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Tagged With "State of South Australia"


Re: Nov. 12, 2016: Memorial to Women of WW II, London

GarryRF ·
The Cenotaph in London is a remembrance of all the war dead from all the British Empire. Canada, India, Australia, South Africa and many more. They all send servicemen to represent their own countries in a march past. Did you know that Belgium has a parade of armed soldiers at the London Cenotaph too ?

Re: Sweden jumps into night-train market

George G. ·
My Amtrak night bedroom trips were all up and down the eastern USA mid and south Atlantic.

Re: Boston in the fall - suggestions please!

Paul Heymont ·
That's good news, Mac! OK...the leaves start turning first in the north, moving south as the weather changes...but timing is always tricky because it depends on each year's combination of temperature and humidity. Here's a link to a site I've found useful in the's from Yankee magazine, and includes a live map of the progress of the leaves as well as itineraries and more. We haven't had a good leaf-peeping piece on Gumbo yet, so I'm looking forward to...

Re: Boston in the fall - suggestions please!

GarryRF ·
Mac. I'll be in Pennsylvania - Delaware - Maryland - Virginia later this month through September. Although a good way south of your expedition the colours of winter arrive gradually and the days are still warm enough to enjoy walking the empty State Parks. Only a leisurely days drive south of Boston. I love that warm gap between the end of an English summer and getting back home for that first chill of winter. LATE SEPTEMBER

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, July 14, 2015: YanGuan -- a scenic little town to watch Qiantang’s Tidal Bore (钱塘江潮)in China

Roderick Simpson ·
I have heard of the Qiantang Tidal Bore, which is the biggest in the World. The largest in Europe is that on the River Severn in South West England, which is highest near the equinoxes - a website details times and height predictions. I attach some pictures from a few years ago taken near a pub, conveniently located near a good viewing site. The bore is particularly popular with surfers, and I believe the world record for longest wave ride was recorded there.

Re: Wonders of the Modern World

Dan Carter ·
The London Crossrail picture looked amazing, but I wasn't sure just what the project is, so I looked it up on Wikipedia. It's really amazing, it's a railroad project that goes 89 miles from west of London through the city and out the other end to the south. In the center of London it's got 13 miles of the tunnel in the picture! You can see more in Wikipedia at

Re: St Stephen's Green, Dublin. (Where Gumbo was #137)

Paul Heymont ·
I have to admit that the first clue reminded me, in succession, of a spot in Parc des Buttes-Chaumont in Paris, of Prospect Park in Brooklyn and of Frogness Park in was only when the clues got more specific that I could rule them out, and only when the Fusiliers Arch appeared and I could search its text that I could find the answer. That arch, by the way, provoked a lot of controversy when erected in 1907; it memorializes a regiment in England's colonial war against the Dutch Boers...

Re: Local Flavor: Pearl Brewery Farmers Market, San Antonio

GarryRF ·
I'm so tempted to buy the wonderful foods I see in street markets. But being a tourist with nowhere to store and cook I regret I must pass. Much of the fruit and veg I have never seen before and I'm eager to try. Which is true I suppose for most folks in England. If we don't recognise a sweet potato - then we don't buy it. I do miss the vanilla flavoured Apples ( Custard Apples ) I had in Australia.

Re: Sydney Expat Guide

GarryRF ·
My first impression of Australia was how clean and modern everywhere is. Oz has a shorter history span than the US. Their view of people from other countries is limited to what they see on TV News. Similar to Americans. My 3 kids lived in Australia for a while and found it very safe with well mannered folks. I have lots of family over there and the great plus of living in Oz is being able to enjoy the great outdoors. Even in winter when most days are above 60f - which the locals call cold !

Re: Diamond Head State Monument, Oahu (Where Gumbo Was #230)

GarryRF ·
On my last visit to Diamond Head we left near to the closing time. A large Limousine was waiting to take us back to Waikiki. I hadn't ordered one but the driver insisted we used him to take us back. "I will charge you the same as the Taxi fare you paid to get here" Sounded like an offer too good to refuse ! Before we arrived back in Waikiki another 4 couples had joined our Taxi ride. Had to admire the driver for ingenuity. Very good earner !

