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Tagged With "Steve's Cafe"


Re: Regensburg, Germany, offers Medieval Holiday Magic

George G. ·
Visited Regensburg twice as it was a very convenient stop on our drives from my US Army base in Augsburg to Pilsen and Prague in the Czech Republic. There is so much to see in Regensburg that two half-day visits didn't seem to touch the number of historical landmarks here. I've included a photo of my wife Diane standing in front of the Prinzess Cafe which the historic sign says it is the first cafe house in Germany established in 1686. The other photo is of the Regensburg Cathedral that was...

Re: July 3, 2017: Fun Street Art in Montreal

Jonathan L ·
I waited for a bus next to that statue the last time I was in Montreal (in my pre-TG days).

Re: July 29, 2016: Still Life with Remnants

DrFumblefinger ·
Like the photo, PHeymont, but am surprised to see cigarette butts in a cafe photo from Europe. Is this one from the archives.

Re: July 29, 2016: Still Life with Remnants

Paul Heymont ·
This is from summer of 2013. The disappearance of public smoking in Europe is slow and uneven; when the picture was taken, it was still allowed on the open terrace of the cafe. This summer, in England, I was surprised to note how much it persists there.

Re: Route 66 - Pasadena to Needles

IslandMan ·
Thanks for the journey, JL. This one has been on my wish list for some time. I do intend to make it one day. Also love the Bagdad Cafe. I remember the movie, it was one of those cult classics that, like you said, went almost unnoticed. Good to know the buildings are still there.

Re: Taos NM - Indian, Mexican, and Yarn

HistoryDigger ·
Great pictures!I wish I knew how to knit. You make it look fun and friendly. I have been to Taos four times for a writer's retreat at the Mable Dodge Luhan House , which is in walking distance to the Wired Cafe and other restaurants and shopping. It's also a quick drive to fantastic hiking. (Watch for rattlesnakes though.) And if you're up for a 13,000 ft hike or mountain biking, drive to the Taos Ski Valley . Kachina Peak has one of the best views in the world.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Feb 3, 2015: Chanteuse of Montmarte

IslandMan ·
Originally Posted by PHeymont: You make me wish I were there again...thanks! By the way, how did you do the camera vignette effect? Hello PH, yes, I wish I was there again too. Sitting at a cafe, sipping my coffee and trying to look Bohemian! I did the vignette in Google Picasa (free download and easy to use with many different effects to choose from)

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#85)

Jonathan L ·
Congratulations to PortMorsby for correctly identifying that Gumbo was enjoying an afternoon coffee in the Cafe at The Los Angeles County Museum of Art! The full reveal will be posted tomorrow and and a new Where in the World will be here on Saturday.

Re: Musée d'Orsay, Paris. Where Gumbo was #108

Paul Heymont ·
One of my favorites, too...and after about 10 visits over the years, it's still a highlight of every trip...and I find more hidden gems every time. And while the cafe, with its roof views over Paris, is very pleasant and reasonable, once in a lifetime it's worth making a reservation for the restaurant in the former ballroom and feeling a bit of the Belle Epoque (without reminders of how badly things went after)

Re: Strictly for the Birds...

Paul Heymont ·
While searching for some other photos, I came across these two that might have joined the birds above. One is a scene of well-mannered pigeons on a rail at the Musee Rodin in Paris, perhaps waiting their turn to annoy diners in the garden cafe; the other is yet another of those ironic meetings of statue-fied dignity with feathered pit stop...

Re: Cat Cafe Nyanny, Akihabara, Tokyo

DrFumblefinger ·
Fascinating! I wonder if they have a "dog cafe"?

Re: Cat Cafe Nyanny, Akihabara, Tokyo

seesaw ·
I remember passing by a Rabbit Cafe, so I'm sure a doggy one exists too!

Re: Vienna cafe to charge for a charge

Paul Heymont ·
Terrassencafe im Hundertwasserhaus. And to read her interview with the Kurier newspaper, the owner, Galina Pokorny, might not be a very genial host anyway, although she did agree that no other cafe was doing the same. Here's some more of what she said: "Tourists - always electricity, electricity, electricity. Sorry but who is going to pay me for it? ... I run a cafe, not an internet cafe." "It's getting more and more extreme. People come and think everything is accessible and free... You...

Re: Gallarus Oratory, Dingle Peninsula, Ireland

rbciao ·
We thought the Slea Head on the Dingle Peninsula was one of our five most beautiful places on the planet. We stopped at the Slea Head Cafe for a latte, a brownie, and the VIEW. It is GORGEOUS. We just sat in the sun and gazed at the Great Blaskett Islands.

Re: Gallarus Oratory, Dingle Peninsula, Ireland

rbciao ·
Three more comments concerning Dingle: 1. Leaving the wharf/tourist area in Dingle and walking uphill into the central part of the town was very interesting in that we could interact with the locals and leave the hustle & bustle of the lower part of town. We stopped at a neat cafe for coffee called the Frog St. Cafe and we were the only non-locals in the place. 2. Between Dingle town and Slea Head is the Stone House Restaurant, which overlooks the bay and an ancient fort. The restaurant...

