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Tagged With "Old Supreme Court"


Re: Oct. 3, 2016: Old Store & Post Office, Evinston, FL

DrFumblefinger ·
A very cool destination! I love old places like this, especially ones that still work! You don't stress it, but they have a nice display of Elvis memorabilia. Makes me wonder if he stopped by long ago when he was touring the southeastern USA>

Re: Oct. 3, 2016: Old Store & Post Office, Evinston, FL

Travel Rob ·
We were in Micanopy at a antique store and the proprietor suggested seeing the antique coca -cola cooler in the Evinston Post Office. By the time we got there, it was 4:57pm, three minutes to closing. But the gentleman running the office welcomed us and was not in a hurry at all. I hope to stop by again and ask some more questions at this really neat place. A really great surprise on our day trip. A few years ago, NPR did a story about the Post Office which is well worth reading. ...

Re: Portland, Maine: The World's Longest Lobster Roll...and so much more!

Former Member ·
I can truly say that I will never think of lobster rolls in quite the same innocent way again. This was a fine tour of Portland, Maine. Thank you so much.

Re: Sri Lanka: A Land Like No Other (Part 1a) Colombo

Mac ·
Ah Galle Face Green! Many a delightful stroll taken with my folks on a Sunday afternoon in the 1960s, then home for tea at 42 Galle Face Court, the flats opposite the hotel. Ah sweet memories Ouch that seems a long time ago.....

Re: Sri Lanka: A Land Like No Other (Part 1a) Colombo

DrFumblefinger ·
Originally Posted by Mac: Ah Galle Face Green! Many a delightful stroll taken with my folks on a Sunday afternoon in the 1960s, then home for tea at 42 Galle Face Court, the flats opposite the hotel. Ah sweet memories Ouch that seems a long time ago..... I was told the Galle Face Green was actually green until the pope showed up and a massive crowd destroyed the grass. After that it became the Galle Face Brown. The green is slowly trying to make a comeback, though. I actually visited someone...

Re: Venice's ban on huge cruise ships suspended

PortMoresby ·
A big "Don't Like" for the lobbyists and court in Venice. What, I wonder, is the "practical alternative" for the city that's being irreparably damaged by the transit of these ships. I suppose the usual, take the bribe and leave it to their children to fix.

Re: Uber To Earmark 1 Billion Dollars for India Over Next 9 Months

Paul Heymont ·
I find myself a bit uncomfortable around Uber and its well-oiled connections in the press, which often seems to regard it as the best thing since sliced bread (and what's so good about that, by the way?). All over Europe, Uber has been in trouble for evading rules, taxes and court rulings; in New York, it operates without paying the taxes other operators must, and with insufficient insurance in some cases—and they have a nasty habit of raising its rates whenever demand is high (double or...

Re: Walking the Freedom Trail in Boston

GarryRF ·
Must be 15 years since I walked most of your journey through Boston. The mix of old and new buildings are fascinating as you walk the city. Many of the older buildings look like they have shared an architects plan with older buildings here in Liverpool UK. I do find it odd that 5 Bostonians were stoning a single Redcoat then you call them unarmed ! A situation that would bring about the same end results today. I enjoyed your Blog. Thanks.

Re: Walking the Freedom Trail in Boston

Jonathan L ·
Thanks Gerry. Liverpool is definitely on my list when I get back to the UK. And congratulations on a great 2nd place finish in the EPL.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, December 8, 2014: Hudson Bay Blankets, Banff

Neil McAleer ·
I have a deep personal love for my Hudson Bay Blanket, inherited from my parents, Jim and Barbara McAleer, who bought it in the 1930s when they were newly weds. A dry cleaner tried to steal it from me about 15 years ago. I told him I was going court over it and was told in found the next day! I'm now going to check out the prices on the HBC website. Never have checked. Your fan, NM

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo, #60

Lynn Millar ·
Aha! This one had me because it looked so familiar, but I couldn't place. Yosemite, Sequoia, King National Parks? The fountain must have been turned off the day I was there 3 years ago, because I didn't notice it. Busy sipping tea in the lobby and on the verandah, watching children Easter egg hunt? And yes there is a tennis court on the property along with a swimming pool. It's in the circle in front of the Wawona Hotel south of Yosemite. After a stop there, I had a nice walk in the meadow...

