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Tagged With "Mont Saint-Michel"


Re: Hurricane cancels hundreds of flights, cruises

Paul Heymont ·
I'm glad to hear good news on this's certainly a distressing time for many, including our own Travel Rob, who has had to evacuate from Saint Augustine, Florida. And there are concerns that the storm may turn and hit some areas a second time...

Re: Ryanair on Alitalia: 'we want it and want it whole'

GarryRF ·
This man O'Leary is a Saint - not a sinner. When he gets access to the cross Atlantic routes he'll have the Big Boys quaking in their boots ! I can fly anywhere in Europe and have change from $30 bucks !!

Re: Weymouth's tribute to the brave.

Paul Heymont ·
Together with the Finding Reiner series, this post helps remind us of the individuals and the effects on their communities. We've been seeing large and small memorials in France this past week. We were stunned, viewing the memorial in Saint-Remy-de-Provence, to note that there are over 100 names on the WWI memorial, many with similar, even identical names, contrasted with only a half-dozen or so from WWII, and then other numbers from other wars. The large losses in France in the First World...

Re: Mont-Saint-Michel: Like no other (Pt. 1)

IslandMan ·
Thanks PH, great pictures and journey. This has been on my wish list for many years. Your informative article has pushed it up that little more....

Re: Mont-Saint-Michel: Like no other (Pt. 2)

PortMoresby ·
A visit to this church, almost exactly 30 years ago, is one of my fondest travel memories. I stayed on the island and went to mass, it was a dark and stormy night (really), the wind howled, we were welcomed in English, the only visitors present in the small congregation and I've never felt so included as a traveler. Part of what I remember was a distinct dip worn into the stone of the stairs on the climb into the church. It appears from the beautiful photo at the top of this page that the...

Re: Mont-Saint-Michel: Like no other (Pt. 2)

Paul Heymont ·
I'd not be surprised if the stones have been renewed; there is construction and reconstruction going on constantly (as it must have also in the Middle Ages). I cropped most of it out, but you can see some of the scaffolding in one of the pictures above.

Re: Mont-Saint-Michel: Like no other (Pt. 1)

My Thatched Hut ·
This is definitely on my list of places to go within the next couple of years. Good story, thanks. Tom

Re: Mont-Saint-Michel: Like no other (Pt. 1)

Jonathan L ·
These are great and Mt. St. Michel is deifnitly on my bucket list.

Re: Visiting Versailles

Paul Heymont ·
Sorry, but if you want an audience with Louis XIV, you're waiting in the wrong suburb. His current address is in the crypt of the Basilica of Saint-Denis, just north of the Peripherique...I don't believe mail is being forwarded, however.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#84)

PortMoresby ·
If it is where I think it is, yes, the name of a saint, but in honor of a king. And that name not generally known, as I didn't know it until I did more research.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#84)

HistoryDigger ·
Oh, I just reread the part about bearing the name of a saint. Hmm? Probably not India, but it still reminds me of architecture I have seen there and also in Burma.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#84)

Paul Heymont ·
To move this along, I'll add more info: Its purpose is not religious, but it bears the name of a saint.

Re: Super-tide at Mont-Saint-Michel: High water and 30K viewers

GarryRF ·
It's amazing to see that nature can be predicted. We can prepare for it and enjoy its wonder.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#325)

George G. ·
Here are today's clue -- another wooden mysterious device and a red sleigh with a possible likeness of Jolly Saint Nick.

Re: Finding Reiner #6: Frozen Grave

Paul Heymont ·
Just to add a note: on our way to Mont-Saint-Michel this morning, we noticed signs pointing to a Deutschesoldatenfriedhof, or German Soldiers' Cemetery. Curiosity took us to it and we were surprised by its story. It was constructed in 1961 for reburial of soldiers who had been buried in small locations all over Normandy, the Channel Islands and other nearby areas. It is a solemn place, and quiet, and the spirit expressed in the signs and in the design was one of reconciliation and hope for...

Re: A Farm Visit in Normandy

Travel Rob ·
What a bargain for such a wonderful experience!

Re: A Farm Visit in Normandy

DrFumblefinger ·
Did you bring that little gray cat back with you, PHeymont?

