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Tagged With "Memphis Zoo"


Re: Frankfurt: Not Just for Business

George G. ·
I liked your description of the Rubens exhibit that tied together his inspirational objects and sketches. Adds so much more to an art exhibit instead of just hanging a painting with the title. I also fell into the trap of not visiting Frankfurt when I only lived about 20 miles away for about six years. I did really enjoy the Frankfurt Zoo and their Christmas Market.

Re: Where in the World is Gumbo? 7.8

WorkerBee ·
It does look like a puggle. Of course that could be either a baby platypus or a baby echidna. In either case it is likely to be in Australia. My guess is that is an echidna. Since there is a breeding program for echidnas at the Perth zoo it could be there. My guess for the location, however, is the Australia Zoo, former home base of the late Steve Irwin, the crocodile hunter.

Re: Sleepless in Cologne... Sea lions and zoo neighbors

George G. ·
My wife and I visited this very attractive zoo with pleasing fountains and gardens. I don't recall hearing the roar of sea lions, but I did get a candid photo when a pelican snapped his bill at my wife Diane when she ventured to close to their property. While many attractions can be closed on Sundays, we always looked for a chance to visit a European zoo.

Re: Memphis, Tennessee: 1) Graceland

GutterPup ·
What a wonderful write-up of one of my favorite performers ever! I grew up listening to Elvis and this article took me right back to those days! Fantastic photography too!

Re: Memphis, Tennessee: 1) Graceland

IslandMan ·
Thanks for the grand tour, Dr F. One place I remember very well. Must return one day...Graceland, Graceland, Memphis, Tennessee, I'm going to Graceland,.....

Re: Memphis, Tennessee: 1) Graceland

GarryRF ·
You've put together an interesting tour DrF. I never knew you got that up close and personal on a tour . You mentioned the 2nd floor. Do the family still live there ? I'm surprised to see there's no mention of his manager. 50% - wow - that's some fee. Heard stories but never knew that was the figure. There have been other cases of artists - of that time - being mis-used too.

Re: Memphis, Tennessee: 1) Graceland

DrFumblefinger ·
Originally Posted by DrFumblefinger: Hi Garry. Yes, the tour really gets you into the private corners of Elvis' life, with the exception of the second floor which has always been closed to the general public. In the early years that Graceland was open, Elvis' grandmother lived there but she's passed on some time ago. I believe that Priscilla (Elvis' ex) and Lisa Marie stay there from time to time - mostly because they have fond memories of life with Elvis here. The Colonel took 50% and Elvis...

Re: Memphis, Tennessee: 1) Graceland

Ottoman ·
Thank you DrFumblefinger for an excellent blog with photos to match. Reading this article and seeing these pictures makes me want to go back to Graceland for another visit. Again, thank you for such a wonderful job.

Re: Tupelo, Mississippi. Birthplace of the King of Rock 'n Roll

IslandMan ·
Thanks for extensive and excellent tour of Tupelo, Dr F. I'm a big fan too and this is still on my wish list

Re: Tupelo, Mississippi. Birthplace of the King of Rock 'n Roll

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for the comment, IslandMan! Among the nicest folks I've ever met were in Tupelo. I'd recommend two days here, one for the Elvis sightings and one for seeing the other things around town. Tupelo is a travel bargain.

Re: Tupelo, Mississippi. Birthplace of the King of Rock 'n Roll

GarryRF ·
Great piece of living history DrF. I think I'd have to follow your plan of attack and travel without my p.a. She's not a fan of modern music ! I love anyone who spells Theatre correctly, and gives me new ways to describe being "skint" "before their deteriorating financial conditions (“dirt poo") forced them to move elsewhere"

Re: Memphis, Tennessee 3) The rest of the city

mimiadvanetures ·
I love love LOVE Memphis, would go back in a heartbeat! Enjoyed reading your post! Global Mimi.

Re: Memphis, Tennessee 3) The rest of the city

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for your comment, Mimiadventures! Good food, great music, nice people -- always something great to return to. I really didn't get into the great local food very much, but Memphis is reknowned for its "soul" style cooking and, of course, its BBQ.

