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Tagged With "William Packard"


Re: Boston's Beautiful Public Garden

Travel Luver ·
It's a great garden and a wonderful place to go for a walk or jog at the end of a summer's day.

Re: D-Day + 70 years: Normandy beaches are still an important destination

Travel Rob ·
My father was in D-Day plus 5. Like a lot in the greatest generation, he spoke little about the experience only to say that he did enough camping to last him his lifetime. I visited the Normandy beaches as a young man but I'd like to go back in better weather.

Re: D-Day + 70 years: Normandy beaches are still an important destination

Paul Heymont · father, who arrived a few months later, also had that feeling about camping. And then later, after 6 months as liaison to a South Korean corps commander, he swore off rice for many years...

Re: Fort William Henry: A journey to the 18th century

GarryRF ·
Oh what a tangled web we British weave. Interesting read of a little known piece of History. Thanks Jonathan !

Re: Fort William Henry: A journey to the 18th century

George G. ·
Crazy looking hats with the fuzz ball on top.

Re: Toyota Auto Museum, Nagakute, Japan

Professorabe ·
Looks like a very interesting place. The museum's website, unfortunately, does not provide a lot of detail about the exhibits. However, I found this: Apparently, Franklin Roosevelt's Packard Twelve ended up here.

Re: Franschhoek Motor Museum, South Africa

DrFumblefinger ·
That's a most wonderful collection of cars, Professor! Yet another great discovery that I appreciate you sharing with us. I can see why the Packard was your favorite, but I'm partial to the 1934 Mercedes.

Re: Prince William and Dutchess Kate visit the Taj Mahal

Travel Rob ·
If you are planning a trip to the Taj Mahal and India, check out TG's India section. It includes blogs on the Taj Mahal

Re: J. M. W. Turner in San Francisco

Paul Heymont ·
I see that it started at the Tate, and has been at the Getty...and much as I'd love to join you in SF, I'm too booked up between now and September. Do you know if it will visit other museums in the U.S.?

Re: J. M. W. Turner in San Francisco

PortMoresby ·
Originally Posted by PHeymont: Do you know if it will visit other museums in the U.S.? I have no idea. Enlighten us, please, Pheymont.

Re: J. M. W. Turner in San Francisco

Paul Heymont ·
I’ve been searching and found nothing…I hoped perhaps someone else had information! Tomorrow I will call the DeYoung and ask.

Re: J. M. W. Turner in San Francisco

PortMoresby ·
Don't let them hear that capital D in de Young. If you change your mind and visit SF before July 19th, you can hop over to the Legion of Honor and catch the Brooklyn Museum Costume Collection show, too.

Re: J. M. W. Turner in San Francisco

DrFumblefinger ·
It sounds appealing but I also have a summer of commitments... But please do report back on what you find, PM! I love Turner's work.

Re: Baseball Hall of Fame - Cooperstown, New York

Travel Rob ·
Thanks Samantha, I'd love to visit Cooperstown. When I saw Hank Aaron's boyhood home at Mobile's minor league stadium with all it's incredible baseball memorabilia, I knew I had to see the Baseball Hall of Fame one day. Thanks for showing me what to expect!

Re: Baseball Hall of Fame - Cooperstown, New York

Samantha ·
Hi Rob, it is a really cool place to visit. I had been to the Negro Hall of Fame in Kansas, but not the one in Cooperstown. It was so worth the wait! Thanks for mentioning Aaron's home in Mobile. I would like to see it someday too. Have a great weekend

Re: Baseball Hall of Fame - Cooperstown, New York

Travel Rob ·
You can't help but be impressed with the Aaron family after seeing the place! Glad to see the Hall of Fame has a great Hank Aaron section too! My blog on Hank Aaron's childhood home:

Re: Tampa Bay Automobile Museum: 3) cars from the USA and UK

rbciao ·
Great pics of great cars. I will put the Tampa Bay Museum on my list of things to see. Additionally, The National Corvette Museum in Bowling Green, Ky is awesome, as well. It includes a 50's diner cafe featuring period stuff for lunch. Less than a mile away is the Corvette assembly plant, which offers tours. This is the only place in the whole wide world where Corvettes are assembled. Both are definitely worth a visit. The National Packard Museum is located In Warren, Oh and is small, but...
Blog Post

Monterey Bay Aquarium: Oceans Apart

Lestertheinvestor ·
  Located directly on the Monterey Bay just south of Santa Cruz is a sprawling complex of nearly 200 exhibits of more than 550 species in a 2 storey building nearly 30 years old: the Monterey Bay Aquarium (MBA). Started in 1978, and open to the...
Blog Post

California Gardens 2017: Filoli, the House

PortMoresby ·
This week PortMoresby introduces us to a long-time favorite, magnificent Filoli, in Woodside, California.
Blog Post

California Gardens 2017: Filoli, the Garden

PortMoresby ·
PortMoresby happily revisits an historic Northern California garden in idyllic Woodside, near where she grew up south of San Francisco.
Blog Post

More Car Emblems and Hood Ornaments

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger was intrigued by the emblems and ornamentation of some of the old cars he saw when he visited the National Automobile Museum in Reno. Here is the final collection.
Blog Post

The National Automobile Museum, Reno (Where Gumbo was #369)

DrFumblefinger ·
Gumbo was visiting one of America's greatest car museums -- the National Automobile Museum in Reno, Nevada.
Blog Post

M&M World, Times Square, New York

Samantha ·
Samantha shares her tasty visit to the M&M’s World Times Square Store on her visit to New York last Christmas. It was a wonderful treat.
Blog Post

Cody Park, North Platte, Nebraska

Samantha ·
Samantha shares some pictures of Cody Park in North Platte, Nebraska with her nephew Jesse, who is related Cody.
Blog Post

