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Tagged With "Abbey of San Fruttuoso"


Re: Airbnb's rural listings gain popularity

PortMoresby ·
"...the short-term rental site is clearly not just for urban hipsters anymore." From my own experience I'd put a somewhat different spin on it. Something like "urban hipsters seek rural experience". A good percentage of my guests come from one of the hipster capitols of the universe, San Francisco.

Re: Sept. 10, 2016: Farewell to an era?

GarryRF ·
Memories of days gone by when the privileged few had a lifestyle worthy of preserving in our history books. Not the typical home of the era. Probably 1 in 10 million.

Re: Sept. 10, 2016: Farewell to an era?

Paul Heymont ·
Yes, but far more than 1 in 10 million worked there to serve that lifestyle! As with the plantation houses, we're often shown the homes of the rich and powerful as though the servants either didn't exist...or were no more than appliances! To be honest, one of the best parts of the Downton series, for me, was the depth with which they were portrayed, and the way in which new realities developed as the servants began to imagine independent futures.

Re: Sept. 10, 2016: Farewell to an era?

DrFumblefinger ·
What I like best about the Downton Abbey series is not its portrayal of class struggles, but of how beautifully characters of all types are developed and how their appreciation of people of all types is portrayed. The estate owners genuinely like and looked after their employees. The employees were loyal and genuinely like and looked after their employers.

Re: Oct. 31, 2018: Dia de los Muertos, Cozumel, Mexico

PortMoresby ·
Currently in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas. Today was full of action all around town but especially in the zocalo with students dressing up the square and themselves. Tomorrow I’m off to a couple of villages and we’ll see what a Zapatista Dia de los Muertos looks like.

Re: Belfast: An Uneasy City

GarryRF ·
Very true George ! Like taking your Honeymoon on the San Andreas fault. Then asking your Bride if she felt the Earth move.

Re: Loiza - Afro-Puertorican Culture

PortMoresby ·
When I lived in PR, in Santurce between Old San Juan and Isla Verde, the commercial street that served the area half a block from my apartment on Calle Taft was Loiza Street (Appears, from a google map to now be numbered, road 37). I wonder if it was the original road from San Juan to the town of Loiza in the early days. Do you know Jonathon? It certainly goes in the right direction.

Re: Made in Puerto Rico - Jibaromania!

PortMoresby ·
It sounds like Isla Verde has come a long way since the days when Cecelia's Place and one other, on the water at the end of Calle Amapola, were the only places to eat outside the 2 big hotels (Americana & El San Juan). It was my home then and it may be time for a return visit.

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo #6

Paul Heymont ·
Are we correct that it's in Southeast Asia? Not something that's been moved or reconstructed somewhere else, like in the Japanese Garden in San Antonio?

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? #8.5

WorkerBee ·
What a beautiful church Gumbo has found! WITW? The clues: 18th century Spanish colonial architecture, typical of Franciscan missions; Banner in English; Materials are not typical of Florida or Texas missions; Various effigies of animals and unreal creatures, often incorporated by the Franciscans into their liturgy in order to convert American Indians. Typical of US southwestern states; Not one of the remaining California missions; Not in Santa Fe; Checked missions in Arizona. Found (as did...

Re: La Dolce Vita (Part 5) Venezia (Venice)

Paul Heymont ·
Great pictures...makes me want to go back! Interesting to note: the Mayor of Venice has been very active lately in trying to get the large cruise ships re-routed to keep them out of the fragile space between San Marco and Guidecca...and last month hundreds of people swam out to try to block the ships!

Re: The Valley Island of Maui: 2) Haleakala National Park

arion ·
I'm leaving next week for San Diego and then a 17 day cruise to and around the Hawaiian Islands. I have never been all that interested in Hawaii (so why am I going you ask?) but your blog and photos have begun to pique my curiosity. Thank you. (I am not looking forward to going through U.S. Immigration, I can tell you that. It is quite unpleasant for non-Americans.)