Re: Tampa Bay Automobile Museum: 3) cars from the USA and UK

rbciao ·
Great pics of great cars. I will put the Tampa Bay Museum on my list of things to see. Additionally, The National Corvette Museum in Bowling Green, Ky is awesome, as well. It includes a 50's diner cafe featuring period stuff for lunch. Less than a mile away is the Corvette assembly plant, which offers tours. This is the only place in the whole wide world where Corvettes are assembled. Both are definitely worth a visit. The National Packard Museum is located In Warren, Oh and is small, but...

Re: A Visit to Ireland: Part 6) Slea Head. A Tour of the Dingle Peninsula

rbciao ·
Slea Head on The Dingle Peninsula is one of my favorite places in the world, even though it is not in Italy. The Slea Head Cafe is also one of my favorite places for a latte, a brownie, and the VIEW. The coffee and dessert. Between Sea Head and Dingle Town is the Stonehouse Restaurant, which overlooks the Dingle Bay. The crabmeat sandwich on brown bread was really good along with the view.

Re: The Hottest New Restaurant in Paris is...

DrFumblefinger ·
I noticed that fast food has definitely "taken hold" in Paris when I visited this past summer. There are still plenty of fine French restaurants, but seems the French, like people in many other countries, like an inexpensive, quick meal from time to time. I'm all about freedom of choice for people and am glad they have new options open to them. When in Paris, I'll not visit Burger King or McDonalds, preferring instead the cafe scene or the cooking of some of its great chefs.

Re: Pittock Mansion, Portland, Oregon

DrFumblefinger ·
Nice phototour, PM! Interesting as the home and plumbing are, I love your photos of grass best. I probably have a hundred different images of grass in my archives -- different types, different sizes, color, texture and lighting (am especially fond of backlighting on grass). Maybe someday we'll need to do a post on just plain old grass. I, too, love Portland. It's a perfect weekend getaway town -- small enough, yet big enough to have lots of interesting things to see and do. You hit on the...

Re: The Petite Ceinture, Paris: Where Gumbo Was (#71)

Paul Heymont ·
In an e-mail, Jonathan L provides an update—a happy one—on the Gare Ornano. It appears that about a year after I took my pictures, the station was sold, the KFC is gone, and a new cafe+recycling center has renovated the station; a picture below shows a view of the rear very different from the one below the KFC picture above. The site now also hosts food trucks! Thanks to Jonathan L for finding the followup, which can be found at It's in French, but if that's a...

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#61)

MAD Travel Diaries ·
Ok with that hint I'm going with one of my initial thoughts....Cafe Sacher in Vienna? My other guess would be Cafe Gerbaud in Budapest, window frames look identical however I don't remember the lower balcony but lighting sconces look similar.

Re: NYC-The Lower East Side

Paul Heymont ·
Thanks for this piece, and especially the notes on the Lower 'Eat' Side. I used to live not far away from Katz and Yonah Schimmel, although in those days I couldn't afford them as often as I might have liked...but I remember enjoying the aromas even when I couldn't eat! By the way, Russ and Daughters has just opened a small sitdown cafe where their "appetizing" can be enjoyed. The Tenement Museum is a great place for families; I've taken small school groups there. Each apartment in the...

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#49)

Jonathan L ·
Cafe awning says Moet et Chandon so lets start somewhere in France.
Blog Post

German worry: WiFi lag hurts business and travel

Paul Heymont ·
You'd think Germany would be rich in WiFi, like many of its neighbors, but it turns out that public WiFi is scarce, and often unavailable to restaurant and hotel guests, because of a 2010 legal ruling. German Chancellor Angela Merkel has promised to...
Blog Post

The National Museum of Ireland: Archaeology, Dublin: Where Gumbo was #78

DrFumblefinger ·
  Seems not even the master Gumbo travel sleuths were able to crack our last puzzle.   Gumbo was visiting the fascinating Museum of Ireland, Archaeology division, situated on Kildare Street in Dublin.  The Archaeology Museum is housed...
Blog Post

Memphis, Tennessee 3) The rest of the city

DrFumblefinger ·
        There’s a lot more to Memphis than Graceland, although  Graceland is by far the city’s most popular attraction (which I’ve previously discussed here ).   A city of about 650,000, Memphis has a...
Blog Post

Montreal: Je Me Souviens

DrFumblefinger ·
There are many great cities to visit in Canada, two of my favorites (for different reasons) being Vancouver and Montreal.  Vancouver has one of the most breath-takingly beautiful settings of any city in the world, and I’ll be discussing it...
Blog Post

Quebec — A Walled European Fortress In America

DrFumblefinger ·
Quebec, like New York, is both a city and a state (or rather, a province).  It’s an island of French heritage and culture within our Anglo-North American continent.   We combined this visit with stops in Montreal and...
Blog Post

An Hour from Rome

PortMoresby ·
  I’d never been to Rome.  I can’t tell you why, but for some reason I’d just never gotten around to it.  I guess the best explanation would be to point out there are lots of places in the world.  After a friend...
Blog Post