Re: Arthur Ave -NYC's Real Little Italy

Paul Heymont ·
When my kids were younger, Arthur Avenue made a great end to a day at the Bronx Zoo or Botanical Garden...I'm glad it's still going!

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, January 8, 2015: Statue of Elvis Presley, Beale Street, Memphis, TN

DrFumblefinger ·
Great pictures, Ottoman! And for rock'n'roll fans, a special day. Elvis at 80 is a little hard to imagine, but I'm sure were he alive he would just crack a joke about it. TravelGumbo is doing a series on Elvis destinations in the south next month, so keep an eye out for that!

Re: July 17, 2019: A Stop at the Chocolate Museum, Cologne

George G. ·
Lindt is our absolute favorite chocolate in this house ! Cologne is the first place I ever touched down in a chartered US Army plane back in the Cold War days because Frankfurt was fogged in. Not sure how Koln got altered in English to a Cologne naming. Also went there years later to their wonderful zoo and a cold bottle of the local Kolsch beer.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, March 7, 2014: The snake charmer

GarryRF ·
Maybe the thick specs were to make his eyes look huge - and scare the snake ! If any readers have a chance to stroke or hold a harmless snake then you must try it. Its amazing how many of your fears just vanish. Just do it in a zoo under supervision !

Re: Sun Studio, Memphis, Tennessee: The house Sam Phillips built

DrFumblefinger ·
One of the great iconic symbols in the history of R&R! Sam Phillips was an absolute genius. And sometimes most amazing to me is that all that talent lived in one small city. I think Memphis has only around 300,000 or so population. Memphis gave rise to soul, rhythm and blues, and of course rock and roll music. What a wonderful musical legacy! Thanks for the stroll down memory lane!

Re: Sun Studio, Memphis, Tennessee: The house Sam Phillips built

Travel Rob ·
Thank you Ottoman. Great photos and thanks for this important piece of Americana.

Re: Sun Studio, Memphis, Tennessee: The house Sam Phillips built

IslandMan ·
Thanks Ottoman for sharing your Sun Studios visit. I was there in 2007 and enjoyed every magic moment of it. My wife had to drag me away after the third day as we had to move on to our next destination (!). Being there was like stepping into the shoes of all the musical greats who had passed through those doors. My music collection has an abundance of Sun recordings and they are still my favorites.

Re: Sun Studio, Memphis, Tennessee: The house Sam Phillips built

Paul Heymont ·
Actually, the importance of Memphis is long-standing and for good reason: it's on a flood-free bluff above the Mississippi. At different times in its history, both French and Spanish armies built forts there to control traffic on the Mississippi, and before the Civil War, it was the terminus of the only east-west railroad to cross the it has always been a big transportation center. The railroad guaranteed its role in shipping cotton, and made it the center of the region.

Re: Sun Studio, Memphis, Tennessee: The house Sam Phillips built

Ottoman ·
Well "I'm all shook up". "Thank you. Thank you very much" to all of you who liked and commented on my Sun Studio blog. I really appreciate your feedback. I hope you enjoyed this blog as much as I enjoyed putting it together and posting it. Cheers and happy travels everybody.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, August 16, 2014: Graceland's Walls, Memphis

IslandMan ·
I think Elvis touched a lot of people in one way or another, Dr F. When we visited Graceland we had mixed emotions and enjoyed the tour immensely. I am a fan from way back and appreciate the contribution he made to the music industry. I also get a little ticked off when people who maybe don't know a lot about his private life ridicule him and put him down. The man had a heart of gold and was very misunderstood in many ways. He was born poor and when he came into wealth all he wanted to do...

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, August 16, 2014: Graceland's Walls, Memphis

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks for your comments, Islandman. At his heart, Elvis was and remained a country boy. He never lost his connection to his roots, despite his great success and wealth. I think something that most bothered him about his fame was his loss of privacy -- he could never go anywhere without being "mobbed" by people who literally loved him to death. But he had a giving heart and it was a great pleasure for him to see the joy in someone's face when he gave them an unexpected present, like a car.