J. M. W. Turner in San Francisco

PortMoresby ·
    I'm on the mailing list for email updates from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, and while most of the offerings fail to inspire the drive across the state, today's announcement of a summer show entitled J. M. W. Turner: Painting...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Sept. 20, 2015: William Knibb Church, Falmouth, Jamaica

Paul Heymont ·
  One of the most moving moments of our week in Jamaica came on a trip to Falmouth, formerly a busy port for sugar and slaves, a dark period in Jamaica's history. In Falmouth, though, we found a celebration of the end of slavery at this Baptist...
Blog Post

Old and New in the NYC Financial District

Jonathan L ·
New York City is not an old city. Certainly not by European standards. But even by American standards, New York has always been a place where it was deemed okay to tear down the old and replace it with something new. So it is true that we just don't...
Blog Post

Boston's Beautiful Public Garden

Samantha ·
Samantha takes us to the crown jewel of Boston's Emerald Necklace.
Blog Post

Steall Waterfall, Glen Nevis, Scotland.

Ian Cook ·
Ian Cook shares a visit to Steall Waterfall, a lovely waterfall situated in the Scottish Highlands. It is the second highest waterfall in Scotland.
Blog Post

Nov. 7, 2016: Ministers Island, New Brunswick, Canada

vivie ·
Vivie takes you to Ministers Island in New Brunswick. See how the estate showcases the hobbies of the late Sir William Van Horne, President of Canadian Pacific Railway.
Blog Post

William Morris at Home: Kelmscott Manor

PortMoresby ·
PortMoresby returns to the story of Arts & Crafts Movement giant, William Morris and visits his retreat in England’s Cotswolds.
Blog Post

William Morris at Home: Red House

PortMoresby ·
PortMoresby leaves the Thames Path and visits William Morris’s Red House, a milestone in the Arts & Crafts Movement in England.
Blog Post

July 3, 2016 - Packard Factory, Akron, Ohio

Jonathan L ·
On a road trip I happened upon a classic car show in the parking lot outside the Packard Museum in Akron Ohio
Blog Post

National Automobile Museum, Turin, Italy (Where Gumbo was #327)

Professorabe ·
Gumbo was visiting the fascinating car collection on exhibit at MAUTO, Italy's National Automobile Museum, located in Turin.
Blog Post

Franschhoek Motor Museum, South Africa

Professorabe ·
Professor Abe visits the beautiful Franschhoek Motor Museum in South Africa and is treated to an amazing collection of classic cars.
Blog Post

Fort William Henry: A journey to the 18th century

Jonathan L ·
Jonathan L takes us back to the French and Indian War on a visit to Lake George

London: Photographers' Gallery, the Americans.

PortMoresby ·
Until March 30th, the Photographers' Gallery is showing the work of 3 Americans:     David Lynch "I love industry. Pipes. I love fluid and smoke. I love man-made things. I like to see people hard at work, and I like to see sludge and...
Blog Post

Prince William and Dutchess Kate visit the Taj Mahal

Travel Rob ·
This week, Prince William and Dutchess Kate retraced some his parents footsteps in India and Bhutan, including a visit to the Taj Mahal
Blog Post

Baseball Hall of Fame - Cooperstown, New York

Samantha ·
For Samantha, a huge baseball fan, a visit to baseball's Hall of Fame at Cooperstown was a dream come true, and one she shares with us.
Blog Post

Cuba's Cars: Varied, surviving, fascinating

Paul Heymont ·
More of Cuba's unusual cars, and some further notes on them...
Blog Post

Library of Congress: Underestimated Treasure

Jonathan L ·
Jonathan L takes us on a tour of the Library of Congress, underappreciated and worth a visit.
Blog Post

The Ancient Spanish Monastery, Florida

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger visits an old Monastery -- built in the 12th century in Spain, but purchased by William Randall Hearst, disassembled, crated and shipped to America where decades later it was reassembled in North Miami.

Re: Library of Congress: Underestimated Treasure

George G. ·
Jonathan, this place is on my list for my next visit to D.C. It was on my list during my last visit, but I ran out of time. I now have a great orientation to prepare my visit. I did not know about the Packard Campus which is under a 2-hour drive from my location. Thanks again for another insightful travel blog.

Re: Library of Congress: Underestimated Treasure

Jonathan L ·
You are welcome.

Re: California Gardens 2017: Filoli, the House

DrFumblefinger ·
It is a grand home. So glad they let you take and share your photos!

Re: California Gardens 2017: Filoli, the House

PortMoresby ·
The day I was there, a weekday, there were very few visitors, especially in the house, and no docents to tell me I couldn't take pictures, or signs to that effect. So I assume it's allowed. There were more gardeners in the garden than visitors which makes it easy to take pictures, which you'll see next week. One evening a month artists and photographers are invited to book and set up to paint or use tripods, this month on the 24th, See...

Re: Old and New in the NYC Financial District

Samantha ·
We were just in New York a few weeks ago and really enjoyed walking around lower Manhattan area. Spent a lot of time in Battery Park. Looks forward to going back and exploring this area more soon. Thanks for the happy memories

Re: Nov. 7, 2016: Ministers Island, New Brunswick, Canada

GarryRF ·
A wonderful "step into the past". Looks lovely Vivie.

Re: July 3, 2016 - Packard Factory, Akron, Ohio

Paul Heymont ·
OK...I love the Packard...but what's with that Delorean? Has the time-travel equipment been stripped?

Re: July 3, 2016 - Packard Factory, Akron, Ohio

GarryRF ·
That's a wonderful collection of cars Jonathan. I don't think I've seen a Packard before. So thanks for adding this maker to my list. I'm off to Google Packard images and spend an hour "going back in time" .. Q. Did every kid have a model Delorean ?