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Tagged With "The Spirit of Idaho Women"


Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? 7.5

PortMoresby ·
It seems to be "Leopold", a symbolic 1890's photographer, by David Clemons, Higgins Point, Lake Coeur d'Alene in northern Idaho.

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? 7.5

WorkerBee ·
Originally Posted by PortMoresby: It seems to be "Leopold", a symbolic 1890's photographer, by David Clemons, Higgins Point, Lake Coeur d'Alene in northern Idaho. Well done Port Moresby. However there is a minor point about the location. Higgens Point (yes, this is the correct spelling) is about 0.2 mile southeast of the location of the statue. The statue is actually located on the 34 acre Coeur d'Alene Parkway, a thin strip of park land running along the Centennial Trail for about 1/2 mile...

Re: A Visit to Ireland: Part 1) An overview of the Country and its People

DrFumblefinger ·
I'm more partial to the lighter beer, wheat ales specifically. But the Guinness was good. Had one other stout there, the name of which eludes me, and we enjoyed it, too. Like women, cars, food, etc. beer is very much an individual taste. I actually like my beer cool, but not ice cold. Also a matter of taste. What's your favorite English brew?

Re: Montreal: Je Me Souviens

arion ·
I'll give it some thought while cruising the Hawaiian Islands later this month, if I have a minute when not learning to hula dance, eat poi and look down into volcano craters. Aloha from Montreal, in the Province of Quebec where our provincial government wants to pass a law making it illegal for Muslim women to wear the hijab, for Jewish men to wear the skull cap (forget the proper name) and for South Asian men to wear turbans, if they work in government institutions (i.e. schools,...

Re: Idaho's Craters of the Moon National Monument

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for reading the piece and for your comment, GarryRF! The "Yellowstone" hot spot has migrated over the past thousands of years from eastern Oregon, across southern Idaho and now sits right under Yellowstone National Park. Actually the hot spot hasn't move at all, the earth's places move away from the hot spot, but it's just another way of thinking about it. I'd be careful about being around an active volcano but don't mind hanging around places like this or much of the Hawaiian...

Re: "Spotted on the Road". Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks, Dave B!! Another car expert! We're lucky to have you as a member! I love cars, but as with women find they're pleasant to look at but I know little about them, LOL! (hey, it's a joke everyone, relax!) Appreciate your input and we've several pieces on Cuban cars planned, featuring dozens of photos. I know you'll like them. And be challenged by them. Cubans have a say of changing cars slightly when needed. And feel free to share your love of cars as you hit the road with the rest of us!

Re: May 11, 2016: Shoshone Falls – Niagara of the West

Samantha ·
You are very welcome. We had never been to Idaho, and Twin Falls is now one of my favorite cities. Such a gorgeous state. Glad you enjoyed my post

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo #180?

Jonathan L ·
Here is today's clue - Near to where the women in the first clue were standing, these men were playing a kibitzing a chess match.

Re: New trend? Some airlines end toll-free calls

DrFumblefinger ·
Yet another drop in service, but one that likely will have minimal impact on most customers. If it saves millions of dollars, and the savings are used to reduce company overhead (say instead of bonuses for executives), I think consumers will be supportive.

Re: Women are the Majority Decision Makers in Travel

vivie ·
Yay for women

Re: Women are the Majority Decision Makers in Travel

Travel Rob ·
As I spend time on Twitter, sharing TravelGumbo's blogs and photos , I see the majority of people interested in travel are women now . I really do believe Marybeth Bond's statistics that she posts.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, July 30, 2015: Spirit Island

TravelingCanuck ·
I know what you mean. Maligne Lake is a beautiful area to see and the tour out to Spirit Island is certainly worth it. One of the most notable things about the lake is the colour of the water itself that is due to being glacier fed. Up there this past June and was treated to a young moose feeding along the water near the boat launch and then two young black bears dining along the cutline just off the main road. Chatted with a family from Washington DC and a young German couple. They were...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, July 30, 2015: Spirit Island

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for sharing this great image, Vagabond! I recall standing on the very spot and enjoying the same view, although it was cloudy on my travel day. A good first contribution to TravelGumbo! Hope there's more to follow.

