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Tagged With "Easter Egg"


Re: Frommer's New EasyGuides: A Future for Print

GarryRF ·
A review for London ? Haven't been there for 40 years Paul. Really don't like big Cities and the "too busy to care attitude of people who live there" It's just my personal opinion. On the Tube Train into London people don't make eye-contact or talk to strangers. Here in Liverpool you'll be in conversation with 3 or 4 strangers and share a few laughs on the journey ! Someone falls on the street here ( and most of Northern England ) and folks rush to help. London they step over you. Rant over...

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo, #60

Lynn Millar ·
Aha! This one had me because it looked so familiar, but I couldn't place. Yosemite, Sequoia, King National Parks? The fountain must have been turned off the day I was there 3 years ago, because I didn't notice it. Busy sipping tea in the lobby and on the verandah, watching children Easter egg hunt? And yes there is a tennis court on the property along with a swimming pool. It's in the circle in front of the Wawona Hotel south of Yosemite. After a stop there, I had a nice walk in the meadow...

Re: Flower Sunday and the Beautiful churches in Romania

DrFumblefinger ·
What a great piece, and what beautiful photographs! Thanks for sharing this information with all of us. Are they worth visiting? Absolutely! From these photos, it's hard to judge which is the "best", although the setting of the Fortified Church is hard to beat. Which do you like best, Andre Pur? I bet that this is a nice time of year to visit Romania.

Re: Flower Sunday and the Beautiful churches in Romania

PortMoresby ·
Thanks for the photos, Andre, unique & intriguing. Wikipedia answered my question about the wife. Yes, alive.

Re: Flower Sunday and the Beautiful churches in Romania

Andre Pur ·
My favourite ones are: Voronet Monastery for its beautiful blue painting and the Black Church because is near my living place . About the Easter Holiday yes it is a wonderful time in my country, almost because we cook a lot of great and tasty food specific for this time of the year. I will post another article later these days with our food traditions maybe you would like it

Re: Tent? Trailer? Cottage? EcoCapsule could be all 3!

DrFumblefinger ·
The images of this egg-like contraption brought back memories of Woody Allen's classic film, "Sleeper". Not the orgasmatron, which this device seems to lack, the overall attitude and feel of it.

Re: Mediation for AA/US Airways Merger

Paul Heymont ·
In a nutshell: AA and USAir are making exactly the argument you are, and the Justice Dept. is saying, in effect, "We shoulda stopped them, too." Obviously a lot of issues (both in terms of fares and of maintaining service to smaller cities), but not clear why the line's been drawn here. Meanwhile, Texas pulled out of the suit, Florida may follow, mayors of cities with AA and USAir hubs have backed the merger, airport operators are chiming the mediation may end up being Justice's way...

Re: The ART of Chocolate: Brussels, Belgium

GarryRF ·
Very true Paul. Many people dislike English Muffins because they sit in your stomach like a lead ball. Of course - nothing to do with us ! So we call them American Muffins - and blame them on you !! The origin of the Danish pastry is ascribed by the Danish Confectioners, Bakers and Chocolatemakers Association to a strike amongst the bakery workers in Danish bakeries in 1850. The strike forced Danish bakery owners to hire foreign workers. Among these were several Austrian bakers, who were...

Provence Help

Former Member ·
I'm going to my cousin's wedding in London in June, and I've got 10 days to play with after. I saw a crazy book...Provence 1970...full of great cooks and how they changed food here, so I want to go there. What's the best ways to spend 10 days in...
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French singer's rooster hits a sour note

Paul Heymont ·
A rural rooster's morning song riles vacationing urbanites and ignites a local campaign in his defense.
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Do you see what I mean ?

Amateuremigrant ·
Robert Cranwell likes to look at the little things when he travels in nature and explains why -- you will too once you've read his post.
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Cooking from the Market in Valparaiso

Paul Heymont ·
We love to travel, to visit markets, to cook, and to eat. So what could be better than a cooking class in Chile with a market trip accompanied by our chef-teacher?
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Weimar food fight: the Döner that isn't

Paul Heymont ·
Strict enforcement of Germany's food codes has forced döner kebab to take an alias in some cities.
Blog Post

Tent? Trailer? Cottage? EcoCapsule could be all 3!