Re: A Visit to Ireland: Part 1) An overview of the Country and its People

GarryRF ·
When I go to my local Pub in Liverpool I'll have a choice of Beers. Heineken Dutch Lager - San Miguel Spanish - Carlsberg Danish - Stella Belgian - Fosters Australian - Sagres Portuguese. Plus many local brews. Old Speckled Hen, Bishops Finger and my favourite Newcastle Brown Ale. Served in a Pint - 20 ounce - Bottle. With a half pint glass. It keeps cooler in the bottle ! Liquid Toffee ! Not a light Beer. Lots of Flavour and quite potent. I've found bars around Ocean City Maryland who serve...

Re: Oresund Bridge to get mammoth paint job

DrFumblefinger ·
I guess this is true of all the great bridges. I know the same happens at the Golden Gate Bridge in san Francisco.

Re: Rievaulx Abbey, North Yorkshire, England

DrFumblefinger ·
Your photos are magnificent!! What an amazing place! I need to head to northern England someday and visit all these great ruins. Thanks for sharing this, Paul!

Re: Bumped up to Business on Turkish Airlines

GarryRF ·
On my last London - San Francisco flight I was in my Sunday best clothes and managed to score 2 First Class seats. I asked the Flight Attendant why are we having smoked salmon sandwiches with afternoon tea. We've already had salmon for lunch. He replied : "Someone has made an awful mistake putting salmon on the Menu twice on one flight. Ask for a complaints form - then ask for half your money back" " On what I paid " - I told him - " half my money back wouldn't cover the cost of the sandwiches"

Re: Abbaye Royale de Fontevraud, France

PortMoresby ·
Another walk down memory lane. I visited Fontevraud after a long walk from chateau to chateau that ended in Chinon and stayed in the recently opened hotel within the abbey. I knew about it from a personal association but don't believe it's generally well-known and maybe, in part, what makes it as lovely a place to spend some time as it is. Thanks, DrF.

Re: Fares to Europe for as Low as $301 Round Trip Total!

Travel Rob ·
For those of you on the West Coast,Norwegian still has some outstanding deals like this one from Oakland to Stockholm $376.00 rt total Oakland - San Francisco - Stockholm-Arlanda Friday 23. Jan 2015 10:00 PM - Terminal: 1 Flight DY7068 - LowFare 1 Adult $185.00 Return Stockholm-Arlanda - Oakland - San Francisco Friday 30. Jan 2015 6:30 PM - Terminal: 5 Flight DY7067 - LowFare 1 Adult $190.10 Total price incl. all taxes and surcharges $375.10

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#50)

MAD Travel Diaries ·
I want to say it's in Philly or DC but I have stuck in my head Harvey Milk filmed at City Hall San Francisco and not progressing

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? (#45)

Lynn Millar ·
I'm thinking I've seen this - though that seems unlikely. I'm guessing: downtown San Francisco, Market St.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? (#45)

Paul Heymont ·
Well, it's Saturday night, and time for a review of progress so far, guys! Yes , a bank. Yes , a big time gap between the two sculptures. No , not in Rome, San Francisco, New York. Free Hint: It's not in North America.

Re: Serra's Church, Mission San Juan Capistrano, California. Where Gumbo Was #46

PortMoresby ·
Somewhere I've got a snapshot of a very young me with a tiny lady holding an object who had insisted my friend take our picture in the garden together. It was in the village of Petra, Majorca and she officiated at the small museum commemorating Junipero Serra's birthplace. I was spending the summer on the island and every student educated in California knows his name almost as well as their own. The address of my high school was El Camino Real, Father Serra's road from mission to mission and...

Re: Old San Juan: Beautiful...and not all old

Jonathan L ·
Plaza de Armas is NOT the premier pigeon feeding spot in San Juan. The honor goes to the near by Plaza de las Palomas (Plaza of the Doves). This park has a wall with literal Pigeon holes and is the home to hundreds of the birds. There are machine to buy food and if you stand real still they will land on your hands and arms to eat.

