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Tagged With "Anaconda Smoke Stack"


Re: Missoula, Montana — Home of Grizzlies

PortMoresby ·
I like this one because it reminds me of a time when my son was a naval fire fighter and was talking about becoming a smoke jumper after he was discharged. He changed his mind, something for which I'll be forever grateful. Read 'Young Men and Fire', by Norman Maclean and understand.

Re: Missoula, Montana — Home of Grizzlies

DrFumblefinger ·
Originally Posted by PortMoresby: I like this one because it reminds me of a time when my son was a naval fire fighter and was talking about becoming a smoke jumper after he was discharged. He changed his mind, something for which I'll be forever grateful. Read 'Young Men and Fire', by Norman Maclean and understand. Those smokejumpers are amazing! Absolutely fearless. When everyone's running away from a fire, they're jumping from planes to run toward it. Another good fictional book is the...

Re: The Beautiful Pools and Geysers of Yellowstone National Park

DrFumblefinger ·
Hi Andre, and welcome. As DrY is away on vacation, I'll try to answer your question before he gets back. Yellowstone National Park does sit on what is known as the "Yellowstone Hot Spot". You see this in its geysirs and hot water pools. This does have the potential to become a massive volcano and cause a tremendous eruption. As big as any volcano in recorded history and then some. The jet stream would carry the ash and smoke mostly east (towards the Atlantic Ocean), so those areas would be...

Re: Goldilocks Would Be Pleased With Four Seasons

PortMoresby ·
Rob, but will they stack up those mattresses for The Princess and the Pea?

Re: July 29, 2016: Still Life with Remnants

GarryRF ·
If you smoke under the open sky in New York is it not permitted ?

Re: Sweden, Dominican Republic get pre-clearance OK

GarryRF ·
All the extra security is just smoke and mirrors. Its made to look like the Security Services are in control of the situation. The passengers are the one's who have saved the day in previous incidents.

Re: For $345 you can fly back to the 70s on Pan Am

DrFumblefinger ·
Perhaps they will compromise and allow e-cigarettes. Smoking without the tobacco smoke.

Re: Belles lettres et de belles choses: A wanderer's gallery

Paul Heymont ·
An apology...I mixed my files and misidentified the girl reading her stack of bronze books; we met her in Seville, not Lisbon!

Re: Tanzania 'Clean Cookstove' project: hope and health

GarryRF ·
Airlines are paying for efficient cooking areas and wood burning stoves as a way of reducing their "Carbon Footprint" on the planet. Green Tax being used to pay for smoke reduction.

Re: Tanzania 'Clean Cookstove' project: hope and health

Marilyn Jones ·
It's a wonderful program. I am The cookstoves are such a wonderful way to help the Tanzanian people. It's great airlines are supporting it as well!

Re: Berlin: No, the airport won't open in 2017

Paul Heymont ·
Oh, there's been plenty of corruption in it; that's known and been investigated. But that doesn't account for the incompetent fire safety system that assumed smoke goes down, not up, etc. And yes, it IS possible to screw up more than this: They could have OPENED it with the bad fire control system and the weak roof and the ....

Re: A visit to Normandy: exploring the D-Day beaches

GarryRF ·
Yes - my Dad and lots of other guys told me their stories! My Dad was in the Royal Navy and was taking landing craft full of soldiers from ship to shore - several times - under heavy fire! A guy I was doing work for had lots of photos and souvenirs on the walls of his house. Medals and maps. Newspaper cuttings and Badges. All in frames. I asked him how much he remembered of D-Day. "Every minute of every hour. Me and my mate had been together since the outbreak of war. Nearly 5 years. We were...

Re: Sri Lanka: A Land Like No Other (Part 8) Hill Country

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks, PortMoresby! There's lots of interesting places to stay in the Hill Country, some in tea plantations themselves. My favorite place here was the Grand Hotel in Nuwara Eliya. A bit of historic elegance. Where else can you find a "cigar room" (where men gather to smoke) and a "billiards room" anymore?

