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Tagged With "Great Basin Desert"


Re: November 24, 2016: Enger Tower, Duluth, Minnesota

GarryRF ·
Did you count the steps up ? Looks like an Olympian task !

Re: November 24, 2016: Enger Tower, Duluth, Minnesota

Ottoman ·
Hi Garry I never thought of counting the number of steps to the top of Enger Tower for I was too preoccupied with the beautiful scenery; However, thanks to your question I did some internet investigating and discovered that apparently there are 105 steps you must walk to get to the top of Enger Tower (therefore 210 steps in total to get up and down the tower). You really don't need to be an Olympian to get to the top of Enger Tower. Although the number of steps sounds like a lot, and the...

Re: November 24, 2016: Enger Tower, Duluth, Minnesota

GarryRF ·
Thanks Ottoman. Thanks for the reassurance. I did have a fear of a thousand tourists behind me - pushing to ascend the stairway - and all at the gallop. The intervals are all well spaced and welcomed. That's why older people carry a camera !

Re: February 21, 2020: A Great Green Wall, Madrid

GarryRF ·
Made me look twice !

Re: Alfred the Great's bones found!

Paul Heymont ·
This seems to be a good year for royal discoveries; the remains of Richard III were found under a parking lot in Leicester last year. Now if only someone could locate Jimmy Hoffa...and Judge Crater!

Re: Alfred the Great's bones found!

DrFumblefinger ·
I don't think we'll find Hoffa until they start tearing down some of these old ball stadiums... Somewhere deep in the concrete I think!

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? # 8.8

PortMoresby ·
Or California. The plants in the foreground are interesting too. The tall shrubs/short trees are similar to joshua trees, a desert plant, while the white flowers are, I believe, hydrangeas, which do best in a moist climate. Altogether, with the conservatory, I'm reminded of England, maybe Cornwall, which is referred to as having a sub-tropical climate. Which, of course, means it could indeed be Australia.

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? #8.5

WorkerBee ·
What a beautiful church Gumbo has found! WITW? The clues: 18th century Spanish colonial architecture, typical of Franciscan missions; Banner in English; Materials are not typical of Florida or Texas missions; Various effigies of animals and unreal creatures, often incorporated by the Franciscans into their liturgy in order to convert American Indians. Typical of US southwestern states; Not one of the remaining California missions; Not in Santa Fe; Checked missions in Arizona. Found (as did...

Re: A Springtime Walk in the Desert

Paul Heymont ·
Great color and variety! Thanks...I'm going to have to get to the desert in spring, sometime. I visited the Sonora desert in December, and recognize some of these from seeing them without their brilliant display (click HERE for that blog) This is certainly a reminder of how little we know a place when we only know it "in season."

Re: Where Gumbo Was #17: Death Valley, USA

Former Member ·
So beautiful those Desert Holly

Re: Where Gumbo Was #17: Death Valley, USA

Paul Heymont ·
Yes, it's really amazing how colorful and varied desert plants can be. Did you also see the blog from a few weeks ago on the "Spine Garden" of cacti in Arizona? It's at

Re: July 27, 2016: Bighorn Sheep at Hemenway Park in Boulder City, NV

DrFumblefinger ·
Wow! That's a lot of sheep! I imagine there are few places that offer such succulent moist grass for these desert dwellers. Must have been fun to stop and study them. And good that you didn't let those little dogs out of the car, as the sheep likely would have killed them.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#178)

DrFumblefinger ·
Here are today's clues. The boardwalks you see above take you through wetlands on the ridge of a hill. These are some photos of these wetlands, and what grows in them....

Re: Cave and Basin National Historic Site, Banff National Park (Where Gumbo Was #178)

Jonathan L ·
I spent several nights at Banff Springs, but not the cave and Basin. It is quite an experience to sit in a hot spring outdoors while snow is falling! Thanks for bring back the memories.

Re: It wasn't scary enough, so floor!

