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Tagged With "Invention of the Holy Cross Parrish"


Re: Carnival opens 'social impact' program to all

GarryRF ·
"First, you must cross my palm with silver" - as the fortune teller said. Am I just getting cynical ?

Re: Tips to help with packing no matter where you are going

Mac ·
Very useful reminders Marilyn, thanks. Absolutely agree with "don't over-pack" (I still do and get cross with myself when I have unused items at the end of the trip. And yes, Kindles, packing cubes and ZipLoc bags have made great additions to my bag in recent years. Two other thoughts occur: 1) fast drying travel clothing (wash and wear overnight) helps lighten the load 2) don't pack every last item of shampoo, tea bags, snacks etc etc in the belief that you can't possibly buy x x x-thing in...

Re: World's longest (and scariest) pedestrian bridge opens

DrFumblefinger ·
I dislike walking on these swinging bridges because of how you're bounced around when someone else is on them. It is truly an impressive feat of engineering, although I'm pretty sure we had to cross swinging bridges much higher than this in Nepal when I was hiking there.

Re: Limone, Lake Garda, Italy

GarryRF ·
Only to be found in the Mediterranean are the delicious Meyer Lemons. A cross with lemon and a mandarin orange. A sweet and juicy - less acidic fruit. Colour of a lemon and shape of an orange. Wish they were available when I get home to the UK . Delicious !

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo #6

Paul Heymont ·
I'm still sticking with my argument directly above: The bridge does not cross a border. The terms are very specific: It connects to "a settlement of people FROM a third country," not IN a third country.

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo #6

DrFumblefinger ·
Originally Posted by PHeymont: I'm still sticking with my argument directly above: The bridge does not cross a border. The terms are very specific: It connects to "a settlement of people FROM a third country," not IN a third country. I think PHeymont is correct.

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo #6

PortMoresby ·
Originally Posted by PHeymont: " I'm still sticking with my argument directly above: The bridge does not cross a border. The terms are very specific: It connects to "a settlement of people FROM a third country," not IN a third country." Just to move the discussion forward a bit, PHeymont's analysis is correct.

Re: Staying In Touch on the Road: Part 1

DrFumblefinger ·
No, Mac, that doesn't cross any sort of policy. We want to help travelers get good honest feedback about products that might be helpful to them on the road (or conversely that aren't worth the money). What's not tolerated is people paid to promote products on our website and providing dishonest information. Ravpower is exactly the kind of unit I'm looking for. Need to go order it soon.

Re: Visit Canada! Kiss a Canadian

DrFumblefinger ·
I think there are three main problems Canadian tourism faces. 1) The weather. Very limited season, unless you want to ski. 2) Expensive airfares. In the last 5 years, air fares went from being competitive to being very expensive -- overly taxed, I guess. And predictably, when you charge more for something you get less of that activity. 3) Heightened border security between Canadian and US border can cause long delays and has greatly reduced cross border crossings in the past 15 years. It's...

Re: FCC: Cell Phone Use In Flight Coming Soon

DrFumblefinger ·
I love the extended use of electronics, but don't like the idea of using a cell phone (as a phone -- go ahead and play games with but shut up!). Imagine a cross continent flight beside an aggressive salesman? Not quite as bad as dying and going to hell, but not far from it. Will need to be sure to buy some top quality ear plugs if that's the case. Like to sleep on a plane? Hope you can fall asleep to 30 people speaking loudly (the airplane is noisy, after all).

Re: Is JetBlue thinking of Europe?

GarryRF ·
As cross Atlantic fares remain excessive then there's still plenty of room for the new kid on the block to make a good living.

Re: Ryanair on Alitalia: 'we want it and want it whole'

GarryRF ·
This man O'Leary is a Saint - not a sinner. When he gets access to the cross Atlantic routes he'll have the Big Boys quaking in their boots ! I can fly anywhere in Europe and have change from $30 bucks !!

Re: Passport Woes

George G. ·
Almost disaster. We once purchased a new Volvo back in 1991 and a trip to the factory in Goteborg Sweden to pick up the car was included. We picked up our new car and crossed via ferry into Denmark without a hitch. But at the German customs and passport control station, I was denied entry including our vehicle. I had shaved off my beard a few months prior, but my passport photo still showed the beard. The German officials kept saying that it wasn't my passport and to produce my real...