Re: Belfast: An Uneasy City

Paul Heymont ·
I think I have to disagree on comparing human societies to plate tectonics; over the latter we have no control, but I would hate to ever think we've exhausted the possibility of dealing with the former. Examining mass religious conflicts generally reveals other issues beneath. That's certainly true of the long and tortured history between the two islands and the two Irelands. While James was a Catholic and William a Protestant, the real issues behind the conflict that set Ireland's future...

Re: Gallery: Hill Tribe Market, Inle Lake, Burma

IslandMan ·
Good one, Port Morseby. Markets are always fascinating places to visit and this one looks exceptional. Very colourful people as well as the wares they sell and your pictures certainly tell a story.

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? # 8.8

Club2013 ·
Or down south in Australia...

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? # 8.8

PortMoresby ·
Or California. The plants in the foreground are interesting too. The tall shrubs/short trees are similar to joshua trees, a desert plant, while the white flowers are, I believe, hydrangeas, which do best in a moist climate. Altogether, with the conservatory, I'm reminded of England, maybe Cornwall, which is referred to as having a sub-tropical climate. Which, of course, means it could indeed be Australia.

Re: Where In The World # 8.8. Some more clues

PortMoresby ·
Wells House appears to be at least 5 miles from the sea. Given the age of the house and plants, I'm still leaning toward Australia. We'll soon find out.

Re: Everglades raccoon

TravelandNature ·
The snake is doing the job that he was designed to do. Unfortunately, he is doing so far from his native habitat and finds the native south Florida species easy prey. This python is in the park as the result of accidental or intentional release. Yes, people take their hungry, unwanted pets to the park. The National Park Service is working hard to try to manage the situation. h ttp://

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? 7.8

PortMoresby ·
Indeed, a baby something, judging by the careful way it's held. I'm going to guess platypus because of the protuberance which doesn't seem to be a bird beak. If so, presumably in Australia.

Re: Sedona AZ-Red Rocks rise above townscape

PortMoresby ·
I think I may know where the picture was taken, PHeymont, if that's the church in the rocks (forget the exact name) over on the very left of the picture. If so, had friends who lived in that development years ago, Bell Rock to the south if I remember correctly. I haven't been there for many years now. Memoreees.

Re: Sedona AZ-Red Rocks rise above townscape

PortMoresby ·
Well, that's a surprise! No, doesn't look familiar, appears to be in town rather than south of town as I was expecting. Looking at a map, it says Chapel of the Holy Cross, where I thought you were, unless it's changed utterly, which it could have of course. It's been a while.

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? 7.8

WorkerBee ·
It does look like a puggle. Of course that could be either a baby platypus or a baby echidna. In either case it is likely to be in Australia. My guess is that is an echidna. Since there is a breeding program for echidnas at the Perth zoo it could be there. My guess for the location, however, is the Australia Zoo, former home base of the late Steve Irwin, the crocodile hunter.

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? #8.5

WorkerBee ·
What a beautiful church Gumbo has found! WITW? The clues: 18th century Spanish colonial architecture, typical of Franciscan missions; Banner in English; Materials are not typical of Florida or Texas missions; Various effigies of animals and unreal creatures, often incorporated by the Franciscans into their liturgy in order to convert American Indians. Typical of US southwestern states; Not one of the remaining California missions; Not in Santa Fe; Checked missions in Arizona. Found (as did...

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? 21.0

DrFumblefinger ·
So far we've only had one stab at the solution, by member Andredeya ( Florida- Miami Design Preservation League- Beach Patrol Headquarters Building). Appreciate the effort, Andredeya, but that is not the correct solution. So I'm offering up two additional clues today: This is a view of the interior of the hotel, again with strong nautical influence And this is the view south from the hotel's pool. The next piece of real estate to the south is Antarctica. So, where in the world is Gumbo?

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? 7.8 update

PortMoresby ·
I think I'm going to stick with my original guess of a platypus in Australia. If the little critter is near it's natural habitat then I could guess eastern Australia, New South Wales?

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

GarryRF ·
Starting to get things planned now Hank ! You have the choice of flying into Edinburgh in Scotland. Manchester in the North of England. Or Gatwick / Heathrow which both serve the London area in the South of England. You can get a Train to Paris to end your tour with a few days of Culture in a foreign language ! Fly back to the US from Paris will save you hundreds of Dollars because you wont pay the UK "Departure Tax" but not vital ! Liverpool is less than an hour on the Train from...

