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Tagged With "African American"


Re: 'Le Doggy Bag' catching on in France

Paul Heymont ·
Your great aunt is not so different from some of my American relatives who did the same before it became "acceptable," even "expected" to ask here. I always enjoyed the wonderful rolls one of my uncles brought home in his pockets when he took clients to fancy restaurants...

Re: Ryanair's O'Leary: I have a way to make flying free

GarryRF ·
I would call some of his ideas just "plane" silly - but never threatening. Twice. But Michael O'Leary is often the victim of the American media circus who love to inflame public opinion .

Re: Small Brooklyn: Three small but fascinating museums

George G. ·
Jonathan ... Would like to see a blog on your NYC Museum of the American Gangster if you ever get the itch.

Re: Small Brooklyn: Three small but fascinating museums

Jonathan L ·
I will put it on my list

Re: Calabria to Sicily: A bridge too far?

DrFumblefinger ·
I like it when people take on huge tasks and succeed at them. The American Space Program was like that -- expensive, risky, exciting and one of man kind's greatest achievements. This bridge would be a great engineering triump. And I think it would be important to link Sicily more closely to Italy. It would make the island much more accessible and allow freer flow of people. 9 billion Euros is a lot of money, but is probably comparable to the debt the US government runs up in a few days, so...

Re: Brooklyn Museum: Depth, Variety, Whimsy

Paul Heymont ·
One note to add: The 're-invention' of the Luce Center narrative also highlights how deep the museum's collections are. All of the many items reflecting Native American and Latin culture and history that were added were already in the museum's possession.

Re: Brooklyn Museum: Depth, Variety, Whimsy

GarryRF ·
This looks like a World Class Museum. Worthy of a few days - at least. How lucky you are to be on the doorstep of such a magnificent collection of American History.

Re: Obama eliminates restrictions for travelers buying Cuban cigars & rum

GarryRF ·
You'll be pleased to hear that the price of Cuban Cigars ( in Cuba ) has rocketed in anticipation of American customers buying them. Is nowhere safe from Capitalism ?

Re: Flights to Cuba: lots of planes, not so many passengers

GarryRF ·
Many returning tourists will be telling their American friends that life in a third world country - like Cuba - is worse than just having only one flavour of Ice Cream.

Re: Why I Travel

GarryRF ·
My early travels in the US were all done with maps. I've been lost many times. So I bought the American Maps for my UK TomTom Sat Nav. Best thing I've done in years ! I love taking roads that aren't tourist routes - and getting lost - now. Explore the back woods and the one horse towns. Explore where the rich folks live and the poor. Taking photo's of local characters. Folks that have worse teeth than the Brits ! Show me the tourist route and I'll go the other way !

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? #11

GarryRF ·
CICAK. The locals call it the same as the American version of Chester. Nothing different. Maybe in a wet climate seats made from rock would be cold and damp for most of the year !

Re: Travelodge to relaunch its brand

GarryRF ·
Is this the UK Travelodge Company - which has no connection with the American Company ?

Re: Travelodge to relaunch its brand

DrFumblefinger ·
It is the UK company and I thought it was also the North American one. Different businesses then?

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? #8.5

WorkerBee ·
What a beautiful church Gumbo has found! WITW? The clues: 18th century Spanish colonial architecture, typical of Franciscan missions; Banner in English; Materials are not typical of Florida or Texas missions; Various effigies of animals and unreal creatures, often incorporated by the Franciscans into their liturgy in order to convert American Indians. Typical of US southwestern states; Not one of the remaining California missions; Not in Santa Fe; Checked missions in Arizona. Found (as did...

Re: A Visit to Ireland: Part 1) An overview of the Country and its People

GarryRF ·
The American addiction for "Ice Cold Beer" should not be applied to Guinness! Its a Stout - full of flavour - to be savoured - cool as the Pubs Cellar! Billy Connelly is the Scottish comedian who's observations of life have had us in stitches for years now. But like many Brits - he's felt the warm winters of LA and is reluctant to come back ! Is it uniquely British to actually enjoy cool weather? Perhaps the way we've been bred ! I do get odd looks in the Autumn when many North Americans are...

Re: Happy Thanksgiving, from all of us at TravelGumbo!