Re: In Egypt: Luxor West Bank

Amateuremigrant ·
A brilliant collection of pictures and commentary. Avoiding the bus loads is all down to timing, so your patience was well rewarded ! I've visited the West Bank loads of times with groups and it never fails to astound ! Our trips began by meeting up with a host of donkeys from the ferry, at 4.30am. We rode up to cross the cliff top above Hatshepsut's temple then walk down to the Valley of the Kings. Riding a donkey named Saddam up there was always a guaranteed wake-up

Re: Rila Monastery: The Gem of Bulgaria

Racing_snake ·
Hi, I agree entirely, this monastery is very well worth visiting. I don't think you mentioned the cross inside with exquisitely carved very tiny figures all over it. I heard much of it was carved with a needle and Rila went blind while doing it. Whether I was told the truth or not, it is an amazing example of dedication, patience and devotion to your task ).

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#81)

PortMoresby ·
Well, to start, I count 15 medieval air conditioning units. The architecture feels like a curious cross between medieval (the tower) and gothic (large windows) so it's likely neither. Maybe a modern faux-historic hybrid?

Re: England gets a coast-to-coast canoe route

GarryRF ·
As you can see from this photo - the tow path makes an excellent route for cycling too. And walkers. No traffic or roads to cross. Friends often take their canoes for a paddle. Others just go fishing. Maybe just a walk in silence - except for the occasional canalside pub where they have a kids playground. And the ducks quacking. (No shooting allowed)

Re: France to Send 120 Extra Police to Secure Channel Tunnel

Travel Rob ·
Good to know Ron and glad you made it with no problem. I wasn't as lucky you because I tried to cross during the strike. I had to go to Hoek Van Holland to cross . I met several people in the Netherlands who told me they were stuck in their cars at the Calais Crossing for days and they also said they had to deal with some very lax security.

Re: The Murals of Winnipeg Pt 1

TravelingCanuck ·
Thanks. What is nice is that most murals has some link to the cultural, ethnic or historical aspect of Winnipeg. They show a diverse cross-section of the life of the city over the years.

Re: AA's new slogan? "LESS Room in Coach"

Paul Heymont ·
Well, American has that solved for you! The 737s don’t cross the continent, they make you change planes in Chicago, Dallas or somewhere. That way you get TWO barely-tolerable rides!

Re: Turbulence: Is change in the air?

GarryRF ·
I cross the Atlantic 4 times a year. Pilots know where the turbulence is. They don't fly "blind". There are times when the Atlantic Jet Stream has winds around 500 mph. So if you were to fly into its narrow path you would effectively be standing still. Coming home, from America to England, Pilots choose to fly inside the Jet Stream so a 7 hour flight can be achieved in under 5 hours. Pilots can fly above or below the Jet Stream and turbulence is a manageable hazard.

Re: Why your airline chose your plane

Jonathan L ·
I rode a 747 to and from China a few months ago. It was the first time in years that I had been on one, and it reminded me that not all coach flights have to be like a sardine can. The wide body had room to walk and stretch on the 13 hour flight, and toilets were actually comfortable. I wish they were still using them on cross country flights.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, August 23, 2015: Victoria Falls - “The Smoke That Thunders”, Zimbabwe

Grand Escapades ·
The gorge is actually extremely narrow, and it is only from the air that you get a full perspective of the Falls, as you have too much mist to have a full grasp of the whole. Yes, I took an helicopter, and it was an amazing flight. From Zambia, you can also take an Ultra Light Flight, which must be even more amazing. I didn't cross into Zambia and regretted it afterwards. I would also have loved to jump in the Devil's Pool on the Zambian side, but I think there was too much water at that...

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? #4.5, 12/6/13

PortMoresby ·
If anyone's really interested in finding this pier it's the details that count. Despite having the suggestion blown off earlier I still see mountains in the center distance, leading me to believe it's in Southern California. The railing is distinctive, 2 boards together at the top then just 1 more below. A few lights, all on one side. Then the cross bracing below and an "L" or "T" at the end for the angle of the shot. The closest I've seen so far are Ventura and Newport Beach but neither...