Re: London- multiple questions

chickpea ·
Thank you for all of the information. I am finally ready to finalize some things since we leave at the end of this month! We have decided not to do Liverpool...seems like we should come back and do that someday. I am thinking the Megabus option may be the way to go to Salisbury and catch the shuttle to Stonehenge from there. That way we can see the cathedral while we are there. Do you know if it is a short walk to the cathedral or will we need to take a taxi from the Megabus stop? Do you...

Re: Euro airlines: Delays continue in compensation for delays

Paul Heymont ·
I'm going to take the contrary view. First, remember that the short clip above doesn't reflect the detailed regulations or the deliberations of the court. But remember the circumstance quoted “which could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken,” Reasonable measures guarantee that crews are scheduled so that even if illness befalls the scheduled crew, it does not take over 3 hours to bring a replacement crew on line. Reasonable measures to avert mechanical...

Re: Calgary Farmers' Market

Jonathan L ·
Wonderful pics. Is this the market on the former military base? That was one of our favorite reasons to drive into Calgary when we were in Canmore! The was a wonderful pit shop in the food court - best savory pies around!

Re: A Bicycle Rickshaw Ride in Old Delhi

Amateuremigrant ·
Few things in life are as comprehensively stimulating as old Delhi. The relative leisure of a cycle rickshaw allows you to take in so much more as on foot you would be constantly on guard against breaking your neck stepping into a manhole or a ripe pile of garbage. Believe me, in India, if it is in the garbage it is of no conceivable use.

Re: May 6, 2016: In Hanoi's Old Quarter

RoadWorrier ·
Feels like I'm right in the picture...and maybe Hanoi just got on MY bucket list!

Re: May 6, 2016: In Hanoi's Old Quarter

The Grey Traveller ·
Thank you, I really recommend staying in the Old Quarter.

Re: Old Salem, North Carolina (Where Gumbo was #151)

Samantha ·
I should have know this one. We were there not too long ago. It is a cute little city and reminded me of our visit. Thanks for sharing.

Re: Romania-top 10 destinations of 2014

Former Member ·
And the pictures Enjoy!

Re: Finding Reiner #3: Inside Old Shadows

Bluragger ·
Reiner was such a dutiful letter writer that we have this info allowing us to retrace these steps. Amazing resources - Reiner's letters and Whit's dogged research. Loving this story more each day.

Re: Finding Reiner #3: Inside Old Shadows

Mac ·
This makes a fascinating read, well done! My father-in-law Hans Esser was from Cologne (had sung as part of the choir in Cologne cathedral) and served on submarines (unwillingly) during the 2nd W.W. war. Their sub was attacked several times and finally they were forced to surrender. He was taken prisoner and interned in England. The prisoners then helped on the local farms which was where he met his future wife Vera. They married just after the end of the war and had the difficult privilege...

Re: Finding Reiner #3: Inside Old Shadows

HistoryDigger ·
Mac-TG Guru--Fascinating story, yours. Your parents' romance reminds me of such fictional stories in the British series Foyle's War . Have you seen that? The show highlights romance between German POWs and English farm girls. I would love to know more of your father's history. I also wish I could interview your father or find other elderly residents who remember life here during the war. So much better when it comes from a resident than from a historian who was not here then. How long were...

Re: Finding Reiner #3: Inside Old Shadows

Paul Heymont ·
Thank you for the continuing story, and especially to the link for the Stolpersteine. It is so important (I keep saying this!) for us to remember the people more than the "leaders," and not allow them to become mere numbers.