Re: John F Kennedy Space Center, Cape Canaveral, Florida

GarryRF ·
I always thought that when rockets were fired from the launch pad, there were clouds of smoke to accompany it. I learned, on the tour, that a few seconds before launch a million gallons of water were released onto the launch pad to stop the heat of the rockets from melting the concrete base. So it was just creating some steam !
Blog Post

Memphis, Tennessee 3) The rest of the city

DrFumblefinger ·
        There’s a lot more to Memphis than Graceland, although  Graceland is by far the city’s most popular attraction (which I’ve previously discussed here ).   A city of about 650,000, Memphis has a...
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Gumbo's Pic of the Day, August 23, 2015: Victoria Falls - “The Smoke That Thunders”, Zimbabwe

Grand Escapades ·
    At Victoria Falls, the mighty Zambezi River disappears in the 108 meter deep narrow gorge. This makes it among the biggest waterfalls on this planet. It’s not only deep but also narrow, thus explaining the tremendous spray.  ...
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Airbus now "printing" parts for A350

Paul Heymont ·
A350 being assembled at Toulouse, France   I'm going to start with the cranky part: it's NOT 3-D printing; it's 3-D fabrication, or technically FDM (fused deposition modeling).   Now that I've gotten past that part, here's the wonder: the...
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A Place of Fairy Tales & Magic – The Biltmore Estate

GutterPup ·
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Death Valley National Park

My Thatched Hut ·
Death Valley is one of the most desolate place I have been. Others include central Greenland and the Dead Sea. Death Valley is the lowest place in the western hemisphere at 282 feet (86 metres) below sea level. The Dead Sea in Israel is 1,370...
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The Bikaner Mail

Amateuremigrant ·
Bob Cranwell shares the story of a most memorable train journey -- an experience uniquely Indian.
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Journey through Karnataka: Aihole, Pattadakal, and Badami

Professorabe ·
Professor Abe's journey to Karnataka continues with stops at several more great and historic sites, including an interesting cave temple.
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Iceland opens volcano-and-earthquake museum

Paul Heymont ·
Iceland's newest museum looks at the volcanic forces that created its land and which, in recent years, have reminded all of us of nature's power.
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Sicily's Mount Etna in big eruption

Paul Heymont ·
Mount Etna, one of Italy's two active volcanoes, began an eruption on the night of February 27, sending flame, smoke and lava into the air, continuing into the morning. The eruption was visible from the cities of Catania and Taormina; the volcano is Catania's next-door neighbor. While a flurry of volcanic activity in January led to some schools being briefly evacuated, scientists at Italy's National Institute of Geophysics and Vulcanology say that this eruption is not a danger to people or...
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To the top of Mount Teide, Tenerife, Canary Islands.

Ian Cook ·
If you like hiking, Ian Cook shares a fascinating adventure this week, as he works his way up one of the tallest volcanoes in the world.
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April 8, 2017: Mate: South America's morning Brew

DrFumblefinger ·
Seattle may have its Starbucks coffee, but Argentina has its mate. A look at southern South America's favorite caffeinated beverage.
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Malta loses a landmark to the sea

Paul Heymont ·
Malta loses the Azure Window, seen on Game of Thrones and popular with cliff-jumpers.
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Visiting Erupting Mount Etna

Paul Heymont ·
We hadn't even planned to visit Mount Etna, but when it erupted while we were heading to Sicily, it was practically an engraved invitation.
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Visiting the Poas Volcano, Costa Rica

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger visits one of the view active volcanoes in Costa Rica, and catches a glimpse of the crater and its lake through thick volcanic fog.
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Capsule hotels spreading in Europe

Paul Heymont ·
Tiny spaces mark the capsule hotel, but privacy is another hallmark that may help it compete with hostels.
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June 25, 2020: Canoes, Lake Louise

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger enjoys visiting Lake Louise, and finds this image of canoes stocked on the lake's dock one of the most popular.
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Ramblings in Danville, Virginia

George G. ·
George G wraps up his series on visiting Danville, Virginia, with an interesting look at the city's interesting history and historic architecture.
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November 26, 2019: The Masala Chai Men's Club, Jojawar

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger came across a group of elderly turbaned men, enjoying each other's company, some chai and a smoke.
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Australia: Fire Escape Cruises

Paul Heymont ·
For some, ocean cruises have become a respite from the ongoing bushfires.
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Berlin's airport tragedy of errors continues

Paul Heymont ·
Berlin's long-delayed (it was supposed to open in 2008) new airport will now have a new delay: work was stopped today when it was determined that the terminal roof may not be strong enough to support the air-conditioning units that have recently been...
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Virgin sails into the cruise business for 2020

Paul Heymont ·
Richard Branson, whose Virgin brand is slapped on everything from mobile phones to megastores and especially airlines is now launching a cruise ship line, to be called...of course...Virgin Cruises.   The line will start operations in 2020 with...
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Not-so-good day for flying airplanes...