GarryRF ·
I really enjoy Thanksgiving Day when I'm staying with my American family over there. Some of the food you have that I've never seen in England ! You wouldn't think our cultures could be that far apart ! Ambrosia with Turkey ? Pumpkin Pie ? Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches ? And I'd love a piece of that beautiful Apple Pie - but why the Cinnamon disguise ? Hope you all have a wonderful day folks ! Me ? - I'm off to work as normal !

Re: Do you Like these Hotel Tipping Tips ?

GarryRF ·
You'll find most Europeans are unsympathetic to the American Tipping Rules. If I cant get the Waitress to get my 2nd cup of Coffee when its supposed to be "free refills" then she gets no tip at all. Same as when someone starts to clear the table while I'm still eating my dinner. Reaching across me and my meal with dirty dishes and napkins. No Tip. If I see the meal I ordered waiting to be collected and sitting there for 5 minutes getting cold - No Tip. And she takes it back to the kitchen.

Re: United's Award Chart: Premium Award Cost Goes UP

Paul Heymont ·
Not sure I agree with the "burn 'em" philosophy. At the premium class end, there's certainly been a lot of creep, but not so much in coach, which is more price-sensitive, even for awards. True, summer awards to Europe have generally gone from 50K to 60K, but on the other hand, off-season at American went DOWN to 40K--and with the flexibility of taking one-way awards and combining them in interesting's actually a better situation. Also, there are some card-linked sales on flight...

Re: Amsterdam's Valentine to AirBnb: New short-term rental rules

PortMoresby ·
It's interesting that it's a European city to officially recognize value for it's citizen in an American innovation. I guess that means maturity comes packaged in more ways than nice old buildings. New York City and others, take note.

Re: Up, Up and Away: Airline miles cards with big bonuses

rbciao ·
I have a Delta American Express Platinum card that has served us well. The fee is higher than the gold card, but we can check two bags free, priority boarding, and a free companion pass yearly. We fly two or three times a year and the value of the waived baggage fee and the companion pass far exceed the $150 annual fee. The card also accrues one mile for each dollar spent and lately has offered cash back incentives. For example: spend $15 at Panera's using the card and receive $5 credit on...

Re: New Orleans—Museum Highlights Young Voices of Resilience

Bluragger ·
Great piece! Yes, it is good to hear from our children about what they learned in the past decade living in New Orleans after the storm. So many were impacted, many were harmed and suffered PTSD. Great to hear kids speak about the positive outcomes from their Katrina experiences. I can't wait for the new LA Childrens Museum to open in its new and amazing facility in City Park, another NOLA gem. Ya'll come visit soon and often to experience a city like no other, New Orleans. It has not been...

Re: Airbus opens new Factory in the USA

GarryRF ·
On my frequent visits to Philadelphia from England I always fly with US Airways. Not an exciting experience - just a reliable journey with convenient times. But my last round trip was an amazing transformation. AMERICAN AIRLINES and US Airways have merged and the staff were amazing. The plane was a new Airbus 330 both times. The legroom was more than enough. I usually purchase extra legroom and this time I'm glad I didn't. The food was good and served hot. Free cans of Cola and orange etc.

Re: Airbus opens new Factory in the USA

DrFumblefinger ·
There's a lot of competition on the TransAtlantic routes, so airlines need to put their best effort into drawing in customers. Just so you know, that's not usually what American is like when you fly it domestically. But I'm glad you had a great experience with them.

Re: Alitalia: No money, but new uniforms

PortMoresby ·
I'd suggest that, designer duds aside, Alitalia has arrived at this point in the company history because someone, or someones, has their head you know where. I was on an Alitalia flight this past Thursday and for those hours I was unable to put my knees together, so stingy was the leg room (aka "pitch") for my steerage-class seat. I had to place my feet on either side of the seat-back pocket and there they stayed. I'm a mere 5'6" in height and I felt for the tall guy next to me who was...

Re: The Lure of Stonehenge

GarryRF ·
I've never written a review and used the opening paragraph to criticise a few idiots I may have encountered. Of which there have been many. Nor have I needed to draw on the bad experience of another to make a critical point. I've never heard it called "Boring" and I've been here for 60 years. I suppose this will add to the list of "Warm Beer" questions I find boring whenever I visit my American Family. Nice photo's.

Re: With no Emirates order, A380 production may end

GarryRF ·
The A380 varies in size and passenger numbers. Not every A380 has 800 seats. Some have 500 seats while some have 723 seats.But the overall cost of a A380 is $317.2 - 337.5 million (American).