Ava ·
This is becoming more common with some older coasters, and most fans enjoy it. I'm not crazy about it, but at least it's different.

Re: In Egypt: The Egyptian Museum

PortMoresby ·
An item from the UK's Guardian comments on the timelessness & "place-less-ness" of Nefertiti's image. If she'd stayed in Egypt after her discovery at Amarna, she'd likely have a place near her image above with her family, in the photo titled " Scene of worship of the Aten ..." as that's a far more interesting historical context, rather than the following reign of Tutankhamun, in which to put her. I hope the book does her real life justice.

Re: Good news, bad news on UNESCO's world heritage

DrFumblefinger ·
I enjoy traveling to UNESCO sites because most of them are very interesting destinations. I even know of some travelers whose goal it is to see "every" UNESCO listing. Good luck to them! I really think UNESCO is doing it's job by identifying important places and encouraging their conservation. I shudder at the thought of a global UNESCO police swooping in to "defend" these sites. It's up to the countries that govern them to do so. Some do a great job; others don't. Some citizens care, others...

Re: Mall of the Emirates

George G. ·
Unbelievable technology to maintain a ski resort in the desert. I believe the world's largest indoor ski resort just opened last summer which is the Wanda Indoor Ski and Winter Sports Resort in Harbin China.

Re: Water rationing set for Rome

PortMoresby ·
Fortunately, I've booked a ground floor apartment. But I know about rationing & conserving, having lived in the desert and through droughts more than once. I promise I'll be careful.

Re: A Culinary Adventure in Portugal

GarryRF ·
Sagres and Superbock Beer are a Portuguese favourite. I always have a supply in the fridge. For drinks after dinner I prefer a Mateus Rose Wine. Strong in alcohol content - sparkling and not dry. Portugal has an all year warm climate as the prevailing winds come up from North Africa and the Sahara Desert.

Re: Endangered tourist destinations around the World

IslandMan ·
Excellent article, Felicty. Yes, whilst all these places are a must on most peoples' travel list, we do need to be aware of the environmental impact we as tourists make.

Re: Endangered tourist destinations around the World

GarryRF ·
Without the tourist would many of these places survive? Without the billions of euros spent on Venice to keep the water out would it still be walkable ? Would the Taj Mahal still be showing the scars of conflict if people didn't visit and contribute to its hunger for refurbishment ? Or maybe leave it to fall into ruin like the pyramids. Which do we remove? The tourists or the high heels ?

Re: Endangered tourist destinations around the World

Zohaib ·
I agree that these destinations are famous and must-sees for every tourist, but all of us have an obligation to not destory these beautiful corners of the World. Like for Venice, as mentioned in the article that so many Cruises pass through here (stops) each year, so they must have dig-up the area and hence the water level keeps rising?! If we don't take care, our future generations wouldn't be able to see these historic places.

Re: Cruising down the Nile (part 2)

Paul Heymont ·
Your pictures really bring out what I learned—and taught—in school: how narrow a margin of arable soil along the river was able to feed a great civilization, and how close desert and disaster were if the flood and the crop failed. But where it is lush...I had no idea how lush!

Re: Rose Hall Great House, Jamaica

GarryRF ·
Thanks Paul. A good story and some interesting photos to accompany it. In my visits to the various Caribbean Islands I have seen voodoo is still in practice. "my son had a stomach ache and the Doctor came to visit. He rubbed his legs with grass and the pain went away. He said the words too. He told me it was caused by not chewing his food enough before swollowing it" Going horse riding at first light I've seen burials on the beach. All ceremony gone home before the tourists arrive to sun...

Re: Under the Cirio Tree

My Thatched Hut ·
There are in the Sonoran Desert part of the Baja Peninsula. I drove the peninsula and back. But who needs an excuse to go. It is one of my favourite places.

