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Tagged With "Streets of Hanoi"


Re: July 3, 2017: Fun Street Art in Montreal

Jonathan L ·
I waited for a bus next to that statue the last time I was in Montreal (in my pre-TG days).

Re: July 28, 2016: Coit Tower, San Francisco, California

DrFumblefinger ·
It really is one of the most beautiful cities in North America. Thanks for reminding us of these great views!

Re: Sept. 30, 2018: Murals of Santurce, Puerto Rico

PortMoresby ·
While it was a perfectly nice neighborhood when I lived in Santurce, what a pleasant difference almost 50 years can make!

Re: July 11, 2018: New Orleans Streetcars

George G. ·
Pittsburgh residents also call them streetcars. They were such an easy way to get around when I was a youngster. Not sure if the city has them any longer, but I took the German Strassenbahn's many times during my 18 years of living in that country. Unlimited weekly tickets made it a breeze to get around the cities.

Re: July 11, 2018: New Orleans Streetcars

Samantha ·
HI George. I hope they still have them in Pittsburgh. It is on our bucket list and would love to ride them around the city Thanks for sharing.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Feb. 2, 2014: New York Harbor at Sea Level

PortMoresby ·
My only experience of being on the water in NY Harbor was a lesson in perspective and point of view, as this one is. Seen from a clear distance in this way, a great city is an entirely different beast.

Re: The Worst Train in the World

PortMoresby ·
If I live it won't be my last. Just prior to that one, same trip, I'd gone from Guilin to Nanning, then after lunch got on another, overnight to Hanoi. Later overnight again, Hanoi to Hoi An. Now that I think about it I realize they got progressively worse as I went along, culminating in The Worst. I hadn't thought about it until just this minute, hindsight is a wonderful thing that way. A great disappointment to me several years ago was the apparently permanent cancellation of the Hanoi to...

Re: Visiting Oslo? You can go today...or yesterday

Travel Rob ·
Thanks, I enjoyed comparing my own photos to the historic ones

Re: Street Food and Market: Istanbul

IslandMan ·
It all looks so tempting and delicious....

Re: JetBlue makes its fans blue: Less space, more fees

DrFumblefinger ·
This is very disappointing news. I was hoping JetBlue would stick to its "customers first" mode of business operation, but obviously management has sold us out. That leaves only Southwest in the USA that has a different business model, and hopefully they'll stick to their principles and not succumb to these pressures.

Re: JetBlue makes its fans blue: Less space, more fees

DrFumblefinger ·
The very slight bit of good news is that JetBlue still plans on keeping its basic wifi free. More on that story at this link .

Re: Memphis, Tennessee 3) The rest of the city

mimiadvanetures ·
I love love LOVE Memphis, would go back in a heartbeat! Enjoyed reading your post! Global Mimi.

Re: Memphis, Tennessee 3) The rest of the city

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for your comment, Mimiadventures! Good food, great music, nice people -- always something great to return to. I really didn't get into the great local food very much, but Memphis is reknowned for its "soul" style cooking and, of course, its BBQ.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, May 3, 2014: Metropole Hotel, Hanoi

DrFumblefinger ·
That's an interesting link, GarryRF, because Sri Lankans tend to be pretty mellow about most things. Still, being disrespectful (or perceived as disrespectful) to Buddha is frowned on and not tolerated by the Sinhalese majority. As many know, it is considered very disrespectful to show too much skin in a Buddhist temple or shrine (no bare shoulders or legs). You won't be allowed admittance to the shrine unless you cover yourself. I believe this woman offended these customs. But this POD is...

Re: Graffitimundo: Art from the streets of Buenos Aires

Paul Heymont ·
Graffiti is always a good way to start a hot conversation, because the line between art and vandalism is so hotly contested, as is some people's comfort level with work that is clearly art, but which confronts their vision both of art and society. That confrontation can be sharp, because street art often comes from people who don't have the resources to take part in the "conventional, comfortable" art world. Ironically, people are now paying huge sums for work by the late Keith Haring, who...

Re: Graffitimundo: Art from the streets of Buenos Aires

DrFumblefinger ·
Those are all interesting comments, PHeymont. And I do love the attached photo! I am not a fan of graffiti, although I love great street art of the type shown in this blog. But I do recognize the importance of the former as a type of political speech. For example, in Prague the "John Lennon" wall (see photos below) was an important symbol of the resistance to Soviet Communism. After the great singer/songwriter was assassinated, graffiti sprang up on one wall in the city mentioning him and...

