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Tagged With "Standin' on the Corner"


Re: January 20, 2020: Newport Beach, California

Paul Heymont ·
Always a puzzle, Garry, when looking at restaurant reviews, because not everyone values the same thing, and not everyone is health-conscious, even if they say so! And it's not just portion size, either: even in more sensible portions there can be a lot of unhealthy extra calories, food that isn't fresh, etc. And with the arrival of plant-based 'meat,' I find myself amazed at how many people who rail against processed food are pleased to eat this incredibly-processed 'food' because it is...

Re: Paris: new urinals get mixed reviews

Professorabe ·
Other places have tried to address the problem through improved signage, sometimes in a humorous way, as seen on our travels last week in Miltenberg (Germany). Roughly translated, the sign says "Over there, dad!" - and points to a public toilet just around the corner.

Re: Painting with Flowers: Monet's Gardens at Giverny

IslandMan ·
Thanks for article on Giverny, PH. It brought back many memories as my wife and I were there in 2007. Such a beautiful place and one for the camera too. You can't take a bad picture there as every corner is photographic and you have certainly captured that.

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo #5.5

PortMoresby ·
It might very well be St.-Paul-de-Vence. I've never been there so can't say. However, it doesn't seem tidy enough for France. At least where I've been in France. I think the French are more particular about details in their medieval towns than this picture seems to indicate. I suppose it could be in a very out-of-the-way corner but, still, it just doesn't seem French to me for that reason.

Re: Laughter Set in Stone: Fun with Statues

DrFumblefinger ·
That's a fun piece, PHeymont! I, too, have noticed larger numbers of whimsical statues. The city this struck me in the most was Bratislava, in Slovakia. For example, here's their "Men at Work" And here's one that's a tribute to shutterbugs like you and me.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Oct. 20: Roman France

DrFumblefinger ·
Looks like the setting for a Haunted House. Appropriate with Halloween just around the corner.

Re: The Tulou of Fujian Province

PortMoresby ·
HistoryDigger, I'll explain. At the end of the first day of tulou visits, the large tour bus rendezvoused with a small van and it was indicated that I should bring my things and come with a young man. Since no one could explain, I had to simply trust and go along, an interesting sensation. I later realized that I was the only one who had opted for the second day. The young man drove me to a very basic village of mostly new buildings built, I suspect but of course don't know, for...

Re: Doctor List for Traveling

Mac ·
SueZee, wherever you travel in the world your hotel will find you a suitable doctor who will speak enough English for your needs - just like Dr.F says - and Italy will have plenty. Don't bother with lists as they will always be out of date by the time you might want to use them, plus it will no doubt not list a great doc that the hotel knows is just around the corner! At the worst the hotel will have an English speaking staff member sit with you to help translate. Conversely, I do think that...

Re: Share Your Budget Tablet and Laptop Picks

Former Member ·
As Kermit the Frog says, It's not easy being green ! I like products in bright colors. It keeps me from losing things, especially when I travel. Hard to miss a bright green tablet, even in the gloomy corner of a budget hotel room or tucked into a dark airplane seat pocket. It is good to read about these bargain tablets. They can only get cheaper during the upcoming holiday sales.

Re: July 31, 2017: Fishing Nets at Fort Kochi

Amateuremigrant ·
Spent many happy hours there myself, St Thomas' church round the corner, a few nice little restaurants along the shore. Glad I don't have to make a living from fishing there, though - I don't like fish that much ��

Re: July 31, 2017: Fishing Nets at Fort Kochi

Professorabe ·
We loved hanging out there - with a freshly squeezed juice from one of the stalls along the front. As it happens, the next photo in my album - after the fishing nets - is of the church round the corner. Here it is:

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#69)

PortMoresby ·
While I do see a certain resemblance to Cappadocia, it doesn't look real to me. More like a model landscape, as you'd have with a model railroad, but seemingly without the railroad. Maybe this is, in fact, what Cappadocia looks like from a hot air balloon, which I understand are popular there. I see no evidence of people in the form of actual people or vehicles, unless that's a person in red in the lower right-hand corner.

Re: Route 66 - Pasadena to Needles

Paul Heymont ·
I've only had the pleasure of a small part of the road (east of Flagstaff and yes, passing that corner in Winslow, Arizona, but Route 66 is pretty much the symbol of the feeling so many of us have, of wanting to discover a past still visible in the present, and worth holding onto. Another good book for "shunpikers" is George Cantor's "Where the Old Roads Go: Driving the First Federal Highways of the Northeast." It's an easy and rewarding read even if you're not setting out on Rte 6, Rte 20,...

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? #56

HistoryDigger ·
This one baffles me too. In the corner of the first picture, the architecture looks Tibetan. But the rest? No. Looks like the building is crushing human figures or Western civilization. Hell realms. You were in Kathmandu. How far did you travel? Hmm? Bangkok? No. Lhasa? Certainly must have changed since I was last there. OK. I give up. Tell us, please. :-)

Re: Montmartre Cemetery, Paris

Paul Heymont ·
She died nearby, as well. She returned to Montmartre in 1928, a year before her death, and eked out a living selling matches and peanuts on a corner near the Moulin Rouge.