Re: Sun Studio, Memphis, Tennessee: The house Sam Phillips built

Paul Heymont ·
Actually, the importance of Memphis is long-standing and for good reason: it's on a flood-free bluff above the Mississippi. At different times in its history, both French and Spanish armies built forts there to control traffic on the Mississippi, and before the Civil War, it was the terminus of the only east-west railroad to cross the it has always been a big transportation center. The railroad guaranteed its role in shipping cotton, and made it the center of the region.

Re: Walking the Buffalo

PortMoresby ·
Pheymont, it was the iconic landscape that attracted me to the area. The tulou in Fujian were the impetus for the trip and when I realized that the area I'd admired for so long, originally in scroll paintings, was relatively close to Xiamen and between there and another intended destination, the cross-border overnight train from Nanning to Hanoi, it was on. As you've likely surmised, my trips tend to be longer than the average tour-traveling visitor and my curiosity such that packages are...

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#75)

Lynn Millar ·
Observations or random guesses: Christian (cross), Spanish (garb of non-angel statues), not a huge cathedral (scale) nor a wealthy one (bare stone work and growth on spires along railing). No ideas on beverage link or fortification.

Re: The Dempster Highway: a Drive to the Arctic Coast of Canada

My Thatched Hut ·
Originally Posted by DrFumblefinger: It sounds like a great adventure! Thanks for sharing it with us. This road trip has been on my bucket list for some time, but sounds like it's worth delaying until the road to Tuk is completed. I've heard fall is a nice time to go. Not only is the tundra vividly colored, but there are no mosquitos (frozen to death by evening frost). Know any downsides to this, Tom? Yes, I would wait until the road is finished. I had to fly from Inuvik to Tuk and return by...

Re: Finding Reiner #2: Chasing Ghosts

DrFumblefinger ·
Another brilliant post, HistoryDigger! Thanks. I think you've described the situation many young German men were in, and it's a lesson for all of us to fight tyranny at every step and with all we have. It is also a reminder to me how a government that is "a friend of the people" can crush those same people if their power isn't checked. After the Nazis had seized power, there was no tolerance for dissent. You were either with them -- or you were in big big trouble (possibly even fatal...
Blog Post

All the Tea In...Charleston?

PortMoresby ·
  Tea gardens, as the farms are traditionally known, no matter the size, have been seducing me for over a decade.  In Yunnan and Guangxi Provinces of China, Himachal Pradesh and Darjeeling in Himalayan India, in the Cameron Highlands of...
Blog Post

Historic Route 66 (pt 4) - Gallup to Albuquerque

Jonathan L ·
The last leg of my journey on Route 66 was from Gallup to Albuquerque. The is a lot to see on this leg, but I rushed to meet The Amazing Ms. D ,who was flying in to Albuquerque for a writers workshop. Therefore I only had time for one thing. I chose...
Blog Post

The National Museum of Ireland: Archaeology, Dublin: Where Gumbo was #78

DrFumblefinger ·
  Seems not even the master Gumbo travel sleuths were able to crack our last puzzle.   Gumbo was visiting the fascinating Museum of Ireland, Archaeology division, situated on Kildare Street in Dublin.  The Archaeology Museum is housed...
Blog Post

Michelin's new maps focus on food

Paul Heymont ·
Michelin, the French company that makes tires, maps and food ratings has now leveraged the maps and food into a new product—quick reference maps of where to eat. The first in the series, the "New York City Map of Great Places to Eat 2015" went...
Blog Post

Montreal: Je Me Souviens

DrFumblefinger ·
There are many great cities to visit in Canada, two of my favorites (for different reasons) being Vancouver and Montreal.  Vancouver has one of the most breath-takingly beautiful settings of any city in the world, and I’ll be discussing it...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Nov 22, 2013: Moab before the storm

Mac ·
Running as fast as they dare out on the old rutted highway from Cisco and heading fast for Moab, a warm hotel and dry clothes after a long day’s hard ride, two snorting Harley Davidson motorcycles cross onto the i91 and head towards the edge of...
Blog Post

A Visit to Ireland: Part 1) An overview of the Country and its People

DrFumblefinger ·
I remember being in Wales several times and looking across the sea to the west, thinking that I needed to get to Ireland.  Well I finally made it, completing this journey with my brother on our annual "getaway trip"!  It was a trip we really...
Blog Post

Walla, Walla: “So nice they named it twice!”

