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Tagged With "The Vienna Naschmarkt"


Re: Laughter Set in Stone: Fun with Statues

Paul Heymont ·
Well, here's another I would have included in the original post—except I didn't remember I had it! Unintentionally ironic or speaks up for a local guy in an unusual way!

Re: Laughter Set in Stone: Fun with Statues

DrFumblefinger ·
That's a fun piece, PHeymont! I, too, have noticed larger numbers of whimsical statues. The city this struck me in the most was Bratislava, in Slovakia. For example, here's their "Men at Work" And here's one that's a tribute to shutterbugs like you and me.

Re: Laughter Set in Stone: Fun with Statues

Paul Heymont ·
Thanks! those are great...we need a bit more humor in everyday life!

Re: Vienna logs 10,000 users a week on free WiFi

Travel Rob ·
This is good news!

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Aug. 30, 2015: Just don't go...

TravelingCanuck ·
I believe what it means is the end of a traffic-free pedestrian zone.

Re: Vienna's Naschmarkt: 500 years of food

GarryRF ·
A wonderful display of fruit and vegetables Paul. No - never too many photos. I could be there myself ! Really enjoyed that excursion into epicurean delights. Not so sure about some of those prices, but they certainly looked fresh as could be. I'm just going back for another look - I'm sure I could smell the Pataks Curry ! The Stinkefrucht "Dorien" comes from Singapore as your photo says. But if you take it on public transport there - you will be pushed off the bus !. You may see it hanging...

Re: Vienna's Naschmarkt: 500 years of food

DrFumblefinger ·
It is a great market. I've only visited it once, and it's enormous and hard to get your head around, although there is a fair bit of repetition among the stalls. There are several excellent restaurants at the market. I've forgotten the name of the place, but there was a southeastern Asian restaurant that we ate at which provided us with one of the best meals we ate in Vienna, a city known for its great food. One of the Austrians at a table beside us began a conversation and told us he...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Oct. 22, 2014: Greek Cathedral, Vienna

IslandMan ·
..just beautiful..

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, July 9, 2014: Human Vending Carts

MAD Travel Diaries ·
Wow that's interesting, hipe it's not heavy gear to be walking around in all day.
Blog Post

Wiener Bonbons: Highlights of Vienna (Where Gumbo was #114)

Paul Heymont ·
This week’s puzzle started with a very puzzling picture—so puzzling it needed a second shot to clarify that it was in a tunnel. Even so, Jonathan L was sharp enough to jump to a correct conclusion, which he hinted to the crowd in a comment...
Blog Post

Drones to travel for armchair tourists?

Paul Heymont ·
Imagine sitting in your armchair with a virtual-reality helmet and a remote control and "visiting" the streets of your favorite city, an art gallery, the Grand Canyon, or...?   There have long been travel documentaries and the like for armchair...
Blog Post

June 13, 2018: DC Tower 1 - Vienna, Austria

Samantha ·
Samantha shares pictures of the DC Tower 1 from her trip to Vienna, Austria. She found it very interesting and unique.
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January 3, 2018: The Art of Hundertwasser

George G. ·
George G shares several beautiful buildings in Germany and Austria which were created by Austrian architect Friedensreich Hundertwasser.

Not-so-famous museums with great exhibits

Paul Heymont ·
Since we're off from school for spring break, we've had time to catch up on a few exhibits at local museums...but not the big and famous, such as the Met or MoMA. Here are a few of interest, and one we haven't been to yet, but will! Neue Galerie has an exhibit with a dual purpose: reproducing the infamous Nazi exhibit "Degenerate Art" of 1937, and commenting on its effects, both then and now. Also at the Galerie, which focuses on German and Austrian art of the last century, is an exhibition...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, July 9, 2014: Human Vending Carts

Paul Heymont ·
  Every city has typical street food and vendors—New York's hot dogs and souvlaki, Philadelphia's pretzels, Amsterdam's herring—but Berlin, like Vienna, specializes in sausages, especially currywurst, a bratwurst slathered in...
Blog Post

Vienna's new novelty: Wooden skyscraper

Paul Heymont ·
A new trend in 'green building' may be emerging with the construction of a 24-story wood building in Vienna and a taller one planned for London.
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Can't get to Vienna? Google offers virtual tours

Paul Heymont ·
Google's Street View technology makes it possible to visit important sites and attractions with the trip.
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Vienna: Nostalgia time for 'world's most beautiful airliner'

Paul Heymont ·
A restored Lockheed Super Constellation will pay a visit to Vienna Friday, and will be open to visitors.
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Western U.S. cities getting new connections

Paul Heymont ·
Los Angeles is Austrian Airlines' newest destination, while Las Vegas adds a second direct flight to Asia, its first to China.
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New Vienna attraction: Tiny twin pandas

Paul Heymont ·
The happy moment turned out to be double as videos revealed that Yang Yang had given birth to two baby pandas.
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Visiting the oldest Amusement Park in the World

Ava ·
Ava shares a fun visit to Wurstelprater in Vienna. While it's the world's oldest amusement park, there are lots of fun and high-speed attractions to appeal to today's travelers.
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Vienna's weekend of 'old-timer' classics

Paul Heymont ·
Vienna celebrates some of everyone's favorite cars with a weekend of drives in different neighborhoods.
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If Marie Antoinette had dogs...