Re: A Winter Visit to Dresden and Leipzig

Janine ·
Well Dresden and Leipzig pretty nice cities to visit. In Dresden the former Frauenkirche got rebuild which got totally destroyed by the bombing attack if the Second World War. Also the side on the river Elbe invites in long walks and beautiful areas. Especially the sights like Zwinger and the Semper Oper are worth to visit. Leipzig is the City I come from and it has changed a lot after the reunion. The inner city is not that big but it has a lot if history. Sebastian Bach and his famous...

Re: More Life at the Edge: What’s in a Name?

DrFumblefinger ·
It's an interesting topic, PortMoresby (and I always assumed you'd named yourself after the New Guinea city). We are given names by our parents that some of us change but most of us keep for a lifetime as part of our identity. But an alias is clearly of our own choosing and it makes you think sometimes about what's behind that person's choice? Equally interesting to me are the avatars some folks use, or don't choose (please, if you have an "empty head"avatar, load a photo into it!) Your...

Re: Lower Fort Garry National Historic Site, Manitoba, Canada. One of the buildings inside the fort complex

Jessica Meddows ·
I'll add this fort to the To Do List - my husband loves old forts! And we're passing through Manitoba on our way back to Toronto in late August or early September. Is there anything else to do in Manitoba? I heard the zoo is really good.

Re: Gumbo's Pic of the Day, July 29, 2014. Shira Plateau, Tanzania

GarryRF ·
I think I'd go to the Zoo with your family Dr.F. Cola and some popcorn ! I believe if you join the Army you can run up these mountains for free ! I'm taking an easy seat until my pension starts. Take my hat off to you for this one !

Re: A Day at the Zoo: San Diego, California

IslandMan ·
A well written and informative blog piece Dr F...I agree with you that zoos should not be abandoned. There is a place for them especially when it comes to protecting endangered species. The San Diego Zoo certainly looks like a great place to visit and the variety of animals there is a regular Noah's Ark (good to see a few Aussie Koalas). You've captured some amazing shots in the gallery too.

Re: A Day at the Zoo: San Diego, California

DrFumblefinger ·
Thanks IslandMan! Probably the rarest animal at the zoo is the California Condor. Only the San Diego and Los Angeles zoos exhibit these birds and were instrumental in saving them from extinction. With only a few dozen birds left in the wild, a controversial decision was made several decades ago to capture them all and place the remaining birds in these two zoos for a captive breeding program. They now number several hundred and are slowly being re-introduced into the wild, with limited...

Re: A Day at the Zoo: San Diego, California

Travel Rob ·
Great photos and glad to hear the Condor is making a comeback.i still visit zoos all over and both the San Diego and LA Zoos are two of my favorites.The old advertising for the San Diego Zoo was <You belong in the Zoo and the Zoo belongs to you.

Re: A Day at the Zoo: San Diego, California

DrFumblefinger ·
Thank you, Andre! This was the third zoo I've ever seen giant pandas in. And by far it was the best one. They had two pandas, in separated but adjoining enclosures (one male, one female). Both were sitting there eating bamboo and seemed to enjoy watching the throng of people walking by them. It was as though the zoo's visitors were there to entertain the pandas, rather than the other way around. As for bears, I'm always happier to see them in a zoo than on a hiking trail in the Rockies...
Blog Post

Memphis, Tennessee: 1) Graceland

DrFumblefinger ·
  3764 Elvis Presley Blvd.  It’s an address most Elvis fans know by heart because that’s where you’ll find Graceland .  Graceland is THE place every Elvis must visit at least once in their lifetime.  Not only was...
Blog Post

Memphis, Tennessee 3) The rest of the city

DrFumblefinger ·
        There’s a lot more to Memphis than Graceland, although  Graceland is by far the city’s most popular attraction (which I’ve previously discussed here ).   A city of about 650,000, Memphis has a...
Blog Post

