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Tagged With "Northern California's Redwood"


Re: Back to Future, with an Orange Roof

PortMoresby ·
"The existing tenants will be relocated by the company." I can't help but wonder if the sidewalk qualifies as "relocated" after reading about the new California tenant protection law and how Iowa law deals with the issue.

Re: Sea World gives up its killer whale shows

DrFumblefinger ·
I grow weary of political correctness. Orcas are highly intelligent animals, no doubt -- and have the "cruelty" we expect of intelligent animals (anyone who's seen them hunt a baby gray whale for hours, only to kill it, eat its tongue and let the rest go to waste knows what I mean). I never saw Blackfish, but I do recall at the old Marineland park in Southern California. The park was closed for a number of months, and the orcas got depressed. Listless, didn't eat, didn't look good. Someone...

Re: Limone, Lake Garda, Italy

PortMoresby ·
"Only to be found in the Mediterranean..." Not really. Meyer lemons are native to China and have been grown in the US since 1908. I can find them just about anytime in my ordinary local supermarket in California.

Re: Limone, Lake Garda, Italy

Paul Heymont ·
We used to see them only when visiting California, but the California-grown ones (and some from Mexico) are now available regularly in New York, too.

Re: Limone, Lake Garda, Italy

DrFumblefinger ·
I used to have a Meyer Lemon tree in my yard when I lived in California. It was a dwarf tree, no more than 1.5 meters tall, but it produced more than 300 lemons each year, more than we could consume. I miss that tree!

Re: What do you miss on vacation ?

Paul Heymont ·
Neat device...but just be careful about taking it along to the Hotel California...

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? # 8.8

PortMoresby ·
Or California. The plants in the foreground are interesting too. The tall shrubs/short trees are similar to joshua trees, a desert plant, while the white flowers are, I believe, hydrangeas, which do best in a moist climate. Altogether, with the conservatory, I'm reminded of England, maybe Cornwall, which is referred to as having a sub-tropical climate. Which, of course, means it could indeed be Australia.

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? #8.5

WorkerBee ·
What a beautiful church Gumbo has found! WITW? The clues: 18th century Spanish colonial architecture, typical of Franciscan missions; Banner in English; Materials are not typical of Florida or Texas missions; Various effigies of animals and unreal creatures, often incorporated by the Franciscans into their liturgy in order to convert American Indians. Typical of US southwestern states; Not one of the remaining California missions; Not in Santa Fe; Checked missions in Arizona. Found (as did...

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? 21.0

Paul Heymont ·
I was thinking West Indies...but I couldn't identify the flag (and I looked at a LOT of flags, yesterday!). If it's in the U.S., it must be Florida or California, because that's where beaches and palms might come together...

Re: October 26, 2017: A Tribute to Tom Petty (1950 - 2017)

Travel Rob ·
A great tribute! I've always liked the songs of Tom Petty but I listened to them differently when I lived in Gainesville, Fl, his home town. Although a cute town with the thriving University of Florida, part of the town feels like they got left out of that success and dream of escaping to places of more opportunity. In his case he used his talents to escape his father. The city is rightfully proud he was able to make it big in California.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? (#261)

Travel Luver ·
They look like cypress tress, maybe from the California coast?

Re: Watching for Whales and Seeing More

DrFumblefinger ·
Sometimes the whales are much more cooperative than what your experience was. So go out and give it a try again! In fact at times, I think they're watching us rather than the other way around. Take this gray whale, for example....

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo? (#71)

Travel Rob ·
Paul we've had a lot of great WITW is TravelGumbo's already and this is my favorite to date for a lot of reasons. Amazed at peoples clues! Although I think I know the answer ,I could easily be surprised. Although I agree with the above clues and think it's in France the graffiti sure looks like California doesn't it?

Re: Cruising California's 17 Mile Drive

DrFumblefinger ·
Far be it for anyone to say you are selfish, Garry! It is one of the most expensive places to live in California, but I suspect all those drivers going through help subsidize the neighborhood more than that homeowners might want to let on. And I'm not sure most of us could afford the taxes, even if we wanted to. Being an average guy, this is just not my scene.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#76)

Roderick Simpson ·
I am really stumped this time. The style of the church is gothic, rather than Spanish and it is perhaps Episcopalian/Anglican. The palm trees indicate that it can't be too far north. So maybe it is the Old South, or possibly California. I'm now waiting to find out where it is!

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, Feb 11, 2015: Fruit of the Vine

GarryRF ·
I never knew that New York was a wine producer. I'll add that to my shopping list in August. Blossom Hill of California is a big seller here in the UK. Thank You !!

Re: Happy Independence Day!

Jessica Meddows ·
Happy Independence Day, American friends! This is my first one ever, and we're in California for it.

