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Tagged With "Manuel Belgrano"


Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Nov. 13, 2013: Jeronimos Monastery

Former Member ·
Prince Henry certainly knew how to overnight sailors in style. I have visited this museum and found it just terrific. It is worthwhile for seaman and landlubber alike. The original church on the site was built about 1450 by Prince Henry the Navigator, and became the place where sailors spent the night before leaving on the expeditions that built Portugal’s colonial empire.

Re: Belem Lisbon - history and modernity together.

Paul Heymont ·
Nice! While you were in Belem, did you try the Pasteis de Belem, the delicious little custard tarts?
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Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Nov. 13, 2013: Jeronimos Monastery

Paul Heymont ·
Sunlight and shade highlight the complex carving of this stonework at the Monastery of Jeronimos at Belem, in Lisbon. This late-Gothic style is called Manueline, after King Manuel I. It’s marked by ornate stonework, often including maritime...
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Belem Lisbon - history and modernity together.

Jonathan L ·
Belém is a neighborhood of Lisbon along the Tagus River. Belém has many reasons to visit it, both old and new.   Belém is the area from which many exploratory ships left Lisbon. It sits near the mouth of Tagus River. For that...
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Santo Domingo Convent, Buenos Aires

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger visits this basilica in Buenos Aires, part of a former Dominican convent.
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The Art of Camouflage

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger spotted this bird on a jungle walk on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. He admired how it blended in beautifully with its surroundings.

Re: The Art of Camouflage

Amateuremigrant ·
Hi Doc ! I had exactly the same experience of the invisible bird in Keoladeo NP Bharatpur India. This is a nightjar, and I feel sure it could be a cousin !
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An unusual insect, Costa Rica

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger came across this unusual, mummified moth demonstrating an overgrowth of the white fungus that killed it.
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Buenos Aires beckons

Barry Barford ·
Buenos Aires pulses with life and a Latin vibe, and like all of the world’s great cities it never seems to sleep.
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Monument to General Manuel Belgrano, Buenos Aires

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger was surprised to see a collection of stones around the base of the famous General's statue, outside of the Casa Rosada.

Re: Monument to General Manuel Belgrano, Buenos Aires

Becci Abroad ·
The stones at Plaza de Mayo are in memory of the COVID victims in Argentina. Each stone has the name and dates of a victim. Some of them also have the professional or city of the victim.

Re: Monument to General Manuel Belgrano, Buenos Aires

DrFumblefinger ·
Thank you for that clarification, Becci!