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Tagged With "Stately Buildings"


Re: Diamond Head State Monument, Oahu (Where Gumbo Was #230)

GarryRF ·
On my last visit to Diamond Head we left near to the closing time. A large Limousine was waiting to take us back to Waikiki. I hadn't ordered one but the driver insisted we used him to take us back. "I will charge you the same as the Taxi fare you paid to get here" Sounded like an offer too good to refuse ! Before we arrived back in Waikiki another 4 couples had joined our Taxi ride. Had to admire the driver for ingenuity. Very good earner !

Re: Herculaneum, 79 A.D.

IslandMan ·
Thanks for the trip, PortMoresby, it looks like a fascinating place to visit. Those Romans certainly knew how to build a city..

Re: Gallery: Hill Tribe Market, Inle Lake, Burma

IslandMan ·
Good one, Port Morseby. Markets are always fascinating places to visit and this one looks exceptional. Very colourful people as well as the wares they sell and your pictures certainly tell a story.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Dec. 21, 2013: Fujian Life

PortMoresby ·
Bamboo is used in so many ways it's impossible to know. My favorite use for the material is to build scaffolding on multi-story construction projects. Quite amazing.

Re: Should Wi-Fi be free in all hotels?

Paul Heymont ·
Actually, privatized toll roads are the coming thing these days! Some states have sold off roads; others have allowed private companies to build from scratch. The road to Dulles Airport near Washington is a prime example. But the comparisons to WiFi here don't really work. No one charged extra for electric light in hotels when it was new; it simply replaced the gas lighting. It took 70 years of broadcasting to create a pay system. As for WiFi, or internet access in hotels generally, it's not...

Re: Venice's ban on huge cruise ships suspended

Paul Heymont ·
The only alternatives I can see are to build a new cruise port outside the lagoon. Chioggia might be too far, but perhaps just north of the main way into the lagoon, across the inlet from the Lido. That would provide land-based alternatives for other day trips from the boats, and could also be served by vaporetto-sized boats heading into Venice itself. Of course, I haven't consulted the folks who live there and run campgrounds there...

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo #297

George G. ·
Friday's clues...two more days to go! Two brothers built mirror image houses side by side until one brother’s house was demolished so his other neighbor could expand their home and build a carriage house. This house has Italian and French Renaissance influences with a gothic window. The other house has a blend of Italianate and Georgian Revival which is currently a B&B.

Re: Walking the Freedom Trail in Boston

GarryRF ·
Must be 15 years since I walked most of your journey through Boston. The mix of old and new buildings are fascinating as you walk the city. Many of the older buildings look like they have shared an architects plan with older buildings here in Liverpool UK. I do find it odd that 5 Bostonians were stoning a single Redcoat then you call them unarmed ! A situation that would bring about the same end results today. I enjoyed your Blog. Thanks.

Re: Walking the Freedom Trail in Boston

Jonathan L ·
Thanks Gerry. Liverpool is definitely on my list when I get back to the UK. And congratulations on a great 2nd place finish in the EPL.

Re: New Orleans plans an "unplugged" airport

HistoryDigger ·
We're waiting to see them start to build this. Things move slow down here, but it could be the boost our city needs to bring in new business.

Re: Russia to Open Up Gulags as "Tourist Camps"?

PortMoresby ·
Oh, those Russians, ever the tricksters. Troop build-up on the Ukraine border = maneuvers. Summer in the gulag = fun in the sun. Yekaterina, you clever girl, you.

Re: Norway's plea: Please pick up after our bears

DrFumblefinger ·
Originally Posted by GarryRF: Did you know that if you felled all the trees in Canada and laid them end to end then .... the Bears would have nowhere to take a dump !! Garry -- the bears are smart and would use those millions of trees to build rafts they could float to England, where they could dump often and where ever they wanted!

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, February 25, 2015. St. Augustine, Florida

Travel Rob ·
The dining hall at Flagler College(in your last photo) is really something to see. The Tiffany Windows are incredible.I also love the concrete used to build Flagler college , former Hotel Ponce de Leon , made from the local coquina stone.

Re: Monterey Bay Aquarium: Oceans Apart

Travel Rob ·
Thank you Lestertheinvestor for sharing. I love aquariums and haven't been to the Monterey Bay one yet. Can't wait to see it. I know aquariums are expensive to build and maintain but I wish there was some way to keep the admission prices down .