Re: Finding Reiner #3: Inside Old Shadows

Travel Rob ·
Whitney your story about Reiner and retracing his steps gets people thinking about their own life and family too, so beyond being fascinating history, it's very relevant to us all.25 years ago this summer I went through an incredible ordeal in Europe. Your journey for Reiner has me thinking back to that time and has me thinking of retracing some steps too.Keep it up and thank you!

Re: Finding Reiner #3: Inside Old Shadows

HistoryDigger ·
Travel Rob, I hope we will hear more about your ordeal. You've got me hooked with that teaser line.

Re: Better Burgers? Go West, Young Man

PortMoresby ·
The best burger of my life was at a food court, a very nice one to be sure, at an upscale mall in Roseville, CA, near Sacramento, possibly the last place on earth one might expect a spectacular anything, but there you have it. I wasn't even there by choice, accompanied a mall-going friend. And I almost never eat burgers, it was just my lucky day. I'd like to go again but I'm afraid to find out it may have been a once-in-a-lifetime score.

Re: High Atlas Bride Fair, Imchlil, Morocco

Paul Heymont ·
GarryRF raises an interesting point about how our perceptions change and differ on the age of "maturity." In Jewish tradition, a boy at 13 becomes an adult, and in older times could hold property and begin to form a family; today, the ceremony remains, but no one believes the boy has become a man. Louis XIII of France became king at 8; he assumed full power at 15, then the age of majority. His son, Louis XIV, followed the same path; at 15 he returned from exile during the revolt of the...
Blog Post

Supreme Court asked: Do tour guides need licenses?

Paul Heymont ·
Two Federal courts, one in New Orleans and another in Washington DC have issued conflicting decisions on whether cities can require licensing of tour guides. An advocacy group, Institute for Justice, acting on behalf of a group of guides, has asked...
Blog Post

Memphis, Tennessee: 1) Graceland

DrFumblefinger ·
  3764 Elvis Presley Blvd.  It’s an address most Elvis fans know by heart because that’s where you’ll find Graceland .  Graceland is THE place every Elvis must visit at least once in their lifetime.  Not only was...
Blog Post

United & Orbitz Sue Over 'Hidden Ticketing'

Travel Rob ·
Bloomberg reported that United Airlines and Orbitz sued in Chigago's Federal Court  to prevent the travel website  from helping people  buy what they called  “hidden city” plane tickets . Hidden city...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, December 13, 2014: Gödöllő

PortMoresby ·
  The Royal Palace of Gödöllő sits on the outskirts of Budapest and it was there I was taken one day by streetcar from the center of the city by dear friend, Zoli.  A serious photographer with a wonderful eye, he and I walked all...
Blog Post

Charleston and its Single Houses: Where Gumbo Was #79

Paul Heymont ·
TravelGumbo member Club2013, by e-mail, was the only one to correctly place Gumbo’s secret destination: Charleston, SC. He found the special characteristics in an almost generic “old town” streetscape, and hit the nail on the head....
Blog Post

Mediation for AA/US Airways Merger

Paul Heymont ·
The planned merger of American and USAir, which has been challenged by the Justice Department will go to mediation, in hopes of finding a solution that will be acceptable to the airlines and the Federal government. A mediator has been selected; if an...
Blog Post

San Juan's El Morro: Layers of Stone, Layers of History (Where Gumbo Was, #84)

Paul Heymont ·
  El Morro, the giant fortification that's guarded San Juan Harbor for nearly 500 years, is the sight we saw before we saw it. Its image is everywhere when you do online research for a trip to Puerto Rico; its "garitas"—small domed...
Blog Post

Los Angeles County Museum of Art (Where Gumbo was #85)

Jonathan L ·
    In addition its contributions to the performing arts Los Angeles is also home to the largest art museum in the Western United States – The Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA). Located on Wilshire Blvd just east of Fairfax Ave....
Blog Post

SkyMall's Business Dwindles With Increased Internet Usage In-Flight

Travel Rob ·
SkyMall (the inflight shopping catalog) parent firm Xhibit Corp has filed for federal bankruptcy court protection in Phoenix on Friday,   With increased use of electronic devices on planes and the  increase in the number of air...
Blog Post