Re: Cheaters to get discount on travel to repair marriage

Travel Rob ·
As it turns out most of these men were want to be cheaters, because few real women were actually on the site. To me though, it seems is going to make their non Ashley Madison customers upset. I guess they figure the added publicity is good for free advertising.

Re: Church of the Holy Spirit, Heidelberg (Where Gumbo Was #125)

HistoryDigger ·
Great piece. Thanks for posting the details about the church and Maas, which I find fascinating. Travel IS about story and exploration. Why else travel if not to learn?

Re: Church of the Holy Spirit, Heidelberg (Where Gumbo Was #125)

DrFumblefinger ·
That's a fascinating bit of history, PHeymont. I'm not sure I know of another church that was literally physically divided to serve two congregations. Anyone else know of any?

Re: Church of the Holy Spirit, Heidelberg (Where Gumbo Was #125)

Paul Heymont ·
Actually, I do know of another, and it’s been featured on TravelGumbo! But that was a different sort of division. St. Helen’s Bishopsgate, in London, has two parallel naves; one was used by the lay parish congregation, and the other by the nuns of the adjoining convent. The division there was by a ceiling-high curtain running the length of the church. The original blog was for Where in the World #23, almost a year and a half ago! Here's the LINK

Re: Safety tip: Hold that Instagram!

Amateuremigrant ·
Another angle to this came to the front of my mind recently. A female friend is doing a solo walk along a long distance trail through very unpopulated areas. She attracted a lot of followers from her Instagram prepping, but soon became aware of a group of supportive women hikers advising her about known unwanted followers. In particular she was advised not to post locations until they were long past so it would be more difficult to track her movements. This could equally apply to any form of...

Re: Cathedral Church of St John the Divine, NYC

Paul Heymont ·
"Proper behavior" may be an over-rated virtue anyway; my wife often wears a tee-shirt that proclaims that "well-behaved women seldom make history." Thanks for the compliment, though!

Re: Midland Provincial Park, Alberta

GarryRF ·
My Grand Father worked in UK Coalmines around the 1900s . Stories he could tell were both amazing and scarey. Miners were exempt from War Service during WW1 as they supplied an "Essential Service". Women were employed at the Mines but never went below ground. Mules were used below ground - pulling bogeys - and never came back to the surface during their lives.

Re: May 4, 2016: The Pend Oreille River Valley, Washington

DrFumblefinger ·
If I'd been 10 seconds faster, PHeymont, that top photo would have had a bald eagle sitting on the tip of the pine tree to the left. Just flew away as I put the camera to my eye. But maybe that would have been too perfect.... Northeastern Washington state and the Idaho panhandle are really beautiful and not that visited.

Re: Delta likes its 'basic economy,' will expand it

DrFumblefinger ·
I like choice, so this is overall good news for consumers. On a somewhat unrelated topic, we've covered Canadian jet manufacturer Bombardier on our pages. It seems the company is very near agreement with Delta to sell it 125 of its new C series jets. It would be a big boost to Bombardier and might allow Delta extra basic economy seats and new routes on which to sell them. More on that story at this link .

Re: Delta likes its 'basic economy,' will expand it

Travel Rob ·
I'm excited to fly in a C-Series and will go out of my way to buy a ticket when they start appearing! I also like the trend of one way tickets being less because that opens up lot's a route opportunities

Re: Campaigners ask: Can the QE2 be saved?

PortMoresby ·
There must certainly be profit to the company, International Shipbreaking, that was paid 1 penny US by the Navy to tow Ranger to Texas where they do the work and, presumably, don't do in WA. I toured Ranger but, even so, it's hard to comprehend the size of a ship where 6,000 men (and a few women) work and live, plus 2 decks for airplanes. Lots of steel there, lots of razor blades. I saw an amazing piece, probably on 60 Minutes, about the place in Bangladesh where the work you mention is done...

