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Tagged With "Winter Scenes from Steamboat Springs"


Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#140)

Paul Heymont ·
I think Garry's got it...because he just posted the scene that was in today's e-mail in a cropped version, and which I obviously forgot to upload here! Congrats, Garry...and let's see who else twigged to it...

Re: Heidelberg Castle: Where Gumbo Was (#135)

PortMoresby ·
I'm interested in the darker stone or brick construction right in the center of the top photo. Did I miss a reference to it or is it an illusion?

Re: Heidelberg Castle: Where Gumbo Was (#135)

Paul Heymont ·
If you're referring to the marked area below, it's not an illusion, but not part of a building, either! There are buildings further up the hill, but not that close to the castle.

Re: Heidelberg Castle: Where Gumbo Was (#135)

PortMoresby ·
No, in the lower left of that one, right below the individual tree on the left and below your circle. Put your finger dead center of the top photo and it's there, just above the 2 gothic windows, between the 2 halves of the castle. Looks like a modern construction and appears to be leaning left, 2 chimneys.

Re: Heidelberg Castle: Where Gumbo Was (#135)

Paul Heymont ·
Ah, now I see what you meant. No, nothing esoteric. It's actually part of the roofline of one of the buildings; the black area with the rectangles is just the shadow of part of the windowless wall adjoining it. Here's what it looks like without the shadow...

Re: Heidelberg Castle: Where Gumbo Was (#135)

PortMoresby ·
I see now, it's a shadow giving the illusion that was confusing me. Now it's just a case of disappearing chimneys. A very interesting building.

Re: Heidelberg Castle: Where Gumbo Was (#135)

DrFumblefinger ·
Nice memories of a fun place to visit. I seem to recall there's an interesting old pharmacy/pharmacist museum in the Castle. Not exactly the kind of thing you find often.

Re: Heidelberg Castle: Where Gumbo Was (#135)

Paul Heymont ·
You might be amazed at how many pharmacy museums there are, aside from the one in Heidelberg...this LINK takes you to a 100+ page list of them in the U.S. and Canada. We've also found them in Spain and Italy, and just now noticed that there's one in Krakow, where I believe you are at the moment! Here's a LINK to that one!

Re: Yes, Winter's coming: France gets first snow

DrFumblefinger ·
We almost got snowed in as we were leaving Krakow, Poland. Yes, it's that time of year when winter is letting us know it's coming.

Re: Yes, Winter's coming: France gets first snow

GarryRF ·
Hurricane Joaquin crossed the Atlantic and got split in two by the jet stream. France got trapped in the middle of the two. Allowing cold air from Siberia to blow across northern Europe. So the Geese have arrived here on the wind too. 3 Weeks too early. Its what the remnants of Hurricanes do.

Re: Portland, Maine: A Big Little City

Paul Heymont ·
It's about 30 miles north of Cabot's Cove, which is near Wells, Maine. Which is at one end of the excellent Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge, which combines forest and shore habitats and makes a wonderful walk. It was featured in a couple of Pictures of the Day, and was the scene, back in 2013, of Where in the World is TravelGumbo #5

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? (#188)

Paul Heymont ·
Saturday's clues include a lovely lawn scene, and another peek indoors. Pay close attention and you'll find more revealed than appears at first glance! Last clues tomorrow...

Re: Madeira gets its ferry back

Paul Heymont ·
Apologies: an uncorrected version of the report appeared early this morning. Conflicting partial reports from earlier in the spring, along with difficulty in translation, led to the error. The corrected version appears above.

Re: Canadian Museum of History (Civilization): Ottawa (Gatineau), Canada

DrFumblefinger ·
Ottawa is a perfect spring and fall getaway destination, PortMoresby. Like many things Canadian it's pleasant and understated. You don't really get the impression when here that one of the world's most successful economies is governed in this peaceful small city. Summers can be hot and humid, but May and late Sept/Oct are special. I'd probably head there late Sept/early Oct to enjoy the colorful tree displays.

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo #10

Paul Heymont ·
This is getting to be a bi-weekly announcement: WorkerBee zoomed in on the statue of the Sacred Heart in the background of the picture and searched for it online, and correctly identified the scene as the courtyard of the Cathedral in Cuernavaca, Mexico. The good news is that WorkerBee has some mysterious pictures of his own, and when the time comes he will join the ranks of the puzzlers! In the meantime, see tomorrow morning's "reveal" with more information about Where Gumbo Was.