San Juan: Two Markets, Old and New

Paul Heymont ·
As Gumbo readers know by now, a lot of us who write these pieces are suckers for markets, large and small, wherever we go. If an army travels on its stomach, an army of bloggers stocks up at the public market.   So, on our recent trip to Puerto...
Blog Post

Old City Hall, Toronto. Where Gumbo was #86

DrFumblefinger ·
        Gumbo was visiting the corner of Bay and Queen streets in Toronto, Canada -- specifically the Old City Hall. Congratulations to PortMoreby who correctly solved the problem and notified us by email!  Jonathan L also...
Blog Post

SKY2BUY takes a swing at SkyMall's old audience

Paul Heymont ·
With SkyMall out of the sky and its name sold in bankruptcy court, the way is open for others to try selling to passengers inflight (SkyMall had exclusive deals with the airlines), and SKY2BUY, owned by an investment capital firm and ScotteVest, a...
Blog Post

Road Trip, Day 4: Fort Mason, San Francisco

PortMoresby ·
    March 12, 2015   I drove south through Sonoma and Marin Counties, past the houseboats on the bay at Sausalito, across the Golden Gate Bridge into San Francisco, and arrived earlier than the hostel’s official 3:00 check-in...
Blog Post

Brooklyn's Spectacular Botanic Garden (Where Gumbo Was #112)

Paul Heymont ·
  The Brooklyn Botanic Garden, a pint-size treasure that always seems bigger than it is (and which occupies an outsize place in botanical research) was this week's answer to Where in the World is TravelGumbo? Because the Garden presents an array...
Blog Post

Euro airlines: Delays continue in compensation for delays

Paul Heymont ·
Passengers waiting for delayed flights               Photo: Wikimedia / Tony Hisget Passengers claiming compensation for flight delays under EU rules are finding themselves still delayed or denied in receiving the...
Blog Post

Catalan nudists ask Euro court for right to bare

Paul Heymont ·
Fighting a local anti-nudity ordinance in a town north of Barcelona, the Catalan Naturist Club, having lost its appeals all the way to Spain's highest court, is now appealing to the European Human Rights Court at Strasbourg.   The Spanish high...
Blog Post

Gold Country, California: The Nevada County Narrow Gauge Railroad Museum

PortMoresby ·
  I thought this series about Gold Country was done.  But I realize now that may not be true for some time.  About 6 months ago, wanting to replace the wood stove in my house that was installed when the house was built in 1978, I called...
Blog Post

Uber loses another UberPop round in Italy

Paul Heymont ·
An Italian court has ordered Uber to shut down its UberPop service which uses non-professional drivers in their own cars, within two weeks. The company may appeal, but even if it does, the service will be shut down until (and unless) it wins the...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Mar. 29, 2015: J. S. Bach's Tomb

Paul Heymont ·
This week marks Johann Sebastian Bach's 330th birthday on March 21 or 31, 1685. The difference is due to the change, during his lifetime, from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar. Above, his vault in the floor of the Thomaskirche, Leipzig Germany....
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Apr 21, 2015: Cefalu, Sicily

IslandMan ·
    I'm a sucker for a picture-postcard location, and the town of Cefalu on the northern coast of Sicily is no exception. A comune in the Province of Palermo on the Tyrrhenian Sea , it's about 70 kilometres (43 mi) east of the provincial...
Blog Post

German court: Continental breakfast isn't breakfast

Paul Heymont ·
Coffee and rolls, the traditional 'continental breakfast' isn't really breakfast for tax purposes.
Blog Post

September 14, 2017: Cars Land, Disney California Adventure Park

Ottoman ·
Inspired by the Disney·Pixar franchise "Cars", Disney brings Radiator Springs to life in "Cars Land" at Disney California Adventure Park.
Blog Post

Germans win free beaches

Paul Heymont ·
Germany's highest court bars towns from charging for access to the beach, but they can put fees on bathhouses and other facilities.