Paul Heymont ·
A sleek capsule with its own wind and solar power, and a tiny but chic and comfortable interior could change the whole picture for outdoor living, or even emergency shelter.   Designed by a Slovakian firm and shown last week at an exhibition for...
Blog Post

St. Louis Gateway Arch - Gateway to the West

Samantha ·
   If you’ve ever been to St. Louis, most likely you've been to the beautiful Gateway Arch and Jefferson National Expansion Memorial. It was definitely on our to-do list the first time we were in Missouri. We took the 630-foot ride to...
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Walking and Eating in Berlin's Mitte

Paul Heymont ·
On our last few trips, we've gotten in the habit of looking around for good eating/walking tours, which allow us to sample a variety of local foods along with some sights, and some well-prepared information about the foods, their history and their...

Easter Holidays Ideas: Uncover French Riviera with a Luxury Yacht Charter

Pratima ·
One of the best ideas to spend the Easter holidays that is a time of joy is to spend it visualizing the natural beauty of French Riviera in your own charter luxury yacht. Having a yacht to oneself is a dream for most of the people. It is not necessary that you buy one in order to have it for yourself during a vacation. There are charter yachts that are available to people who can pay and use these wonderful yachts for a specified period of time. They can have a great weekend or a prolonged...
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Foodie Fun on Arthur Avenue

Stephanie Kalina-Metzger ·
Water-up those taste buds! Stephanie Kalina-Metzger takes us on a food tour in the Bronx that makes you wish tagged along!
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A Neighborhood Market in Barcelona

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger visits and enjoys a small market in the Gracia neighborhood of Barcelona.

Flower Sunday and the Beautiful churches in Romania

Andre Pur ·
  The Palm Sunday as known in the other countrys it's a well-known holiday,  a Christian moveable feast  that falls on the  Sunday   before  Easter . The feast commemorates Jesus'  triumphal entry into Jerusalem , an...
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Gallery: A visit to Cuba

Dr.Y ·
Cuba is a country known for its spectacular beaches and tumultuous social political history.  Each year, the warm Caribbean climate and endless stretches of unspoiled beaches attract hundreds of thousands of Canadian vacationers and a large...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day: Jan. 15, 2014: Sopa Alentejana

Paul Heymont ·
 This traditional Portuguese soup made a hearty meal for us at a station cafe in Sintra, after a full day of climbing around Sintra's Moorish Castle and Pena Palace. It's based on bread, garlic, cilantro and eggs and chicken broth.  The...
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Shunpiking Through Northern Pennsylvania

Jonathan L ·
Taking a road trip is one of Jonathan L's favorite things...and he loves to “shunpike,” taking the smaller highways instead of the interstates
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South America, part 3 - Nesting Leatherback Sea Turtles

Kirsten Hines ·
Kirsten Hines' Celebration of Nature on 7 Continents continues with a visit to see some nesting Leatherback Turtles.
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Swans and Cygnets: The Abbotsbury Swannery

Paul Heymont ·
A visit to Abbotsbury's Swannery is like no other, because its hundreds of birds are the world's only managed flock. They've been there nearly 1000 years.
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March 27, 2017: Tree display, Merano

George G. ·
Colorful trees? Yes, indeed. George G shares this display from Northern Italy.
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Egg Trees in India ?

Amateuremigrant ·
Bob Cranwell gives as an insightful look into life in Rajasthan and some of the changes that the area has undergone in the past few decades.
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Visiting Bologna's churches on Easter Sunday

Jonathan L ·
Jonathan L visited two of Bologna's cathedrals on Easter morning.
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Museum of the Rockies (Where Gumbo Was #330)

DrFumblefinger ·
Gumbo was visiting the fascinating Museum of the Rockies in Bozeman, Montana. The Museum is best know for its extensive dinosaur collection, but features exhibits broadly focused on Montana's history.
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Amish Country: Luxury Inn, Over-the-top Meal

Stephanie Kalina-Metzger ·
Stephanie Kalina-Metzger shares a very memorable dinner and hotel stay from Valentine's Day.
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April 12, 2019: Boulders Beach, Cape Peninsula, South Africa

Professorabe ·
Professor Abe shares a visit to the delightful Penguin colony in Boulders Beach, South Africa.
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Easter in a Palace: Istanbul's Fairytale Easter