Re: Lawrence and the Pirates

Theodore Behr ·
That's an amazing story! I love that scene from Lawrence Of Arabia and can see why it'd make you wanna go.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Dec. 21, 2013: Fujian Life

DrFumblefinger ·
I love the photo too, Club2013! It's the kind of every day scene that tells me more about a place than most anything else. Those arms have seen a lot of hard work in their time.

Re: Mercedes-Benz Museum in Stuttgart

DrFumblefinger ·
Nice piece, Rob! You would look good wrapped in the driver's seat of one of those Mercedes. Attached photo is of a showroom we went to this spring, on the Champs-Elysees in Paris. Future inductees into the Mercedes Museum?

Re: A Springtime Walk in the Desert

Paul Heymont ·
Great color and variety! Thanks...I'm going to have to get to the desert in spring, sometime. I visited the Sonora desert in December, and recognize some of these from seeing them without their brilliant display (click HERE for that blog) This is certainly a reminder of how little we know a place when we only know it "in season."

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Mar. 20, 2014: Spring - at last!

Paul Heymont ·
Thanks, spring! We needed that!

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Mar. 20, 2014: Spring - at last!

DrFumblefinger ·
It's snowing this morning, so I can relate to PHeymont's comment. That is what spring should look like. That's for that bit of sunshine!

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, April 25, 2014: The Rewind Electrician

DrFumblefinger ·
A place of organized chaos....and a gracious new friend. A memorable scene, Mac.

Re: Asia cruise market grows 24% in 2015

Jonathan L ·
There was a significant Chinese population on our cruise last spring. And Norwegian is stationing it's newest super size cruise ship in Chint next year.

Re: Cave and Basin National Historic Site, Banff National Park (Where Gumbo Was #178)

Jonathan L ·
I spent several nights at Banff Springs, but not the cave and Basin. It is quite an experience to sit in a hot spring outdoors while snow is falling! Thanks for bring back the memories.

Re: In Egypt: The Egyptian Museum

PortMoresby ·
An item from the UK's Guardian comments on the timelessness & "place-less-ness" of Nefertiti's image. If she'd stayed in Egypt after her discovery at Amarna, she'd likely have a place near her image above with her family, in the photo titled " Scene of worship of the Aten ..." as that's a far more interesting historical context, rather than the following reign of Tutankhamun, in which to put her. I hope the book does her real life justice.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? (#129)

Paul Heymont ·
Today's clue is an outside view...the colorful scene that drew Gumbo's attention to the place in the first place! Time's running in and share hints, suggestions, even guesses!

Re: Brits on Beach behaving badly? Call (British) cops!

GarryRF ·
Sounds like the British kids are copying the "Spring Breakers" in Florida. With a hint of "Bikers Week" for the older ones.

Re: March 19, 2018: Winter at Caraquet Wharf, New Brunswick

DrFumblefinger ·
Brrrrr. I can feel that North Atlantic wind crossing over all that ice. It's a little hard to tell from the photos but I assume the boats are dry-docked fro the winter? Ice can be a very destructive force when it thaws.

Re: March 19, 2018: Winter at Caraquet Wharf, New Brunswick

Travel Rob ·
A lot of boats are dry-docked for the winter, but I did see others that were not. The Bay looks more like a field. That's an island out there!

Re: Spotted on the Road: 1957 Austin-Healey, Fort Vancouver, WA

GarryRF ·
Beautiful machine JHeymont. In Spring, a young man's heart turns to thoughts of sports cars. Well spotted !

Re: Do traveling Brits hate kids?

GarryRF ·
Getting a 25 hour flight can be a painless experience with the correct preparation. Music, books and magazines. But taking a young child who screams with inner ear pressure problems is a nightmare and no one gets to sleep. So you arrive with no sleep for maybe 36 hours. Of course we love kids as much as anyone. I've been on an American flight to Hawaii where all the other passengers were kids on spring break. That flight should have carried a health warning. They behaved like animals. Yes...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, May 19, 2014. Reykjavik, Iceland

Travel Rob ·
Couldn't agree more that the late spring, early summer is the time to go!

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? (#71)

Paul Heymont ·
Jonathan L's e-mail to yesterday correctly identified the scene as being along the Petite Ceinture, a former commuter and freight rail line circling Paris. Last chance for added glory: Can anyone identify the specific station?

Re: Finding Reiner #8: Trail's End?