Re: Serra's Church, Mission San Juan Capistrano, California. Where Gumbo Was #46

PortMoresby ·
Somewhere I've got a snapshot of a very young me with a tiny lady holding an object who had insisted my friend take our picture in the garden together. It was in the village of Petra, Majorca and she officiated at the small museum commemorating Junipero Serra's birthplace. I was spending the summer on the island and every student educated in California knows his name almost as well as their own. The address of my high school was El Camino Real, Father Serra's road from mission to mission and...

Re: Spring Time on Table Mountain

Travel Rob ·
Thanks adventuretime88 , Your blog made me feel like I was taking that hike! California really is an incredible state .

Re: Spring Time on Table Mountain

DrFumblefinger ·
A most beautiful place! I can see why it's special to you. Glad that there are still unspoiled places left like this in California. From your photos it's a little difficult to get a sense of the size and scale of Table mountain. Is it a huge place? A smaller oasis?

Re: Spring Time on Table Mountain

adventuretime88 ·
I have spent whole days hiking Table Mountain and haven't even covered half of it. The top of the mountain is divided by the single two lane road that cuts up and over it. This day was spent on the West side of the divide. I couldn't find any information on the square mileage, but as a rough estimate I would say "huge". There are also caves, which I have never found, but then again I have never found Phantom Falls, either. Just North of this spot there is a "ghost town" called Cherokee.

Re: Gallery: The View From Home

GarryRF ·
It's good to see the California drought may be coming to an end. Even in the UK - where we get more than our fair share of rain- we get droughts. The 9 month drought of '76 gave us ground levels sinking and causing damage to buildings. Now the ground levels are sinking in California. The worst drought you've had since 1894.

Re: Top 7 Things to do in Avalon – Catalina Island

Travel Rob ·
Thanks Samantha, great report! I'm from Southern California and I sure miss going to Catalina. My favorite thing has to be watching the flying fish as you take the ferry across. They used to rent motorboats to go around the island yourself, which was cool. Do they still do that?

Re: Top 7 Things to do in Avalon – Catalina Island

DrFumblefinger ·
I only visited Catalina once in the ~25 years I lived in Southern California, but I remember it being exactly as you describe it -- a quieter place that's well away from the glam, glitz and adrenaline-paced speed of the mainland. We also did an island tour and enjoyed that. Mr. Wrigley introduced a herd of bison on to the island which are still very popular.

Re: Dismaland - the new 'post-apocalyptic' bemusement park in England

DrFumblefinger ·
That's a terrific report, Mac -- I feel like I've been there! So this is what Disneyland is like to someone who's on a "bad trip". There's satire, and then there's a rip off of intellectual copyrights that supposedly the western world has agreed to abid with. I can't see Disney not going after these guys. Unless you didn't have to pay anything to get in, there's quite a few pounds switching hands and Disney definitely wants it share. And PHeymont, I'm surprised an adult who likes Las Vegas...

Re: Viewing the Northern Lights: Tips and Techniques

GarryRF ·
Thanks. Some wonderful advice given. Love to see some more pix if you have some. And maybe some idea of exposure and time used to get your best pix. Interesting blog.

Re: Viewing the Northern Lights: Tips and Techniques

Paul Heymont ·
Me, too! Spent 9 days in Iceland a few years ago waiting for the clouds to clear, and I realize that if they had, I had very little idea of how best to photograph them!

Re: Viewing the Northern Lights: Tips and Techniques

MAD Travel Diaries ·
I wished 'd known this on my first adventure to see the Northern Lights in Norway, suffice to say those photos weren't great at all. Fantastic tips to keep in mind when I do venture to see them again.

Re: Viewing the Northern Lights: Tips and Techniques

DrFumblefinger ·
Having grown up in Canada, I recall some spectacular displays of the Northern Lights, especially when I was young. What always impresses me is how they seem alive. I need to head to Northern Canada sometime in the next few years to see if I can get some photos of the lights. Great piece! Great photos! Thanks for all the advice.

Re: Viewing the Northern Lights: Tips and Techniques

IslandMan ·
excellent post and pics...thanks for the photography tips too, especially with a subject like the Northern Lights

Re: Airbnb now open for business in Cuba

PortMoresby ·
Ours was 2 shorts and a long (or was it 2 longs and a short?), also early '50s, Danville, California. It was an idyllic new subdivision in the rolling golden hills, golf course next door and a community pool under the oaks, a short walk from home. It would never have occurred to us that a party line made life any less wonderful.

Re: Road Trip, Day 5: My Birthday in Chinatown

DrFumblefinger ·
What a great way to end a roadtrip. I've visited Chinatown many times in the 20+ years I lived in California, always on the agenda when going to the Bay area. But you saw things in it that I just didn't appreciate. I mostly went for a great meal. You seem to have experienced a genuine slice of China in America. A belated Happy Birthday, PM! Wishing you many more.

