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Tagged With "kokanee salmon"


Do You Want To Fish But Don’t Know How To? Book A Fishing Trip!

Zachary Patrick ·
Do you love to fish? Or at least like the idea of fishing? Do you imagine yourself sipping your drink and sitting with friends holding the fishing rod on a cool summer day? Well then you need to get up and go fishing tomorrow morning. But uh oh! You don’t know how to fish? And above all you don’t own a boat? Does that mean you cannot fish now? You can! You can fish your heart out if you like and that too on a boat. But how you ask? Well, you can go charter fishing. There are a lot of places...

10 Water Sports and Their Top 5 Spots

John Peter ·
This human-made chaos is everything we want to survive this time and everything we get frustrated with. We as a mortal being are keen to watch movies in which robots are flying and changing the world or meta-humans are saving the planet earth. It indicates our want for something drastic to happen in this world, but what we are not willing to do is to leave our couch and drag ourselves out from the house to make our own life better or to save our own-self. I have always found water to be a...

5 best reasons to go to Scotland now

Himel ·
Are you a bit lost as to where to go in Scotland? Well, don't be! Scotland has beautiful breathtaking landscapes, an interesting history, hangouts point, chill vibe everywhere you decide to go, which means you will never be bored while you are in Scotland. Going to Scotland is the best choice for either a city break or a countryside getaway. This country is bursting with green spaces, lush forests, towering mountains, fascinating wildlife and vast lakes! I am going to tell you the top 5...

Re: Flight Attendants favorite foods

GarryRF ·
On a BA flight from London to San Francisco I got bumped to first class. The flight assistant gave me a menu to choose my dinner. "The smoked salmon looks tempting - but didn't we just have that on sandwiches from the buffet ?" "I'm awfully sorry sir" he replied " If you complain to the senior flight attendant he will get you a refund on part of your ticket price" "If I complained young man - I would get thrown back in cattle class" I did ask him to refill my Champagne glass without asking...