Re: Mont-Saint-Michel: Like no other (Pt. 2)

PortMoresby ·
A visit to this church, almost exactly 30 years ago, is one of my fondest travel memories. I stayed on the island and went to mass, it was a dark and stormy night (really), the wind howled, we were welcomed in English, the only visitors present in the small congregation and I've never felt so included as a traveler. Part of what I remember was a distinct dip worn into the stone of the stairs on the climb into the church. It appears from the beautiful photo at the top of this page that the...

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#72)

Paul Heymont ·
CALLING ALL GUESSERS! Tomorrow is Day 7 for this puzzle, and if no one has the answer by midnight, the Puzzler gets to gloat (just a little) and the answer will be revealed Sunday morning...but wouldn't it look good with your name as the solver? Let's see if you can get 'er done! Last hints/notes: 1. Two more cities with dual heavy-rail transit systems: Philadelphia and San Francisco. Not that that's relevant to the puzzle, because Gumbo is, yes, definitely in Europe. 2. Where (see early...

Re: Mont-Saint-Michel: Like no other (Pt. 2)

Paul Heymont ·
I'd not be surprised if the stones have been renewed; there is construction and reconstruction going on constantly (as it must have also in the Middle Ages). I cropped most of it out, but you can see some of the scaffolding in one of the pictures above.

Re: Visiting Versailles

jack james ·
Palace of Versailles is an awesome royal place of France which is very famous among tourist. I also went there before going to san diego fun trip . Although I visited this site but after reading your detailed blog post many new things is came to my knowledge. I am highly grateful at this informative post and increase my information.

Re: Twitter Changing it's Website

DrFumblefinger ·
And if you have a Twitter account and would to connect with us, please do so by clicking on the blue Twitter button just to the right of this comment on our social media toolbar. Or connect with us using any of our other Social Media platforms like Pinterest and Facebook. We also have a new YouTube channel. Not that much uploaded yet, and it's not Best Picture Academy award quality, but it's intended to give you a feel for travel to different places from they eye of a fellow traveler. Want...

Re: AirBnB vs New York. Update

Paul Heymont ·
In their negotiations with New York and San Francisco, among others, Airbnb has offered to collect and transmit the taxes imposed. Don't know if they currently have an agreement along those lines in any jurisdiction.

Re: A Visit to Ireland: Part 12) the Valley of the Boyne

GarryRF ·
That's a fabulous collection of photos DrF ! Gives a true taste of Ireland and the Boyne.

Re: A Visit to Ireland: Part 12) the Valley of the Boyne

Paul Heymont ·
The starkness and solidity of the stone ruins brings both transience and permanence to mind...and a sense of how small a space our years occupy on a long scale. Thanks for such strong images!

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, March 27, 2014: Bacardi Distillery, San Juan, Puerto Rico

PortMoresby ·
Another walk down memory lane! I lived in Puerto Rico for 5 years and remember it fondly. Occasionally I'd drive past Ron Bacardi but I regret I never stopped to take the tour. Not unusual, I'm sure, when we have the feeling there's always time later. An interesting name out that direction which will likely ring bells for New Yorkers, not far beyond the Bacardi Distillery, if driving from San Juan, is Levittown, a place name I always found incongruous there. Part of the post-WWII affordable...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day: A look at the first quarter, 2014

Travel Luver ·
I like a lot of these photos but have got two favorites: - The old snake charmer. Love the glasses, his posture, and of course the snake - For natural beauty (and the beautiful bridge), one of my favorite cities, San Francisco

Re: Old San Juan - Museo de las Americas is a Must See

DrFumblefinger ·
I've only briefly visit Old San Juan once (part of a cruise), and it did fascinate me. Thanks for tell us about this great museum, Jonathan. It does sound like a MustSee! Conde Naste just did a brief piece calling Puerto Rico the new Caribbean hot spot. Here's a link to their piece.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, April 29, 2014: Water Lilies, Mission San Juan Capistrano, California

Paul Heymont ·
More on the swallows, which now mostly nest a few miles away: Staff at the Mission of San Juan Capistrano are trying to lure the swallows back by playing male swallow mating calls, hoping it will attract the females to the traditional nests, and that they will be followed by the males. Here's a VIDEO from the Orange County Register, and more INFO from the Mother Nature Network.

