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Tagged With "National Park Historic Site"


Re: November 8, 2016: The old Barn, North York Moors National Park

DrFumblefinger ·
Love the image, Paul!

Re: Antarctica, part 3. Antarctica Rocks!

DrFumblefinger ·
Hi Kirsten, Behind in my emails, but did want you to know that the last of your series on Celebrating Nature went live today. I want to personally thank you so very much for sharing your tremendous talents with our audience. I enjoyed reading -- and learned a lot -- from your posts and greatly enjoyed your wonderful photography! I'm sure many others did, too. If you have more material you'd like to post on TravelGumbo in the coming months, it would be our pleasure to host it. Hope you had a...

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? (#195)

DrFumblefinger ·
It's time for another clue. This man played a significant role in helping preserve and promote the features of our site of interest.....

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? (#195)

DrFumblefinger ·
To help you better define our locale, here are a few more clues before we look at the specific site tomorrow. You can buy these near the entrance to our site.... And see sunsets like these from a nearby beach....

Re: Trains in Cuba

Paul Heymont ·
Great question...and possibly not an easy clear answer. Cuba's trains have generally been in poor shape in recent years as older equipment has run down and spares not available. However, according to Mark Smith (The Man in Seat 61), that's changing with the arrival of a fleet of new Chinese-built locomotives. On his site ( ) he has an extensive update of recent changes in schedules, routes and locations (that's important because Havana's main station is closed for a 3-year...

Re: Trains in Cuba

Wilbur's Travels ·
Thanks for the info. I too love Mark's site. I will try my damnedest to do a train journey if I can so I can send you details. Wilbur.

Re: Lake Bohinj, Slovenia

Professorabe ·
It's a great many years since my wife and I went to Slovenia and then it was for only a few days. Your article inspires me to think about returning there. Lovely scenery.

Re: Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument

Jonathan L ·
Thanks. this article brings back memories of my visit in 2005. The tour led by the Park Ranger was fascinating and very even handed. I had a great time.

Re: On Safari, Panna Tiger Reserve, India

Marilyn Jones ·
I too went on a tiger safari in India. What a thrill to see one of these magnificent cats. Your photos are excellent!

Re: On Safari, Panna Tiger Reserve, India

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for the comment, Marilyn. Tigers sure are magnificent any place you see them. But to watch them hunt was a very special experience.

Re: March 3, 2020: St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands

George G. ·
Booked a wedding anniversary trip to St. Thomas and we had a fabulous romantic time. If you get the chance, take the Red Hook ferry to Cruz Bay at St. John's and explore the Virgin Island National Park. Lots of plantation ruins from back in the day when Denmark ruled the Virgin Islands. We had a wonderful lunch and view from the Caneel Bay Resort, which I understand has not reopened after being pummeled by two hurricanes.

Re: Boston in the fall - suggestions please!

Paul Heymont ·
That's good news, Mac! OK...the leaves start turning first in the north, moving south as the weather changes...but timing is always tricky because it depends on each year's combination of temperature and humidity. Here's a link to a site I've found useful in the's from Yankee magazine, and includes a live map of the progress of the leaves as well as itineraries and more. We haven't had a good leaf-peeping piece on Gumbo yet, so I'm looking forward to...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, July 14, 2015: YanGuan -- a scenic little town to watch Qiantang’s Tidal Bore (钱塘江潮)in China

Roderick Simpson ·
I have heard of the Qiantang Tidal Bore, which is the biggest in the World. The largest in Europe is that on the River Severn in South West England, which is highest near the equinoxes - a website details times and height predictions. I attach some pictures from a few years ago taken near a pub, conveniently located near a good viewing site. The bore is particularly popular with surfers, and I believe the world record for longest wave ride was recorded there.

Re: Sea World gives up its killer whale shows

DrFumblefinger ·
I grow weary of political correctness. Orcas are highly intelligent animals, no doubt -- and have the "cruelty" we expect of intelligent animals (anyone who's seen them hunt a baby gray whale for hours, only to kill it, eat its tongue and let the rest go to waste knows what I mean). I never saw Blackfish, but I do recall at the old Marineland park in Southern California. The park was closed for a number of months, and the orcas got depressed. Listless, didn't eat, didn't look good. Someone...

Re: Wonders of the Modern World

DrFumblefinger ·
The Soviets have never been completely transparent about Chernobyl, but this is the story as best as I was able to synthesize it: It seems that the alarm system was malfunctioning (going off all the time) so it was turned off by the tech monitoring the system. He had the fuel rods pulled out of their cooling chambers for maintenance work, was distracted (remember, the alarms are off), then by the time he focused back on the task at hand the rods had begun to melt and couldn't be reinserted...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Nov. 16, 2015: Franklin Automobiles in Tucson, Arizona

Paul Heymont ·
I’ve heard that, but I’ve also always wondered if it were true, since a driver holding the reins on a horse or horses would want to be able to exert equal force on either side…and all the pictures I can find of buggy drivers seem to show the driver in the middle! One site I just looked at suggests that Ford made the switch to make it easier for passengers to get in and out, by moving the driver away from the curb; the same site suggests that in the early days on the Continent, right-hand was...