Paul Heymont ·
Leaving aside the big stuff—like the Southwest Airlines computer glitch that grounded or delayed hundreds of flights over the weekend—it's been a tough couple of days for flying.   Monday, on an Alaska Airlines 737, a credit-card...
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Flatulent Goats Cause Emergency Landing

Travel Rob ·
Photo by PortMoresby A Singapore Airline Cargo Plane on its way from Adelaide Australia to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia made an emergency landing in Bali because smoke alarms in the cargo area went off. No fire or smoke was detected, just 2186 flatulent...
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Denver airport snuffs out its last butt

Paul Heymont ·
With the end of its last smoking lounge, Denver leaves only four major U.S. airports with smoking areas.
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Yet another impossible Berlin airport story

Paul Heymont ·
The endless saga of Berlin's new airport, once scheduled to open in 2011 and now (maybe) by the end of 2020 takes a startling new twist. Read on!
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Berlin: New airport 3 more years off

Paul Heymont ·
Berlin's long-delayed and over-budget new jetport admits it won't be ready for another three years.
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The Sanity Clause (apologies to Groucho Marx)

Amateuremigrant ·
Bob Cranwell explores the origins of the Santa Claus myth drawing on his extensive travel experiences for supportive facts.
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Art and Survival in the Tassili Plateau

Amateuremigrant ·
Bob Cranwell explores the heart of the Sahara -- a life filled with hardship, sand dunes and camel. A trip highlighted by the remarkable sights of Tassili n’Ajjer, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
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Comrade Bob in the Steps of Tamerlaine

Amateuremigrant ·
Comrade Bob (did you know it means 'bean' in Russian?) Cranwell recalls a visit to Uzbekistan back in the waning days of the Soviet empire.
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Sun Studio, Memphis, Tennessee: The house Sam Phillips built

Ottoman ·
         What a thrill it was to visit Sun Studio at 706 Union Ave, Memphis, Tennessee!  To step through the doors of this old building is to walk into Rock 'n Roll history.  It was at Sun Studios that...
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The Big Island of Hawaii (Part 1). Volcanoes Park

DrFumblefinger ·
(Volcanoes National Park -- plume of volcanic smoke from Halema'uma Crater) There are many places in the world I wish everyone could visit.  At the top of this list is Hawaii.  It’s a great travel destination and for me retains...
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Heads Up for Travelers: Iceland's Volcanoes May Disrupt Travel Again

Paul Heymont ·
Don't panic, but keep alert if you have trans-Atlantic travel plans in the next few weeks. The Icelandic Meteorological Office has reported a sudden flurry of small earthquakes that could be a prelude to an eruption of Bardarbunga, one of the...
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Bayfront Stadium, Pensacola: As Good as it Gets

Travel Rob ·
I t's easy for me to get jaded sometimes, comparing my local sights to more famous places, expecting them to compete.  It's always great, though, when I find local places that not only stack up, but outshine the more famous ones.   That's...
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Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Jan 21, 2015: Burmis Tree

Still Country Photo ·
  As tourists enter the Crowsnest Pass  from the east, the first major pioneer landmark they will see is the famous Burmis Tree on the north side of Highway 3.  This unique and starkly shaped tree, named after the community, is a Limber...
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Cave and Basin National Historic Site, Banff National Park (Where Gumbo Was #178)

DrFumblefinger ·
Gumbo was visiting the Cave and Basin National Historic Site, the original site around which Canada's first National Park -- Banff National Park -- was created.
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Berlin's airport fiasco: Another €2.2 billion and 2 more years

Paul Heymont ·
Berlin's trouble-plagued airport project, already 7 years overdue, will take at least another 2 and has just gotten €2.2 billion more to finish the job.