Tupelo, Mississippi. Birthplace of the King of Rock 'n Roll

DrFumblefinger ·
This is the first post in a short series on visiting Elvis Presley related sites.  I've been a huge Elvis fan all my life and my love for the man's wonderful music has not abated in the 35+ years since he died.  My brother (Ottoman) and I...
Blog Post

The "Noah's Ark" airport

DrFumblefinger ·
We normally think of airports as people places, but Frankfurt's airport handles twice as many animals as people each year, and it's a very busy people airport!  Everything from horses to fish to rare exotic creatures.  An interesting piece...
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, January 8, 2015: Statue of Elvis Presley, Beale Street, Memphis, TN

Ottoman ·
  Today is Elvis Presley's eightieth birthday.  In honor of this event, it seemed fitting to do a Picture of the Day dedicated to "The King".  I came across this attractive bronze statue of Elvis on Beale Street in Memphis, Tennessee....
Blog Post

The Living Desert Wildlife and Botanical Park, Palm Desert

DrFumblefinger ·
Palm Desert's LIVING DESERT offers a place to see several desert ecosystems, as well as an interesting assortment of animals from the Americas and Africa.
Blog Post

Gumbo's Pic of the Day, January 27, 2015: Breaking the winter blues at the Calgary Zoo

Dr.Y ·
    Long winter blues with bad weather and nowhere to go?   Why not pay a visit to the Calgary Zoo?  Even in the cold hard winter weather in Alberta, you still can see Amur tigers out in the snow; Hippo Libi perform his back...
Blog Post

A summer trip to Valencia, Spain

Andre Pur ·
Last Summer, in 2014, I went on an internship program in Valencia, Spain. My internship took place in a nice hotel near the center of the town and lasted 3 months.  While I was there I could visit and enjoy many touristic points while also...

Song at 35,000 feet

DrFumblefinger ·
Southwest airlines posted a fun clip of a band (the Black Cadillacs) performing a song they wrote in Memphis, in a 737 flying to Memphis.  The plane's public address system provides far from a perfect sound environment, but the passengers seem to...
Blog Post

Yellowstone National Park in Winter

59nationalparks ·
Seeing all fifty-nine national parks was never a dream of ours--especially not in fifty-nine weeks.  We'd call it more of a whim, an impulse or an inspiration.  Going to Yellowstone National Park in the winter was something we had...
Blog Post

September 14, 2017: Cars Land, Disney California Adventure Park

Ottoman ·
Inspired by the Disney·Pixar franchise "Cars", Disney brings Radiator Springs to life in "Cars Land" at Disney California Adventure Park.
Blog Post

A Visit to the Al Ain Zoo, U.A.E

DrFumblefinger ·
DrFumblefinger was pleasantly surprised to find a lovely first-class zoo in the middle of the desert, near the oasis city of Al Ain.
Blog Post

Neglected tiger becomes Rome zoo star attraction

Paul Heymont ·
A rare white Bengal tiger, rescued from mistreatment, has a new home and a new audience at Rome's Bioparco Zoo.
Blog Post

Panda-monium in Germany as Chinese visitors arrive

Paul Heymont ·
Germany begins a new love affair with a pair of pandas newly arrived from China for Berlin's zoo.
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Apr. 30, 2017: Peacock and Peahen at the Folsom Rescue Zoo

Jonathan L ·
A visit with Jonathan L to a California zoo where all the residents are animals rescued from other lives.
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Eastern Europe Rail Odyssey: Zagreb to Veliko Tărnovo

Wilbur's Travels ·
Wilbur's train journeys around Eastern Europe continue, this week with stops in Zagreb, Split, Sarajevo, Belgrade, Sofia, and Veliko Tărnovo
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Magnetic Hill, Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada

Travel Rob ·
Travel Rob shows you Magnetic Hill in Moncton, New Brunswick Canada.
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Rome's Zoo exhibits the history of poo

Paul Heymont ·
At Biopark, children and adults learn about excrement's important role in the cycle of life, agriculture and more.