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Tagged With "Emperor Hadrian"


Re: Emperor Ludwig's Ettal Monastery and Abbey, Bavaria

DrFumblefinger ·
A beautiful destination I was previously unaware of. Thanks, Samantha.

Re: Emperor Ludwig's Ettal Monastery and Abbey, Bavaria

George G. ·
A beautiful monastery. Visited many times on our road trips from Augsburg to Garmisch and beyond. I never could drive by without stopping. One of my snowy day photos.

Re: Ethiopia Musings: 7) The Money

DrFumblefinger ·
I have really enjoyed this series Lester! Your insights are entertaining and often fascinating. I have always assumed that Ethiopia is a safe place to travel. Was that your impression as well?

Re: Ethiopia Musings: 7) The Money

Lestertheinvestor ·
Trust, but verify is a famous quote. Same thing here, safe, but be wary!
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Emperor Ludwig's Ettal Monastery and Abbey, Bavaria

Samantha ·
Samantha and her husband really enjoyed their visit to Emperor Ludwig's Ettal Monastery and Abbey in Bavaria, Germany. It is absolutely gorgeous.
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Roman Forum & Palatine Hill

PortMoresby ·
PortMoresby takes a long stroll around a part of Rome missed on previous visits, the Forum & Palatine Hill.
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La Dolce Vita (Part 1) Rome: Ruins of an Empire

DrFumblefinger ·
(Interior of the Colosseum, revealing tunnels below the floor) One of the challenges in crafting these blog posts is deciding how to best convey my impressions of a travel destination. How to best discuss a city as fascinating and historic as...
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Brampton – Gelt Woods

Ian Cook ·
Ian Cook shares a beautiful nature walk along the River Gelt, capped with 1800 year old evidence of Roman quarrying from the nearby rock.
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Rome: Ruins of an Empire

DrFumblefinger ·
In the first of two parts, DrFumblefinger helps us to a sense of Rome as it was in its heyday

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, December 23, 2014: Xian's Dumpling House

DrFumblefinger ·
Those dumplings look amazing, Dr.Y. Almost too attractive to eat. "Food as art"! Do they taste as good as they look? And did you bring any samples back with you.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, December 23, 2014: Xian's Dumpling House

Dr.Y ·
Yes, DrFumblefinger, those dumplings are as tasty as they look. But I am also thinking they might have all looked the same in my stomach The trip was very enjoyable for us!
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Roman Tiles Italica, Spain

JohnT ·
Roman Tiles Italica, Spain
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A Visit to Hadrian's Wall

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger visits one of the world's best known walls in Northern England. Roman Emperor Hadrian saw the need for its construction in the 2nd century AD to protect the Roman world from the Scottish barbarians to the north.
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Top 5 Multi-Day Hikes in the United Kingdom

Bill G (Guest) ·
Looking for an interesting and beautiful hike in the United Kingdom? Take a look at these suggestions (sponsored content)
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Ethiopia Musings: 7) The Money

Lestertheinvestor ·
As a finance major and the retirement representative for my group, I have a more than passing interest in money. I am not talking about “money” for the sake of riches, but money as a reflection of society. Specifically, I always find it...
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Trajan's Column, Rome

DrFumblefinger ·
Trajan's column is over 1900 years old and was built by the emperor to document his battles in modern-day Romania, through a spiral band of pictorial reliefs extending up the column.
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Castel Sant’Angelo, Rome

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger comes across Castel Sant’Angelo near St. Peter's Basilica in Rome.
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Gumbo's Pic of the Day, December 23, 2014: Xian's Dumpling House

Dr.Y ·
 While visiting Xi'an, the city where the famous   Emperor Qin's Terracotta Museum is located, we came cross a massive "Xi'an Dumpling House" -- a tourist popular restaurant which serves up to 25 different types of carefully crafted dumplings.

Re: Castel Sant’Angelo, Rome

Jonathan L ·
Sant Angelo is the setting for one of my favorite operas - Tosca.
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Hadrian's Wall

Ian Cook ·
Hadrian's Wall Country stretches across the north of England from the west Cumbrian Roman coastal defences at Ravenglass, through Whitehaven, Workington and Maryport to Bowness-on-Solway, along Hadrian's Wall through Carlisle to Hexham.
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Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Feb 21, 2014: Hadrian's Wall, England

Mac ·
1,450 miles from Rome was the limit of the mighty Roman Empire in 122 AD when the Roman Emperor Hadrian came to Britain and took the decision to build this massive stone wall in order to consolidate his rule and the geographical extent of his Empire.