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, February 12, 2015: Desert Bighorn Sheep, Valley of Fire State Park, Nevada

IslandMan ·
This must have been a rare treat, Ottoman. It's always interesting to see wildlife in their natural habitat

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, February 12, 2015: Desert Bighorn Sheep, Valley of Fire State Park, Nevada

Ottoman ·
Hi IslandMan You are so right. I could've sat there and watched these two lovely animals all day, but unfortunately the amount of daylight we had was rapidly dwindling. Oh well, there's more traveling to be done and more "Wow!" moments to capture. Thanks for the feedback. Take care and best wishes to you.

Re: Why You should visit Nevada's Valley of Fire

GarryRF ·
Some of those settings look familiar. Maybe a few old cowboy films were shot there. Las Vegas with its free beer is too hot for summer. Would not tackle those rocks on a sunny day ! Would love to treck through in the Autumn.

Re: Why You should visit Nevada's Valley of Fire

DrFumblefinger ·
You are correct, GarryRF. There have been a number of movies filmed in the park. Lifted straight from Wikipedia , here is a listing of these: Film History : Valley of Fire is a popular location for shooting automobile commercials and other commercial photography. It has provided a setting for the following films and television shows: The Professionals with Burt Lancaster , Lee Marvin , and Claudia Cardinale was filmed in 1966. As of November 2012 a piece of the movie set is still up for...

Re: Why You should visit Nevada's Valley of Fire

GarryRF ·
Thanks DrF. I can remember Lee Marvin as the angry young man - so it must have been a few years ago. The heat of summer in Vegas is just not nice. Must be what's meant by a "Seasoned Traveller" When we go at just the right time of year. Like the word "Posh" Port Out - Starboard Home To keep a cool cabin on a round trip to India on the sea. (Before A/C)

Re: The Cabins, Valley of Fire State Park, Nevada (Where Gumbo Was #107)

Travel Luver ·
That night shot is great! Thanks!

Re: One 'Ghost Airport' in China Plans to Expand Again

Paul Heymont ·
Seems as if someone really believes "if you build it, they will come."

Re: Longer Wait at Security? New TSA Leader Says They Will Focus on Screening

GarryRF ·
Reading the NY Times it appears the TSA still haven't got their act together. The most productive target is intelligence gathering and immediate action on it. No matter how high you build a fence - someone will crawl under it.

Re: Family Fun in Kent County, Delaware

GarryRF ·
I'm visiting Delaware next month so I'll add Kent County to my list of small town USA . Love the Delmarva area. Full of Markets, History and hands on exhibits.

Re: Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library, Staunton, Virginia

JHeymont ·
While this report is interesting in one regard, I find myself disturbed by the discussion of Woodrow Wilson that leaves out so many negative aspects of Wilson's legacy. Negative enough that students at Princeton have been trying to get his name off buildings. Wilson was a racist. A member of the KKK, or at least a friend. He showed Birth of A Nation, a racist, pro-Klan movie in the White House. He segregated the civil service, which had been one of the ways that Black workers had been able...

Re: June 8, 2016: Dockweiler State Beach and Park, CA

Travel Rob ·
Great piece! One of my favorite things in California was taking a bike ride along the beach and seeing that side of LAX. The best part is it's pretty empty!

Re: June 23, 2016: Thomas Jefferson Memorial, Washington, D.C.

DrFumblefinger ·
I like this memorial, especially at night time, when the bronze figure of Jefferson really stands out against the light colored dome. Thanks, Ottoman!

Re: Apr. 13, 2017: An afternoon at Crystal Cove State Park

GarryRF ·
A nature walk, beach and rock pools - what more could you want on a beautiful sunny day ! Nice pic's too Ottoman !

Re: Apr. 13, 2017: An afternoon at Crystal Cove State Park

Ottoman ·
Hi GarryRF. Thanks for the feedback. The lovely afternoon I spent at Crystal Cove State Park with my family really was one of those instances where you look around, feel grateful and content for what you have and say to yourself..."What more could you ask for".

Re: Apr. 13, 2017: An afternoon at Crystal Cove State Park

GarryRF ·
I keep a Video Log in my mind of all those "perfect moments" when you say to yourself " Hey ! Life doesn't get any better than this" I often re run those moments to myself on a winters day - usually catching 40 winks on a Sunday afternoon. Priceless !

Re: Islamic State opens 5-star you have reservations about that?

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks, but I'll pass on staying at this one. So should anyone who is Jewish, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, gay, female, or the "wrong" type of Muslim.