Re: Help with mobile phone for Morocco

PortMoresby ·
While I haven't been to Morocco for over 2 years, phone service for locals in non-industrialized nations all over the world tends to be cheap phone, available locally, with prepaid sim cards that you reload. It depends a great deal on what services your friend wants and can they, for instance, do without data and use the wifi in their accommodations or will they go to pieces without having it all, all the time. If that's the case, I can't help and will be expensive, all things relative, I...

Re: GPS v. Sicily = WTF

artsnletters ·
Just returned from a month in Greece. I don't know what I would have done without GPS, given that streets are not always marked, and when they are, it can be difficult to see the signs (posted on buildings, not on the street corner) or they can be only in Greek. On the other hand, it's hardly foolproof! Sometimes hard to tell who was the bigger fool, me or the GPS!

Re: Signs of Boston

GarryRF ·
Lovely walkable city. The trains were a great way to get around too. Just move along one station at a time and pop up out of the underground railway for another look around. Around Quincy Market was very strange. It was St Patricks day and the sun was shining. The sellers were wearing shorts and T-shirts. But around the corner the sun hadn't made any impression. It was still in the shade after a long winter. Snow was everywhere and the market traders wore hats and coats. Around the next...

Re: Ryanair's 5-year plan: Trans-atlantic for 10£

Paul Heymont ·
But just around the corner, if they succeed, won't we hear the legacy airlines complaining they're being crushed between the ultra-low-cost-carriers and the limousines of the Gulf? Wow, what a fiesta of dueling press conferences that will be!

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, September 25, 2015: Whitcombe village

TravelingCanuck ·
It is so charming. These are the little gems in England that you need to get off the main roads to find. You never know what will be around the next corner or over the next rise. Thanks for the lovely photo.

Re: Franschhoek Motor Museum, South Africa

GarryRF ·
I would never have expected to find a World Class Motor Museum in this corner of the Globe. Fascinating display that I could stay in and marvel at it's magnificence. For days. Another wonderful display of Motoring history.

Re: Getting to know Canada's hidden gems

DrFumblefinger ·
There are ruins of a Viking settlement in the northwest corner of Newfoundland. Admittedly a remote hard to get to place, but I'd like to see them someday. Indian tribes tended just to bunker down in the winter in a place they knew would be safe for them. Sheltered somewhat from the wind, wood and fresh water supply nearby, etc. Food was generally harvested in the summer and consumed during the cold winter months. Their tents were constructed of hides (as were their clothes) and are...

Re: How We Got Six Men and Forty Dogs Across Antarctica

GarryRF ·
Interesting blog Cathy. And a reminder that a much warmer winter is just around the corner for us all. Your book should make it into Santa's bag for a good Christmas read.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#117)

Jonathan L ·
Okay, it is hard to see what is in the dome, but the art work outside the dome is definitely civil and not religious. There is a seascape in one corner. So Spain or Portugal are my first guesses.

Re: Feb. 11, 2016: Flatiron Building, New York City

Paul Heymont ·
Love to meet you there (or anywhere, since I don't think there's public access to the roof!)...and I'll be glad to buy the Guinness, since it turns out I was wrong about the triangle...the corner of 22nd St. and 5th Avenue is the right angle. You might find this article about it interesting: The Museum of Math did what might be called a performance piece, with 500 mathematicians measuring it in lightsticks and applying the Pythagorean theorem...



Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Nov. 7, 2013: Bicycle taxi, Santa Clara, Cuba.

Former Member ·
It would be fun to race a bunch of these three wheelers. They look like they would corner and take jumps well.

Re: Walking Tours in Andalusia

JohnT ·
Hi Pheymont I wouldn't worry about the wine and tapas portion. Things are really inexpensive her, and the tapas has been universally good. It's easy to get three or four tapas to share and a couple of glasses of wine for 15 Euro. As for the tours, we didn't take any, but I think for one day in Cordoba it would be a good idea because I think that day may feel really busy. For Sevilla, I have a mixed opinion, I really love to wonder around, get lost and then navigate my way out...but thats...

Re: Hotel Rewards Programs. Worthwhile or not?

Former Member ·
Using the points for the expensive properties works well. We have stayed at the Marriott very close to the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. It was a treat just to see the Leidesplein and Vondlepark from our room . We have used points to stay at the Hotel George V in Paris, just around the corner from Champs-Élysées . Why stay extra nights in Des Moines when you can be in Paris ? Not knocking Des Moines - but, hey, Des Moinesians would go to Paris, too.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Feb 24, 2014: Taprobane, Sri Lanka

DrFumblefinger ·
You'd want to look along the stretch extending from Hikkaduwa (southwest corner, north of Galle) all the way past Matara. But one of the loveliest beaches in the world is Unawatuna, maybe 5-10 km east of Galle. You can't go wrong staying there, PortMoresby.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, August 23, 2014: Bow Glacier Falls, Banff National Park

PortMoresby ·
I just love that waterfall, going around a corner. Quite beautiful.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? #70

PortMoresby ·
I'm wondering now if these are on a ship. Is that a railing in the lower right-hand corner?

