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Tagged With "King Charles III"


Re: Alfred the Great's bones found!

Paul Heymont ·
This seems to be a good year for royal discoveries; the remains of Richard III were found under a parking lot in Leicester last year. Now if only someone could locate Jimmy Hoffa...and Judge Crater!

Re: Alfred the Great's bones found!

DrFumblefinger ·
I don't think we'll find Hoffa until they start tearing down some of these old ball stadiums... Somewhere deep in the concrete I think!

Alfred the Great's bones found!

DrFumblefinger ·
Archaeologists believe they may have found some of the bones of 9th century British monarch, King Alfred the Great, an important ruler during his day.  DNA tests were performed on a pelvic bone dug up at the medieval abbey in Winchester and...

The Legend of Vlad the Impaler (Dracula)

Former Member ·
Everyone is wondering when the legend of Dracula came in the public attention for the first time and if this legend has something to do with Vlad the Impaler- the prince of Wallachia. Well the legend starts when this man Vlad the Impaler was chosen by the well-known writer Bram Stoker to be the leading hero for his book published in 1897. Since then, Dracula and Transylvania, the land where the mysterious castle full of ghosts and vampires is located, became the subject of many movies, over...