Re: Colorado National Monument

DrFumblefinger ·
Excellent idea, rbciao! Although I'd recommend visiting the desert regions of the southwest in the shoulder seasons, rather than during the heat of summer. No question in my mind that some of the best scenery in the world is in North America. Ciao!

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#115)

DrFumblefinger ·
We are in a desert, but it's not New Mexico or California. Here's another photo clue for today. We have arrived at our destination, although it's spread over several square kilometers....

Re: Our 3 Favorite Beaches on Philipsburg, St. Martin

Marilyn Jones ·
Beautiful photos of Philipsburg, St. Martin beachs and great information!!! Thank you for sharing...I'd love to visit there.

Re: Our 3 Favorite Beaches on Philipsburg, St. Martin

Samantha ·
Thanks Marilyn, they are absolutely beautiful. Hope you can make it someday. Little Divi Beach is nice too. Happy Travels.

Re: Our 3 Favorite Beaches on Philipsburg, St. Martin

DrFumblefinger ·
There are few things more beautiful than watching the sunset on a tropical beach. Today I've found a few more worth exploring. Thanks, Samantha!

Re: Our 3 Favorite Beaches on Philipsburg, St. Martin

Samantha ·
Thank you DrFumbleFinger I agree, there is nothing better than relaxing on the beach and watching the sunset. Amazing. Thanks for the comment.

Re: Our 3 Favorite Beaches on Philipsburg, St. Martin

DangTravelers ·
We fell in love with St. Martin! The beaches and food on the beach were amazing. Great post. Love the pics!

Re: Why Spending a Business Conference in Cyprus Is a Great Idea

NnamAries ·
Cyprus sounds great, never actually considered the possibility of picking an excellent business conference venue, I'd often just look out for something functional.

Re: Town Hall, Manchester, England (Where Gumbo Was)

Roderick Simpson ·
Manchester City Hall featured in the news last night, as it was there that the Brexit Referendum result was officially announced.

Re: Town Hall, Manchester, England (Where Gumbo Was)

Travel Rob ·
Great piece! I loved Manchester. You showed some great details of Town Hall that I missed.

Re: Most of China's Wall in danger: Can it be saved?

DrFumblefinger ·
I'm not sure it's even a good idea to rebuild the entire thing, but certainly significant sections should be restored and preserved. I think most of us agree this great human site should survive.

Re: Most of China's Wall in danger: Can it be saved?

PortMoresby ·
This is old news. Very old. Villages in proximity to the wall have been built from it's bricks for eons and the parts that people love to visit and pretend are historical are nothing of the kind, but completely newly built and Disney-fied versions for the tourists, foreign & domestic. The Chinese government, in its (lack of) wisdom has no more interest in cultural preservation than it does in playing fair in any area of endeavor. History and its artifacts are tools having no value beyond...

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#112)

PortMoresby ·
The plant in question is a yucca, I believe, and grows, as DrF says, all over the SW US, including the Sonora Desert that extends into Northern Mexico. But the one in the background of the flower is, if I'm not mistaken, a Joshua Tree and that may narrow down the location, maybe in the Mojave Desert. Or maybe not. Having lived for decades in the Sonora Desert near Mexico, brush fires are uncommon so maybe that fact alone, mentioned by The Puzzler, will help pin it down.

Re: Books That Send You Packing...

Former Member ·
There are so very many great travel tales. I am partial to non-fiction. I enjoy reading well researched, historical accounts of the human drama that is within the scenery. I enjoy writing that gives a strong sense of place and context to what I see. " The Old Patagonian Express " by Paul Theroux " The Pillars of Hercules " by Paul Theroux " Cut Stones and Crossroads: A Journey to Peru " by Ronald Wright " Basin and Range " by John McPhee " Two Years Before the Mast " by Richard Henry Dana,...

Re: A visit to Great Basin National Park

Travel Luver ·
Never been anywhere in Nevada except Vegas. Didn't know they had beautiful places like this. Can you get there from Vegas as a day trip? Was it hot?