Re: Austrian village has really hairy experience

PortMoresby ·
Do women have their own catagories or must they compete againt the men?

Re: Studies: travel abroad=more creative, outgoing, smarter

Travel Rob ·
Not only is travel good for the mind, it good for health as well. The report commissioned by the US Travel Association also quotes previous studies that show women who travel twice a year have significantly reduced chance of heart attacks or coronary death and men who didn't take a vacation had a 20 percent higher risk of of death.

Re: Lodi Garden, Delhi (Where Gumbo was #162)

Neil McAleer ·
Dear Karl - A beautiful sequence of images. I especially enjoyed seeing all the space(s) that you moved into and through and gave to your armchair companions through your fine images. Thank you. I plan to share your experience with my friend Ximena, who is planning to travel to India next year with a group of women friends. All my very best to you, Neil

Nomad Women




Re: A visit to Normandy: exploring the D-Day beaches

GarryRF ·
When I was a little nipper and hadn't started school we would visit family at the weekend. No TV. No money. 1950's -you get the picture. So socialising with Dad's 9 brothers and sisters was as good as it got ! If you mentioned the War in some homes you'd be out the front door quicker than a Rat up a Drain pipe ! Others would tell you tales to make your hair curl. Tails of unbelievable bravery, absurdity and stupidity. The Ladies would tell the tale of how the American and Canadian GI's would...

Re: Spirit's New Plan: Higher 'Rush Hour' Bag Fees!

PortMoresby ·
New Yorker cartoon, flight attendant announcing, "In case of a loss of cabin pressure, oxygen masks will drop down in front of you for two dollars".

Re: Spirit's New Plan: Higher 'Rush Hour' Bag Fees!

Paul Heymont ·
Thanks...that's definitely the "spirit!"

Re: Want to buy great hand-made lace? Go to Sri Lanka!

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks PortMoresby! Gumbo is full of surprises, as we find out each week.... The women working at the lace center were very proud of their skill. Like most Sri Lankans, they're shy when you first meet them and start talking to them, but once the ice is broken you're rewarded with huge smiles and friendly conversation....and a chance to take photos like those you see in this post. The quality of the lace is excellent. I still have a number of pieces I bought here, including a large lace...

Re: A visit to Saudi Arabia: Part I

DrFumblefinger ·
Wow! Thanks for this fascinating contribution, Lestertheinvestor. I was exhausted just from reading the directions for applying for the visa. It is quite obvious that Saudi Arabia doesn't want infidels visiting them. A few questions you might know the answer to: 1) Is the process stream-lined for a Muslim wanting to go to Mecca, and what kind of proof do they need to have that they're a Muslim? 2) Do you have any rough idea how many hours you spent on this process? Ball-park guess would do.

Re: A visit to Saudi Arabia: Part I

Lestertheinvestor ·
1) The process is easier for a Muslim who is going on a hajj. However, unless you are native born, you must present a document from the Imam of your mosque documenting your status as a Muslim in good standing. For a Caucasian woman who is a converted Muslim, you must still get permission from your husband or a male relative, along with the letter from the mosque to allow you to make the hajj. 2) Between my wife and I (she actually presented our documents each time to the consulate in Los...

Re: A visit to Saudi Arabia: Part I

HistoryDigger ·
My husband and I were invited to live there for two years while he did a medical fellowship in genetics. The challenge for me was that I am a very independent traveler, and I could not imagine how I would deal with the restrictions on women. In the end, those restrictions influenced our decision to go to Germany for two years instead. However, after having seen your photos, I am curious to see more. I regret that I do not know this part of the world.