Re: Portland, Oregon - Part III - Escaping

Jonathan L ·
Thanks again for a wonderful view of the Portland area. If you had continued East along the Columbia River you would have reached the Maryhill Museum . This fascinating collection of art started as the dream of Samuel Hill who was president of the Seattle Gas and Electric Company around the start of the 20th century. He hoped to build a Quaker farming community, but irrigation proved too difficult. Istead he was convinced to turn his mansion into an art museum. His collection was eclectic. I...

Re: Willis Tower and Our Skydeck Experience—Chicago

Paul Heymont ·
I haven't been on this one, but I have gone to a few, including Empire State and the old World Trade Center in NY. I always enjoy the view, but if there's an open observation area, I find myself with small chills and odd feelings in my legs as if I were going to matter how secure it is! So for me, it's the view plus a thrill ride!

Re: Willis Tower and Our Skydeck Experience—Chicago

DrFumblefinger ·
I've been to the Hancock tower in Chicago, but not the Sears tower (I like that name better to). The views sure are spectacular. As for me, I'll admire the view without going into the skybox, thank you very much!

tani cargo

tani cargo



Re: A Walk through Florida's Everglades: Big Cypress Bend boardwalk at Fakahatchee Strand Preserve State Park

Paul Heymont ·
Looks like a great place for a walk and a learn! You might just be putting Florida on my map...

Re: A Walk through Florida's Everglades: Big Cypress Bend boardwalk at Fakahatchee Strand Preserve State Park

Travel Rob ·
What a great walk.I really enjoy the boardwalks that are all over Florida.Really let's you get on top of some interesting things that you don't want to walk through.

Re: Gallery: Burma, on Inle Lake

Paul Heymont ·
Thank you for another look at a place and life that are so different from mine...and that yet reminds me that each of us goes forward each day with the common necessity of living, contributing and contemplating the next day.

Re: Gallery: Burma, on Inle Lake

DrFumblefinger ·
A compelling set of beautiful framed images, PortMoresby. Thanks for sharing this adventure with all of us.

Re: Gallery: Burma, on Inle Lake

PortMoresby ·
It's so good to have an effort appreciated. Thanks, guys.

Re: Coastal California: Pigeon Point Lighthouse

Paul Heymont ·
We must have passed Pigeon Point on our way to see the seals on a February visit to SF about 10 years ago...I wish I had known! Besides the seals, the highlight of that trip was breakfast in a roadside diner surrounded by avocado farms...a product reflected in practically every breakfast on the menu!

Re: Coastal California: Pigeon Point Lighthouse

PortMoresby ·
In that part of the coast, it's more likely to have been artichokes, grown there and all the way down to Salinas/Monterey. Avocados are a Southern California crop.

Re: Coastal California: Pigeon Point Lighthouse

DrFumblefinger ·
When I lived in So California, an acquaintance was an avocado farmer. He informed us that at the time about 10% of the avocado crop was stolen each year -- probably higher now. The most stolen crop in America, and impossible to trace I love old lighthouses and their setting on the roughest places on the coast. Thanks for sharing this one with us, PM.

Re: Coastal California: Pigeon Point Lighthouse

PortMoresby ·
I'm not surprised about the avocado theft, guacamole being one of the CA food groups.

Re: Coastal California: Pigeon Point Lighthouse

Paul Heymont ·
I didn't mean to imply purloined produce...just that as a local product, they had a high place on the menu. From the conversations around us, it appeared that many of the others were growers...

Re: Coastal California: Pigeon Point Lighthouse

DrFumblefinger ·
PHeymont -- did not mean to imply that your restaurant proprietors were thieves. Just to point out that the crop you were surrounded by is a target of theft.

Re: Coastal California: Pigeon Point Lighthouse

PortMoresby ·
Gentlemen, I think you missed my point somewhere above. Artichokes grow in Northern California, avocados in Southern California. As far as I've observed, never the twain shall meet. Just to confirm, is this it? If so, not avocado.

Re: Coastal California: Pigeon Point Lighthouse

Paul Heymont ·
No, really, we know the difference. And we saw the avocados and ate them. I haven't found production figures yet for San Mateo County yet, but it is significant.

Re: Coastal California: Pigeon Point Lighthouse

PortMoresby ·
I see no mention of avocados:

Re: Coastal California: Pigeon Point Lighthouse

Dgems ·
Great. I will be in Santa Cruz in a couple of weeks with HS friends and suggest we go thePigeon Point lighthouse! thanks again for a wonderful journey! Denia