Marilyn Jones ·
If you're thinking about going waaay beyond the usual Easter celebration, Marilyn Jones has an exotic suggestion.
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Shepherd of the Hills Fish Hatchery, Branson

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger visits a trout hatchery in Branson, Missouri.
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Six Tapas Bars in Seville, Spain

Paul Heymont ·
We just spent five days in Seville, walking the city, seeing the sights, taking a day trip to Jerez—and eating tapas. If ever there were a city with a tapas bar on every corner, Seville is it. In fact, maybe two on every corner!   Five...
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Food tour in Kuala Lumpur

Travellinn ·
"I hope you are hungry?" Fadly asked. I was, but suspected I would not be for very much longer. I was completely right. As a service to their guests, Back Home hostel offer different activities. What caught my attention was the food tour. I love to try the local food as I travel and having an expert showing me what to try and where, is my favorite. I instantly signed up! Walking along the busy streets, crossing the roads “the Malaysian way” (holding your hand out in front of the car like the...
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Butterflies Everywhere at the Butterfly Farm in St. Martin

Samantha ·
Think of Saint Martin, and you mostly think of beautiful beaches...but Samantha invites us to another favorite, the colorful Butterfly Farm.
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May 15, 2016: The Mysterious Moai

Marilyn Jones ·
The giant figures of Easter Island have long fascinated visitors, not only for their size and cultural importance but also for their process of creation.
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Turtle Hatching at Parque Hawaii, Guatemala

Lestertheinvestor ·
In Part 1, Lestertheinvestor attends a turtle hatching in Guatemala and helps the tiny turtles head for the ocean.
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Airlines will soon be forced to pay for Damaged Luggage

DrFumblefinger ·
DOT says airlines are responsible for damaged luggage, not passengers.
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Following the Nesting Turtles, Monterrico, Guatemala

Lestertheinvestor ·
On a beach in Guatemala, Lestertheinvestor and his wife watch turtles lay eggs and then help collect them for hatching at a conservation site.
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Austria's Easter: 50 million eggs, lots of visitors

Paul Heymont ·
Austria's Easter season includes 50 million eggs, many visitors and a lot more. Click to read more, and also news about Easter in Spain and Denmark.
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Giant egg may be new museum highlight

Paul Heymont ·
An oversize egg laid by a German chicken may be the world's largest. It's on its way to becoming a visitor attraction at the natural history museum in Braunschweig, Germany.
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Jan. 24, 2016: Mysterious Moai on Easter Island

Grand Escapades ·
The Moai of Easter Island are a captivating sight!
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Flour and egg battle marks Spanish town's tradition

Paul Heymont ·
Ibi, in Eastern Spain's Valencia region, was a battlefield Monday as two "armies" fought each other for control of the town, using flour, eggs and firecrackers as weapons. It's hard to say who won. The mock battle takes place every Dec. 28, which is Dia de los Inocentes, roughly equivalent to April Fools' Day in effect. In the 200-year-old tradition, the insurgents seizing the town under the slogan of "New Justice" served as "Enfarinats," or "flour police," levying fines under a mock system...
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Spain proclaims 'World Tapas Day'

Paul Heymont ·
Those tasty little bites that can add up to a delicious meal of an evening will now be honored with a special celebration.
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A long weekend in historic Charlottesville

Stephanie Kalina-Metzger ·
Stephanie Kalina-Metzger shares a trip that takes in not only the town itself, but the nearby home of Thomas Jefferson.

Re: Flight Attendants favorite foods

DrFumblefinger ·
I was thinking that thing to the left might be cheese on a tomato....but it dawned on me that it might be some sort of prehistoric egg....

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#273)

George G. ·
Taking the stairs to the bottom we find a silver egg shaped item glittering under the lights just as yesterday’s gold clue glittered.

Re: Jan. 24, 2016: Mysterious Moai on Easter Island

Marilyn Jones ·
It is a fantastic trip. I was there in August!

Re: Jan. 24, 2016: Mysterious Moai on Easter Island

Grand Escapades ·
Yes, it is amazing. If possible, I recommend to go there in February, during the annual festival (Tapati Rapa Nui Festival). It was absolutely unique...