Re: The Architecture of Old Sana'a, Yemen

MAD Travel Diaries ·
Lucky on one hand, disappointed on the other. Locals were friendly yet cautious especially towards me as I am brown skinned like them. They were confused as to why I'm not in local dress (complete black) as their women. I had a couple kids even throw stones at me but again I was with bodyguards so it wasn't that big a deal to me. When I was with the older white men I worked with, people there considered me the "hired escort." Culture shock really do come in all forms.

Re: The Ghan - an Australian rail journey of style and comfort

PortMoresby ·
This looks like a fantastic trip and any reason to go by train is good one to me. Wondering if the place names (Adelaide, Alice, Katherine) recall days of too few settler women for the number of men?

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, May 14, 2014: Passing by America, 1969

DrFumblefinger ·
Looking at the photo, my guess would have been some place in Northern Idaho or Western Montana. I'd have never thought it was in Western Pennsylvania. Perhaps time I pay the place a visit.
Blog Post

Season's Greetings from your friends at TravelGumbo!

DrFumblefinger ·
Happy Holidays, everyone!
Blog Post

The Bear Blog

59nationalparks ·
  I had a hunch when Shelly and I were planning our 59 National Park in 59 weeks tour that wildlife would be center stage.  I knew that the buffalo would roam in Yellowstone, that the tropical fish would dance...
Blog Post

Changing Trains in La Serenissima

PortMoresby ·
  My English friend and I left the beautiful apartment on the Anfiteatro in Lucca , she home to Bromsgrove in the West Midlands, and I toward Budapest and my old friends with a guesthouse near the famous synagogue.  I was treating myself to...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Oct. 28, 2013: Northern Pacific Depot Museum, Wallace, Idaho

DrFumblefinger ·
  Wallace is located in Idaho's panhandle near the Montana state line.  It sprung to life during a silver mining boom in 1884.  Within a few years Wallace was very prosperous and, with 2000 residents, the third largest town in the new...
Blog Post

Dry Falls – Home of The World’s Largest Waterfall!

DrFumblefinger ·
Imagine a waterfall with a precipice over three and a half miles (5.5 km) long and a drop of over 400 feet (120 m)!  By comparison, Niagara Falls is about 1/10th as wide.  Think of the millions of gallons of water pouring over it each...
Blog Post

Spirit's New Plan: Higher 'Rush Hour' Bag Fees!

Paul Heymont ·
Spirit Airlines--the one that sometimes makes Grinch seem like a good guy--is planning a new revenue-squeezer. It's planning to raise checked bag fees at high-travel times such as Christmas and other holidays. Spirit already has some of the...
Blog Post

Lisbon: Cheap, but Steep!

Paul Heymont ·
That’s my short take on Lisbon after two weeks there last summer. A variety of economic factors, not all connected with the Euro crisis of the past few years, have made Portugal incredibly cheap for foreign travelers—but you have to be...
Blog Post

Left Bank of the Tiber

PortMoresby ·
  I’d looked online for an apartment for my week in Rome, until I was sick of the thought of going.  At some point I came across a recommendation for a women’s hostel in Trastevere (Tras TAY veree), on what I came to think of as...
Blog Post

Frontier's raising bag fees; will the other "low-costs" follow?

Paul Heymont ·
Frontier Airlines, which last year joined Spirit and Allegiant in the ULCC (ultra-low-cost-carrier) class that seems to mean ULC (ultra lots of charges) for most folks, is raising its fees for checked bags. The only checked bags that will not go up by...
Blog Post

THAT's what a Hamburger's all about....

DrFumblefinger ·
  Many of my Canadian friends find it difficult to understand why someone would want to move away from California.  There were good reasons to stay and, in our case, better reasons to leave, but there are definitely things about California...
Blog Post

Spirit grows its route system

Paul Heymont ·
Spirit, the penny-pinching fee-hiking airline everyone loves to say they hate, must be doing something right, because they're able to launch nine new non-stop routes from Atlanta and 3 from Los Angeles in the next few months.   The routes will be...