Re: Fountains Abbey, North Yorkshire, England.

DrFumblefinger ·
Beautiful images of an amazing place! Thanks for sharing these, Paul. And welcome to TravelGumbo!

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#84)

Paul Heymont ·
Drum roll, please! The e-mail submissions are hereby revealed...and tomorrow morning the answer will be revealed. Both Jonathan L and PortMoresby e-mailed their belief that the scene is Castillo de San Felipe del Morro in San Juan, PR.

Re: Economy Ticket, Private Jet!

PortMoresby ·
In the spirit of one-upmanship, same number of passengers, bigger plane, I was once one of 2 passengers on a Lufthansa flight from Frankfurt to San Francisco. It wasn't the advantage I thought it might be as all the flight attendants just went to sleep, so no service rather than personal service. It was a long time ago but memorable enough that I still remember the airline.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#85)

DrFumblefinger ·
Could also be in the southwest (LA, San Diego, Phoenix), although I have also never seen it.

Re: Six Reasons Why Lisbon Made Me Nostalgic for San Francisco

Paul Heymont ·
Thanks for this really special blog that links two cities I've only visited but have come to love. Of course, San Francisco can't live up to my description of Lisbon as "steep, but cheap!"

Re: Six Reasons Why Lisbon Made Me Nostalgic for San Francisco

GarryRF ·
When I'm in San Francisco I love the Micro Breweries. The sampler tray is a must have in each bar. But when you're in Lisbon just try the Sagres Lager. Often named as the Best Beer in Europe you'll be pleasantly surprised ! Nothing like a "Lite" Beer, it has a wonderful taste and sparkle. Or try a sparkling Mateus Rose if wine is your preference.

Re: Six Reasons Why Lisbon Made Me Nostalgic for San Francisco

Jennifer (aka Dr. J) ·
Thanks, @PHeymont! You're totally right that SF cannot be described as 'steep but cheap'. It's definitely the former but not the latter. The quirkiness of San Francisco is hard to put a price on though.

Re: Six Reasons Why Lisbon Made Me Nostalgic for San Francisco

Jennifer (aka Dr. J) ·
@GarryRF - I'm more of a wine person but did enjoy a Sagres or two in Portugal. You can't beat the price. Love the microbreweries in San Francisco and agree that the tasting trays are definitely the way to go!

Re: Six Reasons Why Lisbon Made Me Nostalgic for San Francisco

PortMoresby ·
I love your premise and the visual comparisons, Jennifer. I hope to see Lisbon for the first time before the year is out and I'll remember your twinning of the 2. Then, as a San Francisco native, I can be nostalgic for Lisbon when I'm in The City.

Re: Road Trip, Day 4: Fort Mason, San Francisco

Mytraveledroad ·
San Francisco such a beautiful city. I've never been to Fort Mason next time might have to check it out. $45 per night not too bad of a deal considering it is an expensive city to be in.

Re: Road Trip, Day 4: Fort Mason, San Francisco

PortMoresby ·
San Francisco is, indeed, remarkable. Next Wednesday's episode of 'Road Trip' is also in Fort Mason and the following week in Chinatown. Tune in again, Mytraveledroad.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, May 9, 2015: All-You-Can-Eat Dim Sum

DrFumblefinger ·
I hope you washed down that dimsum with a nice drink at the Top-of-the Mark. No better place to enjoy the sunset in San Francisco, PM.

Re: Road Trip, Day 5: My Birthday in Chinatown

Travel Rob ·
What a great roadtrip and insiders view of San Francisco!

Re: Travel for Garden Lovers, Part I

PortMoresby ·
Originally Posted by DrFumblefinger: I'm curious -- does having tea enhance your garden experience? DrF, Rogers & Astaire. Cable cars & San Francisco. Gardens & tea. One cannot be imagined without the other.

Re: Westminster Abbey's "attic" to open to public

DrFumblefinger ·
Sounds like one of the greatest attractions in England is just going to get better! Quite exciting news, really!