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

Hank ·
Wow, this is turning into a real education!! I checked with my uncle and yes, I can fly Chicago to Manchester and return from either London or Paris to Chicago. The ticket is free to him and he said he would cover any fees as a "graduation gift to me" (he's a pretty cool dude!), but I don't want to burden him with a heavy departure fee, so maybe Paris would be the way to go. I'd like to leave about Friday, May 9th and return 4 weeks later, June 6th. A few days later and returning a few days...

Re: Montreal: Je Me Souviens

arion ·
I'll give it some thought while cruising the Hawaiian Islands later this month, if I have a minute when not learning to hula dance, eat poi and look down into volcano craters. Aloha from Montreal, in the Province of Quebec where our provincial government wants to pass a law making it illegal for Muslim women to wear the hijab, for Jewish men to wear the skull cap (forget the proper name) and for South Asian men to wear turbans, if they work in government institutions (i.e. schools,...

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

GarryRF ·
England is only as big as Florida ! I haven't seen a Guide book that sub-divides us! Wales is full of Castles, Mountains and Lakes. Tourists often divide England between the North and South. The North is often cooler and wetter than further South. But your Dollar will go twice as far up here in the North! And we're much friendlier. Have a look at places you'd like to visit. York (the old one) will keep you busy for 2 days. Train or Bus from Liverpool. Or a day or two in Europe from Liverpool...

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

GarryRF ·
Summer months are best - between May and September. Snowdon is 3,560 feet high. Temperature drops 5.4 F per 1,000 feet of elevation. This winter has been very warm so far. So the snow will clear early if it continues to be warmer than usual. You'll see the current Temps before you go up clearly displayed. The weather can change suddenly so pack for wind, rain, sun and snow ! The Mountain doesn't warm up. It depends on which way the wind blows. From the South = warm From the North =cold...

Re: Happy Thanksgiving, from all of us at TravelGumbo!

DrFumblefinger ·
GarryRF, You must try the King (Elvis Presley's) favorite sandwich. Peanut butter and banana, fried in butter. Forget about the cholesterol -- give it a go. It's much better than it sounds! Part of the joy of traveling is trying the food. Like "pudding" with your full Irish breakfast (don't ask if you don't know). I remember driving through rural southern Australia and seeing the following sign at a restaurant: "Bugs, $10". I don't know about you but I wouldn't pay anything for a plate of...

Re: Where in North America is the Euro the official currency?

Paul Heymont ·
Well, here's a bit to add, about the largest place in South America where the Euro is in use: French Guiana, which is technically a part of Metropolitan France (even Presidential candidates visit to drum up the vote!). Therefore, the bridge completed in 2011 and scheduled to open for traffic next month over the Oyapock River, will be the first permanent road connection between France and Brazil! More information HERE .

Re: 1000's Drawn to North Dakota

Travel Rob ·
Amazing that the unemployment rate for Williston is only .9%! I was unaware that South Dakota had the benefits too.Just goes to show you the recession was not uniform.

Re: 1000's Drawn to North Dakota

DrFumblefinger ·
Just checked the unemployment rate. North Dakota's is the lowest in the nation. In Aug 2013, it was 3.0%. Neighboring South Dakota's is 3.8%, as it too benefits from the oil boom.

Re: Shipping Container as Your Next Hotel Room or Apartment ?!

Travel Rob ·
I loved the design of the South African Student Housing.It was pretty cool. I hope someone can post their own photos of them on TG. As for the hotel, I'm guessing that would go good in places were there is only a seasonal demand . I imagine local laws might get in the way. I'd try it though if the price is right

Re: Love-lorn lock-hangers keep Paris busy

Travel Rob ·
As Kingtikitaki showed, South Korea has the right idea. Make certain areas where people can put the love locks, so they don't put them everywhere. Trying to stop them, is just not working.

Re: Alternative Diet

GarryRF ·
Seen a great Logo in Australia....

Re: Jama Masjid, Delhi (Where Gumbo was #256)

Professorabe ·
Delhi has a lot to offer in terms of interesting sites. HOWEVER, the air pollution is appalling, particularly in the winter. We will be in Delhi in March - when things should start to get a little better - but we have cut our stay there to a mere 24 hours. We would have liked to re-visit some places like Humayun's Tomb or the Jama Mosque, but in the end decided that we could not face the atrocious smog again. We will now leave on the earliest convenient train south.

