That's quite a skyline -- then and now!

Re: Manhattan Monochrome

Samantha ·
Love seeing all these pictures. Just went to New York this year for the first time and fell in love with the city. Can't wait to go back and visit again. Thanks for the happy memories.
Blog Post

Lower East Side Signs

Jonathan L ·
Jonathan L shows us some of the street signs in his city's Lower East Side
Blog Post

Mackinaw Bridge: Spanning the Straits of Mackinac

Samantha ·
The Mackinaw Bridge is currently the fifth-longest suspension bridge in the world and the longest bridge in the western hemisphere. Samantha shares her visit and some facts.

Re: A Colorful Hike to Blossom Lake, Idaho

Jonathan L ·
I love fall hikes
Blog Post

A Colorful Hike to Blossom Lake, Idaho

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger enjoyed a hike to Blossom Lakes in the Idaho Panhandle, which during the fall offers nice colors to enhance your enjoyment of the journey.
Blog Post

Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger visits the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, a spectacular and colorful canyon almost twenty miles long and nearly a mile wide.