Re: St Stephen's Green, Dublin. (Where Gumbo was #137)

Paul Heymont ·
I have to admit that the first clue reminded me, in succession, of a spot in Parc des Buttes-Chaumont in Paris, of Prospect Park in Brooklyn and of Frogness Park in was only when the clues got more specific that I could rule them out, and only when the Fusiliers Arch appeared and I could search its text that I could find the answer. That arch, by the way, provoked a lot of controversy when erected in 1907; it memorializes a regiment in England's colonial war against the Dutch Boers...

Re: Airbnb's rural listings gain popularity

PortMoresby ·
"...the short-term rental site is clearly not just for urban hipsters anymore." From my own experience I'd put a somewhat different spin on it. Something like "urban hipsters seek rural experience". A good percentage of my guests come from one of the hipster capitols of the universe, San Francisco.

Re: July 28, 2016: Coit Tower, San Francisco, California

DrFumblefinger ·
It really is one of the most beautiful cities in North America. Thanks for reminding us of these great views!

Re: Lower Fort Garry National Historic Site, Manitoba (Where Gumbo Was #184)

Marilyn Jones ·
What an interesting historic site! I really enjoy learning new history lessons -- thank you!!!

Re: Lower Fort Garry National Historic Site, Manitoba (Where Gumbo Was #184)

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for your comment, Garry. The York boats were important to the development of the prairies, as was the Red River cart. You find examples of both at this historic site.

Re: New book celebrates Yellowstone, National Parks Centennial

DrFumblefinger ·
That looks like a must read book about my favorite US National Park! Thanks for bringing it to our attention.

Re: Visiting My Backyard—Riverside Park

Travel Rob ·
Glad kids are still using the park. I also think I going to parks is an important part of growing up and in most cases very safe. A few years ago FBI statistics showed crime was at a 40 year low in a lot places in the US, but perception was crime was the highest its ever been. The rates might of gone higher a bit in the last few years but crime is still at historic lows.

Re: Surprising Speke Hall, Liverpool

GarryRF ·
A wonderful presentation Paul.

Re: Surprising Speke Hall, Liverpool

Travel Rob ·
Great piece! I can't say enough good things about John Lennon Airport that's next door. Not only is does it have a wide array of budget flights for Europe, the passport control is actually friendly there.

Re: October 27, 2016: Bull Elk, Banff National Park

Marilyn Jones ·
What a magnificent animal!!

Re: Experience Lalgarh Palace with Palace on Wheels Train

Professorabe ·
Without doubt this mode of travel appeals to some people. However, on our travels through Rajasthan we encountered tour groups from the Palace on Wheels on a couple of occasions and felt that going by road, with a car and driver, suited us much better. You simply saw a hell of a lot more, had much more contact with the local people, and were not tied to any schedule. We stayed at the Laxmi Niwas Palace, which is part of the Lalgarh site, and it was very pleasant indeed. (Whilst there are...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Jan, 21, 2014: Raccoon, Vancouver, British Columbia

Paul Heymont ·
And they are smart. When my kids were young, we used to camp every summer in Maine, at a site where raccoons came every night to feast at the cans. One year I decided I'd had enough, and brought chain tethers to keep the lids on. Worked fine, the lids stayed quiet all night. But in the morning, when we left our tents, we found that our two stryofoam coolers (which were not in use) had been shredded, all the implements from the table were on the ground, and the ropes securing our storage tarp...

Re: Head Smashed in Buffalo Jump (That's really its name)

Jonathan L ·
I loved Head Samshed In when I visited it. Definitely a must see if you get to that part of the world. If you do also go to the Frank Slide site. A massive land-slide took placein the 1920's (I think). i will find one of my photos.

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? #11

Paul Heymont ·
Well, here it is Friday night, and I see everyone gathered around to see what's in the Gumbo (e)mailbag and here...because indeed, the mystery has again been solved. Gumbo was in the Roman Arena at Arles, deep in the heart of Roman France. First to point at the site (but not to actually claim it) was Port Moresby, who contributed a picture of it at 1 pm on Wednesday while others were pointing out other Roman arenas. PM was followed by TravelandNature at 11 pm that night—you'll have noted...

Re: See Them While You Can: 10 Wins for Historic Preservation

DrFumblefinger ·
I like to see some of the Nation's heritage preserved. I've actually been to a number of these places and enjoyed them all.

Re: See Them While You Can: 10 Wins for Historic Preservation

PortMoresby ·
Note that the National Trust for Historic Preservation is a private organization. I think that's key in this era of government cutbacks and a congress unable to accomplish anything to speak of. If the National Park Service is unable to maintain it's infrastructure then one can only imagine how little care might go into preserving bits of our cultural heritage lacking big names, such as those on the list above. Commercial interests also have a place in accomplishing what government and...

Re: See Them While You Can: 10 Wins for Historic Preservation

PortMoresby ·
PS - Pheymont, I haven't found the International list (faulty website or faulty eyes, I suspect the latter). Would you post a link, please?