DrFumblefinger ·
It would have been so very nice for you to have found Reiner as an elderly man slowly walking home with the aid of his cane from his daily dip in the mineral spring, and joined him for a revitalizing sip of schnaps and shared with him your journey. How cool would it have been for you to say, "Hi, Reiner. I'm your nephew's wife, Whitney". I think he'd be tickled to no end to know how much you've cared and how hard you've tried to find him.... Sadly, the absence of an ending like this should...

Re: Where in the World is Travelgumbo? #57

GarryRF ·
Looks like the final scene from "Willy Wonker" (Gene Wilder)

Re: Where in the World is Travelgumbo? #57

DrFumblefinger ·
GarryRF -- all I remember about that film is kids falling into vast pools of chocolate. Seems rather heavenly to me. Was there a specific scene I don't remember?

Re: Cruising California's 17 Mile Drive

DrFumblefinger ·
Far be it for anyone to say you are selfish, Garry! It is one of the most expensive places to live in California, but I suspect all those drivers going through help subsidize the neighborhood more than that homeowners might want to let on. And I'm not sure most of us could afford the taxes, even if we wanted to. Being an average guy, this is just not my scene.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Nov. 16, 2014: American Golden Plover

My Thatched Hut ·
Yes, Arctic birds are common in southern USA, Central and South America and further north during migration. But to see them in their beautiful breeding colours, you need to go to the Arctic in spring or early summer. This plover had already changed to grey by mid-August.

Re: Visiting historic Skagway, Alaska

DrFumblefinger ·
I enjoyed this piece, Tom, and find the little town of Skagway charming if there's no cruise ships around. Make sure if you visit that you also go to the town's little cemetery and see if you can find the grave marker of the villainous Soapy Smith. There was a different way to reach the Klondike in addition to those Tom writes about, which while safer was not very successful. That involved sailing all the way up the coast of Alaska, entering the mouth of the Yukon river and navigating...

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? #55

DrFumblefinger ·
I believe it's time for another clue. @madtraveldiarie, this place is not in India but you're on the correct continent. The place of interest sits on a hill and as you ascend to it you'll see this scene: Does this help anyone figure out where Gumbo is?

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, June 17, 2014: Cobble Stone Square in Aix-en-Provence

Paul Heymont ·
Aix is a favorite with us, even though we've spent only limited time there...but long enough to have posted a Picture of the Day featuring the local market , not far from the scene of your's really a great walking town.

Re: The Reason To Love Cambodia

DrFumblefinger ·
Somehow I have no difficulty imagining the seems to fit your nature perfectly, TravelwithLamb. A nice travel moment, thanks!

Re: Gallery: Signs of Toronto -- the City at Large

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for your comments, Garry and Rbcia! Garry, you mentioned twins!? Are you a grandpa again? Rbciao, if you can postpone your trip to spring, when everything is blooming, I think you'll have an even better time in Toronto. But there's lots to see and do, even in the winter.

Re: Gallery: Longwood Gardens, PA

GarryRF ·
Hi Rob. We last made a visit in late September. But I have heard that spring is best in April and May.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, December 11, 2014: Jeffery Pine, Sentinel Dome

GarryRF ·
Nature has so many works of art that sometimes you need to stop and breath. Like so many photographers of nature - you need a keen eye to capture that precious moment. I once found that perfect scene and took a photo of each member of the family standing in for a "Portrait Picture" Until I was asked by a group of maybe 20 people to move along ! I'd started a Kodak Moment where there was just a passing glance 20 minutes ago !

Re: AirBerlin Black Friday: $499 to Europe R/T!

Travel Rob ·
It's a fantastic deal! Milan is a budget airline hub too so you can go to a lot Europe for not much more. Time to buy those spring break tickets

Re: Gallery: Lilac Garden, Spokane, Washington

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for the kind comment! And welcome to TravelGumbo. Needlessly said, I also have lilacs in my yard and enjoy watching them come to life each spring. Their perfume is, perhaps second only to jasmine, my favorite floral scent.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? (#42)

Paul Heymont ·
New clue: don't be fooled by the language on the Happy Hour sign...that's not its native language! (Actually, I was hoping it WOULD fool some people, but the rest of the scene doesn't really say "English-speaking," does it?)

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Apr. 20, 2014: Spring Comes to the Botanic Garden

PortMoresby ·
Another view of spring, in your almost-neighbor right across the pond, London's St. James Park. I couldn't resist it (from Londonist today).

Re: Brooklyn Heights Promenade: A Disaster Turned to Treasure

PortMoresby ·
I have every intension of coming to Brooklyn to see the Promenade for myself. Will you take a few more pictures, please, when the trees are all leafed out later in the spring? I'd like to see it in all it's glory.