Re: Graffitimundo: Art from the streets of Buenos Aires

Andre Pur ·
Amazing graffiti, i like the ones with the children in it Buenos Aires is an interesting destination which reminds me of the loved "tellenovelas" i once watched

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, January 8, 2015: Statue of Elvis Presley, Beale Street, Memphis, TN

DrFumblefinger ·
Great pictures, Ottoman! And for rock'n'roll fans, a special day. Elvis at 80 is a little hard to imagine, but I'm sure were he alive he would just crack a joke about it. TravelGumbo is doing a series on Elvis destinations in the south next month, so keep an eye out for that!

Re: Some Street Art from Ljubljana

George G. ·
Correct about the Adam and Eve piece by Slovene sculptor Jackov Brodar. Wonder what reward Eve promised Adam if he took a bite too.

Re: Some Street Art from Ljubljana

Paul Heymont ·
Probably an iPhone...

Re: My Favourite City in Malaysia, George Town.

Travel Rob ·
Great informative blog with terrific photos Janey Mae! Welcome to TravelGumbo! The street art of George Town looks amazing.

Re: My Favourite City in Malaysia, George Town.

TravelingCanuck ·
Very good post. Looks like an interesting place. That's the beauty of getting negative opinions about someplace from others. You get to be pleasantly surprised when it turns out not to be so bad. For my wife and I it was Paris in the late 80s. So many people said how unpleasant it was. When we went there we had such a great time we extended our stay another 3 nights. We cannot wait to return again.

Re: My Favourite City in Malaysia, George Town.

Travel Luver ·
Great piece!

Re: My Favourite City in Malaysia, George Town.

DrFumblefinger ·
Great travel story! I'm also a fan of getting a little lost in most cities I try to visit. It's while wandering around not knowing where you are that your senses get more engaged and you take in so much more detail. Welcome to TravelGumbo. I want more!!!!

Re: May 6, 2016: In Hanoi's Old Quarter

RoadWorrier ·
Feels like I'm right in the picture...and maybe Hanoi just got on MY bucket list!

Re: May 6, 2016: In Hanoi's Old Quarter

The Grey Traveller ·
Thank you, I really recommend staying in the Old Quarter.

Re: Walking the Buffalo

PortMoresby ·
Pheymont, it was the iconic landscape that attracted me to the area. The tulou in Fujian were the impetus for the trip and when I realized that the area I'd admired for so long, originally in scroll paintings, was relatively close to Xiamen and between there and another intended destination, the cross-border overnight train from Nanning to Hanoi, it was on. As you've likely surmised, my trips tend to be longer than the average tour-traveling visitor and my curiosity such that packages are...

Re: Gallery: Signs of Toronto -- Queen West

GarryRF ·
Plenty of colour again DrF ! I love Graffiti Art. Some amazing artists sharing in your pix. Love the Duracell Bunnies too. Certainly is different to what I expected to see. Interesting and informative blog. Keep it up - you could write a book !

Re: Valletta, Why Do I Love Thee So?

Paul Heymont ·
Lovely pictures! I was surprised to see so many signs in it the most common language, or is Maltese widely-spoken also?

Re: Valletta, Why Do I Love Thee So?

IslandMan ·
Thanks PH. Maltese is the official language but English is widely spoken and there are little if any communication problems.

Re: Valletta, Why Do I Love Thee So?

GarryRF ·
The island of Malta became part of the British Empire in 1800. The French had invaded Malta 2 years previously and were unwelcome. The British removed the French and established a base there at Valletta to give them a port in the Mediterranean Sea. And it provided employment and security to the local people. In 1964 it voted for Independence. The Coat of Arms of Queen Victoria can be seen over the VICTORIA GATE photo - above. The current Queen Elizabeth ceased any connection with Malta in...

Re: Valletta, Why Do I Love Thee So?

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for this fascinating piece, IslandMan. Malta quickly moves towards the top of future travel destinations in my bucket list.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, May 20, 2014: The Piano Busker

Jonathan L ·
He is not the only piano busker. Check out Colin Huggins in my blog today about Greenwich Village, here on TravelGumbo.