Re: A Farm Visit in Normandy

Paul Heymont ·
Definitely no! Our kids are all grown, and we have no animal dependents to keep us off the road!

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Jan. 4, 2015: Stairway to Heaven

IslandMan ·
Beautiful lighting, PH, well captured...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Jan. 4, 2015: Stairway to Heaven

Mac ·
Oooh I like that shot PH, strong lines and good lighting!! Nice one, thanks.

Re: Times Square and Hell's Kitchen

Paul Heymont ·
I have to agree on the crowds...makes me nuts, but still you sometimes have to go there! That's how I feel whenever someone talks about walking on the Champs Elysee. But the most crowded street I've ever been on that wasn't facing a parade was the tiny Grande Rue in Mont-Saint-Michel, so narrow that you think the people in the restaurant across the street are at the next table, and jammed with more people than possible, mid-day.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Oct. 29, 2014: The Night Birds

GarryRF ·
In the UK at twilight we get Starlings gathering for a dance just as the sun has set. 60 - 100 thousand gather to perform a spectacular formation dance in many locations. Then just as quick they'll dive back into the country side for another day. Usually lasts about 10 minutes.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Oct. 29, 2014: The Night Birds

Paul Heymont ·
I'll bet that's generated a few "UFO" calls in its time...Spectacular!

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Oct. 29, 2014: The Night Birds

GarryRF ·
Only from tourists ! We're used to seeing them PHeymont But we still watch in awe at natures magnificence.

Re: Agritourism Bed and Breakfast in Normandy

Paul Heymont ·
Thanks! We thought of Bayeux, but we've decided in the end to look for a farm B&B in the Manche area of Normandy for one night; the second night will be either in, or very near Mont St-Michel. In fact, if there are no reasonable rooms available on the Mont, and if the B&B is near enough for us to spend the evening on the Mont, we might take the second night there. I've been advised that the experience on Mont St.-Michel is very different after the crowd leaves, so we'd like to stay...

Re: Agritourism Bed and Breakfast in Normandy

DrFumblefinger ·
Definitely visit the Mont St. Michel (island) after the tour buses leave. So a great time to head out to the island is mid afternoon (ie. get there by mid afternoon, don't leave Bayeux at that time). By the time you get to the old island itself the crowds will be thinning. It's a bit of a climb up to the monastery, but the views are incredible as the great history and beauty of the place. Just be sure you don't delay visiting the monastery too long (believe it closes at 6 pm but double check...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, July 18, 2015: The Winged Lion of Venice

DrFumblefinger ·
    The winged lion is a symbol you see everywhere in Venice -- palaces, flags, statues -- everywhere.  It seemed a somewhat unusual mascot for a seafaring power and made me wonder what the origin to the symbol was.  Turns out the...
Blog Post

A Visit to Ireland: Part 2) the Rock of Cashel

DrFumblefinger ·
 There are few places in Ireland with a richer history than the  Rock of Cashel .   Situated at the edge of the town of Cashel, the rock is a huge outcropping on top of which rests a complex of old buildings situated some 60m (200ft)...
Blog Post

Left Bank of the Tiber

PortMoresby ·
  I’d looked online for an apartment for my week in Rome, until I was sick of the thought of going.  At some point I came across a recommendation for a women’s hostel in Trastevere (Tras TAY veree), on what I came to think of as...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, February 8, 2015: Toledo and Madrid

Non Stop Destination ·
  My first solo trip was to Madrid and Toledo in Spain.  I had been travelling for years, but always in a group.  This time I was on my own, and a little petrified.  I shouldn't have been as Madrid is easy to get around and the...
Blog Post

A summer trip to Valencia, Spain

Andre Pur ·
Last Summer, in 2014, I went on an internship program in Valencia, Spain. My internship took place in a nice hotel near the center of the town and lasted 3 months.  While I was there I could visit and enjoy many touristic points while also...
Blog Post

Old San Juan: Beautiful...and not all old

Paul Heymont ·
San Juan, Puerto Rico is a city of contrasts, of modern skyscrapers, crowded residential areas of different eras, resort hotels and casinos along Condado, and much more...but the image that usually comes to mind is really that of Old San Juan, the...
Blog Post