DrFumblefinger ·
What’s a Walla Walla?  It’s a Indian name meaning “many waters”.  It’s also the name of a charming city in southeastern Washington; nestled close to the Columbia and Snake River valleys, and with a river of its...
Blog Post

The North Cascades: a National Park and Scenic Highway

DrFumblefinger ·
The North Cascades Highway (Washington SR-20) offers the northern most route across the Cascade range in Washington state, just south of the Canadian border.  The eastern (and highest) part of the road is...
Blog Post

A Visit to Ireland: Part 2) the Rock of Cashel

DrFumblefinger ·
 There are few places in Ireland with a richer history than the  Rock of Cashel .   Situated at the edge of the town of Cashel, the rock is a huge outcropping on top of which rests a complex of old buildings situated some 60m (200ft)...
Blog Post

Visiting Western Greenland. Part II – Western Greenland on Foot!

Racing_snake ·
Part I covered three Greenlandic towns I have visited but my real passion is being out in West Greenland’s wilderness.  So this part is about what it has to offer those willing to get out there on foot and under canvas!    I...
Blog Post

Road Trip, Day 2: Mendocino Coast Botanical Garden

PortMoresby ·
    March 10, 2015   I woke the first morning of my visit along the Northern California coast at a friend’s house in the village of Elk.  I was alone, the kitchen toasty warm from the fire Jane had made for me before leaving...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Apr 7, 2015: Obwarzanek vendor, Krakow

IslandMan ·
    Kraków is the second largest and one of the oldest cities in Poland . Situated on the Vistula River in the Lesser Poland region, the city dates back to the 7th century. Our visit to Krakow was a surprising delight. Not knowing...
Blog Post

A Day in Caguas

Paul Heymont ·
Caguas is a late-comer by some standards; San Juan, 30 miles away, was already 250 years old when Caguas was settled by Spain—and yet it proudly calls itself “La Ciudad Criolla” and “El Corazon de Borinquen,” the Creole...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, October 27, 2014: Nene, Kauai

DrFumblefinger ·
  A nene is a goose native to Hawaii and is that island's state bird.  The first time I saw nene was several years ago when my wife and I spent a week in Maui.  We spotted them while on a drive to the summit of the dormant volcano,...
Blog Post

Government St., Mobile: A Great Historic Street (Pt. 1)

Travel Rob ·
I haven't heard anybody else say this, especially in the local area, but Government Street in Mobile, Alabama is one the most spectacular historic streets in the world, even today. I had a chance to walk a good portion of Government St. in March of...
Blog Post

Charleston's Cathedral of St. John the Baptist: Where Gumbo Was (#76)

Paul Heymont ·
  Visiting Charleston recently, I was struck by its handsome cathedral and unusual spire. The church seems reasonably well-rooted in the 19th century, but the tower reminded me of the turn-of-the-last-century church of Saint-Jean-de-Montmartre ...
Blog Post

Yellowstone National Park in Winter

59nationalparks ·
Seeing all fifty-nine national parks was never a dream of ours--especially not in fifty-nine weeks.  We'd call it more of a whim, an impulse or an inspiration.  Going to Yellowstone National Park in the winter was something we had...
Blog Post

Sept. 15, 2017: Red Admiral butterfly, Northumberland

Ian Cook ·
Ian Cook shares images and the natural history of this beautiful butterfly.
Blog Post

October 20, 2017: Black Middens Bastle House, Northumberland

Ian Cook ·
Black Middens Bastle is a rectangular mid to late 16th century stone two storey defensible farmhouse in Northumberland.
Blog Post

Columbus Antiquities Discovered in the Unlikeliest of Places

Stephanie Kalina-Metzger ·
Who would have thought a great collection of Christopher Columbus artifacts could be found in a small Pennsylvania town. Stephanie Kalina-Metzger shares her discovery!