Paul Heymont ·
At €50 a day, the Hotel Bristol in Vienna treats dogs and cats like royalty.
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Vienna's real-pony carousel to close

Paul Heymont ·
Dropping revenues and rising hostility from animal rights groups put an end to a unique attraction.
Blog Post

The Prater, Vienna: Austria's Playground for Everyone

Samantha ·
While in Vienna, Samantha and her husband spent a few hours checking out Austria's playground, the Prater. The giant Ferris Wheel is the draw to the park, but there is so much to see and do.
Blog Post

Vienna's Prater celebrates 250 years as park

Paul Heymont ·
Vienna kicks off the 250th anniversary of its huge public park with a flower parade and more.
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Austria coffee-drinkers in for a chill?

Paul Heymont ·
Austria considers modifying or ending the ban on outdoor cafe seating before April.
Blog Post

Lost in Space: Tourists stranded at top of Vienna wheel

Paul Heymont ·
Two tourists from Poland got an extra thrill on the Wiener Riesenrad, the giant Ferris wheel at Vienna's Prater amusement park: an attendant turned off the ride and went home, leaving them in the dark at the top of the 212-foot ride. The couple, last to board the ride near the end of the day, were still circling when the operator handed over controls to a colleague tasked with shutting down for the night. The new operator apparently did not know there were still passengers on board. At...
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Vienna taxman to collect its share of 'sharing economy'

Paul Heymont ·
Vienna allows short-term rentals but requires licenses—and taxes. Authorities are cracking down now on those with neither or who owe taxes.
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Oct. 10, 2018: Albertina in Vienna, Austria

Samantha ·
Samantha was able to see this Keith Haring inspired Albertina display this summer while strolling around Vienna, Austria.
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Nov. 14, 2018: Yard Art - Vienna, Austria

Samantha ·
Samantha gives us a castle tour in Vienna—but no, it's not that kind of castle!
Blog Post

Danube Views in Vienna: Unique and Amazing

Samantha ·
Samantha and her husband had a great time walking along the Danube in Vienna. That was until a storm rolled in, lol. Here are some pictures she was able to take before the rain started.

Re: Visiting the oldest Amusement Park in the World

DrFumblefinger ·
Looks like a wonderful fun day for the entire family. The ferris wheel is more my speed now, rather than the roller coasters. I bet the food was terrific, too.

Re: Visiting the oldest Amusement Park in the World

Paul Heymont ·
I've been fascinated with the Riesenrad since The Third Man. One of my fondest (at distant memory, not at the time) of Vienna is being alone with my wife, late on a rainy evening in 1988, near the top. The wheel stopped for a few moments, the car swayed in the wind, and I had a momentary sensation that it was 1946 and I was in the film... Not much sign of that in these sunny pictures!

Re: The Prater, Vienna: Austria's Playground for Everyone

Paul Heymont ·
The inscription on the memorial translates as The Master dedicated one of his most beautiful songs to the Vienna Prater, In the Prater, the Flowers Bloom Again.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Oct. 1, 2015: Vienna's Sausage Stands

GarryRF ·
How do these compare to the Hot Dog street vendors in New York ?

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Oct. 1, 2015: Vienna's Sausage Stands

Paul Heymont ·
I am as much a New York booster as anyone, but there is no comparison. For a start, we're talking grilled sausages here, not our typical "dirty-water dog," and even on the few carts that are grilling them, there is not the variety that's found in Vienna. And Vienna certainly has us beat on both the bread and mustard that accompany the sausage. I only wish...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Oct. 1, 2015: Vienna's Sausage Stands

GarryRF ·
Could this be a business venture for the Heymont dynasty ? Standing around on those cold New York winters days. No - I wouldn't wish that on anyone !
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Riesling in the making

Paul Heymont ·
Riesling in the making
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Karl-Marx-Hof, Vienna

Paul Heymont ·
Karl-Marx-Hof, Vienna
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On the way to wine...

Paul Heymont ·
On the way to wine...
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Stadttempel, Vienna

Paul Heymont ·
Stadttempel, Vienna
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Vienna's 'Greek Cathedral'

Paul Heymont ·
Vienna's 'Greek Cathedral'

Re: Vienna's real-pony carousel to close

DrFumblefinger ·
Assuming these ponies are well cared for, as most animal owners do for their animals, the children of Vienna are being denied an important experience. The opportunity to interact with and enjoy a large animal and ride on it. Where else will kids living in a large city go for such an experience? I recall with great fondness and excitement my first pony rides at the fair and am tired of a shrill minority dictating its will to the rest of us.

Re: Vienna's real-pony carousel to close

GarryRF ·
The Circus - the Clydesdale Shire Horse - Donkey Rides on the beach and the Goldfish. All driven to extinction by tree huggers.

Re: Vienna's real-pony carousel to close

Ava ·
We just visited this park recently and didn't see anyone on this ride, nor were we particularly interested in it.
Blog Post

The Wien Rathaus: City Hall, Vienna

Samantha ·
Samantha loved her tour and visit to the Wien Rathaus in Vienna, Austria. It was huge and amazing. Just watch out for the seats in the chamber room. They were not nice to her. :(
Blog Post

European Christmas Markets

Barry Barford ·
Christmas in Europe is always special and these images will either bring back happy memories or stoke the imagination.

Re: European Christmas Markets

George G. ·
I relish memories of those festive Christmas markets in the bitter cold and often snow that get you in the holiday mood. The warm glühwein and grilled sausages on a roll with senf (mustard) helped warm you up. My favorite market was Baden-Baden.
Blog Post

Vienna: My Top 7 Free Things

Samantha ·
Looking for some free things to do in Vienna, Austria? If so, Samantha shares her top 7 free things to see and do while in this beautiful city.