Index: Mont-Saint-Michel

Paul Heymont ·
A Visit to Normandy: Magnificient Mont St. Michel   Mont-Saint Michel: Like no other, Part 1, Island and Village Mont-Saint-Michel: Like no other, Part 2, the Abbey      
Blog Post

Zermatt's Saint Bernards retire from pictures

Paul Heymont ·
Modern times have decimated traditional ways and images all over the world; this evening I was devastated to learn that the famous Saint Bernards whose image, with brandy keg, says "Alpine" whenever and wherever you see it, are no longer used in...
Blog Post

Florida warned: take action against future flooding

Paul Heymont ·
17th c. Castillo de San Marcos, guarding America's oldest city, may be endangered by rising waters.   With all the jokes about earthquakes in California creating ocean-front lots in Nevada, it's easy to forget that things are changing in numbers...
Blog Post

"Tide of the Century" Coming to Mont Saint-Michel

Travel Rob ·
Crowds gathered along the coast of Brittany ,near Mont Saint-Michel, to watch Saturday’s high tide. The tide will be the first in nearly a month of large spring tides due to culminate on March 20 and 21 . March 21 has been touted as "the tide of...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Mar. 29, 2015: J. S. Bach's Tomb

Paul Heymont ·
This week marks Johann Sebastian Bach's 330th birthday on March 21 or 31, 1685. The difference is due to the change, during his lifetime, from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar. Above, his vault in the floor of the Thomaskirche, Leipzig Germany....
Blog Post

Charleston's Cathedral of St. John the Baptist: Where Gumbo Was (#76)

Paul Heymont ·
  Visiting Charleston recently, I was struck by its handsome cathedral and unusual spire. The church seems reasonably well-rooted in the 19th century, but the tower reminded me of the turn-of-the-last-century church of Saint-Jean-de-Montmartre ...
Blog Post

Strasbourg: Self-service tour of Alsatian food

Paul Heymont ·
PHeymont tries something new: A self-service gourmet food tour, organized by the Strasbourg Office de Tourisme.
Blog Post

Seville Cathedral, Spain (Where Gumbo was, #237)

DrFumblefinger ·
Gumbo was visiting the beautiful Gothic Cathedral in Seville, Spain. Built on the site of a mosque, it is a UNESCO World Heritage site and well worth a visit when in Andalusia.
Blog Post

Syracuse's Greek Temple Cathedral, Sicily

Paul Heymont ·
Gumbo was visiting a most unusual cathedral. Built as a Greek temple about 500 BC, it was already over a thousand years old when it became a church.
Blog Post

An Afternoon in Ortigia: Syracuse's Island Heart

Paul Heymont ·
Ortygia is where Syracuse started, when it was one of the most important Greek cities in the world. And it's still a living center of the city's life.
Blog Post

First Congregational Church: A Portland Gem

Paul Heymont ·
Portland's First Congregational Church is a gem from outside or inside...and I only found it by accident while heading for the nearby Oregon History museum. Glad I did!
Blog Post

Quebec's Saint-Honore Kite Festival is in the wind

Paul Heymont ·
Quebec's biggest kite festival is coming up, with not only kites but all kinds of family-friendly activities. And it's in scenic Saguenay!
Blog Post

De Cercle En Ellipse (Where Gumbo Was #221)

Travel Rob ·
Gumbo was found at De Cercle En Ellipse in Tracadie, New Brunswick, Canada
Blog Post

Apr. 29, 2017: St. Joseph Parade, Naples

Paul Heymont ·
While wandering in Naples' historic center, PHeymont was overtaken by a small but peppy parade.
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Journey through Karnataka: Bidar and Hyderabad

Professorabe ·
Professor Abe concludes his journey through Karnataka, with visits to the interesting sites of Bidar and Hyderabad.
Blog Post

July 21, 2017: Venetian Ports, Lake Garda

Ian Cook ·
Malcesine, on the eastern shore of Lake Garda, is a picturesque town with cobbled lanes and a castle. Today's view by Ian Cook is of its beautiful harbors.
Blog Post

Paris cleanup: More fines, still lots of litter

Paul Heymont ·
There's been progress, but Paris's war on 'uncivil behavior' has a long way to go.