Re: Assiniboine Park, Winnipeg, Canada. Where Gumbo Was #36

Paul Heymont ·
Close but no cigar on Central Park's designer (who also did my backyard, Brooklyn's Prospect Park). Birkenhead was the work of Joseph Paxton, while the other two were done by Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux. Olmsted visited Birkenhead in 1850, three years after it opened, and while he was already thinking about Central Park, which opened in 1858. In his book "Walks and Talks of an American Farmer in England, Olmsted wrote about Birkenhead: "five minutes of admiration, and a few more...

Re: Assiniboine Park, Winnipeg, Canada. Where Gumbo Was #36

GarryRF ·
In 1858, Frederick Law Olmsted won a design competition to improve and expand Central Park with a plan he entitled the Greensward Plan . 8 years AFTER Olmsted visited the Peoples Garden - Birkenhead Park England. He said "that in democratic America there was nothing to be thought of as comparable with this People’s Garden" So he took the plans back to New York. Entered the Central Park competition 8 years later. And won using Paxton plans from the Peoples Garden in England as a guide.

Re: Do traveling Brits hate kids?

GarryRF ·
Getting a 25 hour flight can be a painless experience with the correct preparation. Music, books and magazines. But taking a young child who screams with inner ear pressure problems is a nightmare and no one gets to sleep. So you arrive with no sleep for maybe 36 hours. Of course we love kids as much as anyone. I've been on an American flight to Hawaii where all the other passengers were kids on spring break. That flight should have carried a health warning. They behaved like animals. Yes...

Re: Kettering, Northamptonshire: Where Gumbo Was (#38)

GarryRF ·
When I was researching the history of the land my house is built on I opened up so much information. During WW1 the land was used for a temporary Army Camp. Many new soldiers were from Wales - 20 miles away - who spoke no English ! But on the 8th June 1917 Capt. (later General) Patton arrived in the Port of Liverpool England on his way to France. He took a train to Litherland Railway Station and stayed here in my garden until he left to catch a Train from Liverpool to London. I often find...

Re: Is it time to regulate airplane seats? Chris Elliott thinks so!

DrFumblefinger ·
The trouble with a mandate is that it has deadlines and airlines who fly to the US would have to go through an expensive seat replacement program. That cost is one we share, or that puts the airlines in the red and in jeopardy. Makes sense to pressure them to improve, but that's just my opinion. But I do like the idea of "grading" seats. Helps me know what I'm buying. For example, Canadian airlines definitely have larger seats that American carriers. I'll preferentially fly Air Canada to...

Re: Is it time to regulate airplane seats? Chris Elliott thinks so!

GarryRF ·
This debate seems to accept that the profit margins of Trans-Atlantic Flights are squeezed by costs outside the carriers control. The only solution they have is squeeze more seats in to control income. Last month I paid £759 ($1245) for 1 seat UK to Philadelphia - Return - with an American Airline. 7 hours in the sky. Each way. My £759 will also get me a flight to the Caribbean from the UK. 10 hours in the sky. 14 nights in a hotel. Food and drink included. And flight back. The Caribbean...

Re: Ryanair Ticketing through agents; codeshares next?

PortMoresby ·
"Will the future take you on an American Airlines flight ...crossing the ocean and Ryanair taking you from there?" I rarely say "never" but, in this case, never. I've tried it and will say unequivocally, never again. I have a personal rule which states, "if the only way to get there is on Ryanair, I won't go there." The airline is a reflection of it's founder, which is to say, trashy.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Nov. 16, 2014: American Golden Plover

Paul Heymont ·
That's fascinating! I never thought about the color differences during migration...what a difference it must be for, say, a North American birder in South America!

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#77)

Mac ·
Huuummm... still looks somewhere with North American influence given the delivery truck make and the hi-vis vest on the ferry man. But flat and cool....

Re: Gallery: Signs of Waikiki

GarryRF ·
A taste of "Modern Culture" - but how long will it stand the test of time ? I found it hard to find examples of Hawaiian culture - pre American influence.

Re: Gumbo’s Pic of the Day, November 28, 2014: Postcards from Morocco - the lamp shop

GarryRF ·
That's OK Paul. Most Brits don't take offence. Even though 2 were Irish and one half American ! I never do. Which is just as well when we're in a conversation with an Aussie ! They do love verbally teasing the Poms.