Re: Hoi An, Vietnam, on Lunar New Year

Mac ·
Hi Karl, we just struck plain lucky!! We were in Hanoi for the day before New Year's eve which was already a delight to the eye. We were actually in Hué for the "eve" itself and then went on down on to Hoi An. So we saw each city's wonderful decorations at each location. Just lucky!!

Re: Manhattan from the Other Shore

IslandMan ·
excellent article and collection of pictures, PH. The Manhattan skyline is always fascinating to look at and the history of it is equally interesting
Blog Post

JetBlue makes its fans blue: Less space, more fees

Paul Heymont ·
JetBlue announced Wednesday that it would not only start charging baggage fees, but will also reduce legroom in its planes to add 15 more seats per plane. The airline, which made its reputation as being customer-friendly and heavily advertised its...
Blog Post

Memphis, Tennessee 3) The rest of the city

DrFumblefinger ·
        There’s a lot more to Memphis than Graceland, although  Graceland is by far the city’s most popular attraction (which I’ve previously discussed here ).   A city of about 650,000, Memphis has a...
Blog Post

Clashing Views: Who's responsible for fees and misery?

Paul Heymont ·
Tim Wu, in a recent New Yorker  article makes a strong case that most of the things we complain about in travel, and especially air travel—cramped seats, fees for everything, etc.—are due to Wall Street pressure on carriers to...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, January 8, 2015: Statue of Elvis Presley, Beale Street, Memphis, TN

Ottoman ·
  Today is Elvis Presley's eightieth birthday.  In honor of this event, it seemed fitting to do a Picture of the Day dedicated to "The King".  I came across this attractive bronze statue of Elvis on Beale Street in Memphis, Tennessee....
Blog Post

Thomas Cook celebrates 150 years on the road

Paul Heymont ·
Thomas Cook and Sons, widely regarded as the world's first real travel agency, opened its doors just 150 years ago, in Fleet Street, London. Cook himself was a 20-year veteran of leading groups on tours.   The Telegraph (UK) has an...
Blog Post

Expedia buys Orbitz; now it's down to 3

Paul Heymont ·
Or maybe 2.   Expedia has snapped up Orbitz and its subsidiary brands, including and In the past year it has also acquired former main rival Travelocity.   Its remaining big rival is Priceline, which owns...
Blog Post

Is there a "best day" to buy tickets? Maybe not!

Paul Heymont ·
There's always a lot of talk about when it's best to buy airline tickets—how far in advance, what day, even what time. A recent study that got a lot of publicity, even a Wall Street Journal article, suggested that Sunday is the best day because...
Blog Post

Gallery: Signs of Toronto -- Queen West

DrFumblefinger ·
  Previously I've presented a overview of Toronto featuring its signage, which you can see at this link .  Today's post focuses on a very colorful region of the city, the western end of Queen Street (often just referred to as "Queen West")....
Blog Post

Google's Street View takes on the Loch Ness Monster

Paul Heymont ·
Whether for fun, fantasy or serious purpose, Google recently mounted one of its Street View cameras on a boat and teamed with a diving team to explore he surface of Scotland's Loch Ness and its famously elusive (and unlikely) underwater resident....
Blog Post

September, 3 2017 - Bristol TN/VA

Jonathan L ·
In Bristol, crossing the street can mean crossing the line: the border runs down the street! Jonathan L reports.
Blog Post

July 3, 2017: Fun Street Art in Montreal

Travel Rob ·
Travel Rob shows a fun street art statue in Montreal
Blog Post

June 28, 2020: La Candelaria & Street Art in Bogota, Colombia

Grand Escapades ·
Gilles shares photos of some of the nicely restored homes in the old Colonial core of Bogata, and some fine examples of its street art.
Blog Post

Street Art, San Jose, Costa Rica

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger shares some of the imaginative street art he encountered while exploring Costa Rica's most populous city.
Blog Post

March 29 2020 - Soho Street Art

Jonathan L ·
The Soho neighborhood has supported many street artists in the past. One way is by allowing unused walls and doors to become a community project of decoration. Here are a couple of examples seen recently.
Blog Post

Musical Legends Park: Louisiana Celebrates Musical Greats

Samantha ·
Music is a big part of Louisiana's cultures; Join Samantha on a visit to a park that honors its masters.