Re: See Them While You Can: 10 Wins for Historic Preservation

Paul Heymont ·
PM (and anyone else I misled)...I went back and found the link that said "Around the World" on their page was actually another link to the same domestic 10. I've edited the reference out of the clip above. Too bad...I was looking forward to reading it...

Re: See Them While You Can: 10 Wins for Historic Preservation

PortMoresby ·
Bummer. Thanks, though, for your attentive concern! And for the interesting post, of course.

Re: World's scariest hiking trail?

Dr.Y ·
To be precise, the Hua Shan trial has two sections. The longer scarier section with local advise to be done during night is now equipped with Gondola. Only the hard core climber will try that section now. There are park ranger standing by the entrance to screen if some one is really fit for the climb (after seeing the trial in person, i realized that the screen is not just for increasing the Gondola revenue! ). Not be too relaxed yet, even after the Gondola ride, to reach the tea house, one...

Re: Portland, Maine: The World's Longest Lobster Roll...and so much more!

Former Member ·
I can truly say that I will never think of lobster rolls in quite the same innocent way again. This was a fine tour of Portland, Maine. Thank you so much.

Re: Everglades raccoon

TravelandNature ·
The snake is doing the job that he was designed to do. Unfortunately, he is doing so far from his native habitat and finds the native south Florida species easy prey. This python is in the park as the result of accidental or intentional release. Yes, people take their hungry, unwanted pets to the park. The National Park Service is working hard to try to manage the situation. h ttp://

Re: Everglades raccoon

DrFumblefinger ·
The park rangers have told me that (unofficially) they have given up all hope of eradicating the Burmese python from the ecosystem. They're here to stay.

Re: Everglades raccoon

TravelandNature ·
Invasive species cause havoc not just with cute native species, but also agriculture, people's health and livelihoods. The Park Service has a number of interesting management programs, including a parntership with Florida Fish and Wildlife. Fish and Wildlife has a Pet Amnesty Program so that people can rehome unwanted exotic pets, rather than thoughtlessly placing them in the wild. The exotic animals are offered to adopters, who are given instructions on proper care. Fish and Wildlife offers...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Dec. 15 2013: Indian Pipe at Rachel Carson Wildlife Refuge

DrFumblefinger ·
I find fungi strangely captivating. A nice collection of photos, PHeymont, thanks!

Re: Merry Christmas from all of us at TravelGumbo

JohnT ·
yes, to all my friends that I have never actually met. Have a wonderful christmas and holiday season...and i think it is actually us members who should be thanking the gumbo gurus for creating this unique site I am enjoying it very much. Merry christmas all!! Below, a traditional Canadian christmas carol....

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? 7.5

WorkerBee ·
Originally Posted by PortMoresby: It seems to be "Leopold", a symbolic 1890's photographer, by David Clemons, Higgins Point, Lake Coeur d'Alene in northern Idaho. Well done Port Moresby. However there is a minor point about the location. Higgens Point (yes, this is the correct spelling) is about 0.2 mile southeast of the location of the statue. The statue is actually located on the 34 acre Coeur d'Alene Parkway, a thin strip of park land running along the Centennial Trail for about 1/2 mile...

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? #33

Andre Pur ·
I don't have a clue... it's a national park?

Re: How'd We Live Without Travel Apps?

FlashFlyer ·
A lot to be said for what might be the ultimate travel app category: Maps and GPS. I know people have their favorites (Google's not the only one, according to my wife...) but almost everyone uses some version on their phone or tablet. Another good one is local transit. Most big cities have a route-finder on their transit site, but you have to find it. But Google Maps and HopStop and some others have transit info for most big cities. One downside: Apple is as bad as Google about business;...

Re: Thai long-tail boat

TravelandNature ·
The long tailed boats are a site to behold. You may well have captured the only time in which one was quiet. That engine roars like no other motor. They are just a tad overpowered. Terrific photo.

Re: Newgrange; Ireland’s ancient Passage Tomb

DrFumblefinger ·
For those who are interested, we received this link which has some interesting graphics of Newgrange site.

Re: La Dolce Vita (Part 5) Venezia (Venice)

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for your comments, PHeymont. The cruise ships are BIG business in Venice, and certainly allow a lot of people to enjoy the destination if only for a day. But there are easily places the ships could park that wouldn't hurt the delicate lagoon, then shuttle people into the city.

Re: The Big Island of Hawaii (Part 4). Kohala & Saddle Road

Former Member ·
We just found this site. Bookmarking this information for our next vacation. Can't wait !

Re: Finishing college. Need help planning trip to U.K,

Travel Rob ·
Hi Hank, I've actually found the UK a pretty reasonable destination in recent years, especially outside of London.(My budget was way under yours for a month long trip to Europe last June.)A lot of museums are free. Transportation costs within the country can be reasonable too.Not only do they have advance cheap train tickets but they have bus and budget air choices.And of course there are some good budget hotel chains as well, such as Travelodge and the Tune Hotel Have fun and keep watching...