Re: What do travelers like least about airlines?

Travel Rob ·
I was thinking about what I like least about airlines and it's really the lack of info some airlines supply you with. I recently had two good flights on American Airlines. One from Atlanta to Phoenix and then a connector plane to Tucson. So you'd think that would be a positive experience. During my short layover in Phoenix though , American Airlines changed gates of my plane at least 4 times, having passengers move to gates and await various countdowns.The flight was only delayed about an...

Re: Happy Independence Day!

Jessica Meddows ·
Happy Independence Day, American friends! This is my first one ever, and we're in California for it.

Re: El Rancho Hotel - Gallup NM

DrFumblefinger ·
What a cool and uniquely American place! If the bed was comfortable, you've just given me the name of my next hotel when in New Mexico.

Re: Gallery: St. Catharines Market, Ontario

GarryRF ·
I've seen different "squash" varieties - never this one locally. Pumpkins have always been the Hallowe'en type. But - I'll learn ! I've always loved Home Made Cranberry Sauce in the UK. Made with American Cranberries. Never seen them from anywhere else. My amazement at a US Thanksgiving dinner to see so much home made produce. But Cranberry Sauce from a can ! Oh what sacrilege !

Re: Government St., Mobile: A Great Historic Street (Pt. 1)

GarryRF ·
Fascinating look at some American history Rob. I enjoy seeing the similarities in architecture. Many European and American buildings share a common design. It's always interesting to see where the style came from. Each building has a story to tell. Interesting subject Rob.

Re: What to expect from Air Travel in 2015

Travel Rob ·
Domestic flights have been much higher in 2014 in general and the Conde Nast link states United, Delta, American, and Southwest make up more than 80 percent of domestic airline traffic. which doesn't bode too well for lower fares or less fees in the US i think international flights will be much cheaper in 2014 as airlines like Norwegian, and others expand.

Re: For those who hate Heathrow, Gatwick plans new allure

Paul Heymont ·
Gatwick, if selected, will have much better transportation than now; in fact, they are committed to building it even with one runway. Every 2.5 minutes, into Central London. DrF: Gatwick is hoping this will bring some North American flights again; US Airways was the last North American carrier into Gatwick, and they stopped in 2009, sucked into the great vacuum of Heathrow. Gatwick used to have a lot of N. America business back when restrictive legislation limited the number of their flights...

Re: Underground Art: A Times Square Subway Gallery

GutterPup ·
The artwork is spectacular! It's a shame that more folks don't take the time to admire its beauty and the talent needed to create such pieces. Great write-up my friend!

Re: Price War Continues in Air Travel to Scandinavia

PortMoresby ·
Rob, I've had a couple of good looks at fares to Europe on Norwegian and I'm amazed. I'm also pleased that seats are available 1 way, making it a great fit with the American AAdvantage program when just 1 way is available in a desired time frame. Thanks so much for the information.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#126)

HistoryDigger ·
Curiouser and curiouser! American West, I'd say, because of the four-legged creature. All those gables? Now, is that a lodge or a museum of some sort?

Re: Doors of Charleston

GarryRF ·
The very last act of the American civil war - Captain Waddell of the CCS Shenandoah (built in the UK), walking up the steps of Liverpool Town Hall surrendering his vessel to the Lord Mayor, after sailing 'home' from Alaska to surrender. The shipping offices in Rumford Place Liverpool were the Embassy of the Confederate States during the American Civil War. The CCS Shenandoah was the only Confederate ship to circumnavigate the world.

Re: Iran: Friendliness, Culture, Modernity - So Far Away From The Clichés!

Grand Escapades ·
Hello Dr. Fumblefinger, Thank you for your Feedback! To answer your questions: 1) The infrastructure is good to very good, and it is extremely easy to travel within Iran: there are lots of buses and excellent trains, there is a wide range of hotels, from simple guesthouses to world-class 5 stars hotels, restaurants going from street food stalls to fine dining, ... I have read that with the very fast development of tourism, the high-end category of hotels is the one that might get overbooked...

Re: Thinking Cuba? Tickets not so easy yet!

DrFumblefinger ·
I've also heard that there are concerns not enough hotel rooms exist in Cuba for the expected flood of American tourists. Besides flights, it's important to have a room reservation at hand. I truly hope the flood of tourist money will be of benefit to the Cuban people whose plight I have great empathy for.