ET, Call Home: A visit to the Arecibo Observatory

Paul Heymont ·
On our recent visit to Puerto Rico, we took an unplanned side trip to what might be called ET’s phone booth—a vast radio telescope at the Arecibo Observatory that “listens” to space both for astronomical information and any...
Blog Post

Road Trip, Day 4: Fort Mason, San Francisco

PortMoresby ·
    March 12, 2015   I drove south through Sonoma and Marin Counties, past the houseboats on the bay at Sausalito, across the Golden Gate Bridge into San Francisco, and arrived earlier than the hostel’s official 3:00 check-in...
Blog Post

Road Trip, Day 3: A Sunny Day in Sonoma

PortMoresby ·
  March 11, 2015    The drive down California Highway 1, along the Mendocino and Sonoma County coast, was a bit of a bust.  It started to rain as I arrived at Point Arena and Fort Ross was closed, it turned out, on weekdays, so I...
Blog Post

Las Vegas -- last stop of the Elvis tour

DrFumblefinger ·
  This post marks the end of our journey to see sites related to Elvis Presley's life.  So far we've visited Elvis' birth home in  Tupelo , his mansion,  Graceland , its  car museum , and we've toured  Memphis  ...
Blog Post

Gallery: Signs of Toronto -- Queen West

DrFumblefinger ·
  Previously I've presented a overview of Toronto featuring its signage, which you can see at this link .  Today's post focuses on a very colorful region of the city, the western end of Queen Street (often just referred to as "Queen West")....
Blog Post

Route 66 - Pasadena to Needles

Jonathan L ·
Last summer I had the opportunity to do something I had always wanted to do - drive a significant portion of Route 66. Having spent 4 days in LA, I started a drive to Albuquerque to meet up with  The Amazing Ms. D. Instead of rushing down the...
Blog Post

Ripley's Aquarium of Canada, Toronto

DrFumblefinger ·
  One of Toronto’s newest big attractions is Ripley’s Aquarium of Canada , with underwater creatures and habitats from across the globe.   It's in a fabulous location, on the harborfront adjoining the CN Tower, Rogers Center and...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, November 22, 2014: Orvieto

PortMoresby ·
  Almost at the end of a round-the-world trip, idling in Rome with nothing in particular planned until our flights home, travel pal Jim and I decided to take the train to Orvieto for a wander around on a gray Christmas Eve.   The old town...
Blog Post

Observatory of New York's One World Trade Center to Open May 29th

Travel Rob ·
  The observatory of  the new World Trade Center, One World Observatory, will open to the public on May 29. The main viewing area will be on the 100th floor. The 101st floor features a cafe and restaurant and the 102nd floor features a 3D...
Blog Post

A Day in Ponce, Puerto Rico (Where Gumbo Was #87)

Paul Heymont ·
On our second-to-last day in Puerto Rico, we headed to the south shore of the island, to the city of Ponce. It's smaller than San Juan, has less tourist traffic—all that, and yet it considers itself the cultural equal of the capital or of...
Blog Post

September 14, 2017: Cars Land, Disney California Adventure Park

Ottoman ·
Inspired by the Disney·Pixar franchise "Cars", Disney brings Radiator Springs to life in "Cars Land" at Disney California Adventure Park.
Blog Post

New (and very unusual) hotels for Japan

Paul Heymont ·
Changing times, changing ideas. In Japan, a prison and internet cafes are morphing into vacation lodging.
Blog Post

Japan: New app lets you drop your bags

Paul Heymont ·
A new app finds a cafe, restaurant or bar that will hold your baggage while you tour the town.
Blog Post

Venice's Royal Gardens set for restoration

Paul Heymont ·
Napoleon's gardens will be restored with funds from an insurance company, continuing a trend of private funding for landmark preservation in Italy.
Blog Post

Eastern Europe Rail Odyssey: Budapest to Kiev

Wilbur's Travels ·
Do you love unusual train journeys as much as Wilbur does? Check out this fascinating adventure through eastern Europe.
Blog Post

Cat Cafe Nyanny, Akihabara, Tokyo

seesaw ·
SeeSaw takes us to a Tokyo cafe where cats are honored guests as humans stop for a relaxing moment after a hectic day.
Blog Post

Caguas Botanical Gardens: a taste of history and culture

Jonathan L ·
Jonathan L takes us on a tour of the garden, which is organized to mirror aspects of the island's culture and history.
Blog Post

Exploring Psirri, Athens, Greece

seesaw ·
SeeSaw visits a gritty neighborhood in Athens, one she skipped at first, and falls in love with its lively atmosphere and fascinating mix of people.
Blog Post

Eastern Europe Rail Odyssey: Zagreb to Veliko Tărnovo

Wilbur's Travels ·
Wilbur's train journeys around Eastern Europe continue, this week with stops in Zagreb, Split, Sarajevo, Belgrade, Sofia, and Veliko Tărnovo
Blog Post

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston MA: Where Gumbo Was (#226)

Jonathan L ·
JonathanL takes us to see one of America's greatest art museums, and the answer to this week's puzzle.
Blog Post

July 3, 2017: Fun Street Art in Montreal

Travel Rob ·
Travel Rob shows a fun street art statue in Montreal