Re: Replacing iPhone Abroad

DrFumblefinger ·
Hello HistoryDigger, I have some friends in Cologne who might be able to give you some on the ground advice. I'll send you their contact info via dialog. Check for the top right corner for a message.

Re: Dynamic Currency Conversion: The Little Nibble That Can Eat Your Vacation Budget

PortMoresby ·
Very good advice. In many countries, if not all, merchants are required by law to give us a choice. But as you experienced, and I did once when this practice began, they slip it in on us and simply charge us in our home currency. I suspect some merchants have instructed their employees to do it while others are as oblivious to the consequences as their customers. But it really amounts to the same thing as going to the corner currency exchange, like in the old days before ATMs, drawn in by...
Blog Post

Charleston and its Single Houses: Where Gumbo Was #79

Paul Heymont ·
TravelGumbo member Club2013, by e-mail, was the only one to correctly place Gumbo’s secret destination: Charleston, SC. He found the special characteristics in an almost generic “old town” streetscape, and hit the nail on the head....
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Nov. 7, 2013: Bicycle taxi, Santa Clara, Cuba.

GarryRF ·
  CUBAN BICYCLE TAXI Cuba- A surprise around every corner ! Santa Clara, Cuba has a Central "Town Square" in the typical Spanish style. It  has Trees for shade and long benches for...
Blog Post

Washington State’s Long Beach Peninsula

DrFumblefinger ·
 For most travelers, the southwestern corner of Washington state is easy to bypass.  It lies well over an hour’s drive from the busy I-5 Interstate Freeway.  The broad mouth of the Columbia River limits access from the Oregon...
Blog Post

A Home for Caribbean Artists: The Puerto Rico Museum of Art, San Juan

Paul Heymont ·
Sometimes, at home or traveling, you miss an obvious place to visit, just because it’s nearby and you can fit it in “any time.” On our last day in Puerto Rico, we finally got to visit the museum around the corner and a few blocks...
Blog Post

San Juan: Two Markets, Old and New

Paul Heymont ·
As Gumbo readers know by now, a lot of us who write these pieces are suckers for markets, large and small, wherever we go. If an army travels on its stomach, an army of bloggers stocks up at the public market.   So, on our recent trip to Puerto...
Blog Post

Old City Hall, Toronto. Where Gumbo was #86

DrFumblefinger ·
        Gumbo was visiting the corner of Bay and Queen streets in Toronto, Canada -- specifically the Old City Hall. Congratulations to PortMoreby who correctly solved the problem and notified us by email!  Jonathan L also...
Blog Post

Road Trip, Day 4: Fort Mason, San Francisco

PortMoresby ·
    March 12, 2015   I drove south through Sonoma and Marin Counties, past the houseboats on the bay at Sausalito, across the Golden Gate Bridge into San Francisco, and arrived earlier than the hostel’s official 3:00 check-in...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, April 4, 2015: Sea Gull Inn, Mendocino, California

PortMoresby ·
  March 10, 2015   On my road trip to the Northern California coast in March, I stayed with a friend 17 miles down the road from Mendocino.  But on 2 previous visits I’d stayed at the Sea Gull Inn .  The first time was in...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Apr 7, 2015: Obwarzanek vendor, Krakow

IslandMan ·
    Kraków is the second largest and one of the oldest cities in Poland . Situated on the Vistula River in the Lesser Poland region, the city dates back to the 7th century. Our visit to Krakow was a surprising delight. Not knowing...
Blog Post

Brooklyn's Spectacular Botanic Garden (Where Gumbo Was #112)

Paul Heymont ·
  The Brooklyn Botanic Garden, a pint-size treasure that always seems bigger than it is (and which occupies an outsize place in botanical research) was this week's answer to Where in the World is TravelGumbo? Because the Garden presents an array...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, February 18, 2015: Changing Seasons

Still Country Photo ·
  I think spring may be just around the corner for us here in Calgary, watching nature change with the seasons is so metaphorical to me.  The repeated cycles of death and rebirth that the fall and spring show us is a reminder to me that I...
Blog Post

Historic Route 66 (pt 3) - Flagstaff to Gallup

Jonathan L ·
The next leg of my trip was the shortest distance I had to drive, but it took the longest time. There was a lot to see along the way.   Flagstaff AZ I was last in Flagstaff 20 years ago. It was a dismal depressed town in which nothing was...
Blog Post

Brooklyn's Prospect Park Greenmarket

Paul Heymont ·
By a quick count, I’ve photographed markets in nearly three dozen cities in the U.S. and Europe; they’ve often appeared here on TravelGumbo. And yet the market I visit most often, and where my wife shops almost weekly, hasn’t found...
Blog Post

A Day in Ponce, Puerto Rico (Where Gumbo Was #87)

Paul Heymont ·
On our second-to-last day in Puerto Rico, we headed to the south shore of the island, to the city of Ponce. It's smaller than San Juan, has less tourist traffic—all that, and yet it considers itself the cultural equal of the capital or of...