Re: A visit to Great Basin National Park

DrFumblefinger ·
Well, for a start, make sure you visit Reno, Travel Luver. It's a much small town than Vegas but still has all the casinos, restaurants, etc that you'd expect from a Nevada City. From here it's easy to do a day trip to Lake Tahoe and the Sierra Nevada Mountains, or down to Carson City. Reno is actually the closest major city to Great Basin National Park, say about a 3-4 hour drive. Vegas is 6-7 hour drive away. Salt Lake City is closer to Great Basin than Vegas. But you really can't do it as...

Re: A visit to Great Basin National Park

PortMoresby ·
A friend who was a park planner for the National Park Service said his favorite park was Big Bend in Texas. He's a lover of desert landscapes, wide-open spaces and, in the case of this park too, almost no visitors. Another orphan, no doubt.

Re: A visit to Great Basin National Park

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for the note, PortMoresby. I've visited a lot of the US parks, but Big Bend is still on my "to do" list. They do white water rafting trips there, which appeals to me. One of the things that a lot of folks enjoy about these "orphans" is that they are so sparsely peopled, with few tourists. I think the US Parks system is the USA's biggest tourist asset. I'm certainly a huge fan. Seems whenever I'm in a US Park, more German is spoken than English. The German folks certainly are aware of...

Re: A visit to Great Basin National Park

Paul Heymont ·
The comments on "orphan parks" made for some interesting thoughts. How do we (as a society) choose what to save for parks? When you consider urban parkland, the point is obvious: people who have no land of their own need areas for public recreation. In other cases, individuals with wealth and influence have created parks in areas important to them personally (think of Acadia and the Rockefellers, Palisades Interstate Park and Morgan partners). But setting aside and maintaining areas like...

Re: A visit to Great Basin National Park

PortMoresby ·
Pheymont, you speak as if budget cuts are in the future when in fact the Park Service has been functioning with less and less for years now. The Service has a mission to which they're dedicated but less funding has meant "deferred" maintenance on buildings, trails, you name it. And when features of a park are deemed unsafe or there isn't personnel to oversee visitors then parts are closed. I've experienced that myself recently when a trail I've visited in years past was closed. I have no...

Re: A visit to Great Basin National Park

DrFumblefinger ·
Costs for the existing parks is mostly maintenance and salary. In the face of a broke federal government, I would favor increased user fees. $10-20 for a family to visit a national park for a week is the greatest bargain out there. People who love the parks would happily pay twice as much and I don't think the extra cost would be a deterent. Also, it's reasonable for those with concessions to pay up more than they are. They are given a monopoly and some of those profits should go back to the...

Re: A visit to Great Basin National Park

Paul Heymont ·
No, I'm painfully aware of the past and present cuts...but I see more ahead. My concern is that there are loud voices (my own included) to speak out against cuts to parks that have a big "fan base," including Gateway here in the NY area. Because so many speak out for those parks, I fear that NPS will increasingly "hide the damage" by even more drastic cuts to others--perhaps even outright abandonment. And that's not so far-fetched an idea. For some 20 or more years here in New York, Prospect...

Re: A visit to Great Basin National Park

DrFumblefinger ·
PHeymont, I don't believe we disagree. I think the problem is that the park system relies on "federal handouts" and when a government is broke, there's less to hand out. As I said, I sort of favor them being self-funded by their user and concession fees. That's a lot of money already (if it was all kept in the parks) and people would be willing to pay more IF they knew the money stayed in the parks and didn't get diverted back into the Washington's general budget. Orphan parks would be...

Re: California road trip ideas

Theodore Behr ·
Hi Mrs. Briggs! What sorta stuff do you like to see? Nature? Mountains? Desert? Wine areas? Big cities? California has it all. Would help to know this to give you better advice. Whatever you decide, its a great place to go. One of the best in the world. Look forward to hearing from you.