Re: June 20, 2018: Beer in a Carton

Amateuremigrant ·
What an odd origin ! Things once embedded seem to take a long time to change, even when it's obvious ! I've always hated drinking straight from a carton anyway. In south India I had a surprise when I heard there was some Indian 'Port' at the store and got a small plastic pouch full of something that bore more resemblance to red wine vinegar.

Re: Clouds Hill - home of Lawrence of Arabia

PortMoresby ·
I'm so pleased to see Clouds Hill, long on my list and a definite for my next visit to the south. Thanks Mac.

Re: The Sanity Clause (apologies to Groucho Marx)

GarryRF ·
That's very true Paul. I remember traditions from my childhood that have vanished years ago. I visit Sydney, Australia and find the same traditions are alive and well.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? #62

Paul Heymont ·
So, pretty far south...or pretty far north. Somewhere in Scandinavia perhaps? Are the windows perhaps on a cruise ship?

Re: Walking the Freedom Trail in Boston

GarryRF ·
Must be 15 years since I walked most of your journey through Boston. The mix of old and new buildings are fascinating as you walk the city. Many of the older buildings look like they have shared an architects plan with older buildings here in Liverpool UK. I do find it odd that 5 Bostonians were stoning a single Redcoat then you call them unarmed ! A situation that would bring about the same end results today. I enjoyed your Blog. Thanks.

Re: Walking the Freedom Trail in Boston

Jonathan L ·
Thanks Gerry. Liverpool is definitely on my list when I get back to the UK. And congratulations on a great 2nd place finish in the EPL.

Re: Krumlov Castle, Český Krumlov, Czech Republic. Where Gumbo was #68

Roderick Simpson ·
I first visited Cesky Krumlov in 1995, when it was still being restored and the tower repainted, as it had deteriorated during the communist period. I would also advise anyone visiting the area also to see nearby Rozmberk, which is a pretty village with a quite impressive castle, but with far fewer tourists (First 2 pictures). Prague is rightly considered one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, but there is much more to see in the Czech Republic including Cesky Krumlov and South Bohemia.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? (#71)

Steve ·
There are a lot of similarities between this station and Atlanta's Brookwood Amtrak Station at 1688 Peachtree St NW, as viewed from the south, including tracks too close together, narrow platforms, long steep stairs, iron fence, the pitch of the roof (which at one time was red spanish clay tile), the brackets supporting the roof, the windows overlooking the track, the weeds, the general condition, the congested neighborhood, and of course the lack of parking.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, November 7, 2014: Deuce with Truck

Mac ·
This shot (not that you can see from my pic) was taken whilst staying at the most picturesque village of Rudesheim deep in the German wine region, south of Koblenz. A beautiful village to visit if rather 'touristy' these days. Also highly recommended is a Rhine day-cruise (or longer) out of lovely Cologne which will also pass by Rudesheim.

Re: Finding Reiner #8: Trail's End?

GarryRF ·
I've travelled to Brisbane Australia looking for clues to my fathers war record. It was a hot summers day when I found Roe Street Barracks - still in use ! I was convinced it would have gone years ago to a development. I stood in the entrance and I felt a shiver run down my back. A feeling I've heard described as "someone walking on your grave"

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Nov. 16, 2014: American Golden Plover

Paul Heymont ·
That's fascinating! I never thought about the color differences during migration...what a difference it must be for, say, a North American birder in South America!

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Nov. 16, 2014: American Golden Plover

My Thatched Hut ·
Yes, Arctic birds are common in southern USA, Central and South America and further north during migration. But to see them in their beautiful breeding colours, you need to go to the Arctic in spring or early summer. This plover had already changed to grey by mid-August.

Re: Why tickets stay high while fuel prices drop

GarryRF ·
The cost of an Airline Ticket has little to do with the cost of a barrel of oil. That's why I can fly to Sydney Australia for the same price as I can to New York. That's 3500 miles to New York or 10,500 miles to Sydney. Same price. It's solely based on the principle of how much juice you can squeeze from an orange.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#76)

Roderick Simpson ·
I am really stumped this time. The style of the church is gothic, rather than Spanish and it is perhaps Episcopalian/Anglican. The palm trees indicate that it can't be too far north. So maybe it is the Old South, or possibly California. I'm now waiting to find out where it is!