Re: Where in the World is TravelGumbo (#115)

DrFumblefinger ·
We are in a desert, but it's not New Mexico or California. Here's another photo clue for today. We have arrived at our destination, although it's spread over several square kilometers....

Re: A Fall Visit to Krakow's Hala Targowa Market

Samantha ·
Hey, I love apples and the ones on this post look amazing. I recently did a post on the Oak Glen Apple Harvest in California. Have you ever been? I haven't, but have had friends bring me back some. They were wonderful. Glad you had a nice time at the market. Thanks for sharing.

Re: Southwest takes off for Hawaii test flights

PortMoresby ·
This is exciting! I had to know more so, from the SW website, the 4 California cities to be served non-stop will be Oakland, San Jose, San Diego & (sound of trumpets) . . . Sacramento. Yay!

Re: Touring Maryland's Scenic Eastern Shore

PortMoresby ·
The bank that Morris was associated with was the Bank of North America. Bank of America originated in the early 20th c. in California. Poor old Morris spent several of his last years in debtors' prison and was buried in his brother-in-law's family plot without ceremony. Wikipedia: "Robert Morris holds the curious distinction as the only Founding Father whose house is a national memorial, but his life is not interpreted at the site."

Re: Swiss storks silence church bells

PortMoresby ·
More humans lending a hand to wildlife, our California utility, PG&E, hosting peregrine falcons on the 33rd floor of their San Francisco headquarters building. Have a look at the live webcam, we have chicks !!!

Re: June 8, 2016: Dockweiler State Beach and Park, CA

Travel Rob ·
Great piece! One of my favorite things in California was taking a bike ride along the beach and seeing that side of LAX. The best part is it's pretty empty!

Re: Have your World Heritage and eat it, too!

GarryRF ·
Similar to the status of Champagne. I've tasted some excellent California Champagne. But to be sold here in Europe it has to be from that designated region of France. Same with Palma Ham.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, May 10, 2015: Northern Ireland

GarryRF ·
Wonderful photo's of a beautiful part of the world.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, May 10, 2015: Northern Ireland

DrFumblefinger ·
Brings back many great memories! The Giant's Causeway is truly spectacular.

Re: Are ATM's at European airport going to cost you more?

PortMoresby ·
The one on the link seems to be available in some states and not others. My N. California AAA has no information while other states' website do. As if we weren't confused enough already!

Re: Jan. 16, 2017: Mission Inn, Riverside, California

California Girl ·
Thanks for sharing that site. I have lived in Southern California just about my whole life and never knew of this wonderful place.

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? #4.5, 12/6/13

Former Member ·
Originally Posted by Red Rover: The people are overdressed for Florida, which makes them look like happy snowbirds. This pier is a historic pier, somewhere. Those look to be wooden piers, which would have been gone long ago in Florida, don't you think ? The pic is taken from a T-head, unless Dr. Fumblefinger hitched a ride on the back of a seagull. Not Florida. Maybe southern California ? He coulda been on a boat, too.

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? #4.5, 12/6/13

Travel Rob ·
DrFumblefinger- I'm going to take a guess. The Belmont Veterans Memorial Pier in Long Beach.Shot taken on the pier where it make a t. I think I used to buy bait anchovies there as a kid. If it's not, I do think its a Pier in California.

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? #4.5, 12/6/13

PortMoresby ·
If anyone's really interested in finding this pier it's the details that count. Despite having the suggestion blown off earlier I still see mountains in the center distance, leading me to believe it's in Southern California. The railing is distinctive, 2 boards together at the top then just 1 more below. A few lights, all on one side. Then the cross bracing below and an "L" or "T" at the end for the angle of the shot. The closest I've seen so far are Ventura and Newport Beach but neither...

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? #4.5, 12/6/13

PortMoresby ·
If you'd like to really drive yourself crazy, search "wooden piers southern california" then on the result page click on "images" at the top. Not to say definitively it's so. CA but it's as good a place as any to start.

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? #4.5, 12/6/13

DrFumblefinger ·
Well, we've got some really lively discussion going on here. The cookie has been nibbled all the way around, but no definitive clear answer yet. Remember, it can't be a differential diagnosis. We need one straightforward answer. I can tell you that it is in the USA and that it is in California. That's all for now.

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? #4.5, 12/6/13

Former Member ·
WorkerBee - Indeed, it does look like that. Similar to pic below, if you ignore those buildings. Does Newport Beach have a mountain ? There must be a lot of contractors going up and down the coast of California, building and re-building similar piers.

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo ? #4.0 12/4/13

Mac ·
That looks like the magnificent RMS Queen Mary, moored at her final resting berth at Long Beach, California. A lovely photo if I may add, Dr. F, very nicely taken.